
Essence of it All (DxD Essence Meta CYOA)

Kidnapped and given superpowers by being beyond his comprehension, Taylor must learn to survive in the deceptively dangerous world he now finds himself in. With the help of his new 'essence' powers and the fresh start given to him, Taylor must find ways to entertain his ROB patrons. The greater multiverse is watching, and... what was that? They want to see him fuck?!? Definitely 18+ (This story is "Plot" with plot. I will never claim it is anything other than a smutfic.) Also, this story contains mind control. In my opinion, it's rather light on the mind control scale, but not everyone is as degenerate as me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Warning: This isn't an Issei-bashing fic. He's not the main character, but I'm not going to kill him or whatever else authors with a hate boner for the pervert do to him. He's basically just a side character in this story.

Daddy · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs


"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Valefor," said the deceptively innocent face and voice of Kiara Sesshouin. "I'm glad to see you've recovered."

Kiara had arrived the previous day with Xenovia and Irina in tow. The introductions had been cut short by my arrival and subsequent passing out. Now that I was awake, the exorcists were able to introduce themselves.

Kiara was dressed exactly like her Fate counterpart. A nun's habit concealed her long black hair and the three pink dots on her forehead. She wore a form-fitting black dress that hugged her curves. A slit up the side of the dress exposed an almost sinful amount of smooth leg.

Both Irina and Xenovia wore the stupidly revealing Church battlesuits. They were hidden under white cloaks, but that didn't stop my Warp Observation from admiring the skintight suits. Were all nuns in DxD sluts? How did the Church decide that this was appropriate battle attire?

"Likewise, Exorcist Sesshouin. Thank you for the well wishes."

"Please, call me Kiara. I have a feeling we'll be getting much closer during our visit," Kiara said, waving off my formality. She didn't even notice the potentially lewd implications of her words.

"Right… Kiara. Call me Taylor then. I'll admit, I find myself curious about the reasoning behind your visit. What caused the Church to send such a small party into devil territory?" I asked.

"Well, I'm sure you've heard about some holy relics getting stolen," she continued at my nod. "Some of the Excalibur fragments have been stolen. The leading officials in the Vatican want to keep the theft out of public knowledge to avoid panic, so they only sent the three of us."

"That is concerning news," I said, pretending like this was new information. "How do you plan to find the culprit?"

"The girls will be searching the town while I complete some… side objectives. On a completely unrelated note, would you care to join me for a friendly date? I will need someone to show me around town, and Miss Sitri recommended you," Kiara said, barely hiding the fact that I was her side objective.

Fuck, Sona just condemned me to spend time with a woman who was potentially the Devil's Bodhisvatta. Well, she might not be in this universe, but I doubt she's as harmless as she appears. All of my senses told me she was a decently powerful exorcist with nothing that indicated she had inherited the Beast III/R part of her nature.

I decided to accept, but not let my guard down, "It'd be an honor, Kiara."

She blushed and tittered when I flashed her a smile. I offered her my arm. She took it, innocently pressed the side of her breasts into my bicep. The fact that she was an airheaded nun with a lewd side really helped cement my decision to accept the date.

We parted ways with Xenovia and Irina at the school gate. I wasn't about to showcase any of my Warp abilities to someone I knew was sent to spy on me. I may have been a simp, but I wasn't that braindead at the prospect of pussy.

Walking through Kuoh with Kiara reminded me of my date with Asia. The beginning of the date was almost identical to that one. I showed Kiara the various attractions that Kuoh boasted. The park, aquarium, and arcade were treated with polite attention by the nun. The karaoke place inspired a bit more enthusiasm, but I think that was because we were alone in a private space.

Kiara subtly slid closer to me as I was picking a song, "So, Taylor, tell me about yourself."

"Hmm," I hummed, ignoring her proximity as I considered what I wanted revealed to the Church. "Well, I'm the last of my clan. My father died when I was young, and I lived as an orphan for most of my life. I just met my mother recently, she was the woman with me when I teleported into the clubroom. I've lived most of my life on the run. I was lucky enough to make a few friends which allowed me to survive, but I never stayed in one place long."

"Oh, you poor thing. Let Kiara make you feel better," she cooed. I felt perky breasts press into my shoulder as she hugged me. She made comforting cooing sounds while patting my back. I had to suppress an erection as the hug slowly turned more sensual.

"Uh, I'm fine. Again, I made some good friends during my time on the run. I actually met one of my fiances then," I said, breaking the succubus nun's embrace. She didn't even realize she was seducing me. She was just being nice, but the lewd side of her constantly showed through her actions.

"One of? Fufufu," Kiara covered her mouth with one hand and laughed. "Oh, Taylor, you naughty boy."

I chuckled, "I have a whole clan to repopulate. I can't be shy about spreading my affection."

"I see. And how many fiances do you have? Any openings there?" she asked, probing for information.

"Two at the moment. I may have my eye on some of the girls in my peerage, and a couple who aren't, but there's no rush. I consider my peerage my family, and my friends are just like a sort of extended family."

"That's reassuring. Even when unconventional, family values are always important."

"Family is important to me," I said, shrugging. "I know it may not align with the Church's morality so you may not approve, but I grew up without a family. Having a large family is my greatest ambition."

"You may be surprised what I do and do not approve of," I heard Kiara say under her breath.

The conversation died off after that, and we sang in comfortable silence. Kiara kept subtly leaning on me, and stretching in a way that drew my eyes to her curves. Her ignorance of the way her body was tempting me was surprisingly cute.

I guess my love of airheads didn't just stop at Lavinia. Watch out, Gabriel! All airheads and bimbos will know my love!

We eventually left the karaoke place, and continued our date. I saved Kuoh's street of love hotels for last. I knew Kiara's lewd side wouldn't pass up on the opportunity to seduce me, and I was proven right.

She stopped and basically dragged me into one of the hotels, insisting that the tour of the town wasn't complete until we checked it out. The room we rented was actually pretty classy to my surprise. It was darkly decorated with subtle purple lighting, and a full bathroom and balcony.

The room didn't dance around its purpose as a hookup spot, but also didn't scream it at the visitors with heart shaped beds and pink everywhere or something. Kiara excused herself to the bathroom to wash up, and left me sitting on the bed. With nothing else to do, I couldn't help myself from peeking at the nun with Warp Observation.

Her teardrop shaped breasts bounced free of her dress as she stripped. They were perky and full, and capped with the most mouthwatering dark pink nipples. Her long legs stepped out of her white stockings. She wore no panties under her dress, so her well-trimmed bush was immediately on display.

The image just got more and more lewd as she soaped up her body and washed. She moved with an unconscious erotic grace, putting on a show for an audience she didn't know she had.

I was almost disappointed when she finally rinsed herself off and turned off the water. She dried herself and put on her dress again. She forewent the stockings and the nun's habit, leaving her silky smooth legs and long black hair visible.

Her hair didn't have any pink tips, which I took as a good sign. More and more, I was starting to think that this version of Kiara wasn't the Devil's Bodhisvatta.

She gently sat on the bed next to me, closer than necessary, but I wasn't complaining. Her inviting scent tickled my nose, and her raging libido practically screamed at my senses.

"Taylor, thank you for this wonderful date," she said, inching even closer.

"It was my pleasure. I was just doing my duty as a devil of Kuoh."

"That may be so, but, still, I find myself wanting to show you my thanks," Kiara said, licking her lips and putting her hand on my thigh.

She closed her eyes, and leaned towards me. The invitation to kiss her was obvious. I found myself leaning in as well, unable to bring myself to try and resist the succubus' charms.