
Eternal Hunter: A Journey Through Time and Space

"Eternal Hunter" follows the extraordinary journey of Victor Baker, an 18-year-old orphan who wakes up in a futuristic world, two thousand years into the future. Determined to make the best of his new life, Victor embraces his newfound family and sets out to honor the memories of the person he has become. Venturing into a desolate dimension, Victor encounters a fierce battle with a red-eyed horned killer rabbit. To his surprise, he discovers glowing orbs scattered around the creature, each pulsating with unimaginable power. Recognizing the orbs as a catalyst for his cultivation and growth, Victor becomes an eternal hunter, driven by a thirst for power and knowledge in a universe brimming with mysteries. As Victor embarks on his grand adventure, he encounters allies and enemies beyond his wildest imagination. Each challenge he faces tests his determination and resilience, pushing him to unlock the secrets of the orbs and tap into his true potential. Along the way, he discovers that his journey is not just about personal growth but also about leaving a lasting mark on the vast expanse of the universe. "Eternal Hunter" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, boundless ambition, and the pursuit of infinite possibilities. Through Victor's experiences, readers are immersed in a world where the interstellar era becomes a playground for exploration, where friendships are forged, and where the true nature of destiny is revealed.

DanVisk · sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Transmigration into the Unknown

I woke up with a start, my heart pounding in my chest. The room around me was unfamiliar, filled with sleek and futuristic technology I had never seen before. There are all kinds of things ranging from what looks like a Holographic Screen from Star Wars to a floating 3D AI that introduced itself as Impartial Goddess after I asked. Confusion washed over me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. How did I end up here?

Slowly, the memories came flooding back. My Name is Victor Baker, 18 years old and with dark hair, the oldest Child of the Baker Family. The Baker Family is built upon a business specialized in programming robotic components for Construction. My home Planet is called Dramoth which is one of the few secure Planets in the inner region of the Human Federation. Dramoth is a planet full of great lakes, towering waterfalls, and giant cities, basicaly it's a city planet. 

Something I should mention is that not everything is the same as before. My name is still Victor which I'm thankful for, but the major difference is that I now have a Family.

Family... In my former Life, during the 21st century and up to my death, I was an Orphan whose parents died early in my life. Was It at the Soccer tournament where I lost them?..... Their early deaths meant, that the government had to legally take "care" of me because of my age. Heh, care.....shoving me in that glorified asylum called an Orphanage with those pitiful children even younger than me. Only to be used as test subjects for illegal medicinal tests which resulted in death. But that is all in the past. I should focus on the now

The Date is way farther from what I am used to it´s the year 4024. I had somehow transmigrated to the interstellar era, two thousand years into the future.

Two thousand years in the future....

Humans had discovered warp drives through reverseengeniring of the hyperdrives of the ancient Marrik Race they excavated from a dig site. Their footprints were spread across the Milky Way Galaxy. There were even ventures outside the Milky Way Galaxy that took place. At the time of exploration, they found countless universal races. They established diplomatic alliances with amicable races and had interstellar wars with violent races.

It was no different from the times when I was on Earth. It was still diplomacy but with more focus on violence.

After all, the opponents were no longer human.

If your Race fell behind, it would go extinct. If humans hadn't sought protection from the elves who had a friendly relationship with the human race, humans would've been annihilated in war.

During the horrendously cruel and bloody battles with different races, humans noticed that other than technology, the different civilizations tended to be stronger physically too. Human bodies were like undeveloped babies to these stronger civilizations. 

After periods of serious reflection on this extinction-level problem, humans finally chanced upon the potential that living beings had. Spiritual Energy also called Qi spread across the universe. It was invisible and unable to be felt. However, it could be sensed with someone's body and spirit as a medium. During Earth's age, it was called dark energy.

Absorbing and devouring qi, empowering oneself, and the evolution of life had become the most crucial project to the Human Federation and was written in the curriculum.

Thus, martial arts became prevalent. Talented young people all hoped to become martial artists and gain strong powers, freedom, social standing, and eventually even eternal life.

The body I now inhabited had belonged to someone else, someone with loving parents and a cute little sister. The body's former host had died due to his desperation. He was about to have his final high school exams. His martial arts level had reached that which was needed for the exams. To get into the best federation university, he cultivated nonstop day and night. This caused his qi path to go the wrong way, which resulted in his death.

Guilt gnawed at me for taking over his life, but I knew I had to make the best of this situation and honor the memories of the person I had become. Before this body's death, despite my ordinary cultivation talent, my life had been fulfilling. I had friends, dreams, and a sense of purpose. But deep down, I always felt that something was missing, as if there was a greater destiny waiting for me.

Exhaustion finally overcame me, I fell into a deep sleep. Little did I know that my slumber would transport me to a dimension beyond my wildest imagination.

I found myself in a desolate landscape, surrounded by towering mountains with gigantic lush Forests and a blood-red sky. The air was heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of my breathing. As I cautiously explored my surroundings, a sense of danger washed over me.

Out of nowhere, a 1/2 meter tall red-eyed horned killer rabbit lunged at me with ferocious speed. My Instinct kicked in, and I barely managed to dodge its razor-sharp horn as it tried to impale me. The battle that ensued was intense and brutal. I fought with every ounce of strength I possessed, determined to survive.

After what felt like an eternity, I landed a fatal blow on the rabbit's head, cracking its skull open and ending its relentless attacks. As the creature lay lifeless on the ground, a mix of relief and curiosity washed over me. There was something different about this dimension, about the rabbit's attack. It felt significant as if there was a hidden purpose behind it all.

Examining the rabbit's lifeless body, I noticed glowing red orbs scattered around it. Three to be exact as tiny as a Tabeltennis ball. They emitted a faint light, pulsating with energy, and warmth. Intrigued, I picked one up and felt the orb radiating a surge of heat. These orbs held a power beyond my comprehension, a power that I felt could fuel my cultivation and unlock new levels of strength.

A fire ignited within me as I realized the potential of these orbs. If the red Orbs did what I thought they did then they were not just tools for cultivation; they were the key to a realm of infinite possibilities. With each kill, I could collect more orbs, fueling my growth and propelling me toward a destiny I had never imagined even in my wildest dreams.

I will become an eternal Hunter, a seeker of power and knowledge in a universe filled with mysteries. No longer bound by the limitations of my ordinary cultivation talent, I could now aspire to dominate the cosmos and explore Infinity itself.

Determination burned in my eyes as I vowed to embark on this adventure with unwavering resolve. The interstellar era had become my playground, and I was ready to leave my mark on the vast expanse of the universe.

Little did I know that my journey would be filled with challenges, allies, and enemies beyond my wildest imagination. But I was prepared to face them all, for I had been given a second chance in a world where anything was possible.

And so, with the echoes of the killer rabbit's defeat still ringing in my ears, I set forth on my grand adventure, ready to carve my own path in the interstellar era and unlock the secrets of the orbs that held the key to my destiny.

Dear readers, im trying to uphold a scedule of updating weekly.

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