
Escape Hell to become a God

Adam lived a normal life until he was 16, that's when everything changed. All humans were connected to the 'system' and monsters spawned randomly all over the world. The monsters became more and more numerous and stronger and so the humans became stronger but also fewer in number. One day Adam died fighting one of these monsters and went to hell. But Adam escaped and his soul occupied the body of a newborn lying in front of a shrine. Luckily, Adam was found by a woman who raised him, the goddess Gloria. But becoming a true god takes more than being trained by angels and the goddess milk. So Adam has to cut off some of his powers and go to the mortal world... Yeah I know... I've started a few novels lately and never continued them. I just stopped enjoying these novels after a while. That's why I didn't publish this one, but since a few chapters have been jammed up so far, I wanted to share them with you. Maybe you like what I wrote in my little free time. I really wanted a character that would NOT go to the adventurers' guild. At first I thought of a salesman, but in the end I came up with something else. I am not a professional! Just an amateur writer doing this in his very limited free time because he enjoys it, so you'll find mistakes and things that may not quite add up, but I hope you enjoy reading.

nait993 · Fantasie
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11 Chs


Adam lived in a modern world where almost everyone drives a car, much like ours. But suddenly everything changed, when Adam woke up he was greeted by a translucent blue window. Something you only see in games and novels, a status window!

Adam quickly learned that everyone got these and monsters would spawn in and out of town every now and then. In the beginning, people were scared and let the police and military fight the monsters.

But after a while, people felt more confident and the news that killing monsters makes you stronger spread. Very soon the news was reporting about monster apparitions and it became a race to see who could kill the monster first. Even at level 5, a simple human could run faster than a world-class sprinter and be stronger than a simple human should be able to.

Of course, some died fighting the monsters, but that didn't stop the people in their greed. Adam was always at the forefront as well, because he had heard from some people that it was possible to use magic like in a game and of course, he didn't want to let that slip. Even at a low level, he had learned a basic lightning spell and could slay monsters before most humans with melee skills even reach them.

With stealing kills and casually killing from afar, Adam had soon reached a high level, but unfortunately, the monsters kept increasing and he and some of the other high-level people started having difficulties as well.

In less than a year, when Adam was 17, the monsters became a real threat as they were almost everywhere now. Not only that their numbers had increased significantly, no, but many of the monsters were also much stronger and could no longer be fought alone. Shortly thereafter, Adam's parents died in a monster attack and the city, whose buildings were mostly in ruins, was sealed off by the ever-increasing danger.

At a gathering attended by almost all of the city's survivors, teams were formed to hunt down and kill the monsters outside. Of course, hunting in teams also had a reason to increase the city's fighting power and ensure the safety of the residents.

At first, Adam didn't like his teammates at all, but the struggle to survive works wonders and quickly Adam's teammates became something like a new family to him. He especially liked Akane and Tom who were his age.

Tom had gone to school with Adam, but he had never spoken to him, and Akane being new in town, she didn't like to talk about where she was from, but Adam thought she had only recently come to this country.

The town hall became something that could be described as an adventurer's guild, here the hunter groups met and could exchange news and accept quests.

Often the quests were from farmers who had discovered footprints in their fields or had heard something at night. This went on for years and everyone had discarded the thought that everything would go back to how it used to be. Up until the day Adam's and 2 other teams were called out, an elderly lady had seen a dragon.

The three teams had fought dragons before, the typical western dragons often seen in games and manga and the exotic snake-like eastern dragons. In either case, the teams were well-equipped, with enough fighting power to fight a western dragon that was like a flying tank and a plan for the fast and agile eastern dragons.

But no one expected that the older lady was talking about a Hydra and not a Dragon. That was the day Adam left this world...

When Adam woke up, he found himself in a room resembling a medieval dungeon, dimly lit by only a few torches.

"Welcome! Welcome to hell, little soul! I'm Sareva and we're going to have a lot of fun together for the next centuries." An intoxicating voice sounded out of the darkness. The last part sounded like she was trying to suppress a laugh.

Suddenly Adam remembered what happened after he died.

Adam woke up in some sort of courtroom and looked around, the room was just like Adam knew it from a show. In front of him was a large dark brown desk which was raised, probably where the judge would sit, in front of him a table and behind him a few benches. The same thing to his right, a table with two chairs and benches behind them. The room wasn't particularly big and offered maybe enough space for about 20 people, but it radiated something scary, this whole place scared Adam, as if everything was going to be decided here. Adam looked at the door behind him at the end of the room, a feeling told him something was about to happen there.

His feeling was confirmed when the door opened without a sound. Three men and three women with huge jet-black wings on their backs entered. They all had long blond hair, carried a sword on their hip and wore nothing but white leather pants and boots. For real! Adam had a clear view of the female angels' large well-formed breasts and the male angels' defined muscles, but Adam was unable to focus as more people entered the room. Quickly one angel placed himself in each corner of the room and two by the door when a very thin angel in a suit and carrying a briefcase entered the room and sat down next to Adam. After the man, a woman in a black suit came in and sat down at the other table.

"Um... what's going on here? Where am I?" Adam asked as he turned to the man sitting next to him.

"Where I come from, people usually greet each other first. But alright, I'm your defense attorney, so your attorney. You are here in front of the Heavenly Court, where the judge will decide what happens to your soul!" The man explained as he rummaged in his briefcase.

"Oh, I'm sorry! What do you mean by what is happening to your soul?" asked Adam.

"Yes. If we win you'll go to paradise, if we lose *sigh* then I hope your penalty won't be too high. The third possibility would be reincarnation, but that is rare."

"B... but you're a good lawyer, right? So you can do it, right?" Adam asked as two more angels entered.

The two angels who now entered the room were taller than the others, wore white robes and had white wings.

"RISE! The honorable judge Harahel enters the room!" Both shouted at the same time.

As Adam got up, a middle-aged man entered the room and sat behind the large desk. This man was the only one besides the two lawyers whose faces Adam could see, the others were kind of blurry. He had small round gold glasses on his nose, short gray hair and brown skin. But most noticeable were the four white wings on his back.

"You may sit down!" shouted the two big angels, who took their place next to the judge.

A common man who kills an innocent usually gets at least 100 years in Hell, but thanks to Adam's lawyer, who was really good, he only got 1159 years. Adam had killed 16 people, well 16 bandits, plus a few minor things, that would probably have brought his sentence to at least 2000 years of hell. But after only a few years, Adam was able to escape.

Autor Note:

Yeah, I know... I've started a few novels lately and never continued them. I just stopped enjoying these novels after a while. That's why I didn't publish this one, but since a few chapters have piled up so far, I wanted to share them with you. Maybe you like what I wrote in my little free time. I really wanted a character that would NOT go to the adventurers' guild. At first, I thought of a salesman, but in the end, I came up with something else. I am not a professional! Just an amateur writer doing this in his very limited free time because he enjoys it, so you'll find mistakes and things that may not quite add up, but I hope you enjoy reading.

More coming soon....