
Escaping My Reality

Nayla Anne is fed up with the reality of the world, and even though she has a successful business and living the life she always wanted, she can't find the happiness she's searching for. One night she experiences something odd and wakes up as Serlina, who also wants to escape her reality. Serlina Casidy is the daughter of a noble but her father leave them behind with a huge debt due to gambling, her older brother is currently handling their household and forcing her to get married with the Duke's son.

nelleia · Urban
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15 Chs

Escaping My Reality - Episode 2

With confusion and shock on her face, a maid suddenly enters her room.

They're both in shock and confused.

"Lady Serlina is awake!" she shouted and called for the other maids.

As all her maids gather in her room waiting for the doctor, she still can't speak as she doesn't know what to say and is still confused.

The doctor arrives and starts to question her.

"Do you remember anything?" the doctor asked.


"I see, You hit your head as you escaped and fell to the ground with your horse that's what the soldiers witnessed as they chased you. I'm not sure if you're gonna have your memory back but you still need to take some medications for the headache."

"How long was I sleeping?"

"More than a week"

She was shocked at what she heard but still tried to remain calm.

Ohh my gosh, did I get Isekai here all of a sudden? Is this a dream? If it's a dream it feels surreal.

The doctor and the maid left after she instructed them to leave.

She pinches herself hard and it hurts her.

As she held her swollen cheeks.

That hurts.. So that means I got Isekai here. I wonder what the mean guys will look like here and are they handsome? Shit no time to think about that.

Author: Because she reads too much manhwa.

She searches her room to gain knowledge of her identity.

If this is an old-time maybe I have a diary but where it is?

She searches every drawer but still can't find it.

Hmm.. If I were me where would I stack my diary? So no one could find it.

As she searches the bottom of her bed she notices a dent in the floor, when she presses it, it opens. There's an unknown key and seems to be a diary.

She starts to read it.

Serlina Casidy.

Age 22, height 5'4, Long dark brown hair, Green eyes, small but gorgeous face with similar face structure in the future. Her family is noble but her dad is currently in huge debt because of his gambling addiction, her mother died when she was 17 years old due to her terrible sickness. She has an Older Brother named Count Connor Enn Casidy, who's currently handling the household, and a second older sister named Jarissa Casidy who's married to Marquess Arnoux Remus, one of the famous nobles here in Britannia. To pay for the huge debt she was forced to get married just to pay half of it. Her older sister Jarissa is the only person she can talk to about her problems but she moved to Marquess Remus Household and was not allowed to go outside without his husband's permission. The Family Casidy owned a furniture shop but they had to close the three locations of their shop due to bankruptcy, her brother Count Connor is the one who's handling the business now, he's strict and does not have a close relation to Serlina. He is also the one who's forcing Serlina to get married to the Duke's son Aizen Harion to merge the dying business of their family with the powerful business of the Harion. But Serlina doesn't want to get married, that's the reason why she ran away.

Hmm.. I'm curious if she loves someone.

Suddenly, she feels the tension headache, and flashbacks vividly.

It was raining that day and the man in the black polo shirt held her and said.

"Let's run away together"

"I'll be waiting for you at the port"

She can't see the face, it's only black and white.

Who's that person? She didn't even mention the name in the diary so if ever someone found this diary, he's not gonna get in trouble.

She puts back the diary where it belonged and the maid enters the room with the food.

"Lady Serlina, as the doctor said, you should eat this soup to recover and we'll help you with your bath and clothes, Master Connor wants to see you after you prepare."


As she's eating, she's planning something.

If I got Isekai here in this place then the only logical reason to survive is to get along with my brother but I seem to hate that plan. If he asks me if I remember something I'll just act dumb then.

While she's getting dressed up, she's feeling anew with what she's experiencing.

I must curse whoever invented this corset, I can't even breathe. It's my first time wearing clothes like this, and I have to get used to this.

After wearing a lot of layers, she looks at the mirror and touches her face.

If the camera is invented now, I'll take a lot of selfies and portraits just to look at how beautiful I am. I can even join a beauty pageant with this beauty but minus the brain, since I barely have that.

She enters the study hall of her Brother.


You can check the comment section for the images of the characters in this novel. ;)