
Esther: The King's Beloved

Esther flinched as the man slowly lifted the veil covering her face. “... Are you afraid of me, Queen?” “No, Your Majesty.” The King frowned, brushing the tips of his fingers over the lip she had bitten down on to keep it from trembling. “You may tell me the truth, My Queen.” “Then.. I am a little afraid.” With a sigh, the man lowered himself down onto the bed at her side, his hand still lingering near her face. “Is this crown I’ve put upon your head not proof enough of my love for you?” “It is enough, Your Majesty.” “Then, fear me not-” Without warning, the King wrapped his arms around Esther’s waist, pulling her body on top of his. “-for you are the only person in all of Persia whom I allow to sit above me.” **** Esther is a child of misfortune, hidden away in the secluded dwellings of the Persian Empire’s most despised clan. She knows nothing of the world outside, save for what her uncle, a guard at the royal Shushan palace, tells her. Everything changes for the young girl, however, when a decree rings throughout the Royal City that each clan must present a woman as a candidate for Persia’s next Queen. As the only suitable woman among her people, Esther has no choice but to serve as her clan’s offering. Somberly, her uncle prepares her to enter the palace, where she will have to live for a year as a Queen Candidate, possibly for the rest of her life if she gains the King’s attention. To survive and someday return back home, she must hide her origins and keep her head down. But before long, Esther finds herself tangled in a web of politics and schemes when she accidentally catches the eye of two men, each with royal blood and secrets of their own. One is hiding his identity, just like she is. And the other is harboring a secret so dangerous, it could turn the entire empire on its head. The stakes of the game only become higher as Esther realizes the thing she must fear most has already befallen her. King Ahasuerus’s affection. Will she be able to protect herself and her people as she unravels the dark mysteries hiding beneath the royal palace’s glittering exterior? ---------- This is a work of fiction and is not meant to portray certain groups of people, religions, and/or places in a historically accurate way. Cover art by @vatarison.art on Instagram

Currer · Geschichte
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35 Chs

TWENTY FIVE: Taboo Topic pt 2

"I lied to you."

Esther squirmed in her seat, wondering how to respond to the sudden confession.

The spirited Queen Candidate with shining golden hair had never looked so downcast in all the time Esther had known her.

While she sat pondering how to best reply, Habeth finally tore her gaze away from her fidgeting hands and turned expectantly to Esther.

"I was testing you," Habeth repeated her earlier words, quickly recovering from her guilt. "I listened carefully everywhere I went for those rumors to be repeated."

"I see."

Esther finally understood what Habeth was trying to say. She had mixed false rumors in with all the gossip she told Esther as a test to see whether she would spread them or not. Apparently, that's why the woman had said she liked that Esther 'knew how to keep her mouth shut.'

"But you never once betrayed my confidence!" Habeth beamed. "I had a feeling from the beginning, but now I'm certain: I can trust you."

"That's wonderful news," Esther returned the woman's enthusiastic smile, trying to cover the pang of guilt she felt.

While she had been exhausted with Habeth and constantly seeking for ways to be rid of the woman, Habeth had been busy fostering a genuine friendship between them.

Well, Esther supposed a one-sided friendship couldn't necessarily be called 'genuine'.

Although Habeth seemed to think Esther didn't spread the false rumors because she was trustworthy, the reality was that she was never listening closely enough to repeat them and hardly had enough contact with other Queen Candidates to have a chance to do so.

Now, the question plagued Esther's mind: should she tell the woman the truth? That she was not the loyal friend the woman had mistaken her for?

"I've always had to watch my back--take care not to be too trusting and naive," Habeth sighed, her smile dimming, "even around my own sisters."

"I'm.. sorry," Esther whispered hesitantly.

For all the time she spent learning how to act like a proper Persian woman and all the warnings she received to never trust another soul in the palace, she had never properly considered that this was the way the other women had been living all along.

Aside from the mannerisms, tea parties, popular art, and high fashion, they had spent their lives watching their backs--keeping all their weaknesses hidden beneath their carefully rehearsed smile.

"But I have you now," Habeth smiled gently.

Esther nearly found herself reciprocating the gentle smile when it suddenly turned devilish.

"Don't betray me, Queen Candidate Esther," Habeth lowered her voice, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Or I shall never trust another human being again."

Esther gulped and nodded vigorously.

Her internal dilemma regarding whether to tell Habeth the truth or not had ended abruptly. Without a doubt, it was best to keep the reality of her 'loyalty' to herself.

"I am grateful to know I'll have you all to myself for the next while," Habeth's smile returned to its gentle state once again as she leaned her head on Esther's shoulder.

"What makes you say that?" Esther shot a questioning glance at Baara, who shook her head and shrugged.

"Oh, you don't know yet," Habeth closed her eyes sleepily.

"You will see."

After their rather one-sided conversation, Habeth suggested the two take a stroll around the palace grounds after lunch.

"I am a bit tired," Esther had replied politely, trying to decline the invitation.

"Mmm that's ok," the golden-haired Queen Candidate shrugged. "We can take a nap together in your bed instead."

".. Perhaps a walk would do me good," Esther hastily retracted her rejection.

"Good! Then it's settled," Habeth clapped her hands together, standing up to leave.

"I shall meet you near the main door of the House of Women after lunch!"

Then like a great storm, she flew out of Esther's chamber, her handmaiden trailing behind her.

Immediately after the woman's departure, several of Esther's maids swarmed back inside to clean up the snacks and prepare Esther for lunch.

"Is it just me, or was that woman even more insufferable than usual today?" one of the light-haired maids sighed, draping a sash across Esther's shoulders.

"Don't speak that way, Child!" the stout, curly-haired maid scolded, giving the girl a stern bonk to the head.

Esther, too tired to even respond to the maids' chatter, found herself agreeing with the light-haired maid. Habeth had become bolder and more persistent in her invitations, and what she mentioned about having Esther all to herself for a while was still troubling her mind.

The way the woman clung to her had gone far beyond mere discomfort.

Now, Esther was genuinely worried about what the Queen Candidate of the second best place in the House of Women was plotting. Her peaceful days in the House of Women could very well be coming to an end if she didn't find a way to escape Habeth's grasp.

Unfortunately, however, among all the things Mordecai had diligently taught her, the proper way to cut ties with someone wasn't included.

Silently, Esther resolved to consult Baara regarding the best course of action when she returned from her afternoon stroll. She prayed to the God of Abraham that nothing unfortunate would befall her by Habeth's hand before then.

After lunch hour had passed, Esther obediently, though rather reluctantly, made her way out of the House of Women, this time with five maids at her heel. The Queen Candidate of the second best place was already waiting for her, along with four maids of her own.

"Does it not make you feel like Vashti, to walk around with such a long trail of attendants?" Habeth questioned early during their stroll. "I hear she still keeps a large posse with her whenever she steps outside."

"Is that so?" Esther's ears perked in genuine interest.

Rarely did anyone mention the deposed Queen Vashti in the House of Women. She had thought the topic was taboo, so, perhaps, that is what enticed her even more.

"She walks so elegantly, I hear," Habeth went on, trying to straighten her already near-perfect posture. "Her hair shines like a starry midnight sky under the sun as she moves."

At Habeth's description and imitation, Esther immediately recalled the chance meeting she had one month previously with an elegant dark-haired woman.

The woman with shiny curls, a red dress and silver embellishments, whose every movement oozed elegance and grace. They had only crossed paths briefly, and spoken very little to each other, but it had been enough to instill a sense of awe.

"Is the deposed Queen very beautiful, as everyone says?"