
Eros Destroying the Multiverse

Eros the god of Lust is a primeval god whose mischievous meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals caused bonds of love to form and drama to unfold. Feeling frustrated over being with a single wife he begins to make mistakes till the gods are pissed off One thing led to another and Zeus gave him the power Dimensional travel. (the gods wanted him to leave and never come back.) Eros will travel to many worlds not caring about the plot or fate of the universe. (not that he knows it) even if the guy is 'heavens child' (plot armor) he might still take his girl. First world- SAO disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/579757112268161037/579759559011205122

DemonKingVan · Anime und Comics
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Thats not a weapon

"Damn I finally got rid of that bastard... WHERE IS HIS SOUL!"

she looks and tries to sense Eros Soul but she can't seem to find it.

A huge light that nearly blinds the mother goddess. Then a handsome man comes out smiling wearing a new armor (https://i0.wp.com/xivstyle.com/img/combat/pvp/garo/goldenwolf//m_oth_f.png?ssl=1) "whew that was close I thought I was a goner for a second. "

"you how did you survive that. I know I chopped your head off"

"did you now? " Eros checks his neck "My neck seems fine...Oh I know what it was its my new weapon check it out "

"what that's not even a weapon"

{flash back that will span years}

***Greek realm Psyche home***

"Eros what are you making? "

"Oh I'm making a new weapon like it"

"...what is it"

"not sure meh I only use a bow but I start I use this"

"what can it do"

"IDK I haven't completed it..oh here put some of your power into it"

"...ok here you go"

"no, put your heart...no your feelings of me into it"

She blushed and did

***TDG realm Asuna POV***

"Oh your weapon? how is it going it looks almost complete"

"It is check this out..oh you girls perfect I need all you to put your feelings for me into this weapon"

"...is that a weapon whats it called" I look at the piece of paper "X blade? is that even a name?"

"no its not an X The letter "χ" is the letter chi from the Greek alphabet. This is why the name of the weapon is spelled "χ-blade", but pronounced "Chi-blade"

"Lame" all the girls laughed

"Eros you have bad naming sense"

"Ugh you girls don't understand"

Eros puts away his weapon..."its almost complete it just needs something else...Oh, Asuna how is your new power?"

"Ugh its a pain...every time is kind of painful but its kind of nice knowing that I'm the only one who can restrain you"

"...I guess but your still weaker than me so it doesn't work that much"

"well careful now I might surpass my husband"

"haha like that will happen, "Eros said that but later that day he pushed down her and the other girls to improve his strength and was more intense than ever...

"what are you two talking about"

"Eros I want a new power also "


"Eros "


"you are the one who brought it up."

"girls listen here shes different than you she is..."

***TDG Clio***

"Wait I need you to check this out"

"That is a ******"

"yeah I mean no its call chi blade..."

"oh so ok you want me to look at it"

"no transfer your feelings for me into the blade. " After she did Eros transferred something to her

"this is?"

"well, a new power but you must give up on greed... I suggest you do"


{Flashback end }

"Do you know what this is called its called the x-blade "

"because of its a key and a blade? hence keyblade"

(most people hear Keyblade even through its chi-blade)

"...its chi..... the ancient letter "χ", that he is not referring to a Keyblade that I use. that the letter itself carries a meaning of "death" and that it "spells endings"."

" Your point " She looked wary of him. She knew she felt killing him and eye of truth doesn't work on her...

"fine this ...x blade"(he just said x blade) " has three main abilities"

she preps herself for the face off

"first it can lock and open anything even realms that is obvious...meaning I can lock you here preventing you from leaving this realm.

"what that's impossible"

"Another ability is " Eros swings his x-blade at Mother Goddess

"AHH, what was that feeling was was I hurt" She was shocked she never felt pain before it was just a scratch but it shook her.

Eros smile "the second ability is to purify hearts and if you don't have hearts such as you laws and father then it can even get rid of you"

"no even if that...That's why you"

"haha, you realised it huh. Yup, I sent the Sins to cause chaos in order to weaken your control. you will lose your power and once I cause enough damage I will be able to seal away root and I could kill you without complications"

"I am root so how...you mean I won't have a "

"Exactly you will be like the air just a system. I will lock your mind away... it's from not having a heart how sad for your laws...There is one final ability to store it all inside. Something I was planning to store every heart inside a Kingdom Heart. It is the heart of all worlds and a source of great power and wisdom. It can be seen as the heart of everything.

That is also the reason why had them go causing havoc it makes getting hearts of the word. You laws are blocking my way to getting all the hearts. However, once I do I will kill father."

" I won't let you" She tried to attack Eros again but Eros

"Open Kingdom hearts...come forth hearts the keyblade opened a door and light shined like a laser to the door and hearts came flooded

She was pushed back" how is that so powerful...how can you control this so much...that isn't even weapon"

"your right its not. " blood was all over his face and he was getting weaker. Opening kingdom hearts took a lot out of him"its a heart of passion. The more passion I have the stronger it becomes and as the god of lust my passion is the strongest. "

The more hearts that went into the kingdom heart the more difficult it became to wield. "

As that was going on


"there is no way Eros would lose AHH...why does it feel like some is pulling my heart away...is this tears..."

"no its warm its like my heart is going to fight with Eros and my body knew ....GO EROS"

***Naruto world***

"huh first I feel Eros command now I feel like my heart is going to Eros location...huh" she looks to where Asuna and the others were and saw hearts go to them

"...." they didn't say anything


"thanks to their big sister" Psyche forms from the book Asuna had. She goes in front of her younger sisters."I used my paper to imitate them..well the crystals were their thing"

"it was a new crystal Eros and Rika made " Asuna stands up "it suppose to be able to fuse people together but Eros said its faulty so he will work on it some more

"how are you two able to more? No gods should be able to move here. "

"oh that's simple " Psyche and Asuna did Eros smile

"We're not gods"

"We're not gods"

"what that's impossible I know Eros made you Gods"

""oh he did but he has been working on something else to challenge the Sins a new power. Something that could rival the sins"

"That what we are...the virtues"

"I am the virtue of patience," Psyche said " I mean I have to wait for years for Eros to come see me"

"I am the virtue of chastity...I mean I have to be by his side and the only thing that can keep him down is me..

"well let's go little sister"

"Right " purifying the chasity of all the woman who slept with Eros on this planet.

"So fast." Asuna was able to break through where Sloth was. Sloth teleported but Asuna found her thanks to Psyche support by latching tracking paper on her. Any time Sloth tried to attack Psyche would block it

"this is cheating its two on one"

"This is Asuna" she runs and cuts her with her blade

"This is Psyche" she cuts her with her paper

"Back together" they cover each other

"And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you" Sloth flys up to fire one of her attacks

"Because I'm so much better" Asuna jumps on the paper

"And every part of me is saying go get 'er"Sloth fired one of her sunbeam

"The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules" The paper becomes a mirror and reflects it

"Come at me without any of your fancy tools" both fall to the ground and

"Let's go, just me and you"Asuna and Sloth rush each other

"Let's go, just one on two!" Sloth knocks Asuna weapon away but the paper becomes a sword and Asuna uses it and Sloth shot fire at her

"Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able!" Asuna uses waterbending to counter it.

"Can't you see that my relationship is stable?" Asuna was blasted away and sloth attacks with lightning dragon

"I can see you hate the way we intermingle"Asuna and psyche make a earth turtle

"But I think you're just mad cause you're single" the turtle was destroyed but so was the lightning

"And you're not gonna stop what we made together"sloth stops

"We are gonna stay like this forever"Asuna prepares her best attack

"If you break us apart we'll just come back newer"Psyche prepares her best attack too

"And we'll always be twice the women that you are"Sloth..Morgan Le Frey starts crying..

"Eh..are we the bad ones ?"

"Your song you I hate I hate you "


"you first tell me I can't be in Eros harem then you make fun of me because I was single"

"what are you talking about? Eros said you probably will be in his harem"

"yeah even I heard that?"

"huh didn't you say that you would get rid of me if I tried to get near him and say I was a sad girl who ."

"no I mean why would it bother me if you were a virgin or not...I control chasity "

"but if that is true then...greeed he must have tricked me.."


"so you attacked us because of that"

"well I can only use 1%of my power here so killing you wasn't likely. "


"yeah nice job to be able to handle 1 %"'well I wasn't trying to kill you through so that 1% was less than that but they don't need to know'

"Hmm, I feel you were holding back more than that but whatever. "

"yeah and I don't mind you in the harem"

"wait for your fine? you won't tell Eros?"

"No it's okay...this isn't the first time something like this happened let's just keep it between us girls"

"...I see speaking of which what was that chastity and patience thing"

"oh we have to give up our divinity for it..."

***Eros POV***

Eros made it so Mother goddess cant interfere with him while he is on his causing trouble in Mother goddess realm

"There is someone who tapped into your power on earth. Granting the user any wish they desire...I wonder what will happen if I make some wishes. "

Eros arrives on earth then he recieves a message from Clio

"Erotes did you use your command to make it so the Sins causes chaos in the multiverse"

"yeah haha its a way to get rid of the laws"

"...thats good in all but...was that a good idea?"

"what do you mean?"

"Wouldn't they kill the heavenly children...wouldn't that cause the most chaos"

"there is no way they would...They wouldn't be that stupid right?"

"Sloth like easy work, pride is pride...gluttony is well simple...and wrath wouldn't care"

"well we have no need for heavenly children...that was my plan all along." Eros starts whistling while sweat pouring on his back.

{oh incarnation did you think I was dead...how could I speak of the events if I was dead...Are you really my incarnation...wow not a wise one...is that why you're a virgin"}

Sometime in the future, a boy named Troy

"I'm not a virgin and damn me for feeling sorry for your death. Geeze and are you the reason everything got so messed up..Stop messing up the multiverse and taking all the girls...."


{are you talking to yourself now...how I know its because I'm not stupid like you...}

Yup Eros is a dick

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts