During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
Koharu moaned as Naruto's tongue began lapping at her cunt, and his hand reached up to squeeze her breast. She basked in the feeling of pleasure growing from her lover's tongue and from the silk of her dress as it rubbed against her hardened nub while he fondled her breast. She let herself get lost in the feelings as her mind replayed the events of the last few weeks. Most notably that as far as Konoha was concerned, Elder Koharu was dead, having gone peacefully in her sleep. She had been tempted to attend the funeral held in her honor, but had refrained since she was confident that outside of her Family most would only be attending because of her station, not who she had been. Instead, she had spent the day being fucked senseless by her lover, who had sent a clone to attend in his place.
Ultimately she had skipped her funeral because she hadn't wanted to reflect on how empty that life had been, which although filled with triumphs. Had also included actions that had created the same type of bitterness and hatred in those affected by her actions as she had just heard Naruto express. That was why she had decided it was time for Elder Koharu to die and for her to be replaced with Koharu of the Black Fox gang. Having committed many sins while believing they were for the best, she wanted to act as Naruto's conscious. To use her past mistakes to help prevent him from repeating them while acting as Menma.
At the moment, he didn't seem to have much issue with traversing the difficult waters of being a gang boss. Having taken over one of the weaker ones located in a town called Ironfog, which was in the Land of Rice Paddies. Naruto had quickly restructured the gang and how it took in wealth. For starters, at the brothel he had forgiven all the women's debts as many of them had started in the business through methods that would have had the woman Kohana joining them. Yet, to both Naruto and her surprise many of the women had wanted to keep on working, especially with most of their profits no longer going to pay the debts their husbands or fathers had used to sell them to the brothel in the first place. As such, Naruto had simply begun charging them for the rooms they used, with the more successful women being able to afford the better rooms in which to entertain their guests, it had many of them working harder in order to please their customers. Naturally, having such passionate women on hand caused business to boom so that it was generating more money than ever before. A few of the more popular women of the night from competing brothels had asked for the chance to work there. A fact which had the owners of those contracts feeling rather nervous, especially if he agreed since Menma was developing a reputation of not taking no for an answer.
However, for now, Naruto hadn't upset any of the competition too much which was good as The Brothel, now called The Fox's Lair, with the women working their affectionately calling themselves vixens, also served as The Black Fox gangs headquarters. Koharu knew many of the women working there had offered the man that they knew as Menma a chance to sample the goods free of charge. But, to date Koharu was the only one who got to enjoy the pleasure of his company in bed, at least as far as they knew.
The other two major sources of revenue the gang had going for it were its Gambling house, and the protection fee that they charged the local businesses. The gambling house, unlike the brothel had suffered some revenue losses, although it was still profitable. But the primary reason for the change was because Naruto set strict debt limits for all its patrons and if a person hit that limit he or she wasn't allowed to gamble again until it was completely paid off. It turned out to be a net gain for the group however, since most gangs wanted those gambling with them to overextend themselves so they could gain something more valuable. Kohana's father had been one such person, but had then gone off to another gang's gambling house. That group had used his habit to purchase a stake in his business, and then had set designs on his daughter which had forced Naruto to step in. The rival gang's leader hadn't been too keen on selling the man's debt to them, but Naruto had Koharu convince him by having her demolish his personal guard. Needless to say, he saw the benefit of accepting the large sum of money rather than the invitation for an extended hospital stay that she would have offered otherwise.
If Naruto was conflicted by anything it was the protection racket they were running, since for the other gangs such a thing meant they weren't going to torch the businesses that paid them. It was obvious that most of the businesses paying them, feared stopping would result in the Black Fox wrecking the stores. Something which one business had recently done, but as no immediate reprisal had come about several other stores were obviously contemplating it. Which was putting Naruto in the difficult position of needing to strong-arm them. However, he didn't want to do so, and as such was waiting for the right situation to come about for him to step in. Which was due to happen sooner rather than later as some of the gang had preferred the way the old boss had done things, and were bristling under Naruto's order that the shop not paying was to be left alone.
But, Koharu pushed it out of her mind as she was overcome by pleasure and ground her pussy against her lover's face while she climaxed. Naruto licked up her liquid offering before standing to push his cloak free of his body. He then leaned forward allowing her to capture his face between his hands and pull him into a kiss. She moaned as much from the kiss as from tasting herself on his lips. Her moans only grew in volume as he freed his cock and he began sliding it against her pussy. Koharu wrapped her legs around him in order to pull him towards her, and as he didn't resist reached between them to guide his dick into her.
Koharu leaned back and let out a loud moan as she felt no shame in alerting half the building that her lover was inside her again. In fact, she delighted in their knowing which was why unlike back in Konoha when they had used the Hokage's office when they had gotten frisky, she made no move to activate the privacy seals.
Naruto smirked from her cries as he pounded her insides while he said, "You've become quite the vocal woman in your new life. Are you crying out to make the other women jealous, or to make your claim on me clear?"
Koharu wrapped her legs around her lover even tighter as he leaned down to nip at her breast through her dress. She lowered her head to his ear while she held him to her bosom as she whispered, "I might have to share Naruto Uzumaki, but Menma is all mine." Naruto chuckled as she added, "Well at least for now. I'm sure you'll find some female members for the Black Fox that you'll fully initiate."
Naruto groaned as she began squeezing her pussy around his dick as she neared her climax, which only caused him to speed up. He found the added resistance was causing his own to approach at a much faster pace, which he appreciated as he wished to cum along with her.
Koharu's cries grew more vocal as she said, "Yes, fuck me! Give me your cum! My pussy is so thirsty for it...fuck I'm C...."
Yet, as Koharu arched her back to ascend into heavenly bliss, the moment was shattered as the door to the office burst open and one of the Fox's lieutenants shouted, "Boss!!!"
Despite still exploding into her climax, aided by the feeling of Naruto's cum filling her up. She still managed to grab a cup which had been on the desk and threw it at the intruder as she shouted, "God dammit Ganju!"
The projectile caught the tall muscular man in his thick skull causing him to fall back as the cup shattered. He clutched his head as he rolled on the floor, giving Koharu time to come down from her climax. Naruto wore a half smile on his face as he pulled out of her, as he watched a scene which had unfolded several times already repeat.
Koharu quickly rolled off the desk and then smashed her foot down on the man skull. She did so in order to prevent him from looking up as she was tempted to let her lover's cum begin dribbling onto him as she shouted, "How many fucking times have I told you to knock before entering? And it should have been more than apparent that we were busy."
"She has a point," the disguised Naruto said having retaken his seat, "I'm beginning to think you are some kind of masochist."
"But Boss, you also wanted me to let you know as soon as those not pleased with how you are handling the situation with Daigorou the carpenter made their move."
Naruto sighed as he stood and began calling to one of his lovers who he felt would help him deal with the situation. Knowing she would appear on the teleport seal in his quarters at the Fox's Lair, he affixed his mask as he began walking towards the exit and patted Koharu's ass as he passed saying, "We'll pick up where we left off as soon as we deal with this."
"You bet we will," Koharu stated before addressing the man underfoot as she added, "And so help me Ganju, if you interrupt us again for anything less than the end of the world, I'm going to kill you."
The man nodded in the affirmative as best he could with the foot pinning him in place. He sighed as she moved off him to follow after Menma and then quickly got back to his feet wondering how the man that was letting him hold his head up with pride again planned to deal with those who wanted to be simple thugs.
Naruto once more wearing his cloak and mask as Menma moved calmly if somewhat briskly through the village of Ironfog. He could feel the eyes of many of the town's members drifting towards him, and many of the faces they belonged to twisted into different masks of fear, hatred, and disgust. He couldn't exactly blame them since the gang that had run the town before Koharu and him had appeared to destroy the previous leadership, and then rename the gang as the Black Foxes had delighted in bullying the populace. Although, truthfully Koharu had handled most of the dominating of the gang, which Naruto believed was why some of its members refused to follow his commands. Yet to the populace, he was just the current head of a long standing problem. There were a few faces that held admiration, but they belonged to people that much like Kohana had just learned, that he was cut from a different cloth as the typical gangster.
He fought back a sigh since he feared his altruistic nature might present a problem towards the goal his adopting the Menma persona was meant to achieve. Which was luring out the Shadow Cabal as he was convinced they had some hand in Sasuke's ability to amass followers and apparently quite a bit of funding. After all, he doubted the attack on the prison had been a cheap operation. Not to mention his willingness to sacrifice multiple bases. That had been one reason why after spending the night with Mikoto, he had decided to put his Menma plan into action. The other primary reason had been because of the visitor Mikoto had received that morning.
Recalling what had transpired when Sakura's mother had visited his Uchiha lover's apartment. "Who's knocking at this hour," Naruto said causing Mikoto to laugh lightly beside him since it had been close to noon as they had slept in. Mikoto moved to slip out of bed, and had to fight against his grip as he wrapped his arms around her stating, "Ignore it."
Mikoto was tempted to, but she peeled his arms off of her before grabbing a thin robe to wrap around her as she exited the room. Explaining why she couldn't she said, "I don't want to appear to be hiding away. Besides, it can't be any of your lovers trying to be sneaky. They would have just invited themselves in."
Naruto chuckled as he countered, "Unless they are trying to lure you away so they can have me to themselves. Don't be too surprised if they whisk me away while you're gone."
Mikoto turned as she tied the short robe around her. Lifting the front to expose her pussy to his gaze she said, "I'm sure the promise of you being able to pick up where we left off last night will keep you rooted in place." She smirked as she noticed the sheet covering his groin begin to tent, so feeling confident that he wasn't going anywhere turned to answer the door.
Closing the bedroom's door as she stepped into the living room she called out, "'I'm coming." She had a hard time not laughing since it had been a cry she let out the night before under different circumstances. That being the man currently in her bed and whose warmth she was looking forward to getting back to fucking her senseless. Reaching her door, she opened it and couldn't help looking shocked as she found one of the people her son's actions had hurt on the other side. It translated to her voice as she said, "Mebuki...!?"
"May I come in?"
Mikoto fought against looking towards her bedroom door. Although tempted to refuse she nodded as she opened the door fully before saying, "Of course."
Stepping into the apartment Mebuki appeared to take in all the packed boxes, and Mikoto though she heard some suspicion in the woman's voice as she asked, "Are you moving?"
The raven haired woman frowned since it sounded to her like the blonde was wondering if she was leaving to reunite with her son. But, she resisted growing angry since she supposed she could understand why the woman might be suspicion. Deciding to be upfront she said, "The Daimyo of Rain extended me an invitation to join an organization she is creating. I've decided to take her up on it. Recent events just convinced me it would be better to leave sooner, rather than later."
Mebuki turned to face her and seemed to be searching for the right words making it clear she didn't want to come off as offensive. "Kiku has heard rumors that Ame's leader wanted to reform that terrorist group. Considering your clan's history and son's recent actions. I'm surprised you'd still want to participate."
Mikoto crossed her arms and was aware her stance showed her agitation but forced herself to remain calm as she said, "I'm not my clan, and moreover tried to prevent it from rebelling. I only sided with them when it became clear Konoha was coming to kill everyone. I know that I'm not blameless in the tragedy, and as such bear some responsibility for how Sasuke turned out. But, I see helping Konan redeem Akatsuki as a chance to do some good."
Mebuki met the Uchiha gaze and neither woman appeared willing to back down but eventually the blonde woman sighed and with the action much of the tension bled out of her. "I'm sorry," she stated before turning away again. "I didn't sleep all that well during my hospital stay and checked myself out against their wishes. I honestly don't know why you were my first stop before even heading home." Sounding sad, the woman said, "Maybe I just didn't want to go to the place I shared with Kazashi since it'll seem so empty without him there."
"I'm so sorry for your loss," Mikoto said the words coming of their own accord.
"Thank you," Mebuki said turning to face her again upon hearing the honesty in her words. Responding to it she added, "I don't blame you for what Sasuke has done. There is enough of that to go around. Including how Konoha dealt with you and your clan. I'm sure if you had been there things wouldn't have turned out as they have."
Mikoto trailed off as the portion of the room Mebuki was standing in seemed to almost grow darker. She resisted rubbing her eyes as it almost seemed like the woman was radiating darkness and anger as she said, "But things have turned out this way. I don't blame you. But, Sasuke regardless of how rough he has had it deserves to die, and I plan to be the one that snuffs out his life. I just wanted you to be aware of that. I'll understand if you wish to stop me, but I won't let anything or anyone stop me from accomplishing it."
Mebuki began to make her way towards the entrance but stopped as Mikoto asked while keeping her back towards the woman's, "I'm sure Sasuke had the same attitude towards Itachi. What is it that will separate you from him in the end?"
"Nothing," Mebuki said honestly, "The truth is I could have easily turned out to be just like your son. But then I met someone that made me want to be a better person. He's gone now, and I'm going to kill the man that took him from me. I guess you can say I'm just reverting back to who I was."
"What about Sakura?"
Mebuki hesitated before opening the door, but answered, "I won't lie and say this is exclusively for her benefit. But, I imagine a world without Sasuke in it, is one that ultimately lets her be happier and safer. Yet, this is primarily for me. Your son took the love of my life. I feel that it is only fair he offers up his life in compensation."
Mebuki then stepped out of the room before closing the door behind leaving Mikoto feeling a cold chill in the woman's wake. A chill which was banished a moment later as a pair of strong arms encircled her. Arms which belonged to the man that she wanted to protect from her son, so helped her understand where Mebuki was coming from. Although, she feared that much like with Sasuke, even should the blonde woman succeeded, she'd find killing her target wouldn't be enough to quell the hatred and anger inside her.
Having heard Mebuki's talk with Mikoto through the door, had prompted Naruto to head into the Land of Rice Paddies to take over a local gang as Menma. He knew being so close to the Land of Lightning could be dangerous, since he was sure the Raikage might send some people after him. But, he had felt that doing so in the Land of Fire would only lend credence to the man's belief that Menma and Naruto were the same person. As such, he felt starting up in a neutral territory would be more beneficial. Not to mention, if he did have to face a few Lightning assassins it would only serve to draw out the Shadow Cabal as it cemented his reputation.
Naturally, he feared his more benign nature might not be the type of personality the Cabal would normally approach. But, he hoped to counteract this by being extremely successful. Plus, he suspected that it wasn't just missing-nin like Orochimaru or Sasuke that benefitted from their assistance. He was willing to bet quite a few of the more successful gangs were also in some form or another either serving them or were customers. Especially if they were correct in their belief that the Shadow Cabal wasn't so much into amassing power as it was in sowing chaos. This led Naruto to believe that the Cabal was already somewhat entrenched in the current power structures of the Elemental Countries. Yet, despite that, it somehow benefitted from supporting and raising up threats such as Sasuke.
If he was correct, then he felt even if he wasn't as bloodthirsty as the other groups if he destroyed enough of the ones supported by the Cabal it would prompt a response. One that he could track back to those who had ordered it. Or, if they were just interested in money the more successful that he was, the more likely it would be that they'd initiate contact. With those options before him, he stopped before the carpenter's shop where currently some of those not pleased with how he was running things had decided to educate him on how business should be handled.
He heard the sound of something being smashed, followed by someone shouting, "Listen here old man. I'm giving you one last chance to pay up or else we'll really need to start educating you on why it is important not to lapse on your protection payments."
An elderly sounding woman shouted, "Leave him alone! He can't give you what he doesn't have!"
"Shut up you old bat, or else you'll get the same lesson he's about to receive."
Before the threat could be carried out, Naruto entered into the shop sounding like a customer, "Hello! I'm looking for the owner of the establishment."
Entering the smashed up shop, he found his presence had acted like a person hitting pause during a scene in a movie. He supposed it was because both groups of people already gathered weren't sure what side of the conflict he would come down on. Taking in the carpenter who was on his knees being held by a Black Fox member named Dobengal, he could see the early signs he had been struck several times already appearing. Naruto felt his anger begin to spike, but it was mixed with some guilt as he had been aware the situation was brewing. Being held by two other members of his gang were the shop keeper's elderly mother in law and his daughter. Sitting in a back room was the man's wife, but she was bedridden as she had been struck by an illness which was bleeding the man of his means to pay the protection fees the gang charged all the shops in its territory.
Naruto focused on the lieutenant for a moment, who much like Kakashi wore a mask which covered the lower portion of his face. He was also dressed in what most people would consider traditional shinobi gear, at least as seen in movies. Dobengal, much as the other members of the Black Foxes, had all been members of the previous gang before his takeover. However, the young man had been the most resistant to the reformations that Naruto had made. Particularly since he was a believer in the philosophy that the strong have the right to pick on the weak. A belief the man probably had picked up as a member of the Sound Vilage before its destruction with Orochimaru's death.
Naruto had hoped his stance would weaken as it became clear the gang could continue to prosper without terrorizing the citizens of the port town. Seeing that wasn't going to be the case, he knew that he needed to put his foot down. Which he started to do, by completely ignoring the tense mood to say, "Hey old man, there was a nice comfy looking chair over here that I wanted to buy." Finding it smashed along with loads of other items, he said, "Dammit, look what happened to it. Who would do such a thing?"
Naruto could tell the carpenter was rather wary of naming the man that had just been intimidating him. However, his mother in law didn't appear to have the same restraint as she shouted, "Don't pretend like you didn't order these punks to try and intimidate us!"
"I see," Naruto said while shifting his gaze to the members of his gang. The two holding the women wilted visibly, but Dobengal refused to back down. Naruto approached him and then stepping before the carpenter assumed his best salary man apologizing to a boss position as he said, "You'll have to please forgive my men. They've obviously become confused in regards to my instructions. I'll pay for all the damages that they've caused."
Naruto could tell seeing the man they answered to prostrating himself for a person they had just been threatening caused all three men to grow angry. None more so then Dobengal who clamped his hand almost painful on Naruto's shoulder as he said, "The only thing we're confused about is umph?"
Spinning faster than most could follow, Naruto spun pulling his shoulder free and delivered a vicious backhanded fist that caught Dobengal in the jaw. The blow picked him up and carried him out through the large glass window of the shop. Naruto had to give the young man credit as after bouncing several times, he managed to recover as he dropped into a crouched stance. He then displayed his skill with the body flicker technique to almost instantly appear before his masked leader again. However, Koharu intercepted him as having donned a cloak similar to the one Naruto wore, easily kicked him back through the window. Meanwhile, Naruto had moved to grab the two men that were holding the carpenter's daughter and mother in law. Clamping them by the skulls, he smashed their heads into the walls behind them.
The events happened so quickly that the old woman hadn't even finished saying, "You'll be paying for that window as well." Before it registered that several of the room's occupants had shifted position and the man holding her had gone slack.
Naruto could tell Koharu was tensing making him suspect that Dobengai was preparing to attack again so ordered her to, "Stand down! I'll handle this."
Naruto displayed his own mastery of the body flicker technique to appear behind the crouched gang member. The man sensed his presence and spun pulling a glowing senbon which he tossed behind him as he leapt away. An attack Naruto easily dodged by tilting his head so that it flew past. He remained still as he noticed many of the town's populace gathering to watch the fight that they believed was about to unfold. He noticed quite a few of his gang's members among them.
Which Dobengai also took note of as he tried to insight a rebellion by saying, "You'd really attack your own men who were trying to collect for you, rather than the bastard that refuses to pay."
"Yes," Naruto replied straightforwardly, "Especially when the men doing it are acting against my orders. But, that is beside the point. I just hate bullies, particularly as they lack vision."
Naruto began pacing in a circle as the area behind him had filled with spectators and he doubted his opponent would care. Dobengai matched his movements while Naruto explained, "You attacked Daigorou and his family thinking what exactly? That if you got the money out of him, you'd prove your methods are the best way." Naruto stopped in front of the carpenter's shop confident that Koharu would be able to prevent any missed jutsu from causing damage. He then raised his hand and began wagging his finger as he chidingly added, "But what were you going to do the month after that? Or the following one? Did you even once think that perhaps he couldn't genuinely pay? I mean if this is how you did things before I came along, I'm sure he knew what not paying meant."
"Who cares?" Dobengai retorted angrily, "We'd have just beaten the old bastard and ran him out of town. Then we'd pass his share onto the rest."
"Thus making it likely that someone else couldn't pay down the road," Naruto replied before mockingly adding, "What would you do after you run everyone out of town? Move onto another? Your model is unsustainable."
"It's worked so far," the disgruntled man shouted before charging at the masked Naruto. His chakra extended from his hand looking almost like a rainbow which as he threw a punch elongated as if to pierce him. Naruto dodged the attack and as he had expected Koharu tossed a cabinet into its path after it missed him. The chakra pierced through it, forcing Dobengai to call it back. While the old woman called out how she was adding the lost furniture to the bill, Naruto followed along the retracting jutsu reaching him just as the it disappeared into his arm.
The gang member tried to leap away, but Naruto caught him in the stomach causing him to fold around his fist. He then followed up with his other hand, which he slammed down into the man's spine causing him to hit the ground hard enough to bounce. Dobengai looked out of it as he settled on the ground, but then he burst into smoke revealing several pellets which released even more.
He appeared over the smoke cloud that he had created and then tossed dozens of glowing senbon into it. Landing as the smoke began to disperse he smirked as he expected to see a senbon laced corpse. However, instead all he was greeted by was the sight of his senbon littering the ground with no sight of the person that they had been meant for. He began to scan the area, but focused on top of a nearby rooftop as the man he knew as Menma shouted, "Looking for me?"
Dobengai reared back as if to launch his Rainbow cutter again, but Naruto quickly body flickered again and appearing before the wide open man delivered a devastating upper cut. The blow caught him in the chin and lifted him up into the air. Naruto noticed his trajectory was going to carry him into the area that had just been laced with Senbon, many of which were sticking out of the ground. Not wanting to kill his opponent accidently, he flickered once more appearing beneath Dobengai, who he caught one handed, holding him above his head. He then unceremoniously tossed him onto his stomach just outside the senbon covered area.
The man tried to get back to his feet as Naruto began walking back to the carpenter's shop, but collapsed so settled for asking, "Why are you willing to protect someone that refuses to pay you? The strong deserve to push around the weak, and that money is so we'll overlook them."
Naruto paused as he said, "Who is the stronger? A coward picking on those he knows he can push around? Or a man willing to take a beating so his wife can receive the medical treatment that she needs?"
"What kind of garbage is that?" Dobengai said now finding the strength to get to his feet because of his anger. "I allowed Orochimaru to experiment on me to grant me power and you're saying that old man is stronger than me. I refuse to follow a fool such as you."
Suddenly a blade appeared along his throat as Jin said calmly, "Then there should be nothing to stop me from taking your head."
"Hold on now," Naruto said hoping to restore some measure of calm, "If I had wanted him dead, I'd have let the senbon do it." Focusing on his opponent, he said, "You confuse power with strength. They aren't the same thing. But, since you refuse to accept that simple fact, you are hereby excommunicated from the Black Foxes. Find someone's whose ideals more closely fit your own. That goes for all of you. If you refuse to do things my way, then be out of this town before the sun rises tomorrow."
Jin retracted his sword allowing Dobengai to leave, but Naruto smiled as the ronin Samurai followed in his wake. Confident he wouldn't let the ex-member cause any trouble on his way out, he turned his attention to Daigorou the Carpenter. But, he only made it as far as the entrance to the shop before the man's elderly mother-in-law barred his path while holding up an invoice as she shouted, "You said you'd pay, so pay."
Naruto's eyes nearly came out of his head at the amount, but aware the man used quality materials said, "Koharu, if you'll be so kind." He could sense the smirk that his lover wore as she produced a stack of money which she began counting off. She handed it to the elderly woman, who made a show of recounting it. When she was satisfied, she handed over a receipt prompting Naruto to address the carpenter, "Now, about the matter of you not paying your protection fee."
Daigorou was obviously surprised by the sudden return to the topic. But, sounding truly regretful said, "Lord Menma, I'm afraid that I can't afford to pay you."
Naruto simply turned his masked gaze towards the woman they had just handed a rather large sum of money too. Refocusing on the carpenter he countered simply, "That doesn't appear to be entirely true at the moment."
"But my wife is sick and we need that money for her treatment."
Naruto felt his heart go out for the man but replied, "I told Dobengai that I hate bully's because they are rather short sighted. I ask that you look to your own situation with a longer view." Naruto could tell the man was confused, but also that some of the villagers watching the situation unfolding who might have begun to respect him for dealing with Dobengai were reverting to their original views. But pressing forward he explained, "Your account with the gang lapsed just as I was taking over. I ordered my men to let you be, so when Dobengai ignored that order I stepped in. Now there is an angry former member of my gang running around out there, who knows your payments have lapsed. It doesn't take a genius to think that he might come back around looking for some payback."
"You bastard," the old woman said angrily. "That's why you didn't kill him."
"Think what you like," Naruto replied, "But I prefer not to use violence to solve my problems if I can help it. He wasn't, so I defeated him. With that being said, there is someone out there with a grudge against this shop and I'll not lift a finger to protect it should your account remain in the red."
Naruto prayed the man wouldn't call his bluff since his entire endeavor would fall apart. Particularly since if Dobengai did come back and he still acted on the carpenter's behalf, then it would show the citizens that he would protect them regardless. At which point they would probably stop paying. Fortunately, a weak sounding voice said, "Dear, please give him the money."
Daigorou's wife having left their living quarters and was currently leaning weakly against the frame of the door said, "He's right. Besides, I don't seem to be getting worse. I'm sure I can miss a few weeks of treatments."
"But mom, the doctor said that it was only because of his treatments that you've stopped deteriorating."
The woman gave her daughter a sickly smile as she said, "Which will not be an issue if this man comes back to kill us all."
"You should listen to your wife," Naruto said, "She's thinking long term."
The man hesitated for a moment, before finally nodding. Naruto held out his hand accepting the payment although he could tell the woman's mother handing it over hoped he was struck down. Tucking the payment into his cloak, he then snapped his fingers and another masked woman dropped down from the roof to land behind him.
"Who the hell is this," the mother-in-law shouted leaping back.
Naruto was glad to provide the answer as he said, "She also works for me as a personal physician." The masked Rin moved past him to begin assessing her patient. Focusing on the surprised carpenter and his family he said, "I was aware of your family's plight which is why I did ask my men to continue asking for payment. I know how the gang before us defined its protection, but I'm not like that. When a person pays me to be protected I assume it is from all of life's surprises. Be they bandits or sickness."
The Sick woman's mother eyed him suspiciously as she asked, "If you truly feel that way, then why not just tell us?"
"Would you have believed me?" Naruto retorted. "Besides, I expect your payments to be made in a timely fashion going forward. The next time they lapse, any situations that arises during that period will not be covered."
He was about to turn away, but stopped as Rin said, "Speaking of situations. I looked around some while you were entertaining everyone. I wish to confirm my diagnosis first. But, if I'm correct, I believe their doctor has been stringing them along."
Rin let a hardedge enter her voice as she explained, "Meaning the sickness that she has is difficult to treat, but there is a cure. Which means it is more profitable for him to simply prolong it."
Naruto frowned before saying, "Well, first confirm your hypothesis and if true. Koharu will arrange for us to have a talk with the doctor."
Turning, he began to leave in order to pick up where he had left off with Koharu, but stopped as Daigorou not believing how his fortunes had changed, "If what she says is true. Why would you act on our behalf?"
"Because you paid me to," Naruto answered proudly. "But besides that, a doctor who is bleeding his patients dry is taking money out of my pocket. In truth, it seems this doctor might be the cause of the mess to begin with, and if I leave him be, he might run his scam on another of my clients. Now as things stand you can get back to work and thus continue to pay me." The man inclined his head in gratitude, which Naruto mirrored as he said, "Thank you for your patronage. We'll take our leave now. Please don't hesitate to contact us if any other emergencies arise."
Walking through the village, Naruto felt more confident his plan could succeed, and even if it didn't, knew he could do some genuine good. For a price, which truthfully wasn't all that different from being a shinobi.