
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime und Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 5

After saving the Loli from fall the said Loli who had expressionless face is having blush on her face while starting at my face.

Arch: " *ahem* Are you ok? "

Hearing my fake cough all the lolies snapped out.

Bronya: " Y-yes the Bronya is fine. "

As she said that I put her down she seemed unwilling to get down.

I smiled at her and looked at Sin the sadist and Ohh my her expression is a bit creepy, birth of a crazy yandere perhaps? well whatever when she get bond whith Unbreakable Bond skill she will be automatically be tamed so no worries.

Cocolia: " Sin!! what is the meaning of this why did you push Bronya from the stairs?? "

Her angry shout attracted all the attention then they looked at Sin, who doesn't know how to handle the situation, she in the moment of envy done something so impulsive and now she is regretting her actions.

Sin: " I-i I am really sorry, I didn't mean to *sobs* "

She started crying as Cocolia and I signed.

Cocolia: " Sin you have to learn how to Control your emotions or It will cost you dearly do you hear me."

Sin: " Y-yes *sobs* "

Cocolia: " *Sign* Alright girls gather in to living room I want introduce you girls to this gentleman."

As she said that she went towards living room as I and the girls followed her. Arriving at living room we all take sat on the chairs as I introduced my self and all the girls started to introduce them selves one by one.

Arch: " Alright Cocolia where is the kitchen I'll cook for you girls. "

Cocolia: " Ohh you know how to cook? then please go ahead while I talk with these girls regarding that topic. "

I nodded and went towards the kitchen and as for how I know how to cook well I can just create a skill and get all the experience of a godly cook hehe being One Above All have many perks.

I cooked many dishes and some deserts and went to dining room to serve the food. Smelling such wonderful smell all the girls came to eat. After eating the food they all looked at me with amazed expression as they praised me.

After few minutes Cocolia smiled at me and said that they all agree to which I smiled and nodded.

Cocolia: " Alright girls now get ready for what we talked earlier. "

All the girls nodded and looked at me with slight blush on their faces, *ahem* I hope FBI doesn't come to my door knocking jokes aside let's started . I cut the tip of my finger and 5 drops of golden blood floated towards each of the girls to which they opened their mouths and swallowed the golden blood and their body glows for few seconds presenting five beautified lolies standing right in front of me.

Ok now with this excluding Cocolia I got six new wifus as to why I said six the answer is inside Seele there is a stigma inside of her and her name is Veliona, I'll make sure to create her a body in my Eternal world.

(A/N: I decided to name inner world as Eternal world)

Arch: 'Selene how is the construction going?'

Selene: " It will finish in half an hour dear. "

Arch: 'Alright I'll give some good rewards tonight hehe'

Selene: " Ara~ I'll be waiting for you honey. "

Arch: " Alright girls after half an hour I'll take you to your new house pack the things you want ok? "

Girls: okk

After half an hour all the girls are standing in the living room with the things they want to take with them.

I snapped my finger as a portal appeared in the living room the girls got surprised and excited,

I motion Cocolia as she she takes the lead and girls followed her while I followed behind.

What I saw in front of me was a huge luxurious castle and at the gate there stands Selene to welcome us.

Selene: " Welcome dear, I see you brought a big sister as well as some little sisters fufu. "

After her teasing she introduced her self and all girls did the same.

Selene: so shall we go for a tour in the castle?

Arch: " Before that I need to do something. Seele come here. "

She came to me with a blush on her cute face.

Arch: " Seele I know there is one more person inside your body as she also is now my vessel so I will create her a new body ok? "

Hearing me say that Seele and all the girls got surprised and looked at Seele.

Seele: " Y-yes there is a voice in side my head that talks to me, sh-she is nice to me will you really give her a new body? "

Arch: " yes but as for her body? "

Seele: " She just said to me that she wants exactly the same body as mine and I don't mind with her request. "

I nodded and I snapped my finger to create same body as Seele but she is completely nude, Seeing this all the lolies got embarrassed especially Seele as this is copy of her body, I quickly snapped my finger one more time and her body now have same clothes as Seele.

Arch: " *ahem* now Seele I'll separate her from you, you will feel a little dizzy but don't worry everything will be fine ok? "

She nodded and I placed my hand on her chest and pulled a small ball of light and placed it in to the body I just created.

She slowly opened her eyes which were crimson in color, Seeing her move Seele yelled her name Veliona and hugged her as she hugged her back after some time she separate from hug and came to me and bowed.

Veliona: " Hello my name is Veliona, thank you for giving me a body I'll be in your care from now on. "

Arch: " *smiles* no need you belong to me so its obvious that I'll take care of all your problems. "

She blushed and smiled at me and went back to Seele. Now one problem solved on to another, I looked at certain Loli as she was having some difficulties I went close to her and patted her head and said with a smile.

Arch: " Sin go talk to her she will definitely forgive you no need to suffer as we all are family now. "

She blushed and nodded and walk towards Bronya.

Sin: " B-Bronya I-i want to apologize for my previous action, please forgive me please give me another chance *sobs*. "

Bronya: " *hugs her* it's ok I forgive you just make sure not to do that again to me or to any other girls. "

Sin started crying more and replied 'Un' as an answer. Well I can guarantee that she won't do that again, if those protagonists who works hard to tame a yandere knows that I tamed a yandere and a crazy one at that with just a single drop of my blood haha they will surely cough blood from the shock.

After the small drama Selene guided us to the castle the girls first choose their room and placed their luggage that they brought with them. And then we went together to see what this castle hold as Selene guided us.

Selene made many things like Cinema, gaming house, big bath house with open Japanese style onsen, A big kitchen for those who wish to cook we don't really need to eat as we can live on without food and me and my wives can easily create anything that we want so this kitchen is for those who likes to cook.Moving on there is a huge bed that can easily fit 50 people without any problem Ohh I Can't wait for the future activities hehe. There are many thing she have created but let's just move on to outside.

Outside of the castle Selene have created a amusement park, a big garden with various beautiful and rare flowers and trees speaking of wish now I'll make sure to get nature related wifus like druids and flower fairies (no worry about their size cause mc can easily manipulate their size)

Now it's time for some fun activities, living those lolies in entertainment area I grabbed both my mature wifus and teleported to a room. that is far away from the lolies and just for safety I placed a sound,protective and time barrier so we can have enough time to play.

Arch: " So are you ready for some love sessions ladies? "

Selene: " Ara~Ara~ seems like we both are gonna get eaten by a big bad wolf sister. "

As she said that I grabbed them from their waist and and moved towards the bed.

Both: " Kyaaa!! "

Arch: " See how this big bad wolf will eat you up hehehe. "

I first started with Cocolia as this is our first time doing it. I kissed her massaging her big boobs and then I kissed her neck and removed clothes of all three of us with a snap of my finger. And we started doing our activity for around 8 hours after that I used [clean] magic to clean our body as well as ruined bed and I removed the barriers, we teleported to onsen to clean ourselves but my little brother became a little greedy as I saw the sexy bodies of my lovely wiwes, so I immediately paced those barriers and started another round for 3 hours and after cleaning the mess we enjoyed bath.

(A/N: Sorry guys no detailed lemons)

After bathe we joined the girls as they were busy playing games. Both Selene and Cocolia also joined, hmm I should create a virtual reality game or rather let's give this work to Bronya cause she is a master of games she can create a better game,

Also I'll create a dungeon for my girls to get real life Battle experience where according to levels of dungeon there powers will be suppressed so that they can enjoy the excitement of battle.

Ok, that's decided now then I have to go to get my first ever 2d crush when I was little, now I'll make my dream come true, come to think of it she had a twin sister but never appeared in the show and they got their looks from their mother, hmm fk it I'll just get both daughter and mother in one go, scum you say? I am so what I'll live my life as I see fit and I'll do whatever I want.

(A/N: a quick visit to another world for three wifus and yeah dont hate for what about to happen it's fan fic everything goes don't take about morals)

Arch: " Alright girls I have something to do I'll be right back. "

Cocolia: " *smirked* hoo which woman is it? "

Arch: " *ahem* you'll know soon. "

Seeing my expression Selene said with a smile

Selene: " Don't worry about us Honey no matter what we will support you. "

Cocolia: " Yes we will, heck you already have lolies in your harem what are you afraid of just go and get them. "

Hearing her say that all the lolies blushed for a second and continue playing games.

Arch: " *ahem* Alright then I'm going . "

I created a portal and walked in to it, seeing my surrounding I find my self on top of the building in a big city.

Arch: " So this is the world of American Dragon Jake Long huh. Now let's find find the mother of my soon to be wife though her mother and sister will also be my wife hehe. "

There was a man driving car in a hurried manner and behind the seat if the man was a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, she seems pregnant and in pain. As the man hurriedly drives the car to go quickly towards hospital something unfortunate happened, Car got crashed in to a truck the man died on the spot as he was sitting in the driver seat as for the pregnant woman her head got seriously injured and she seems to be in her last breath, surprisingly her bell is completely fine,

She try to call out for her husband but she didn't get any answer all she could she was a lifeless body of her husband, she she cried as she slowly closed her eyes. Suddenly her body vanished from the crashed car and appeared in the hands of a young handsome man with long white hair and red wine eyes.

Arch: " 'Ohh I feel sick for doing something horrible' "

I cut may finger and put my blood in to her month her body glowed and all the wounds healed and then I teleported to eternal world with her.

I directly teleported in a room and placed the woman on the bed and I called both Selene and Cocolia through telepathy, both of them came immediately and saw a pregnant woman sleeping on the bed.

The woman slowly opened her eyes and looked around to see where she is. She is still confused about her situation.

Arch: " Hello my name is Arch, how are you feeling? "

Hearing my voice she looked at me and froze for a few moments and her cheeks turned red, seeing her reaction me and my girls chuckled. She snapped out of it and said.

(A/N: I don't know her name so I'll go with Emma)

Emma: " H-hello my name is Emma I'm fine thanks for asking. "

Arch: " So Emma you do remember what happened right? and I'm sorry for forming that contract without your permission. "

Emma: " Yes I know that my husband had died in that accident and you don't have to apologize rather I'm really grateful that you saved my child's as well as my life. "

While she was saying that her eyes got a bit wet as she smiled , I can see there is sadness and gratitude.

Arch: " *smile* ok now let's do something about your babies. "

As I said that I extended my palm towards her belly and her belly started to glow and the ball of light came out of her belly as her big belly became normal, the ball of light separated and two little angle like girls came in to view one of them has a dragon like birth mark on her right hand, she is Rose and the other girl that looks exactly like her is her twin sister.

I warmly smiled at them and gave both babies to Emma, she extended her arms to get both of them as she hugged them, she smiled and tears of happiness started to fall from her eyes.

Emma: " My Babies, my cute little angels *sobs* mama loves you so much. "

We three saw this with smile on our face both Selene and Cocolia had tears in their eyes.

Well since she is also part of harem she also knows how my skills work and how these two will grow 5 times faster than normal children so that saves me the trouble of explaining things.

Emma: " The one with birth mark will be Rose, as for other I want you to name her. "

She said as she looked at me with smiling face, I nodded and start to think of a suitable name.

Arch: " How about Ria? "

All the three girls nodded

Emma: " Alright from now on your your ne will be Ria. "

(A/N: Hope you enjoyed it)