
What Makes a King

Eros palms impales zuko stomach and his back hits the rim of the ship.

"Is that all? I ask you again what are you fighting for?"

coughing up blood Zuko slowly gets up "I I am fighting to regain my honor and return to the fire kingdom." he runs over tries to punch Eros but Eros redirects it and flips Zuko over.

"Oh really interesting now but are you sure"

"shut up" he begins attacking again and again. This has been going on for days

"ohh so the spoiled prince is going to cry again."

Zuko anger got to him and he attack more aggressively but it was effortlessly deflected

"so quit to anger and you don't even know what your goal is" Eros sneered

"UGH I wont lose to you " Eros goes behind Zuko trips his feet and he is in the air then slams him into the ground" Zuko because unconscious

"Ouch be careful you may end up killing him"

"Oh Uncle Iroh your done with my training I'm giving you"

"yeah I just finished" Iroh says coming back from his workout Eros had giving him

"Seriously who would think to manipulate your body like that..but I was hoping you cut him some slack hes still young"

"hmm well lets heal him and wake him up."

Eros made a pool that heals all minor and strengthens the body. the only thing is its painful he is training Iroh and Zuko with this.

"AHH Zuko wakes up and screams"

"oh your back I was hoping *cough* I was worried you died

"did you just wish my death"

"no no why would I do that"

"I want to know why I cant beat you"

"oh simple your weak"


"well first you have to know whats your goal and who are your true enemies"

"I told you over and over again its to reclaim my title and my enemy is the avatar"

"oh and let me ask you something why"


"why are you so determine to reclaim your title?"

"it is my natural birth right. I was born to be come the next fire lord"

Eros started laughing

"whats so funny "

"the rightful are was Iroh but your father took it from him"

"Uncle Iroh gave up the throne and grandfather final words was for father to become the next fire lord."

"hmm still young and naive..."Eros shakes his head Eros then leaves the pool

"where are you going?" Zuko shouted

"it is foolest to listen to someone who wont listen to others"

Iroh in the back singing "be happy"

The next day during hand to hand training Eros ask a different question.

"What will you do once you get the avatar ?"

"I AHH *tap tap* after earning fathers respect I will then regain my title as crown prince of the fire nation"

"And then"

"And then I'll eventually become the fire lord"

"oh so you want to become the fire lord"

"Yes no I mean I want to honor my father and become a worthy son to him"

"oh and is by getting the Avatar that? Let me ask you something. are you stronger than your sister?"


"Have you ever beating your sister?"


"Has your father ever praised you?"

"Stop that's because as a fire prince I have to be strong"

"oh but how do you know what a prince is suppose to be"

"What of course I know"

"let me ask you something. Do you what makes a great king?

"well power"

"oh you are right but its more to that"

"more what respect"

"you don't have that once you get back you wont have that either"

"... I'll earn it"



"Why are their commoners?

"because they are weaker than the royalty

"So your saying they shouldn't be respected"

"yes commoners should just be proud to serve us"

"ok then what if a commoner is more powerful than the royalty"

"Thats impossible"

"... A successful king should understand that ignorance is a choice. Stupidity is a choice. Wisdom is a choice. And yes, you guessed it. The choice is yours. you say you want to be fire lord but you never mention why YOU want to be king just you want to please your father and not understanding your situation

"Desire without knowledge is not good, and to be overhasty is to sin and miss the mark." We need to establish there is a distinct difference between wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Your banishment why did your father fight you instead of the general.

You can be wise, successful, wealthy and stupid all at the same time simply because of your associations. think about you were betrayed by your men. They listened to another person instead of you. How is the Fire nation going to follow you

"A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth." A good name is the result of integrity, character and reputation. Once a good name is tarnished, it is most difficult to ever restore. Please note that I said difficult to restore . . . not impossible. Think of your Uncle and how they look down on him now but do you think bad of him"

Leadership starts with you. It's you setting the example. Anything is possible for the person [that's me!; that's you!] who believes.

"But I..."

" Someone once defined hell as the day the person you became meets the person you could have become."

"I have to go I have lots of stuff to think about"

As he was leaving Eros said something that struck his core

"I find it strange through the day your father was named emperor, the day your mother disappeared the day the previous fire lord died...the day your grandfather talked about killing you... I wonder if they are connected" Eros then walks away. Iroh was shocked

"Zuko what does he mean you were suppose to die..."Zuko just gain a memory he long forgotten.

Sorry I read promise today so I wanted to talk about the past and wanted Eros to effect Zuko early on

Oh should Zuko have a harem I have a girl perfect for him...

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