
Escaping Yet Finding The Alpha King

‘The Alpha’s spoiled little girl’, that was what Agnes Burroughs was known for, and it was true. She was a girl of material things, loved, desired, and hated for it, she lived for herself in the Blue Bill Pack — her home of neutrality and wealth. Of course, not until she was suddenly arranged to someone she had not even met by her very own parents whom she thought loved her the most. It was to avoid the cruel fate of her pack being attacked. A ransom. A noble sacrifice. That’s what she was. An unwanted years of a married life to save many of her subjects. She was her pack’s salvation, and she was selfish. Defiant and aggressively refusing, she planned to run away from them, from her pack and wandered the unclaimed lands. What happens when Agnes steps right into the Alpha King’s Pack? Yet what more could arise if she knew the man that had caught her was his supposed-to-be husband, whom she was trying to escape?

Dinni_Dee · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Heart Attack . . . ?

HAVE you ever wondered how you'd survive if you found yourself in a situation so messed up that the only thing you can do is to stare at nothing but the air. If it is in a moving transportation, would you be jumping off? Or would you remain in the moving carriage and wallow in the endless pit of a dying embarrassment?

That is where Agnes is right now, and the decision she was weighing on her shoulders. It was an automated bodily response to stare with wide eyes if you suddenly knew that the person in front of you is the most powerful person you could ever think of.

Perhaps the most dangerous as well.

The amusing smirk on the man — no, the Alpha King's face remained as he examined the look on Agnes' dumbfounded face.

What's more, is the heavy surge of memory of what she said and did in the past few minutes they were together resurfaced from the back of her mind.

I'm screwed.

There was only one thing she could do, and this might lead her to having her head cut off — no, this will MORE LIKELY lead her to that. Yet she decided to keep holding onto the tiny chance of surviving in the carriage.

I'm screwed, so I might as well, screw it.

"Ugh!" she loudly cringed before gripping the fabric on her chest, just on top of where her heart organ should be.

That's right, she decided to fake a heart attack.

What more could you say after that, right?

The Alpha King's face morphed into confusion before hastily transforming itself into an alert state. His hands warped behind Agnes' head that was about to hit the hard carriage door.

She wouldn't let herself hit the wood though, but she has simply gone with the act. It would solidify her pathetic excuse earlier.

"It seems as though you were really sick. I was lightly entertained to see you stammering as you try to find an excuse."

"Though seeing you right now, I am afraid I have to take responsibility for you. How disappointing. I have expressed my hospitality in letting you stay in the carriage, and yet I am to take care of a woman with a malfunctioning organ." he grinned a little before tapping the carriage window on the front which interconnects with the coach.

Hospitality, you scum boar! You were trying to snap my neck in half!

"Stop the carriage, lad. We are going to drop off something. I am sure someone will find it."

Dropping? Is it me? No, shite.

"Perhaps an unlikely kind of a rogue that would not masticate its entire body off would love to be a samaritan for their good deeds. . ." he announced, earning a determined yes from the maneuvering man.

What? No way!

"You are a cruel beast!"

Shite. Shite. Shite.

Agnes wasn't able to push her anger any further and decided to shout as much as she could, her agonized little facade quickly riveting off the blue, leaving her with her unsightly scheme revealed.

Lucius' eyes darted down the maiden in his arms. His emerald orbs sparked with entertainment and amusement at Agnes' another attempt of salvation. His lips curved in a knowing smirk.

Damn, he knew I would be reacting like this!

"How convenient. You woke up without the need of a kind rogue to pick you up." Lucius' voice was low, tempting, as he glowered down Agnes' face which was starting to drain with color.

"I-I . . ." she was at a loss for words. There was nothing more to say, nor any excuse she can even try to attempt some more. It was clear that the Alpha King, who she still cannot believe is beside her — is far from foolish.

"Quit your excuse, little maiden or I might have to take you to the palace and torture you until you bleed to the death you are trying so hard in avoiding right now." His eyes were hard as it stared right at Agnes' gaze, so far as though it was penetrating through the thick fabric of her clothes and undergarments.

The thought instantly brought a scarlet flush on her face.

"So, what's your name?" he grins, moving a bit closer.

Is he a psychopath?

What a bipolar Lycan King.

Lucius' face cramped from an unforgiving beast he was notorious for whilst within a second, it was a child yearning for a candy.

"Agnes . . ." she mumbled, gripping the hem of her cloak.

Agnes wasn't sure what to say nor how to act any longer. The determination to outsmart such an unpredictable man has gone past her mind anymore.

What she wants is to simply get out of the carriage without any rogues greeting her outside.

And she was desperate.

"Look, Your Highness, I di—" before Agnes could continue her plea of having her head spared, she was eagerly cut off.

"Lucius." His Highness mumbled. A drop of poison lacing his words. It was both a command and a threat, which Agnes did not find the necessity to follow — aside from the fear of having her neck separated from her body.

Why would the Alpha King even find it necessary for me to call him by his name?

The Lycan Monarchy, of all the years they've reigned on that throne made out of deaths and the reeking scent of greed and power, has always been known to have an arrogant personality.

It is expected to have been running in their bloodstream, straining away all righteous morals and kindness a King should even possess.

Which was why it was a disturbing order to have him call his name.

But it would be dangerous to refuse. And thus, Agnes listened.

"Look . . . Lucius," his name slipped out of Agnes' lips as though it was a prohibited word, yet Lucius' gaze lowered down in her lips, staring at it as Agnes tried to explain the importance of her life.

"I did not ride in this carriage with ill-intentions." She explained, breathing in and out as formally as she can with the King's presence.

"Then in what world of a reason had you ending inside my carriage, lady?" Lucius stated as though he was listening. Yet it was obvious that his eyes were glistening around her face.

To her plump cheeks that was doubly scarlet from her pale skin tone,

To her ice-blue eyes, that if it would look at you in a death stare will surely have you kneeling,

To her white, almost silver hair which was probably inherited from a higher rank of wolves in a pack.

Most likely an Alpha or a Beta.

She is immaculate,

And clumsy.

"— they were chasing after me! Oh how, I was scared when I saw that they were still behind me as I blend in the crowd, Your Highness Lucius! Their muscles were big, rogues are known to be big, but they are humongous!" she exclaimed, illustrating huge muscles with her hands in the air to clearly emphasize her point.

"I see . . ." Lucius nodded, as though he was intently listening.

"and then they were —"

"and that's when —"

"and the only thing I could do was enter." she said, grinning yet out of breath from what she laid out.

Agnes hoped and prayed that merely being chased by rogues to death was enough excuse to bother the King's peaceful travel.

"So that was it. How unfortunate of you, maiden. I shall let this pass." he says, winking one of his eyes at the girl.

Is this really the Lycan King? The beast that was talked with a filthy tone from pack after pack? How kind of him to let —

"shall I then kill them for you?" Agnes was pulled out from her train of thoughts with what the Alpha king said.

Her eyes grew wide with shock at what his words are, but mostly of how he looks as he said that. He was glowering, smirking, and the darkness seems to have been lured around him at the sight.

"N-no . . . " she mustered all the strength she had left within her. Eyes getting stained from small tears that are starting to flow.

The Alpha King, Lucius stared at her face. A tingling feeling was drawn in the air before his glorious laugh dominated the carriage.

"What an interesting sight." he mumbles.

Lucius wasn't fond of tears. He was after all raised with a face enough to devour hearts and have rejected many. He was annoyed with the sight of crying.

Yet it was an interesting situation for him to feel such a way towards another girl. Perhaps this was because Agnes was crying due to him. He was at fault.

While the others, he wasn't.

"I love you! I have given up my family to have you, yet you cannot even glance at me?"

They fell in love knowing he does not accept love, thus it was up to them to take responsibility for their tears, and not show it to him in order to gain sympathy.

Some cried from his punishments, which was again, none of his fault. Afterall, they made the mistake and thus deserve the consequences.

"I am begging you! Please, spare my family! Take me, take me instead, Alpha!"

Now that he simply threatened to have this girl's pursuers a taste of their own medicine, her tears fell.

Lucius might have found himself liking the sight of crying.

Or perhaps, it was exclusively her only.

What am I even doing, showing him such a vulnerable sight of me. Pathetic.

"I am in no need of them buried underground, Alpha." she uttered, gritting her teeth as she tried to male way for a forced smile.

"Are you sure? You don't want to miss a gentleman's offer." he smiled, a dangerous smile that seems to be telling Agnes that if he says it, it could happen right now.

The Alpha's daughter shivered at the chilling thought before shaking her head once more.

"I don't need anyone dying because of me."

Hell yeah, I don't.

Lucius stared at her ice-blue eyes. His emerald blending on her magnificent blue. He waited for her to waiver and say that she actually wants them dead to make herself feel safe, and perhaps powerful like the others want.

Yet Agnes held her eyes high, sure, and determined.

Lucius' gaze burned with curiosity at the girl, so much as tilting his head to him.

"Hmm. If you say so." he added, disappointment in his tone. Agnes gulped when his eyes left hers. It was excruciating as much as it was seductive.

"Where will I be dropping you off then?" he asked, smiling at her.

Something in the woman's guts was telling her that this smile was also used on the Alpha King's endeavors. Such as holding ripping organs off with those massive canines.

She took a quick turn to the windows when their eyes met each other once again. Her eyes were wide with surprise to see that they were really not that far.

It was as though they were simply parading on the road just like the man from earlier said that the royalties have a knack for lavishly showing off.

"Please drop me off down there." she pointed to the auction house.

Luckily, there was no sign of any two rugged-looking men waiting for her outside.

"An auction house, huh?" he said. Agnes simply nodded, afraid that every little information that would come out of her mouth would be used against her.

The Alpha King was about to come out of the door on his side when Agnes stopped him. She was in no need of a gentleman to wait for her doorstep, afterall.

Who knows? The Alpha King wasn't known to be a gentleman. Such action might have some consequences.

This earned a light chuckle on the Alpha King's face.

"Though escorting you would be a strategic move to win your heart, I am not going to do so," he responded.

Agnes instantly climbed down the carriage as her face turned scarlet.

Good Goddess, what was I thinking?

Preoccupied with her thoughts, she did not notice the tiny scream that was coming from the other side of the carriage where the Alpha King had gone out of.

"I am giving it back! Please sir, let go of me!" a voice from a kid reached Agnes' ears. She instantly ran towards the other side of the royal carriage and her eyes went wide.

It was the kid who stole her belongings.