
Eternal Hunter: A Journey Through Time and Space

"Eternal Hunter" follows the extraordinary journey of Victor Baker, an 18-year-old orphan who wakes up in a futuristic world, two thousand years into the future. Determined to make the best of his new life, Victor embraces his newfound family and sets out to honor the memories of the person he has become. Venturing into a desolate dimension, Victor encounters a fierce battle with a red-eyed horned killer rabbit. To his surprise, he discovers glowing orbs scattered around the creature, each pulsating with unimaginable power. Recognizing the orbs as a catalyst for his cultivation and growth, Victor becomes an eternal hunter, driven by a thirst for power and knowledge in a universe brimming with mysteries. As Victor embarks on his grand adventure, he encounters allies and enemies beyond his wildest imagination. Each challenge he faces tests his determination and resilience, pushing him to unlock the secrets of the orbs and tap into his true potential. Along the way, he discovers that his journey is not just about personal growth but also about leaving a lasting mark on the vast expanse of the universe. "Eternal Hunter" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, boundless ambition, and the pursuit of infinite possibilities. Through Victor's experiences, readers are immersed in a world where the interstellar era becomes a playground for exploration, where friendships are forged, and where the true nature of destiny is revealed.

DanVisk · sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: The Uncharted Landscape

I stood amidst the desolate landscape, my heart still pounding from the intense battle with the killer rabbit. The blood-red sky loomed above me, casting an eerie glow over the towering mountains and lush forests that surrounded me. Determination burned in my eyes as I prepared to continue my journey. 

Just as I was at a loss on how to pocket the orbs they disappeared and left behind a glowing red and black window with squared pictures. The one on the top left held the picture of the red orb and the number "3x" indicating the amount. I tried to stick my hand inside to pull out the orbs and colore me surprised it actually worked. After I put the orb in storage I walked into the direction of the nearest forest.

With each step I took, I felt a sense of anticipation and excitement. The landscape was unfamiliar, yet it held a certain allure, beckoning me to explore its hidden secrets. I knew I had to be cautious, for danger lurked in every corner of this dimension. I was certain, that more dangers were lurking nearby.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew heavy with an otherworldly silence. The only sound was the rustling of leaves beneath my feet. My senses were heightened my every instinct on high alert. Breath trembling... I knew I was not alone.

Suddenly, a group of red-eyed killer rabbits emerged from the shadows, their sharp claws glinting in the dim light. They circled me, their eyes filled with malice and hunger. It was clear they saw me as a threat and were ready to attack.

Without hesitation, I leaped into action. My martial arts technique, which I recalled the basics of, kicked in, and I moved with grace and precision, dodging the rabbits' vicious lunges and countering with swift palm strikes. My movements were fluid, as fluid as they could for someone who had never fought even a fly. And because of that, I made mistakes, mistakes that turned into injuries.

The battle was fierce and intense. I fought with all my might, my body weight fueled the power of the strikes. The battle raged on, and my skills and instincts sharpened. I was anticipating the rabbits' attacks, dodging and striking with deadly accuracy.


I think that was the last one. I said as I neared to pick up the fallen orbs. Just as I was trying to put them in my storage or so I called the red and black window I can call by thinking the word "Storage", I felt "pain" indescribable pain as if something or someone was trying to rip my soul apart.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I can see my attacker hiding behind the bushes. A white rabbit with purple marks it had a different feel to it. It looked smarter and more spirited. "A Mental Force User" that phrase popped inside my head as I saw those symptoms. Among humans, there exists a small percentage of people who can use Mental Energy also called Warlocks. The stronger Users of mental energy can lift buildings with Telekinesis and have a multitude of strange techniques. 

This must be one of them..... I'm about to blackout I can't stand the pain. Arrg..... Just as I am about to faint I spot a small stone lying next to me and barely reach it with my hand. I flung it with all my remaining strength at the Glitchtrap ( Fnaf) typ mind f*cker. The stone shot at it with such velocity, that it busted the rabbit's head off clean at the neck. The bunny left behind three red orbs and two purple orbs they all disappeared into nothingness. I hoped it went into the storage before falling lights out unconscious.


Location Victors room, 8 pm:

The first thing I felt was a sting of pain after I rose to conscience. I opened my eyes and shuddered in pain, drenched in cold sweat, lying on what I thought was my bed. 

"...tap, tap, strong tap...."

I am alive... And I´m back in my room. Was all that just a dream? I thought as I lay in my bed. No... That landscape those rabbits, that bonny they felt incredibly real, and the pain I felt in that Dimension was transmitted as well so... "Storage" After a short wait the red-black screen lit up in front of me with a small spatial distortion effect. 

Next to the red orb that now has 15x was a picture of the purple orb labeled 2x. A Big red exclamation mark "!" marked another space. Curios as to what it meant I taped the mark. After a small explosion of light blinded me temporarily, a Book labeled "Stellar Body Forging Technique" lay in my lab. 

Stellar Body Forging Technique huh.... I start reading it page for page. Flip, Flip, Mhhm mm... Forging the body's cells into a star using qi. It sounds like a formidable Technique. As a former Martial arts maniac I know most of the Techniques of the Federation that are available for civilians by heart. And such a technique even the concepts aren't mentioned in any of them. I can't even imagine its value if I sold it... 

No!! That will bring me lots and lots of trouble and questioning from my Family as to how I got the technique. I can't just say hey I got it in a dream dimension. Huh.

Should I try it? Why not I will never reach the cultivation level of a Peak Martial Student before the entrance exam with my talent, without a large number of valuable medicinal Pills. I'm still just at the 3rd Stage of the Martial Student realm even after three years of using the civilian technique and using medicine now and then. Those Martial Prodigies with their high Talents are all in the high levels like 7th to 9th. So... go big or go home it is. 

Time to risk it. I get on the floor to meditate on my knees.

The first step of the technique is the creation of a Blackhole with the limited energy of my Dantian. After nearly an hour I got the rotation of the Hole in place but found out, that I did not have enough energy to form the complete one. It's trying to collapse!!! In a moment of pure desperation, I thought of the red orbs and one appeared next to the hole. The Energy dissolved into a caramel form because of its purity and filled 1/4 of what the Blackhol construction needed. Stabilizing it.

Crisis averted... FUuuu.

Using three more of the red orbs I completed the initial stage of the Technique the Blackhole in two hours. After that, I did my first cultivation circle.

Using all my focus I guide the qi energy from the outside into my Dantian, that with the activation of the Stellar Body Forging Technique transformed into a Blackhole, that sucks the energy from the outside in and purifies it at the center through high temperature to refine my skin. It was the beginning of the Cell Transformation.

The Martial arts levels are divided into Martial Student 1-9, Martial Adept, Martial Master, Grandmaster, half-step Emperor, Emperor, and Martial Saint. Those are the known levels of humanity's Cultivators. 

After using up five more of the red orbs. My Cultivation level went from 3rd Stage Martial Student to early 5th Stage which is called Organ refining stage. Only after the organs are at a crystal clear texture are they fully refined, I only got to initial refinement after I stopped at 6 am...

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