
Erotic God

What happens when the wealthiest person in the world gets transmigrated into an Eroge game he made himself. Well a lot of things happen that you can only know unless you read this novel. Watch as Travis, traverses this world filled with countless threats. THERE IS NO YURI OR NTR!!!!! [ This is a rewrite. I hope you enjoy it, hope it doesn't flop low-key]

NOTAKING · Fantasie
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24 Chs

First Hunt Final Part

Yet, before Travis could move, the Mega skeleton stomped its foot on the ground, creating a massive earthquake. Travis lost his balance a little, but he still stood straight. The mega skeleton was trying to intimidate Travis, but it didn't work. He clenched his fists into a ball and sprinted towards it; it was about to crush Travis with its foot, but he dodged to the side.


Travis went under its feet and threw a strong punch at its heel.


The bone cracked slightly, a mere fissure in the skeletal structure. However, it didn't inflict substantial damage. In retaliation, the Mega skeleton forcefully swung its foot back at Travis, the impact striking him with brutal force. Travis was sent hurtling through the air, his body colliding with a towering tree. The collision was thunderous, echoing through the forest as the tree branches shook violently from the force of the impact. The bark splintered, and leaves scattered in the aftermath of the collision. Travis crumpled to the ground, his back absorbing the shock of the collision with the sturdy trunk. Blood oozed from his mouth as he lay sprawled on the forest floor, the resonance of the impact still reverberating in the air.

" Ahhh!" Blood came out of his mouth as he coughed out. Travis's eyes blazed with fury as he lifted his head, the intensity of his anger reflected in the fiery gleam within them. With a controlled rage, he rose to his feet, muscles tense and fists clenched. However, the skeleton, devoid of emotion, swiftly countered, delivering a powerful kick that sent Travis crashing backward, his body colliding forcefully with the unyielding bark of the tree behind him.

As Travis careened through the dense forest, his impact shattered branches and leaves, the sound of splintering wood echoing through the air. Each tree he collided with bore the brunt of the collision, bending and breaking under the force of the collision. The smaller trees snapped like twigs, their trunks unable to withstand the momentum of Travis's crash.

Finally, he came to an abrupt halt against a massive tree, the collision sending shockwaves through its sturdy frame. As he crumpled to the ground, a cloud of dust and debris erupted, enveloping the immediate surroundings. The groans of pain escaped Travis's lips, a testament to the toll the collision had taken on his body. Despite the agony, he gritted his teeth and rose again, determination etched on his face as he assumed a defiant fighting stance amidst the aftermath of the chaotic encounter.

"I won't back down," echoed relentlessly in Travis's mind. He embodied the spirit of a classic shounen protagonist, an unwavering force of resilience. Refusing to succumb to the trials, he radiated an unyielding determination that fueled his every move.

[ Ding ]

[ Congratulations, Host. You've unlocked the (Unstoppable Will) skill. Harness the might of your adversary, attaining their strength and speed temporarily. Be warned: side effects include nausea and intense pain. Duration of use limited to 5 minutes.]

' Well, screw you, System. It doesn't matter. Turn on the skill.'


Travis found himself engulfed in a dark red aura, its intensity radiating like a flickering flame. The vibrant aura cast a crimson hue across the surroundings, transforming the environment into a sea of red brilliance. As the aura blazed, powerful gusts of wind spiraled around Travis, swirling leaves and debris in a chaotic dance.

Within this fiery cocoon, Travis sensed a surge of strength coursing through his body. It was as if the very essence of the crimson aura infused him with newfound power. The winds, now an extension of his heightened vigor, seemed to respond to his unwavering determination, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle that echoed the force of his Unstoppable Will.

" Alright, let's do this." He said as he smirked. Travis leaped into the air with explosive force, the ground beneath him yielding to the sheer power of his ascent. A resounding crack echoed as the earth fractured, and he soared skyward, leaving behind a sprawling crater below. The impact carved a deep indentation in the terrain, a testament to the incredible energy unleashed in his leap.


In a breathtaking moment, time seemed to halt as Travis materialized in front of the skeleton's head. The world around them stood still as he drew back his fist, the very air pulsating with an eerie stillness. His fist ignited with a crimson glow, flames dancing along its surface, casting an otherworldly hue in the suspended moment.

With a surge of unstoppable speed, Travis propelled his blazing fist forward, covering the distance in the blink of an eye. In less than a second, the fiery impact met the skeletal skull, a collision that transcended the boundaries of time and unleashed a burst of energy, leaving an indelible mark on the battlefield.


Its skull shattered completely.


As Travis's blazing fist connected with the skeletal head, a resounding crack echoed through the air. The impact shattered the skull into fragments, the remnants of bone scattered like macabre confetti. The force unleashed, however, didn't end there.

The skeleton, now a puppet of inertia, was sent hurtling backward with tremendous speed. It became a fleeting silhouette against the backdrop, tracing a trajectory that marked its descent into the distance. Upon collision with the ground, an explosive shockwave rippled through the terrain, pulverizing the floor underneath.

The earth trembled as if protesting the intrusion, creating a chaotic dance of debris and displaced soil. A network of cracks sprawled outwards, forming a web of destruction in the aftermath of the powerful blow. The battlefield bore witness to the dynamic symphony of destruction, a vivid testament to the force that had just reshaped the landscape.

'Travis marveled at the aftermath of his feat. "That was epic," he thought, admiring the havoc he'd unleashed. Descending with the finesse of a seasoned warrior, he touched the ground, landing on his feet effortlessly. The echoes of his triumph resonated in the altered landscape, and Travis stood there, a victorious silhouette amid the remnants of the battlefield.

' Man, this was so awesome. I feel like a main character right now!' He thought in amazement.

[ Warning 2 minutes left till Skill: Unstoppable Will goes on drawback mode]

'Damn, I guess that's my cue to leave.'

As Travis sprinted through the forest. Each stride propelled him forward, a blur amidst the towering trees. Reaching the wall, he executed a powerful leap, the rush of wind intensifying as he propelled himself into the air, effortlessly landing atop a conveniently placed building.

With agile grace, Travis navigated the rooftop landscape, leaping from one structure to the next in a seamless dance of momentum. Time seemed to blur as he covered the distance with astonishing speed, the cityscape unfolding beneath him. In what felt like mere moments, he arrived at his apartment.

Ascending the stairs, the thud of his steps resonated with the pulse of his exhilaration. Pulling out his keys, Travis swiftly unlocked the door, stepping into the familiar sanctuary of his room. The echoes of his journey still reverberated, a symphony of motion and achievement lingering in the air.

' Home sweet hom-Arhrhhhhh, fuckk!!!'


Travis fell to the ground and rolled over and over. The pain he felt was much bigger than the one he had felt when he got crushed to the ground. Speaking of that, he also started to feel all the pain he got from the fight.

'Fuck, man, I hate this skill. I'm not Zoro who actually enjoys pain.'

Yet even though he felt so much pain, Travis refused to let himself scream, for he found that would be very disgraceful in such a situation.

Back at the forest.

Hunters arrived at the sight of the fight. They all saw the many dead skeletons on the ground and the destruction done to the environment.

" What happened here?" One of the hunters asked.

" It might have been a monster fight from the looks of it. But why was a level 5 skeleton doing in this area, also which monster destroyed it is the bigger question," the team captain said.

" I think we have to report this to HQ, sir, so that they can investigate. " The vice captain requested.

" Sure, do that but I want a full report back. This is our investigation, and I don't want any other person to get the credit," the captain said.

With that, they all instantly vanished from the sight, leaving the area quiet as usual.

Back with Travis, who was still rolling around on the floor. He was wondering when the fuck this mode would end.

[ DRAWBACK MODE: Deactivated]

[ Host are you okay?]

The robotic yet concerned voice rang in Travis's mind. ' Fuck you, you bitch. That was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life, and I'd very much like to never feel it again so please show me the skill when I'm in a tough spot,' he said to the system.

[ Good Choice Host]

With that, Travis slowly got up from the ground; every fiber of his body was aching like crazy. Well, except his balls and cock, or Travis wouldn't want to live anymore.

' how the fuck did my balls survive when I got crushed. Well, I won't question it because whatever prevented it did me a great favor.'

He slowly walked to the shower and turned it on. The hot water rained down on his body, which gave him yet another wave of pain. Yet he could handle it. All the blood on his body got rinsed off. Travis got out of the shower and threw himself on the bed.

' Fuck, I hope things get better from now.'

His hopes will soon be crushed by reality for this world's threats are much larger, stronger, and much faster than the monsters he fought today. He better buckle up or he might die before he could even get to meet a single heroine.