
'Demon Days | Intro'

The mayoral mafia,

A faction that lacked any physical presence within the streets of Sweepstake,

But due this however, they were not disregarded as one of the main factions,

But revered more than rest.

How strong, no, how smart, how elite must these people have to be, for the mayor to resign them to always living near him, to be his personal faction,

Surely, they had to be powerful—

—Is what the people of Sweepstake thought,

Though they seemed to forget one simple detail….

If you were trained from the ground up, to be the best player at chess,

Will that same training make you a qualified military strategist?…

The mayoral mafia was good, the best even at ‘sweeping’ their opponents,

So good in fact, it’s a shame we will never get to see,

only hear…

Agonizing screams

Tortured shrieks

“Helppp meee!”

Wails of despair that will soon bring the city of Furlheim to a very crude awakening...

Being good at battles.