
Erotic God

What happens when the wealthiest person in the world gets transmigrated into an Eroge game he made himself. Well a lot of things happen that you can only know unless you read this novel. Watch as Travis, traverses this world filled with countless threats. THERE IS NO YURI OR NTR!!!!! [ This is a rewrite. I hope you enjoy it, hope it doesn't flop low-key]

NOTAKING · Fantasie
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24 Chs


They all left the combat dome; everyone felt a bit motivated after they fought. Even if some had lost, Samantha's words sort of encouraged them to grow even stronger. This also changed everyone's view on Travis; they were surprised to see him fight Valentina so easily.

Since young, Valentina has been the strongest of them all. Travis pulled up out of nowhere and completely soloed her. Even though, in the end, Valentina showed equal power to his, they knew that if Travis wanted, he could have won the fight.

Valentina noticed this after the fight; Travis was holding back. It did kinda piss her off because Travis treated her like a kid. But after experiencing a boost in power, she internally thanked Travis for drawing the fight longer. Even if it hurt her pride, she still felt a bit grateful. She even thought of giving him some kind of reward, but she didn't know how to go about giving it.

The other girls started respecting Travis a little, but they refused to let him be the strongest, so they told themselves that moving forward, they would work even harder to close the gap between him and them. While Chris and Kevin wanted to ask Travis to train them, he was, of course, going to refuse. Not that he hated the thought of making them stronger; it's just that he knew they would easily become strong on their own.

They arrived in class; there was no teacher inside, so they assumed it was yet another free period, but of course, this mf David would arrive.

"Let's go! Today, we're testing your super bodies' limits."

After saying that, he walked out. Everyone groaned in pain, knowing they had to use their bodies again. Slowly getting up while slouching, they went to the fields following David's command.

When they arrived, David told them to go change, and that's what they did.

"Okay, guys. Today we'll be doing simple athletic training, but you're using your super bodies. Now I don't want any of you to make a mess. We'll go by your class list."

The first one on the list was Scarlett; she approached the first test, which was a long jump that stretched half a football field. This ground was, of course, used by the first years since the upper classes could jump the whole field just by thinking it.

"Alright, go."

She sprinted in fast but visible speeds, reached the first line, skipped to the next till she got to the last, and used her right foot to launch her high into the air. Scarlett flew till she reached the spot where the sand was about to end; she landed on the edge of the field, making a huge crater under her feet.

"Well, I guess that's easy for y'all. Let's finish with this so I can go on my break."

After that, everyone had their turn; everyone did just the same or better. Nobody really cared about who was best because none of them used their full power. The next test was the long put throw. The ball was much heavier than a normal ball; it was made of the same material as the hero's weapons. It was a fairly easy throw for them all, though.

After that, they had nothing else to do. Since David understood that everyone was pretty jacked and fit, he told them to take a break. While they were having a break, he returned back to his office and ate his food.

'Well, I guess we didn't have to worry after all. I guess if we follow the normal period schedule, then the next class is Survival.'

"Hey Travis!" Grace called out to Travis as she ran to him.

When she reached him, she continued, "Can you tell the boys to come hang with us? We're playing some games and we need extra players."

He nodded in response, "Thanks, you'll find us in class." She then ran back.

'Where are the Bros? Haven't seen them since Coach David left.'

He then heard the sound of swords clashing not far from here. Travis blitzed somewhere close to that spot; he saw Kevin and Chris fighting with each other on the tennis court. Since there was now a net, they had a whole open space to fight.

'Wow, these guys have a lot of dedication.'

He sat there and watched them fight for a couple of minutes. Till they stopped due to exhaustion.

"Hey guys, now that you're done fighting, come to class!"

After saying that, Travis walked off, leaving them baffled since they couldn't sense him.

"Travis might be hiding his strength," Chris said.

Kevin nodded and replied, "Yeah maybe. I guess we'll find out in the future. I'm convinced that what he showed us during the sparing lessons wasn't his full power."

Travis had arrived in class; he saw the girls playing cards, so he joined in. After a couple of minutes, Kevin and Chris came, and they also joined.

In the faculty office.

Samantha is currently sitting in her own office; she was reading a novel she had recently picked up when she arrived back in the Kingdom. She then heard a knock on the door.

"You may enter."

The person opened the door and got in. This was David; he had just finished eating his food and came here to ask Samantha about the class.

"So, how were they?"

"They were really good, even though I did expect more from them. Especially from Chris, who has the leader of the past hero party's sword."

"Well, they still have a lot of time to get stronger. But I'm honestly here to ask about Travis."

"Oh him, he really intrigued me during his fight with Valentina. He seems to know a lot about hand-to-hand combat, but he never uses his full capabilities. Well, he was about to, but I stopped him."

"So you also think he's a little mysterious?"

"Yes, I do. I'm gonna keep a close eye on him when we have our combat classes. He might mistakenly reveal his true intentions to us if he's really a future threat or if he's just a normal young man who happened to awaken SSS tier talent. Time will tell, I guess."

"Okay then. Do you want to get something to eat after this?"


"I'll take my leave then."

David then walked out of the room, cringing hard at what he just did. While Samantha continued to read her novel.