
Chapter 5

Life; what is life? I don't understand the idea of life anymore. You're born into this world to live then die. But how can you live without a purpose? How can you live without risks?

I was born into a middle-class family which had a lot of instability. Every single person was a failure and miserable. Every person repeated history.

I had a dream. I wanted to be a celebrity who owned her own empire-hotels and cafes. I wanted to marry at 25, and have children thereafter. I wanted to love and a family. But I died.

If you ask me, the idea of living itself is bullshit. Life is too short for humans to actually grow up and live.

"Deep thoughts?" Hermione appeared out of the blue. "You can tell me anything, you know?"

I snickered. "Why? So you can tell every single person the "stories" you've gathered?"

She glared at me.

"If you want dirt, ask for it," I spat, "Don't act like a curious little feline who's digging uncontrollably."

"Is it true?" she asked, "Did you guys do it?"

I looked into her pained eyes. She was hurt and confused. She's lost and it's too obvious.

"No," I finally say, "Mon cheri, you needn't worry. It's all business and no pleasure."

"But," she muttered.

"The others made it sound as though we did?" I arched a brow. "Valentino del Infierno is a weed that needs to be disposed of. If it were up to me, he would've been dead last night."

"I thought you were best friends?"

I pinned her against the wall, keeping her neck in my grip. "Darling, I'm Anastassia BloodStone and he's Valentino del Inferno. We're the She-Devil and Reaper. We're an alliance. A chess piece in my father's game. You kids are the army I'm to lead against his enemies."

"Have you changed in a snap of a finger?" she fought back with her magic, throwing me across the hall. "What happened to you?"

"I opened my eyes, and so should you," I say, slapping her across the face. "Wake up, little witch. I've given you every chance to get your obsession and you wasted every single one. Now, my love, it's best if you just accept it already."

"Accept what?" she blurts in confusion. "What are you trying to say?"

"We're betrothed," I stated, "Don't you get it? We're endgame since no one else in the world equals my strength. I accepted the proposal and so should you."

I felt a hand over my shoulder and the next thing I knew was that I was on the floor.

"Nice of you to join us, Jordan," I winked. "So, I take it you're unhappy I chose your little brother over you?"

"Don't hurt Hermione," He commands, helping her regain her strength. "This isn't you."

"But darling, it is," I assured with a swift blow at him, making him pierce through a door. "I'm not fragile little D anymore. I'm not the one who's gonna be worried about every single person every day."

"What the fuck did Val' do to you?" he growled, refusing to believe me. "He must've poisoned you. Tell me what he did."

"I didn't do anything, brother," the Reaper enters, wrapping his arm around my waist. "She just chose the Alpha-Male."

"Do you love her?" asked Hermione who was an inch away from crying. "Do you love her?"

"Love is irrelevant," he replies, "You should know that by now. Grow up, Hermione."

"He's my boyfriend," I lied, enjoying every bit of misery she portrays. "Get over it, hon'. You never really had a chance."

"I'm gonna kill you," Jordan threatens Val'. "I will if it's the last thing I do."

"For what?" asked Val, "Because I got the girl? Wake up, brother. She wants power; not love. If she craves the crown, she needs to choose the alpha; not the lowly peasant. And do you really think Lord B. considers you as one of his daughter's suitors?"

"Why don't you just get over it and take Hermione's misery," I suggested, "Since you're always at her rescue, why don't you two just get it together. After all, you do like my leftovers, don't you, Herms?"

I felt the impact of her hand over my cheek. I smirked devilishly, sending her fears.

"I'm sorry," she says, bowing her head. "But you deserved it, bitch!"

"Oh shit," the Inferno's groaned, "This is world war 3!"

"Have you forgotten who you're talking to, little witch?" I raised a brow, "I'm the one keeping you alive. Dare touch me again and you may say your farewells to our comrades."

"Do you seriously think I care about these idiots?" Hermione snapped, "Then you don't know who I am."

"Yeah," I agreed, "Maybe if you weren't such a fake-ass wanna be towards me I'd know who you are, but I don't. Get over it."

"I'll get over it when I decide to," she fought back.

"Hey, what's happening here?" Daisy enters, "Are you guys fighting again?"

"Yes," I blew her a kiss. "Hermione was attacking me."

"I was just asking why she's in deep thought!" she growls, "Then this bitch started going crazy! Started attacking me! What the hell!"

All eyes were on me.

"Oops," I say, biting my finger, "Did I lie?"

"Leave us," commands Val. "I'll talk to her," he assured Daisy, who was very concerned and worried.

He followed after me into the study where magic kept conversations private.

"So," I began, pouring myself a glass of wine, "what can I do for you, dear future husband?"

He stole my glass, placing it down the table. "Why're you picking fights with Hermione and Jordan?"

"Excuse me?" I arched a brow, taking a sip off the bottle itself. "You can have that glass, by the way."

"Ana!" he says seriously, "Why'd you tell them lies?"

"Why'd you agree with my lies?" I smirked. "Isn't it because you wanted it? Was the pull so strong?"

"Fallon, I got through your head to make you stronger," He explained, "To make you ruthless and powerful; not petty as fuck."

"Baby, don't tell me you're mad," I purred, "We both know you love me."

"Love is-" he tried to say.

I finished, "Irrelevant?"

"Wow," he mocks, "What a power couple we are. We finish each other's lines."

I smiled. "I'm going to get rid of you after what you did to me in Son Tra Lake."

"You can't do that," He smirked, pulling me closer. "I'm the only one you could trust here."

"You abused me," I whispered, my hands roamed his back. "Do you seriously think I'll let you go?"

"I'm just looking out for my best friend," he stated, our bodies closer than ever.

I could feel and hear both our hearts. It was racing and as loud as fireworks were.

"Why back out now?" he asked upon my withdrawal. "Aren't we engaged?"

"None of our words are making any sense," I said, pulling back. "And you haven't formally proposed, by the way."

"Remember that night at the party?" He asked, taking me back to the Inferno clan. "I asked you if this was so bad."

"Yeah," I nodded. "What about it? As far as I'm concerned, that discussion's over."

"Do you want me to propose in front of everyone we know?" he asked.

I couldn't read him. He has intentions behind this; for sure.

"Hey," he snaps his fingers, "Aren't you gonna give me an answer?"

"Excuse me," interrupts dear old dad. "Might I know why you're in my study?"

"Your princess was picking fights with children again," Val states, "Please talk to the brat."

"Trouble in paradise, kids?" he grinned. "Anyway, we have more important matters to discuss such as your engagement."

My jaw dropped. "Dad," I say, rolling my eyes, "Are you eavesdropping?"

"Well," he grins, "I'm Zachary Bloodstone, child. I'm the King; I know everything."

"So, should I start calling you daddy now?" joked Val'. "You're certain you want me to be her partner? Not Jordan? Not Conner? Not that guy you said was from Manila?"

"Do we have to rush into this, or do I get the luxury of meeting Manila boy first?" I asked.

"He's arriving soon," says Dad, "He'll be watching the Devil Games."

"He's not part taking on it?" questioned Val, "That's no fun. I was looking forward to beating him to a pulp."

"Excuse me?" I arched a brow. I then faced my father, "So who is he, dad? Do I know him?"

"He's a very powerful creature like you, Ana," he explains, "And I'm positive you know him. You went to elementary school together, after all. He's from a very powerful line of Vampires just like Conner, except he's half a monster."

"Aren't we all?" I rolled my eyes. "So there's the Inferno brothers, M-boy, and Conner?"

"That's unless you want to add Vincent to the mix," Val laughed hysterically. "Or even Ezra and Xavier!"

"Father, is it true what I heard about Vincent?" I asked, "That he's half angelic and demonic?"

"Yes," he replied plainly. "But we can't unveil the truth for his sake. Everyone believes he's a vampire, and that's how it should be."

"So why aren't we adding him into the mix of possible suitors?" asked Val, "I mean, like you said he's half angelic and demonic. Doesn't that make him more powerful than me? Or at least as powerful as Ana or even more!"

"We need further observation," daddy explains, "He's very valuable. If he proves himself, then maybe he could be her partner. But to be honest, I've grown very fond of your personality. In addition to that, you're my left hand."

"So you do want this jerk to be my husband?" I glared at the grinning reaper. "Jerk."

"When are you proposing to Ana?" asked my dad, "As my heir, she needs to be the diamond. She needs to be desired by everyone."

"Will give them a show they'll never forget," I vowed. "Jordan can follow me like a lost puppy all he wants, while Val's my best friend and partner in crime. He'll slowly fall for me and eventually starts courting."

"I'm good at that; no doubt," he says, running his fingers through his hair. "People like Hermione can be jealous all they want, therefore stirring up drama. All the boys will crave Ana, and the girls will either idolize her or hate her."

"But in the end, I'll probably reject Val's proposal," I say, "Then he could take the role of the faithful prince ready to wait for however long it takes."

"You kids are a match," father applauds, "How dramatic are the two of you! Just keep it realistic and make sure it works. Now, about the games, we're flying to BADA tomorrow at dawn."

"What do we need to pack?" I asked. "Any specific things like the Anastassia flower maybe?"

"Just bring your army," He commands. "And make sure you're ready. The fight isn't as easy as you think."

"I know, dad," I agreed, "Val and I are ready for it. It's our duty to make you proud."