
Eternal Radiance: Myriad Dao Immortal Sect Chronicles

After traversing through time, Noah Ignis Pendragon founded the Myriad Dao Immortal Sect with a vision to encompass all realms and heavens, ultimately ascending to the pinnacle as the foremost divine sect. His initial objective: dominate the world.

BibAs_Xettri · Fantasie
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2 Chs


1. **Body Refining Realm:**

  - Focus: Strengthening the physical body through intense training and refining techniques.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +50 to 100 years

2. **Qi Refining Realm:**

  - Focus: Cultivation of vital energy (qi) to enhance physical and spiritual strength.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +100 to 200 years

3. **Golden Core Realm:**

  - Focus: Forming a golden core to store and refine qi, increasing power and control.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +200 to 500 years

4. **Nascent Soul Realm:**

  - Focus: Transforming the golden core into a nascent soul, achieving a higher level of spiritual awareness.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +500 to 1,000 years

5. **Soul Transformation Realm:**

  - Focus: Evolving the nascent soul to enhance spiritual power and abilities.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +1,000 to 2,000 years

6. **Void Refining Realm:**

  - Focus: Cultivation of the void, gaining control over space and dimensional energies.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +2,000 to 5,000 years

7. **Integration Realm:**

  - Focus: Integrating elements of body, qi, and soul to achieve a harmonious balance.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +5,000 to 10,000 years

8. **Mahayana Realm:**

  - Focus: Pursuit of enlightenment and understanding the broader cosmic principles.

  - Lifespan Improvement: +10,000 to 50,000 years

9. **Transcending Tribulation Realm:**

  - Focus: Overcoming celestial tribulations to ascend to higher planes.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Highly symbolic; survival may grant quasi-immortality

10. **True Immortal Realm:**

  - Focus: Attaining true immortality, transcending mortal limitations.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Virtual immortality; potentially limitless

11. **Earth Immortal Realm:**

  - Focus: Achieving mastery over earthly forces and connecting with the essence of the earth.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Deep connection with the earth; +50,000 to 100,000 years

12. **Heavenly Immortal Realm:**

  - Focus: Attuning to heavenly energies and cosmic forces.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Celestial attunement; +100,000 to 500,000 years

13. **Mysterious Immortal Realm:**

  - Focus: Unveiling profound mysteries of existence and the cultivation path.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Subject to the mysteries unveiled; +500,000 to 1 million years

14. **Immortal Lord Realm:**

  - Focus: Ascending to a lordly status among immortals, gaining command over lesser immortals.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Command over life and death; +1 to 10 million years

15. **Immortal King Realm:**

  - Focus: Achieving a royal status among immortals, commanding respect and authority.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Royal authority; +10 to 100 million years

16. **Immortal Emperor Realm:**

  - Focus: Reaching the pinnacle of immortal cultivation, with supreme power and cosmic understanding.

  - Lifespan Improvement: Supreme cosmic understanding; potentially eternal or beyond the concept of years