
Essence of it All (DxD Essence Meta CYOA)

Kidnapped and given superpowers by being beyond his comprehension, Taylor must learn to survive in the deceptively dangerous world he now finds himself in. With the help of his new 'essence' powers and the fresh start given to him, Taylor must find ways to entertain his ROB patrons. The greater multiverse is watching, and... what was that? They want to see him fuck?!? Definitely 18+ (This story is "Plot" with plot. I will never claim it is anything other than a smutfic.) Also, this story contains mind control. In my opinion, it's rather light on the mind control scale, but not everyone is as degenerate as me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Warning: This isn't an Issei-bashing fic. He's not the main character, but I'm not going to kill him or whatever else authors with a hate boner for the pervert do to him. He's basically just a side character in this story.

Daddy · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs


The fighting had stopped with Galilei's death. Anderson had become visible again, perched on a branch of a nearby tree. The exorcist girls were staring at Kiba. Irina obviously conflicted by what she just saw, but Xenovia looked at Kiba with a bit more respect.

"Good on ya, laddie," Anderson said. "I never liked that cunt. Still, it looks like it's time for me to go. Kill ya later, ya heathen."

Father Anderson blurred away before any of us could stop him. A quick pulse of my magic told me he had completely vacated the area. I looked down, just now realizing that I was still holding Kiara. She looked up at me and bit her lip. Shaking my head at the horny nun, I set her down and approached Kiba.

He was still standing in the same spot that he had unlocked his Balance Breaker. Silent tears drew tracks down his cheeks. Koneko and Issei followed my lead as I pulled the knight into a hug.

The exorcists stood somewhat awkwardly a little ways away until Kiara decided to approach. She walked up to us, intentionally not interrupting our group hug. Her presence still got my attention, and I shifted so she had a clear line of sight to Kiba.

"Yuuto Kiba, I would like to apologize for the things you have been subjected to by the 'mercy' of the Church. I know my words may not mean much, but I truly am sorry about what happened to you and your friends. That man was a stain on the Catholic faith, and I am glad he is dead," Kiara said, bowing to Kiba.

Kiara's apology was shocking, but not surprising. I knew she had hidden depths, and the way she had come out and criticized her faith told me I was right. She wasn't just a lewd nun. She was also a genuinely kind and compassionate person.

Kiba seemed shell-shocked by Kiara's apology. It hadn't knocked him out of his grief, but the fact that she was apologizing for something she had nothing to do with still seemed to register with him. Xenovia and Irina came and bowed to Kiba as well. It wasn't much, but it was a start at getting Kiba to realize that not everyone associated with the Church was malicious.

Kiba gave the trio a dazed nod, and I took it upon myself to reply for him, "Thank you for your concern, Kiara. Right now though, I think Kiba needs some time to process all of this."

"Certainly," Kiara said, standing and nodding. "If you ever need someone to listen, Yuuto, know that I am always available. I have been told that I am good at relating to the problems of others."

"Thank you," Kiba whispered.

Kiara might be a good option for the peerage therapy sessions that I've been meaning to get around to. She was compassionate and willing, and sometimes all you need is someone to share your trauma with. Other than Kiba, no one had specific grievances against the Church, so she could be impartial as well.

Koneko never let go of Kiba's hand, even when we teleported back to the ORC to give our report to Rias. Akeno gave Kiba a hug the instant she saw that his eyes were red from crying. She led him to the couch and sat down, giving him a lap pillow and stroking his hair. He almost instantly fell asleep. The fight and finally getting some closure for his trauma had taken a lot out of the Knight.

The rest of us were left to give a summary of events to our King. Rias worried at her lip when she was informed of Alexander Anderson's presence and skill. I didn't blame her. He was a scary motherfucker. I didn't believe that the battle would have turned out so well if I hadn't been warned that Kiba, Koneko, and Issei were in danger.

I pulled Rias to the side after people started leaving. Kiba was still passed out across Akeno's lap, but Issei and the exorcists had left. Koneko was snacking beside Akeno. She kept sending worried glances at her sleeping friend.

"There's something I want to talk to you about that I think is necessary for the peerage," I started.

"I'm all ears, Taylor. What's going on?"

"I… think you should consider having Kiba and some of the others attend therapy sessions."

"Therapy? Is that really necessary?" Rias asked, skeptically.

"Rias, no offense but you have a tendency to collect broken people," I said, holding my hands up to prevent a knee jerk response. "I'm one of them. I don't think it's a bad thing, but you have to be willing to take the needed additional steps to ensure everyone's mental health."

Rias grumbled slightly. I knew she thought she could heal everyone's trauma by herself by just loving them enough, but that wasn't how trauma worked. I told her as much.

"Love and a support system are still important. You've done a great job giving that to them, but it's only the first step. People need actual counseling to work through their traumas. Letting the issue fester will only lead to worse problems later on," I explained.

"Fine," Rias relented. "What did you have in mind?"

"I think we should approach Kiara about individual, and maybe even group, therapy sessions. Maybe after this Holy Sword debacle blows over, maybe before."

Rias was obviously hesitant to go to a member of an opposing faction for help, "Why her? She's a nun. How can we know that we can trust her?"

"It's precisely because she's a nun that I think she's a good choice. Nuns are used to listening to confessions, and she had a good heart. I don't have much concrete proof, but I think we can trust her. If it makes you feel better, I can check through her mind to be sure of her intentions."

"... Please do. Don't mindrape her, but I want to make sure she doesn't have dubious intent, if she agrees to help us."

I chuckled, "I'll be gentle. I don't intend on mind breaking anybody unless they ask for it."

Rias blushed slightly before clearing her throat, "Ahem, Good… There's also something else I'd like to talk to you about. How would you feel… about joining me for dinner tonight? Just the two of us."

"Sure, I'd love to. As long as you cook though. I'd end up burning water if I tried," I said, smiling.

"Great! I know we usually eat together, but Lavinia suggested we do something alone together," my fiancee said.

"Where is Lav anyway?"

Rias giggled, "Last I checked she was comparing notes about you with Alcina and your mother. Asia was sitting in the corner and listening. Her face was the same color as my hair."

"Oh joy," I muttered. "I'm sure my mother has already managed to give Lav some… interesting new ideas."

"Come now, having so many women love you and still get along can't be the worst thing in the world."

"True, but knowing Lav, she's already pulled the rest of them into her 'Taytay's harem' plan."

"Probably. She does seem very adamant about your harem succeeding."

"Right! Instead of talking about my scheming girlfriend, let's talk about literally anything else!"

"I don't know~ I quite like your 'scheming girlfriend'~ Maybe I should tell her you said that~" Rias teased.

I snorted, "She'll just be happy that I called her my girlfriend. Lav is many things, but self conscious is not one of them."

Rias nodded her agreement, then asked, "Do you have any requests for dinner?"

"Hmm, not really. All I need is a good bottle of wine and your company."

"Sounds good. It's a date," Rias said, blushing as she said that last bit.

I left Rias to check up on Kiba when he woke up. Rias comforted our friend as I went to break up the gathering of my girlfriends and mother. They were talking about my stamina when I showed up. I had to physically drag Lavinia away from the conversation.