
Eternal Affection

Introduction: "Eternal Affection" follows the story of Amy Anderson, a 26-year-old university professor, and Billy Scott, her 19-year-old student. It all begins when Billy's attempt to stop a robbery ends with him getting stabbed. He's saved by a mysterious woman who disappears afterward. Fast forward eighteen months, Billy finds himself at Arora University, where he encounters his savior again, now revealed to be his professor, Amy Anderson. He confessed to her on the first day in front of everyone, stupidly, and she rejected him by slapping him. Since then, he has been trying to impress her and seeks help from his anonymous online gaming friend Seraphicsaviour. On the other hand, Marcus, a guy with past trauma who is in the same class of Billy, is hailed as the guardian monster in university because of saving girls from harassment using violence. He loves Evelyn, his classmate, but suppresses his feelings because of the insecurity of being seen as a criminal. Notice: This story doesn't have any love triangle or harem. Enjoy the pure, wholesome love between two innocent characters. Be ready for a three-volume emotional rollercoaster.

Ash_thirumuru · realistisch
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19 Chs

6. New professor


Lily couldn't help but notice Marcus stealing glances at Evelyn as she settled in beside Billy and Austin. A small smile played on Lily's lips as she watched her friend's subtle admiration.

"You know, Marcus, if you're interested in Evelyn, you should just tell her," Lily teased, nudging him playfully.

Marcus's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red at Lily's comment. "It's not like that," he protested weakly, avoiding her gaze.

Lily raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Sure, Marcus, whatever you say," she replied with a knowing smile.

Meanwhile, Evelyn and Annie were engrossed in conversation with Billy and Austin, discussing their plans for the upcoming semester. Marcus couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he watched Evelyn laugh at something Billy said.

"Are you okay, Marcus?" Lily asked, noticing the change in his demeanor.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Marcus replied quickly, forcing a smile. "Just tired, I guess."

Lily, though not fully convinced, decided not to press further on Marcus's irritation towards Billy. As the first class was about to begin, Professor Richard entered the room to start the lecture.

After the class ended, they had a break before the next one started. Billy, Annie, Evelyn and Austin gathered in the university cafeteria to grab some snacks.

"Hey, our next class is with that new professor. Did any of you see her?" Evelyn asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Nope, didn't catch a glimpse," both boys replied in unison, their attention momentarily diverted from their food.

"Some say she's quite strict and has a rather cold demeanor," Annie added, sipping her drink thoughtfully.

"A young professor with a strict personality? That's a bit odd," Austin chuckled, taking a bite of his sandwich, while Billy let out a tired yawn, clearly showing signs of sleep deprivation.

"Looks like the young master was up all night," Evelyn teased, flashing a mischievous smirk in Billy's direction.

"Played Smash Titans all night," Billy replied with a lazy grin, reclining in his chair.

"How on earth do you manage your studies when you're gaming all the time?" Annie asked him, her eyebrows raised in disbelief.

"Skills," Billy replied with a proud smile, as if gaming prowess was a legitimate study strategy.

"Not convincing," Evelyn replied, sighing. "You and Marcus always seem to be in the top two, barely studying."

"One always plays games, and the other always ends up in a fight and getting suspended," Annie added, her tone tinged with concern.

"Hey, don't talk about Marcus like that," Evelyn argued, her voice firm with conviction.

"Why? Is he your prince charming?" Austin interjected, a playful glint in his eyes as he teased Evelyn.

"No!" Evelyn replied, blushing furiously. "He's just a good guy who helps girls. I think he's more innocent than this idiot," she added, pointing at Billy, who looked genuinely puzzled by the comparison.

"I wonder how Marcus always gets bail so easily," Annie pondered aloud, a furrow forming on her brow. "He's not rich enough to have a lawyer every time."

"Maybe he's getting help from others. Good deeds always come back to help," Billy suggested optimistically, a hint of admiration in his voice.

After a few minutes, they realized it was time for their second class.

"It's almost time, guys. Let's go and see this so-called strict professor," Billy suggested, rising from his seat.

"Are you eager to meet this lady professor?" Evelyn teased, getting up from her seat.

"Shut up, anime nerd," Billy replied, playfully nudging her shoulder before heading towards the class.

Evelyn retaliated by playfully slapping his back, then dashed off towards the classroom like a mischievous monkey taunting an innocent tiger. Annie and Austin burst into laughter at the sight.

"Definitely an anime nerd," Billy muttered, rubbing his back and following Evelyn's lead.

"These two never fail to amaze me," Austin chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as they made their way to the next class.

In the classroom, Billy settled into his spot on the last row and laid his head on the desk, ready to catch some sleep.

"Wake me up when the professor notices me. I'll be out until then," he mumbled, already half-asleep.

"Always on a mission to sleep," Austin remarked, taking the seat beside him.

"He's going to miss the first class with the new professor," Annie added, shaking her head in amusement.

After a few minutes, the class fell silent as the new professor entered the room. All eyes turned to her as she made her way to the front. She was a striking woman, 26 years old, with chestnut brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and sharp green eyes behind her glasses. Dressed in a tailored suit, she exuded confidence and authority. To most of the boys, she appeared as an attractive and alluring figure.

Her expression was stern and composed as she placed her handbag on the desk, preparing to introduce herself.

"Hello, students. I'm the new professor who recently joined the faculty," her voice rang out, commanding attention. "I'll be teaching financial management and marketing."

Billy was jolted awake by her commanding voice, blinking as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. As his vision cleared, he found himself staring directly at her face. His eyes widened in shock and realization.

It was her—the woman who had saved him all those months ago. The same captivating emerald eyes and beautiful chestnut hair, but now her expression had shifted from one of innocence to cold professionalism. Now the face in his mind is clear it's her.

Before she could finish introducing herself "Amy-," Billy abruptly shot up from his seat and blurted out, "Anderson!"

The entire class, including the professor, turned their attention towards him. Austin, Annie, and Evelyn wore expressions of shock, while even Marcus looked stunned by Billy's outburst.

Realizing his mistake, Billy flushed with embarrassment and quickly muttered, "Sorry," before sinking back into his seat, hoping to disappear into the background.

As soon as class ended and Professor Amy left, Billy wasted no time and rushed outside to catch up with her. Meanwhile, Austin and Evelyn had to wait for Annie, who was searching for her favorite pen that had fallen down.

"Come on, Annie, hurry up," Austin urged, glancing anxiously toward the door. "Billy already left, and we need to catch up with him."

"Just a second, I think I dropped it under this desk," Annie replied, frantically searching for her pen amidst the clutter of the classroom floor.

"I wonder how Billy knows her last name," Evelyn pondered aloud, furrowing her brows in thought.

"The bigger issue is why he shouted it out loud like that," Austin added, his expression reflecting his concern.

Finally, Annie triumphantly held up her pen like a trophy. "Got it! Let's go."

With their belongings in hand, they hurried outside, joining the flow of students moving through the hallways. As they walked, they noticed a commotion up ahead. A crowd had gathered, murmuring excitedly, and the distinct sound of a slap echoed through the corridor.

Curiosity piqued, they quickened their pace and pushed through the crowd, eager to see what was happening. To their shock and disbelief, they found Professor Amy standing before Billy, her hand raised after delivering a resounding slap across his cheek.

Guess why she slapped him.

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