
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime und Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 7 Anti-Entropy

(A/N: This chapter will be rushed)

After taking Wendy with me to eternal world, I slowed down time of eternal world where outside is only 1 minute while inside the eternal world will be 1 week so Wendy can enjoy her self along with the girls,she and the girls introduced each other after that since she and the girls were exited to try out their powers in the dungeon, we all spent few hours in dungeon.

I spent few weeks with my girls we went to Amusement park, garden, picnic, we watched many movies in cinema hall, also swimming and yeah it was heavenly view for my eyes lolies looked more adorable and those milfs looked more sexy.

Me, Selene, Cocolia and Emma did many Snu snu activities but I make sure that I used sound and time barrier so that those lolies doesn't find out our activity as they are too young to know.

Speaking of these lolies I focused on them too patting their heads and giving them candies and cookies, it's really a heavenly feeling to Pat them, also they seem to come in to agreement with each other about sitting on my lap in turns not that I hate it or anything.

I sent Wendy back to her home and I made sure to cover her appearance so her parents doesn't find out, I'll have to manipulate her parents memories when I live this world with her but it's not like she can't meet up with them even if we go to another world so its going to be ok.

After that I gave Cocolia few of my crystalized golden blood and gave her a names of Females of Anti-Entropy that she have to feed those crystalized blood, certainly I am manipulating them and force this bond upon them but well anything to get those wifus.

After few days Cocolia completed her mission targeting those wifus one by one.

And the names of those wifus are Einstein, Tesla, and Erwin after that she brought them in to eternal world, I talked to them about reviving few girls from Anti-Entropy all three of them were happy that they can meet their decreased friends again.

I snapped my finger as a hologram screen appeared as I think about a certain wifu her name and photo showed up in the screen, she was Nancy Thomas Alva Edison as I dropped my blood on that screen it glowed and started to take a form of a women she was Nancy.I did the same and revived Emma Planck.

Tesla and the girls hugged each other and cried for few minutes, the revived girls didn't seem to notice that they are naked, well it's ok since we are in eternal world and there is and will be only one male and that is me.

After that they looked at me and showed their gratitude for reviving them, I said it's ok as I looked at their naked body enjoying the view, noticing my gaze they finally findout that they were completely naked they screamed and covered their private parts with their hands.

Arch: " Hehe why are you covering your self I was enjoying the view. "

Nancy: " *blush* p-pervert. "

They snapped their fingers and within a second they were seen in to their clothes.

Now I have women with terrifying scientific talent After getting my powers i don't even know what kind of things they will create, whatever they create will certainly bring big changes to the world if those things go to public

I will forbid them from sharing their research and things they create to other people, I know being a scientist they may not like my idea.

Arch: " Alright girls listen I want you girls to never share the things you develop to other people aside from your sisters and me ok? "

Seeing my concerned look Einstein and the girls looked at each other and nodded.

Einstein: " Don't worry Arch we know that our inventions will cause havoc so we will listen to you. "

Nancy: " Yeah pervert we already know our capability and we are not stupid enough to make that kind of mistake hmph. "

I smiled at them and started to think for my next plan to get wifus.

Arch: 'hmm ok I decided my next target would be 'Fire Moth' as there are only three wifus to get namely Leila Cleo (Jackal), Natasha Cioara (Raven) and her adopted daughter Sora. but before that I'll have to give a quick visit to a certain world.'

Arch: " Alright girls you guys get along with each other I have to go somewhere. "

Girls: " Okeyy. "

I snapped my fingers and created a portal as I went inside that portal I found my self standing on the roof of a building.

(A/N: A quick visit to Gotoubun_no_hanayome)

Rena is very beautiful woman with dark red hair and blue eyes, she can easily win any man's heart with just her looks, she married a man named Madou, she was working as a teacher to support her family which was poor, but the man left such a beautiful and hardworking woman after finding out that she was pregnant with quintuplets.

Currently Rena was taking care of her five daughters who were around 6 or 7 years old after putting them to sleep she went to living room and seats on the sofa, she seems to be tired and thinking what to do in the future she was in despair and was cursing her ex husband for abandoning his family, slowly tears started to fall from her eyes as she was silently crying she suddenly heard a soothing and warm voice.

??: " You seem to be sad, who made such a beautiful woman like you cry? "

Hearing a voice she freaked out and and see at the direction of the voice the moment she saw the source of the sound she froze her heart started to beat fast and her face started to turn red just like her beautiful hair.

Rena: " *blush* W-who are you? how did you get in? I'll scream if you do anything funny. "

Arch: " *Chuckle* I'm Sorry for arriving uninvited my name is Arch and please don't be afraid i mean no harm to you rather I came to help you and your daughters. As for how I came inside it is because of magic. "

Rena: " W-what do you mean by helping me and my daughters and what are you talking about magic did you run away from mental hospital or what? "

Arch: " haha no I'm not let me show it to you what I mean. "

I sent information directly to her mind as she widen her eyes in disbelief. I smiled and quickly cut my finger and sent drop of my blood towards her.

Arch: " Whether all of this is true or false you can know by consuming this drop of blood. "

She watched the drop of golden blood in front of her for few minutes suddenly she showed determined expression as she took the blood in to her mouth after that her body glowed leaving more beautiful Rena,

She checked her body all the tiredness and discomfort from her body vanished and she felt more energetic. She looked at me and I smiled at her she stared crying but this time these tears were tears of happiness.

Rena: " *sobs* Thank you. thank you very much. "

Arch: " *smile* No need you are my family now. "

Suddenly we heard few voices from behind

??: " Mom why are you crying? "

What I saw was 5 identical half sleeping cute lolies. When they saw me they got fully awakened and looked at me with dazed expression with a slight bush on their face. Rena's voice snapped them out of their daze.

Rena: " It's nothing girls come here I want to talk to you girls about something. "

After she finished her explanation those 5 lolies looked at me with amazed expression, will they are 6 or 7 year old lolies after all they are easy to

foo *ahem* easy to convince. Rena nodded her head towards me and I cut my finger and 5 drop of golden blood float and stopped in front of each Loli.

They got amazed as they looked at the flying golden liquid, they looked at their mother as she nodded her head all the lolies drank the drop of blood in front of them. After that their bodies glowed leaving cutter and more adorable little angels.

Arch: " *smiled warmly* welcome to the family. "

Seeing my warm smile these 5 lolies along with Rena blushed and nodded their head with a smile on their faces.

After that I cooked for them and we all enjoyed while eating together, soon the 5 lolies went to sleep and slept with Rena while cuddling her we didn't do anything as I want to give her some time and I have all the time in the world.

Next day I woke up Rena was still sleeping, I slowly got up from the bed and went to kitchen to prepare breakfast, After some time I finished cooking and arranged the dishes on the table. Rena came down with her messy bed hair, I smiled at her she looks so cute and sexy at the same time.

Arch: " *smile* good morning Rena. "

Rena: " *blush* g-ood morning *smile* darling. "

Soon all 5 lolies also came down from their room.

All 5 of them said in union.

Girls: " Good morning. "

Arch&Rena: " Good morning. "

After eating break fast Rena and the lolies packed their luggage that they wanted to take with them and I created a portal and we all walked into it to eternal world.

There Rena and the 5 lolies introduced to other girls after some time me and Rena went to Rena's world again as Rena said that she have resign from her teacher's post and bit farewell to her students.

Both of us went to the High school where Rena worked as a teacher, first we submitted her resignation letter to the principal office everything went good as I used some hypothesis on him otherwise it might take long as they doesn't want to loose such hardworking teacher.

After that we went to the class where her students are, as we entered all the students greeted her and looked at me (in their eyes mc is moderate handsome man), a certain man looked at me warily and asked Rena.

??: " Teacher who is this is he a transfer student? "

Rena: " No, Maruo kun this man is my husband. "

As she dropped the them all the students went silent for a moment then started talking with each other.

Maruo: " What!! "

As he shouted and stood up from his seat attracting everyone's attention. Feeling gazes of all the people present he calmed down and said.

Maruo: " I'm Sorry for shouting I was just surprised. "

Rena: " It's ok, now students this man is my husband his name is Arch Elrod. "

Arch: " hello guys. "

Rena: " I came here to tell you guys that I can no longer be your teacher as I will be going with my husband to his home. "

She dropped another bomb and most of them are looking at me with hostility especially that Maruo dude stop it man or i might accidentally kill you.

Rena: " I know it's sudden but please try to understand. "

Simoda: " Don't worry we understand, and we are happy that you found your happiness. "

Hearing her all the female students started to say to Rena that she should follow her heart.

Rena: " Alright students I have to go good bye. "

Students: " Good bye teacher we wish a happy life."

All the students said that except one that is currently gritting his teeth that person is that Maruo guy I seriously want to break his teeth now.

After Rena bid her farewell to the students we went to her home as she looked at her home and we directly teleported to eternal world to her new and better home.

(A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed reading this😊)