
The 3 Names

Momo finally saw the beginning of the true scope of just how large the world really was, and it stunned her mind. It was still night, most of the light in the world gone, and yet, with just the moonlight, she could still see nearly everything.

All the glowing cities, all the dark forest, the large streams of rivers that flowed across the continent, the large shimmering ocean that filled most of the world.

Anything beyond that wasn't really visible. Just the haze of the atmosphere in between them made it impossible to see all. And yet, what she could see still stunned her completely.

"Don't forget to breathe," Alex reminded her. "The air here is very sparse, so you will need to breathe a lot. You don't have enough Qi to sustain your body without breathing."

Momo nodded and started taking in deep breaths. She still used up the Qi in her body, but it was slower now.

"It's alright," Rosemist said. "She can breathe just fine."