
Eros Destroying the Multiverse

Eros the god of Lust is a primeval god whose mischievous meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals caused bonds of love to form and drama to unfold. Feeling frustrated over being with a single wife he begins to make mistakes till the gods are pissed off One thing led to another and Zeus gave him the power Dimensional travel. (the gods wanted him to leave and never come back.) Eros will travel to many worlds not caring about the plot or fate of the universe. (not that he knows it) even if the guy is 'heavens child' (plot armor) he might still take his girl. First world- SAO disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/579757112268161037/579759559011205122

DemonKingVan · Anime und Comics
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182 Chs

Huh I made eden....neat

I then approached Enri. "Nemu I'm going take my time with your sister first then I will go to you."

I first hugged her and kissed her forehead. I then begin kissing her gently and massaging her tongue with mine. we kissed for minutes. she had tears in her eyes from being nerviness . I had her slowly take off her cloths as I watch playing with Nemu cute little breast. she was hiding her privates but I saw she was already wet from the kiss.

I went to her and carried her to the bed. the bed was cheap so it made noises when we on it. I held her left hand and gently massage it while I held her lower back and kissed her neck. and she was leaking more and more

"put it in please I can't take it much more I need it"

"your wish is my command" knowing she is the type who wants to feel that she lost her virginity I didn't erase the pain . but she still didnt feel much pain. after a few minutes i started moving. I was gently hugging and kissing her neck and made her feel loved. We even came at the same time. She felt bliss I then rolled over while inside her .

"what whats this" Missionary seem to be the only position they are told

"this is so I can see your face while we have sex and you can control the speed. It was slow and gentle as I held her and we kept going till she came again and passed out. I gently put her to the side. shes the type who likes gentle sex

Nemu was different she was younger so I decided to play a game

"Nemu lets play a game its to see who makes each other cum first. mark the loser body with this marker anywhere on the body. we'll keep playing till one of us passes out

"That sounds like fun I wont loser" she lost on her butt and pussy was labeled Eros property.

I saw Lupusregina Beta to the side and she was playing with herself and lots of fluids were falling from her knees. I couldn't let her suffer like that so I ripped her cloths and turned her to face the wall and fucked her like crazy. I undid her invisibility too so everyone could see her. Yeah it wasn't as gentle or fun as the other too I fucked her like crazy till she fell on the ground unable to moved

"now on you only listen to me alright"

"ye-yes Eros sama"

"good girl I'll reward you lots"

I saw the other two awake so it was a fun day. we had sex all day and night. Our love making inspired many others to have sex too... but thats a different story

I gave the girls each a feather and a drop of my blood. then we were off to E-Rantel is what I wanted to say but the villiage chief wanted us to stay and protect the villiage and Enri and Nemu were worried.

"sigh ok I'll help you a little because of my two wives here. It may take a while ok. " The villagers all nodded I then waved my hand remolded the houses to protect against weather and made grass and roads, had a natural hot springs, a beautiful fountain, in the center of town. A doe that made the crops taste, even better and never go bad... ok I made the village into a eden. I then made a Spinx to protect the village it was stronger than a world item, I then had Enri use her summoning powers in the graveyard and revived the fallen people of battle and they revived as 1st class angels. Enri and Nemu were emotional with their parents but happy to introduce them to their husband.

Well after a lot of drama we went on our way to E-Rantel. Oh sorry I should say me and Enri went there. beta and Nemu found out about my dimension and went inside it and started having fun making things and chatting with their new sisters. I also found out they can watch some of my memories like love stories. Like me and Psyche and others too but nothing about my sex life ...

I held Enri hand as we flew with magic. Rika also made a outfit for Enri after meeting her https://cdnc.lystit.com/photos/f5ab-2014/03/18/aqua-white-gown-grecian-pleated-blouson-gowns-product-1-18510587-0-948453685-normal.jpeg

I notice after the girls became goddesses they have love doing their favorite things more. Rika really loves outfits. Yuna loves singing, Silica is the worse through she loves collecting rare beast and raising them. but only the ones she finds cute. one which is a giant hamster...she is annoying. she acts calm around silica and around me she tries to flirt with me I named her hamtaro. how do I know shes flirting with me? Shes releasing her pheromone every time she walks near me in a room..Not like I will sleep with her..

we walk into the adventure guild and everyone staring. why because look way too good to be adventures, then our outfits don't seem that strong my new outfit is this https://cdn.instructables.com/F1R/5K36/J8F634O7/F1R5K36J8F634O7.LARGE.jpg

oh we ended up as the highest ranked adventures. I just showed I subdued the wise beast or whatever Hamtaro was called and rode him they instantly gave me a high rank... I'm just curious isn't she just a giant hamster...Its not like I manipulated the guild master...

I decided to go to the inn's bar and have a cup of nectar just a little bit I'll have Enri make sure I don't drink to much...

***a week later**

Eros is in a strange bed with 3 naked women covered in Eros scent. Eros recognized one of them it was Enri the other one was a red haired humanoid hamster... yeah it was hamtaro looking like this https://cdn7.bigcommerce.com/s-pqndnq/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/977/12777/JV131_b__40727.1412608291.jpg%20https://cdn7.bigcommerce.com/s-pqndnq/images/stencil/500x659/products/977/12777/JV131_b__40727.1412608291.jpg?c=2

the final one was a woman around twenty years old, with short blonde hair and delicate features, giving her a cat-like appearance. her name is clementine...

I sent Yui a message and she came out of my back

We teleported somehwhere else but not before puting on some cloths

"Yui what happen this week?"

"Daddy were you drinking again?"

"a little bit"



"ehmm so what happen?"

"lets see you had helped many people in town you were cleaning up bandits and you met up with Shalltear who was brainwashed healed her and she almost raped you. but you stopped her and you annihilated the enemies taking Shalltear because Ainz made a mistake. You then met up with a woman named Clementine and challenge her to a fight if you beat her she becomes your woman...kind of barbaric but she liked it she likes stronger men you instead of fighting took out your dick and well yeah fought in bed. she now calls you master acting like a cat.

"but where am i?

"Well Shalltear told you where Sebas and Soution were staying and you were going to visit them and told Shalltear to make a room for you but not tell Ainz. you then decide to go on a date with Enri and saw a slave girl about to be killed. you saved her and brought her with you to the mansion and told Solution that your going to review her performance shes done... and to wait with Shalltear in there room and then you well healed the girl Tuare talked with her and helped her cope. you summoned hamtaro too and calm her and clementine told stories of how when she was a kid she went to similar things sold as a slave and one thing led to another and you guys had a orgy...Hamtaro evolved too"

"oh I see so not much then oh where is Tuare ?"

"You were sleeping on her stomach and she was patting your head"

"haha ok well I have to return to them before they wake up "

"ok I'm going to go with Ninja sis to Re-Estize Kingdom." they both left without Eros being able to respond."

Eros teleported back to his girls and smiled

'I wonder how long before the kingdom tries to contact me? rumor is the princess is beautiful... hmm so many girls to do so little time...' the girls slowly woke up.

"Girls I'm going to talk to Shalltear and Soultion I will be back soon"

"master dont break them ok"

"were just talking ok just talking" Eros said as he walked out


sorry sebas

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts