
Battle Blues

“Ughh!” Apollo slumps down in a seat,

“Maybe Saito is not wrong for never doing jobs,” he says

I’m so tired”

“How are you feeling fatigue for something we did yesterday?” Pinoki remarks

“Because my muscles are sore,

So are my ears after getting a lecture about requiems from that old man, the moment he found out my sword was one”

“He was giving you good techniques on the best way to market it, since requiems apparently sell for extremely large prices,” Karina points out,

“Do I look like I am going to sell Darius’s unfinished will?”

“But now you have options should you ever decide to,”

“Not happening Karina.”

“All this requiem talk, bores me” Lyra speaks up,

“My thoughts exactly,” Apollo agrees,

“I actually find it interesting,”

“You find everything interesting Kage,

If I sat here and explained the correlation of magic and fitness you would probably enjoy that too.”


Are you-”

“-No.” Lyra declines adamantly