
Eternal Ascension: Path to Immortality

Transported to a world of cultivation, our protagonist assumes the role of the Divine Lotus Sect's young master. In his journey through this unfamiliar life, he unearths ancient secrets that fuel his pursuit of immortality and unmatched power. Follow his unfolding adventures in this realm of cultivation and martial prowess.

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3 Chs

Chapter 1

As the earliest rays of dawn graced upon the majestic expanse of the Ananta mountain range, the city of Red Dawn stirred from its tranquil nocturnal slumber. Bathed in the soft, amber glow of the rising sun, the ancient city began to hum with the rhythm of a new day's awakening.

A gentle breeze, originating from the lofty peaks, swept gracefully through the city's streets. It carried the refreshing scent of crisp mountain air, mingled with the fragrant bouquet of wildflowers adorning the city's outskirts. The city's towering bell tolled, heralding the arrival of a new day, while birds added their melodious voices to the chorus of morning.

Within the opulent confines of the grand quotar of the Lotus Pavilion, a young man slowly awakens, his eyes adjusting to the soft morning light that filters through silk curtains. Blinking in confusion, he takes in the elaborate wooden carvings that adorn the walls, depicting mythical creatures and serene landscapes.

As he sits up on the comfy bed with silk sheets, he notices the faint scent of incense lingering in the air, carrying with it a sense of tranquility. The room's furnishings are a harmonious blend of delicate artwork and functional simplicity. A low wooden table displays a meticulously arranged tea set, while a lacquered screen partially obscures an ornate dressing area.

Curiosity piqued, his gaze falls upon his attire—a traditional robe crafted from fine silk, embroidered with symbols that he can't quite decipher. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to a polished wooden mirror, revealing a face unfamiliar to him. As he raises his hands and wiggles his fingers, his reflection mimics his actions, yet the visage staring back isn't his own; he resembles someone he can't recollect, along with a name that escapes him.

Perplexed, he proceeds onto the cool, polished wooden floor,his senses further enveloped by the room's atmosphere. A delicate breeze sweeps through the room, setting the silk curtains into a gentle dance. As they sway, they unveil fleeting glimpses of an exquisite garden just beyond the threshold. Here, a koi pond glimmers under the gentle caress of sunlight, its surface adorned with the graceful dance of vibrant fish. Alongside the pond, meticulously manicured bonsai trees stand as miniature emblems of nature's grandeur, each leaf and branch a testament to patient craftsmanship. From a distance, the gentle babble of a brook interweaves with the lilting symphony of birdsong, conjuring forth an idyllic melody that weaves its way through the very fabric of the air.

As he continues to explore the room, his attention is drawn to a delicate scroll delicately placed on a small, intricately designed pedestal. With a gentle touch, he unfurls it, revealing an exquisite calligraphy that remains a mystery to him. However, the graceful strokes seem to entice him, beckoning him to decipher their hidden meaning.

Suddenly, a torrent of memories surges into his mind, nearly overwhelming his senses. He grasps onto the pedestal for support, struggling to maintain his composure. Two distinct sets of memories flood his consciousness: one belonging to Tian Mo, the young master of the Divine Lotus Sect, and the other originating from a man in a different world known as Earth. The latter set of memories is shrouded in fog, making it challenging for him to recollect any specific details.

The pain gradually subsides as the last fragments of memories merge with his own. These memories bring with them a profound understanding of runes and formations. The young master of the Divine Lotus Sect was renowned for his prodigious mastery of runes and formations, even though his innate cultivation talent was merely average. It dawns on him that he now occupies the body of Tian Mo, the former owner of these memories. He comprehends that Tian Mo met his demise while attempting to break through to the Meridian Opening Realm.

He contemplates the knowledge he's gained about the progression system of Prithvi, there are nine steps of mortal , from the initial step of muscle tempering to the ninth, where meridian pathways are formed. Beyond this, there lies the nine steps of cultivator. Regrettably, the former inhabitant of his body had failed to take even the first step of cultivator, resulting in his demise.

Despite the seemingly small leap from the ninth step of mortal to the first step of cultivation, it proves to be a formidable barrier that many geniuses fail to breach. This step marks the true beginning of the cultivation journey, and it's where many stumble. Even the Divine Lotus Sect's patriarch has reached only the peak of first step, while the realms of the supreme elders remain concealed. The legendary second step is a mere fable; in the sect's millennia-old history, only the founder achieved the pinnacle of the second step. Each step further divides into four stages: initial, middle, high, and peak stages.

Tian Mo makes his way to the table nestled in the corner of the room and settles onto the futon. As he reflects on the memories, he grapples with the fact that he can't recall his own name, and his own set of memories remains veiled in uncertainty. From the clearer fragments he's absorbed, he realizes that he was an ordinary college student without any remarkable traits. The world he now inhabits is known as Prithvi, a realm defined by martial arts and cultivation. It mirrors the unforgiving settings found in the xianxia novels he once immersed himself in. In this harsh world, weakness is akin to a sin, and he counts himself fortunate to have taken over the body of someone of considerable influence and importance.

Exerting his will, he immersed his consciousness within his body, aligning with Tian Mo's memories. He sensed his heart pulsating vigorously, and blood coursed through his veins, delivering energy to every corner of his form. He felt capable of rending an elephant apart, but he swiftly regained control over his excitement, taking a deep breath.

From this juncture onward, he firmly commits to adopting the persona of Tian Mo, taking his role as the young master of the Divine Lotus Sect.