
Volume Two | Chapter - The Beast Part One

We are down to our final two contestants in this year's Royale at Essentia USA!, as speakers rung throughout the Royale arena and the surrounding campus. As girls' watched in earnest as the last two Familiar's squared each other up within the barren urban wasteland.

Both of them had torn corsets and skirts from their preceding battles with other Familiar's. The two of them readied their weapons, the girl had medium length pink hair that was clipped over her ears had a clawed gauntlet on her right arm as her Essence Armament weapon. The opponent had a standardize sword as her Essence Armament weapon.

The opponent struck first using her immense speed to close the distance between her and the pink haired girl.

But before the girl could react, she was struck in the stomach by the pink haired girls' forearm who too used her supernaturally enhanced speed, albeit more efficient than her opponent's variation, making the former drop to the cobbled floor dry-heaving.

The pink haired girl, grabbed her opponent's wrists pinning them above the girls head. The formers clawed hands hovered over the girls' heart.

The girl realising her predicament pleaded for her life. As for the pink haired girl her right arm pulled back ready to deal the finishing blow. The girl squeezing her eyes closed awaiting her fate soon realised that she was still conscious, she opens her eyes only to find the pink haired girl trembling before her.

Releasing her grip on the girls' wrist, the pinked haired girl stood up very slowly her face a sickly pale colour. Turning around she soon started to walk away leaving her opponent all by herself.


After waiting for over a week both Uli and Bethany were getting paranoid about Aiko's condition, what made it worse was the repeated response whenever they asked her.

The doctors and nurses would always say, that Aiko's condition was critical and they wouldn't know when she'd recover.

As Uli watched Aiko in her dormant sleep from her seated position. Uli felt somewhat uncomfortable seeing her friend hooked up to so much apparatus', such as a breathing mask, heart monitor and UV drip.

Aiko's naked chest rose slowly under the bed duvet, signalling that there was still life coursing through her body.

Uli's moment of peace was interrupted as Bethany walked in, her face drained of any energy she once had. As she sat down, Uli couldn't help but delve deeper into what she found out.

"So what did you find out?" Uli asked slightly intrigued.

Bethany sighed, "Nothing new, they still have no idea what caused it"

"Well, that was pointless..." Uli ruffles her blonde hair feeling agitated "...over a week later, and they still don't know anything"

Bethany nodded in agreement, "All we can do is wait, and just hope it turns out for the best"

All Uli could muster was an ungrateful scoff as she dwelled on current events.


As the pink haired girl showered the sweat off her slender lean body, she was taken by surprise when a pair of hands suddenly grabbed and squeezed her C cup breasts.

She lets out an innocent but cute whelp, as the hands wildly caressed her breasts. After a few seconds, the wild hands ceased their attack on the pink haired girl.

The pink haired girl falls to her knees huffing and puffing under the steamy shower water. She turns around to see a naked girl with long wavy brunette hair, her breasts were large at least a D cup.

"Xena what the hell!" The pink haired girl shouted.

Xena smirking with a big grin on her face responded, " Oh don't get yourself in a twist..." Xena gives her friend a wink "...you know you loved it Marsa!"

Marsa with flustered cheeks just grunted under her breathe before returning to showering herself.

As Marsa removed the hair clips over her ears. Xena suddenly heard a group of girls entering the showers just located next to the changing rooms.

Without warning Xena grabbed Marsa's head shoving it between her large breasts. The latter desperately trying to break free as Xena held her with a firm grip.

The group of girls walked by, one of them noticing Xena. The girl decided to stop and have a chat.

"Sup Xena showering off?" The girl asks.

Xena laughs nervously, '"U-Ur yeah, worked off a real sweat during training for our Royale match tomorrow"

"Yeah tell me about it..." the girl pauses a moment "...hey, are you free later we could hang out?"

Xena stammered for a moment, "O-Oh I can't, I have plans later" she smiles nervously.

The girl waves it off, "No! It's fine another time yeah?"

Xena nods frantically.

"Alright cool!" The girl waves goodbye to Xena, the latter returning the gesture.

Releasing her grip on Marsa, the pink haired girl drops to the floor coughing as water splashed over her naked body.

"Were you trying to kill me?!" Marsa sputtered between coughs.

Xena looks down at her friend Marsa with a serious look. Unsurprisingly Xena wasn't phased by Marsa's pointy ears and her animalistic like teeth.

What was most surprising, regardless of Marsa's alien-like features there was an innocent yet cute persona about her.

"Marsa when was your last injection?" Xena asked evidently worried.

Marsa stuttering gave Xena an answer, "U-Um i-it was two days ago"

"How can you be so stupid Marsa!" Xena exclaimed in a hushed voice "There's only some many in the academy let alone Essentia and Armiger that know you're not human"

Marsa's face went from worry to fear.

"Who knows what will happen if the other girls found out!" Xena becoming increasingly worried.

"I'm sorry I-I just became too complacent with living among humans I guess" Marsa sheepishly responded.

Xena hugged Marsa tightly, their wet naked bodies pressed up against one another as the hot water ran down their bodies.

"Don't be such a klutz next time" Xena whispered gently into Marsa's ear, as the duo's embrace became tighter.


Twenty-four hours later...

Sachika had been asleep for the last few hours, the side of her face had gone numb from lying on top a thick bulk of duvet sheets.

As she started to stir awake, her vision was blurred. She slowly around her surroundings as her eyes adjusted to the lighting in the room. After a few seconds, Sachika rubbed her eyes gingerly.

Somewhat groggy from her sleep, Sachika looked around the infirmary room. She took another glance towards the end of the bed believing her eyes had deceived her at first.

But as her vision became clear her face changed to an expression of shock as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes.

As she jolted out of her seat, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Her mouth opened spurring the words of a name, like relief of saying that name flooded her emotionally.