
Escapee's Revenge

At a school full of the talents of the future, reserved only for awakened teenagers with S or higher level abilities, Lysander was viewed as the lowest of them all. With an S Class regeneration ability that causes him immense pain despite being able to recover from anything, he had essentially zero combat power. This led him to be tormented by the students in his class, and he would be led to experience a fate worse than death, emerging with the burning desire for revenge.

petroL6 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The restaurant that has parents owned, the one he had lived above for his entire life, was an absolute wreck. There were swarms of people attempting to see what had happened, and the sound of police and ambulance sirens were blaring in his ears. 

Glass was shattered and spread around everywhere, and the sight of destroyed tables and chairs was abundant.

Lysander's heart dropped, and he ran forward to see what had happened, he had to push through groups of people who were swarming, and what he had feared most was what he saw when he managed to get through.

Both of his parents were lying on stretchers, and were being picked up by paramedics. He tried to run over to them, only to be stopped by a police officer, "Get back kid, this is a crime scene."

Lysander responded manically, "They're my fucking parents, let me through."

"Sure they are, like I haven't heard that one before. Go home."

Lysander got annoyed at this, and he barged past the officer to get to his parents, both of them were unconscious, and the paramedics may as well have been, as they were too focused to acknowledge his presence.

The officer had tried to follow him, but had to stop a group of other people who tried to barge through with his fellow officers. 

When Lysander's parents were being lifted into the ambulance, there was one man inside who recognised his presence, "You their son?"

Lysander nodded as he was happy to see that this man had some more sense than the police officer, "Yeah, I want to go with them to the hospital."

The man smiled, probably to try and calm Lysander's nerves, "Sure you can, your parents are going to be okay, trust me."

Lysander sat at the side of the ambulance in the back with his parents, and as soon as the doors slammed the van began to move quickly in the direction of the nearest hospital. Luckily, it wasn't too far away, and within ten minutes they had arrived due to their ability to speed on the roads and skip red lights. 

When they got to the hospital, his parents were rushed immediately to separate operating rooms, as they were both in critical condition. Lysander was not able to follow them, and he was made to wait for the news of their wellbeing in the waiting room.

The whole time he was waiting, around two hours, all he could think about was what had happened to his parents. He begged every god, despite not being religious, hoping that it would do something for his parents.

Every second that he waited was torture, so when a doctor called his name and told him to follow them, he was both excited and terrified to find out what had happened to his parents. 

He was led into a room that was dimly lit, and a single bed was located by a window, in this bed was his mother. His face lit up seeing that his mom was still alive, "She's alive, is she going to be okay?"

The doctor frowned slightly, "I'm not sure, most of her major bones were broken, and she seems to be in a coma like state. She will be kept here to ensure she lives, and hopefully to ensure that she wakes up."

This wasn't the best outcome, but it wasn't the worst either as there was potential for her to survive.

"How did her bones get broken? What happened? And where's my dad?"

The doctors face became gloomier, "I was about to tell you, I'm truly sorry, but your father didn't make it through. He passed away shortly after arriving here. There was a large, needle like structure of what looked like a crystal pierced through his lung. Your mother on the other hand was simply thrown incredibly hard into a wall, and from the reports we had received from witnesses it seems as though it was an awakener with telekinesis."

Upon hearing this, something in Lysander's mind snapped, he knew instantly who had caused the death of his father and comatose state of his mother. The crystal ability that had killed his father was the unbreakable crystal creation power that Theron, the main 'underboss' of the group that bullied him had, and the telekinesis was the ability of Orion, the second 'underboss'.

Rather than the sadness he was feeling previously, his emotions were now a mix of grief and anger. There was no way he would allow the people who had done this to walk free, and he was going to enact justice himself.

His trance was broken by the doctor who noticed Lysander's lack of response, "I am truly sorry for your loss, I will let you have a moment alone with your mother."

Lysander approached the bed, and looked at his mother. She was wrapped up in bandages, and despite clearly being incredibly injured there was no expression on her face. 

"I know who did this mom, I promise I will avenge dad, I won't let them get away with it. Once I'm done with them, I'll find a way to heal you and give you the best life possible. I love you mom, I'll see you soon."

Lysander turned away from the bed, and walked back through the door to the room, passing the doctor he had spoken to, and eventually exiting the building as a whole. 

There was nothing he could do to assist him in going against the perpetrators, but he did know where they would be. They had as spot in the middle of the woods nearby that they were notorious for hanging out at, and they would not allow anyone else to enter, leading to violence when someone attempted to. 

Lysander knew where it was, and luckily the hospital was quite close. To reserve his energy, Lysander walked at a normal pace for around fifteen minutes before reaching the forest's edge.

He started to walk through the densely populated forest, pushing past trees and their branches. Eventually, he reached a clearing and saw a large, abandoned factory which had previously been a sawmill, but due to a large accident that caused the deaths of multiple workers, they were forced to close and abandon it.