
Not Ordinary Days

My name is Marcel Miller and i am sixteen years old and i live with my aunt, my best friend is Juliana but I call her Annie. She is my blonde, kind and loving angel.

School is pretty awkward today," Annie noticed. I asked why and Annie replied in a squeaky voice," it's quiet and some boys are lying in the sand and they look dead, the coral tree looks like it's drying up" As i noticed everything she said i froze, the light suddenly grew dim and it was getting dark at in the morning. "Annie! what's going on?" I panicked. " I don't know maybe if those boys are alive they can tell, she replied. We moved close to the sand where some five boys where on the ground. I tapped one on the shoulder and so did Annie but no one seemed to be waking up. Luckily one guy started to move his limbs and then he rose. It was Kennedy Pearson: tall muscular thick eyebrows swollen lips black short shabby haired pasty skinned and he has pins in his ear.

" Did something happen here, Annie asked and i followed to say" Are you alright Ken? as i tried to shake another.

He caught the ends of his hair in frustration as he said," i remember me and Jordan were returning a few balls to the locker room when we had a big bang outside and then we ran out but I can't remember what happened next," What time was that? I asked.

After dark, he replied.

What the hell are you doing in school after dark, Annie asked?

"No it can't be, he replied in confusion.

I stared at him with an urge to know more, " what do you mean?". Kennedy started breathing heavily and more heavily. Annie ran towards him and held his hand and said, " You don't look fine, I think we should get you inside.

I agreed but what about these guys as i checked their pulses just in case. After Annie and Ken had gone inside, i yelled loudly in frustration. No sooner had i finished yelling than all the boys started waking up. My heart beat with so much relief. The four were Peter Jacks , he is short slender of mediterranean complexion sea green eyes messy jet black hair dimpled cheeks :Jin Lu a tall with grey and straight long hair a flattery face with narrow dark eyes slim and muscular with J shaped posture. He kinda looks like a demi god. KC Jordan a member of the sports team, he is dark skinned broad chested chubby and tall with bright black eyes, very charming too. And lastly was Leo Poker, skinny tall had beautiful and radiant skin, stuffy nose( he has allergies) blue eyes with a wide smile on his face.

All were in deep confusion when Peter asked, " What happened to us?"

I don't know but we should go inside, i suggested and we all did.