
77: Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part IV (2)

Karin stepped into the foyer of Kiyomi's mansion having left the main office of the Great Tree Shipping academy. She found it occupied by several women, all with the same color hair as her. The other women noticed her arrival so Mito said, "It seems we are all here now, so shall we get going?"

Fuka and Kiyomi nodded in agreement so they proceeded down to the basement, and through the tunnel that connected the mansion with the Den. From there, the women would head to the Hidden Eddy Inn. The reason for the underground journey was due to Kiyomi attending which considering her resemblance to Mito could raise a few questions if they were seen together. Still, it seemed that with Mito assuming the Bijuu's place as the public face for the owner of the Great Tree Shipping, Kiyomi had decided to regrow the nine braids that she had originally possessed when she had first create her human form. Furthermore, the pupils of her green eyes were now slitted like a foxes further alluding to her Bijuu nature.

Karin had been rather surprised to have received an invitation from Kushina a few days prior, especially as she had learned that Naruto's mother had made a point of inviting all the Uzumaki women within the Family. This had included Naruko and Sage, but the daughters of Kiyomi had declined. Wondering if the other women had some insights into what Kushina had planned she asked, "So, is there some sort of Uzumaki festival tonight that I should be aware of?"

Fuka simply shrugged her shoulders showing that she wasn't aware of anything special. But Kiyomi answered with an amused tenor in her voice, "Knowing her, she plans to spite the Hyuuga by spending the evening surrounded by fellow Uzumaki. Still, I'm not sure why she would invite me."

Karin figured that made sense considering the Hyuuga were making a grand spectacle for Hanabi Hyuuga's Fourteenth birthday. They had invited every active clan and the Hokage, yet strangely enough had left Naruto off of the list. When Kushina had heard she had apparently been so enraged that she had threatened to storm the Hyuuga compound to give Hiashi a piece of her mind, which most who knew her meant using her fists. Naruto had managed to calm his mother eventually, although Karin imagined it had involved distracting the woman with pleasure.

Karin suspected the reason Naruto hadn't been invited was due to his ties to her since the Hyuuga had business interests which competed against the Great Tree Shipping Company. Those interests were primarily the unions which ran all the ports along the Land of Fire's Eastern Coast. As such, she imagined the last thing they wanted was Naruto around. Especially since she didn't doubt the party might also provide the Hyuuga with the opportunity to form alliances with some of Konoha's other clans in order to garner support for their weakening financial and political position.

Kiyomi showed that she was thinking along similar lines by stating, "I have little doubt that tonight's celebration is to show those aligned with the Hyuuga that they are still a force to be reckoned with. The last thing one wants to do in such circumstances is invite a person with ties to a rival group. I doubt they would have invited Tsunade and the others if not for the fact that they may attempt to use the occasion to convince them to stop supporting their current economic policies. It is kind of hard to convince people to side with you if you exclude them."

Mito arched an eyebrow at the Bijuu asking, "You really think the Hyuuga believe they are going to win over Tsunade by not inviting Naruto?"

"Of course not," Kiyomi said quite confident that the blonde Senju was probably as angry about the insult to Naruto as Kushina. "But, I'm sure by now they know they aren't going to win her over. Inviting her and having her show up is more about demonstrating the power of their clan. After all, the Hokage doesn't just show up when most people send out an invitation. I'm sure she considered rejecting the invitation. But, doing so could just as easily backfire against her since they are a clan with considerable sway."

Mito nodded since she knew her granddaughter had weighed the pros and cons of attending. Eventually, she had decided to go in order to prevent the Hyuuga from feeling as ostracized as the Uchiha had. The Hyuuga while being one of the clans most opposed to the new direction Konoha was heading, weren't doing so out of spite. But having positioned themselves as the most powerful clan under the old polices, were simply trying to keep from losing their comfy place in the hierarchy of clans.

Karin listening in found the Hyuuga were operating much like the unions the clan supported. Primarily demonstrated by the influence that the unions had gained in the cities and professions that they represented, they had rigged the rules to work in their favor. Thanks in part to their backing certain political parties the unions guaranteed that their interests always came first or that competition to them was always disadvantaged in some way.

Fuka and her were experiencing the union's attempts to stifle competition firsthand since any ship that sailed for the Uzumaki Nautical Company that didn't make dock at the port in Wave, would find it hard pressed to be unloaded. The unions would have work slowdowns or strikes that only affected U.N.C. ships because it wouldn't support the unions and was actively seeking to undermine their power and influence.

It was difficult to combat since the unions had become so ingrained in some locations that you couldn't even sell goods or services unless they let you. But, while members of the unions themselves seemed to benefit, the cities they took up residence in seemed constantly on the verge of insolvency. This was due to many of the sweetheart deals the politicians supported by the unions awarded to their benefactors. Thus, many of the services provided by the unions were artificially inflated pricewise rather than letting market values determine the price. Therefore, it was the civilians that ultimately suffered as they bore the brunt of the taxes and artificially high fees that were keeping the unions flush with cash.

Karin knew it was for that reason many of the Unions running the ports were actively trying to insure the Uzumaki Nautical Company never fully got off the ground. The shipping company that Karin had started after buying the port in Wave, and which was run by Fuka, had been operating at a limited capacity for several months. Mainly as a means generate some income as the port in Wave was repaired. Not to mention to test the business's operating model.

She had believed that despite the unions attempts to disrupt their business venture, due in part to the monopoly the other shipping companies had in Land of Water, the U.N.C. would be a huge success. Unfortunately, unlike the companies which had tried to compete with the Great Tree Shipping Company's land operations, the sea based ones were far more reactive.

Kiyomi seemed to be reading her minds since she changed the subject to the difficulties facing the business venture that had been meant to open an avenue into Kirigakure. "I read today that prices for goods going into the Land of Water have dropped again. With the current downward pressure on things such as beef, and other land based goods. It might be wise to cancel the big grand opening ceremony for the Port and U.N.C. that you three have planned for a more reserved one."

Fuka, Mito, and Karin shared a quick glance between themselves as they had discussed doing just as Kiyomi suggested. Particularly since the official grand opening was to be a ceremony for all of Wave, and thus a huge expense when the company as a whole really couldn't afford it. But, in the end they had decided to proceed which Mito explained the reasoning behind their decision as she said, "Canceling or changing the ceremony this late in the game would be a sign of weakness to our competition."

"I'm all for displaying strength," Kiyomi replied quickly. "But, due to the lower pricing on goods we would ship into the Land of Water, it is going to be very difficult to capture market share. Our biggest advantage was that the other companies were charging such outlandish prices due to its remote location. However, it seems they are trying to prevent us from entering the market so..."

"Actually," Fuka interjected, "it seems this sudden downturn in the market is the Mizukage's doing." Kiyomi looked surprised since she wasn't sure what the Mizukage could have done to make companies which had traditional used the Land of Water's limited resources against it suddenly reverse course. The former undead Uzumaki elaborated for the Bijuu's benefit as she explained, "It seems the Mizukage used Kin's recent fact finding mission against us. She leaked the details of the meeting the two had to our competitors. That's why they all suddenly dropped their prices."

"That treacherous bit..." Kiyomi began to state annoyed at the woman's actions since it could derail or delay the Family's goals in the Land of Water.

Mito quickly interjected as she reminded the Bijuu, "She is merely acting in her country's best interests. Keep in mind she has no reason to trust us, and likely just sees us as another group seeking to prosper from the difficulties an island nation faces."

Kiyomi took a calming breath before replying, "You are correct. Still, The Mizukage must recognize that if we cannot establish a foothold in her country then our competitors will likely just raise prices again. Something which may sadly become the case if we are forced to close down the Port due to it generating a lack of profit."

Fuka sounding pleased said, "I do not think we need worry about that. I've been testing a pilot program which should at least cover the upkeep for the port."

Kiyomi looked at the woman in charge of the Uzumaki Nautical Company before asking, "Really, how can it generate funds if we can't secure shipments into and out of the Land of Water?"

Fuka smirked as she answered, "By servicing people that already have them. One of the reasons Karin bought the port was to drive down costs by circumnavigating the unions that we would normally have to deal with. That is a headache that it appears that other companies share. There is a reason jokes such as it takes two people to supervise one worker exist when talking about unions. I've opened several of the recently repaired docks to our competitors and they've already been booked throughout the month."

Karin was pleased that it appeared one thing seemed to be going their way. But, frowning she said, "Still, it lowers our competitors' costs so will make breaking into the Land of Water's markets harder. But, it should further weaken the local unions' holds over the coast. Plus, it will likely at best just cover current costs and upkeep meaning we still need to find a means to make back the money we've already invested."

"True," Mito said sounding upbeat, "But it at least means that we shouldn't sink deeper into debt." Focusing on the woman that was even older than her she inclined her head while stating, "That was a very astute solution to our current money woes."

Fuka smiled from the compliment before responding, "I felt it would be something that Naruto would do. Our goal isn't really to crush our competition but to insure the Land of Water benefits. We have to balance that with our own needs as a company, but this solution should do both for the time being."

Kiyomi inclined her head at the woman's point but replied, "Well, I prefer to crush our competitors where we can. But, your solution does allow us to at least turn a potential failed investment into an asset."

"Naturally," Fuka replied proudly, "One thing we have over our competitors is that we haven't grown lazy by manipulating the system to simply benefit us. We've simply sought to create an even playing ground. But once you have it, you have to prove that you're the best through hard work and ingenuity. Don't worry, we'll be toasting to our successes soon enough and then we'll be leaving the Hyuuga off the guest list."

Kiyomi smirked as they approached the basement entrance into the Hidden Eddy Inn. "Well perhaps not all the Hyuuga," the Bijuu said amused as she thought of at least one she knew would be present, "In the meantime, let's see what Kushina has planned for the evening. I'm sure it beats whatever stuffy party that Hinata and the others are attending."


Hinata held back a sigh while she smiled politely and feigned interest in the man that had been speaking to her about something or another for a good twenty minutes. Yet, truthfully she couldn't even remember about what, other than the fact that he thought she had the political pull to make it happen. Truthfully though, although she was quite sure that the man's issue wasn't all that pressing to begin with. She would have probably had a hard time focusing even if he was confessing to being a part of a massive conspiracy plotting to return a long banished goddess to the world.

The reason for Hinata's lack of focus was due to her coming to learn that she was trapped in a conspiracy that was actively working to deprive her of her birthright. The day had started off relatively normal despite her father deciding to throw her into a spar against her sister due to his not liking her skipping out on eating breakfast with the Main Household. Hinata had come out the winner, but her father had been quick to dismiss her achievement. It had resulted in Hinata letting some of her anger from his constant belittling of her seep into her attitude towards him. A short time later she had calmed down and had sought him out intending to apologize. But, she had found him training Hanabi and from his instruction, it had been clear that he was training her solely in how to best her.

Hinata's anger had returned in full force as a result and she had sought out Naruto expecting him to comfort her. He did, although not by simply listening to her vent about how unfair it was, but by asking her to try and understand what was motivating her father. The two of them had then spent the rest of the morning making love in various places of his apartment, and when Hinata had returned to the compound she had headed straight to the clan's archives. With her father acting against her, she had wanted to see what actions she could take to secure the Clan Head position. It was to her shock and dismay, that she learned from the scrolls that she truly had to do nothing but make her desires for the position officially known due to her being the eldest child.

Hinata knew it made sense in hindsight, since to understand the Clan's rules of succession one needed to look no further than how it had decided the matter between her father and his brother. In that situation, the elders had simply branded the twin born second with the Caged Bird seal. There had been no talk about waiting to see who was the worthier candidate. Yet, in her case that was exactly what was taking place. It didn't truly make sense that the elders of the clan or her grandfather would place such faith in her father as a baby, yet needed her to validate herself for the position. At least, until Hinata took into account how her father had changed after her mother's death. Which was that while he had always been strict, he had only become cold and dismissive afterward. It was also at that time that he had begun promoting that he supported installing Hanabi as his heir even though she was still just a baby.

Naturally hearing her father dismiss her as being weak and timid, it was only a matter of time before Hinata had come to believe it as well. As a result, she had doubt her abilities which showed through in her demeanor giving credence to her father's claims that she was unworthy. In time, it seemed the elders likely saw no reason to push the issue since it seemed she was destined to fade further and further into the background.

Hinata smiled softly as she recalled Naruto's words to her that instead of succeeding in breaking her. The pressure her father had placed upon her had forged her into a diamond that wouldn't succumb to his doubts about her.

The civilian councilor speaking to her however misconstrued her smile to mean that she was agreeing with him so asked, "Does this mean you plan to support my measure to ban people from fishing along the river which runs through Konoha?"

Hinata focused on the man trying to think of a polite way of stating that she though litigating against letting people fish was rather silly. Luckily Tsume said for her, "Nobody gives a fuck if families are fishing in the river. Stop wasting her time. If people are willing to spend an afternoon catching, gutting, and frying up their dinner, then they aren't the type of people that are going to spend money to have someone else do it for them." Tsume threw an arm over Hinata's shoulder before saying, "Now if you don't mind I'd like a quick word with her."

Hinata allowed herself to be pulled away before saying, "Thank you, I find it hard to believe someone can get so worked up over fishing rights."

Tsume smirked since the councilor in question had made a similar pitch to Ino after she was elected to the Clan Council. "That guy has had a mad on against people fishing ever since he was just a simple fish merchant. I tend to imagine he probably had a stall near the river and got angry at people catching their dinners instead of paying him. Still, his coming to you just shows how much pull people believe you have now. Not that you looked to be paying him much attention."

Hinata smiled softly but replied teasingly, "I think what convinced people that I have pull is your agreeing to show up tonight. I believe that last time my father asked you to a Hyuuga function your reply was you'd rather spend an evening being tortured by the T.I. department."

Tsume chuckled before countering, "Considering the number these heels are doing to my feet, one could argue I am being subjected to a form of torture."

Hinata wanted to agree since she was finding the evening rather torturous as well. Directing her gaze to Hanabi, who was dressed in a fine Kimono and following her father around she wondered if she was the only one unhappy with the current roles they occupied within the Clan. She had considered approaching her father to tell him that she was now aware that regardless of his wishes, she was the one true heir to the position he held. But, she knew her sister had been worked tirelessly to try and usurp it from her. Not that she had put up much of a fight to hold onto her claim to it for herself. Therefore, she did want to earn it by winning over the clan, and felt perhaps it might be best to let things continue as they had been. If she felt she had truly been robbed, then she could use her clan's own rules against it.

Tsume sensing some of heavy thoughts weighing on Hinata's mind asked, "Is something the matter? You seem like you someone kind of sucker punched you and you're still trying to figure out why."

Hinata smiled softly since that was exactly how she felt, but before she could respond Natsu Hyuuga entered the room calling out, "Distinguished guests, if you'll follow me to the dining area we will begin serving dinner."

Tsume sighed heavily causing Hinata to giggle as the woman said, "Well let's get this shit over with." The amusement faded quickly since Hinata longed for a day when she and her sister could truly come together as a family. Rather than as rivals in her father's desire to usurp her birthright. She just hoped that in her efforts to claim the position of Clan Head, she didn't destroy her chance of getting close to her sister.


Karin and the other Uzumaki laughed loudly while Kushina described how Hiashi had made the mistake of calling her trash from a scattered clan and she had decided to educate him that just because the Uzumaki had scattered, that didn't mean its members were weak. "It was a good thing his brother was there to pull me off," the fiery woman said looking extremely pleased with herself while describing how after knocking him to the ground with a single punch. She had proceeded to straddle his chest to continue raining fists onto his face, "Because otherwise he would definitely have been swallowing his teeth by the time I was finished."

"Don't be so modest," Kiyomi said drinking a red wine as they chatted after enjoying the dinner Kushina had prepared, "I'm sure the clan would have been looking for a new head. You always did have quite the temper. At times, I truly wished your seal had allowed for us to communicate. I'm sure we would have been quite the pair."

Kushina's gaze darkened some, since she imagined the Bijuu meant in a way that would have led to her release. She made an effort to sound diplomatic as she replied, "Let's just agree that things worked out the best that we could have hoped for between us." After a moment's pause she added, "At the time." Kushina received an appreciative smile from her son filling her with happiness since it showed he understood her conflicting emotions with the Bijuu she once housed.

Naruto prevented the conversation from lingering on the topic long by asking, "What happened next? I can't imagine Hiashi or the Hyuuga would be pleased to find out their heir was beaten to a bloody pulp by some recently arrived kunoichi in training."

"Luckily Hizashi convinced him not to report what happened," his mother answered her good cheer returning. "I doubt that he was all that eager to admit that he got his ass kicked by someone he considered trash. To be honest, I never really understood what Hanami saw in him. He certainly played up the story he and his brother concocted about being attacked by some beast while training as she fawned over him."

Mito giggled in amusement while adding, "I think it would be a rather easy story to sell considering how rambunctious you were. Sarutobi had serious doubts about sealing Kiyomi within you. It was why the seal I designed was so restrictive."

Kushina looked surprised at what Mito revealed, but then noticed that it was Kiyomi's turn to look rather upset. Having inherited some of the Bijuu's memories from her time as the fox, she could easily imagine why since she knew her seal had effectively taken of the form of Kiyomi being staked to a rock. Mito's lighthearted comment had likely dredged up the memories of that time for the Bijuu. Mito seemed to realize this as well, and turned to Kiyomi in order to apologize but was stopped by the Bijuu as she said calmly, "It is water under the bridge. Let's all just agree our pasts together are rather convoluted and shouldn't determine our present."

Kushina and Mito quickly agreed clinking their glasses together causing Naruto to feel a wave of pride in his lovers. He noticed that Karin seemed lost in thought and for a moment a look of sadness appeared. She stood to refill her glass, so he followed after her. As she stood by the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room pouring herself more wine he asked softly, "Is everything alright? You seemed out of sorts for a moment."

Karin smiled softly before turning to face him and say, "Don't worry. It was just a moment of melancholy. Tonight's been rather fantastic with hearing about the exploits of other Uzumaki. It just made me realize how much I missed my mom."

"Why don't you tell us about her?" Naruto asked having enjoyed the tales his lovers had shared, despite never really having given much thought to his Uzumaki heritage. He knew his mom had worried about his lack of interest in the subject, at least until he had explained that he felt his lack of Uzumaki pride as it were might be one of the keys to successfully bringing about the world they were working towards. After all, it was the Uchiha's pride in their clan which had eventually led them to wanting to rebel against Konoha. But with that said, placing too much pride in the village also is what allowed Itachi to rationalize his betrayal and murder of them. For Naruto, it was fun hearing tales of his clan's past, but he felt getting too caught up in the splendor of a clan or village caused people to lose sight of what truly mattered, creating a peaceful and secure world that everyone could hopefully enjoy.

Karin smiled appreciatively, but said, "Not tonight. I'm afraid it's a story which would ruin the atmosphere." Naruto frowned since Karin hadn't shared very many details about her past other than she was once a Grass-nin. She could see her lover was concerned so added, "Although, I'm sure she would have loved meeting you." Karin then sealed her lips to Naruto's who relaxed into it, but pulled away as he felt a body press into his back.

Kushina sucked her son's ear before whispering, "If she was anything like the other Uzumaki women present here tonight. I'm willing to bet it would have been a meeting that left her deeply satisfied."

Naruto groaned as his mother began rubbing the front of his pants and her efforts were quickly aided by Karin as she joined in. He looked over his shoulder asking, "Don't tell me that Sage and Naruko aren't here because you planned for our little get together to end in an orgy."

Kushina gave a mock look of exasperation as she replied, "Of course not, and I did invite them. But, they declined."

Karin dropped down to her haunches as she pulled his fly down and staring hungrily at his cock suggested, "Likely because Naruko knows better than anyone that a night with you that doesn't result in this bad boy being released can only be considered disappointing."

Karin gripped his dick and stroked it several times before leaning in to roll her tongue around his tip. Naruto moaned, but his mother turned his face towards her so that she could give him a rather unmotherly kiss. Karin was about to swallow his manhood when Fukka cleared her throat before stating, "Ladies, I trust you haven't forgotten about us."

Kushina reluctantly pulled her lips from Naruto's to look over her shoulder to reply, "You're right. I'm being a terrible hostess."

She looked back towards Karin from behind her son's shoulder and said, "Let's go serve the other's now that he is ready."

Naruto chuckled in amusement as he said, "I'm not a desert dish you know."

Kushina's eyes twinkled as she replied. "Oh, I know Honey. But, your dick certainly is the one thing I think that all women who have tasted it can agree is something one should not be deprived of." Naruto just shook his head in amusement as Karin and his mother each took one of his hands to guide him back to the others. They then sat him down on the couch, before undoing his pants completely and pulling them off along with his underwear. His mother than knelt to one side of him, while Karin took the other as they then began running their tongues over his meat stick. They were quickly joined by the other three red heads leaving Naruto in a state of extreme amazement at how his life turned out. After all, it became much easier to accept the negativity of his younger years when it helped shaped him into the man who got to enjoy the sight of his dick surrounded by women all sporting the same red hair.

"Shit," he moaned as their tongues painted his cock in their saliva. His mother and Karin were focusing mainly on the head while Mito and Kiyomu, who were kneeling on the outside of his legs, focused more on the shaft. Fuka who was between them covered the base, and worked his balls with her hand. Karin and his mom's tongues soon began to intertwine with each other more than they were focusing on him resulting in the two beginning to kiss rather wetly in front of him. Fuka took advantage of their preoccupation to quickly take him into her mouth. Mito and Kiyomi gave her room as she began bobbing her head in his lap, while stroking the portion of his cock she couldn't comfortably swallow. After several moments, she let him go and Mito quickly gobbled down his cock while Kiyomi pulled Fuka into a kiss. His mother broke away from Karin as Mito began taking him shallower and shallower and began licking his shaft before coaxing the bun-haired Uzumaki into a kiss, before partaking of his dick as well. His mother noisily sucked him while rolling her tongue around the head of his dick. He groaned from her skillful teasing of his dick, and couldn't help burying his hand in her hair to push her to take him deeper.

Kushina cooed at her son's forceful action and rewarded him by swallowing him until his dick pressed against the back of her throat. She was disappointed she couldn't go more, as she had to quickly pull back to breathe. Her spot was quickly occupied by Karin, who began undulating her head up and down quickly. She would occasionally pause while shoving as much of him into her mouth as she could, before again starting her rising and falling motion.

When Karin let him go, Kiyomi quickly seized possession of his pole. She used both her hands to jerk his length while focusing on licking the head of his cock. He groaned from her relentless jacking of his shaft which only grew more pleasurable when her tongue would circle this cockhead. Soon, his mother's tongue began joining in and then she began taking him deeper and deeper before Fuka saw an opportunity to seize control from her. He could only moan as his dick continued to be passed between each of the women, until it was Kiyomi who's mouth he was buried in when he announced, "I'm going to cum."

His former Bijjuu quickly let him slip free of her lips and then began just licking the tip of his dick. His mother wrapped a hand around his shaft and began jerking him, while she also used her tongue to tease his cockhead. An action the other women mirrored so that his dick was soon surrounded by the five beautiful faces of his Uzumaki lovers. With such a sight to drink in, and five hands stroking his rod it didn't take long for them to coax his seed from his balls. He erupted like a fountain and watched in a pleasure filled daze while his cum began coating their faces. After an almost unending stream, which was followed by several spurts do to his lovers' hands coaxing more out of him. His mother lovingly swallowed his length to clean him and keep him hard.

When she finished, Naruto nearly came again when Kiyomi pulled his mother into a kiss. She stiffened at first, but then relaxed into it as they kissed passionately. Then as if that wasn't erotic enough for him, they began licking each other's face so they collect the cum he had deposited there. His gaze drifted to Mito, Fuka, and Karin to see the three women cleaning other in a similar fashion. Despite just cumming, Naruto's dick was almost painfully erect by the time they were done with their self-grooming. The five women then shared a look as they each look like they were prepared to scramble to be first to take it inside him.

But, before a mad dash could begin which might result in a rather amusing scenario since they were still fully dressed so would need to disrobe while fighting for position. He watched them scoot into a circle before discussing the matter among themselves. Naruto smiled at the sight before they sat back while holding their hands like they were about to play a game of Ro Sham Bo. However, after Mito counted to three instead of throwing out the traditional hand signs they each called out a number, while holding out their hands with a number of fingers held out. Naruto realized that since the number each of his lovers had called out hadn't matched the number of fingers they were displaying; they had been trying to guess the total sum. He arrived to this conclusion since the number of fingers matched what Karin had called out as she was obviously pleased with the result.

"No fair," his mother pouted while Karin quickly stood to join him, "Best two out of three."

Kiyomi slid up behind Kushina and turned the violet eyed woman's face towards her before saying, "Just accept the results or else we'll be here all day." She then sealed her lips to her former host while she began fondling her breasts through her dress. Kushina moaned into the Bijuu's mouth as she fell back into her. It grew louder when Fuka hiked up the hem of Kushina's dress and settled between her thighs to begin rubbing her pussy through her underwear. The ancient Uzumaki feeling how drenched she was looked up at the woman stating, "No wonder she needs his dick so bad. She positively flooding down here." Trying to stem the flow, she covered Kushina's quim with her mouth, but her tongue obviously only encouraged it take grow wetter.

Naruto tore his eyes from his mother making out with Kiyomi while her pussy was being eaten, to focus on Karin as she approached. She began unbuttoning her blouse, but having come within reach, Naruto grabbed her wrist to pull her so that she was laid out on the couch. He covered her mouth with his while reaching into her partially unbuttoned blouse to tease her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He rolled it between them causing her to arch her back in hiss. He then began to kiss down her body until reaching the tight shorts that she wore. He worked them down her hips, and off her legs before tossing them to the ground. He looked over to see where they had landed and spied his mother now completely naked was lying on her back while an equally naked Kiyomi straddled her face. Fuka was still between his mother's thighs but her shorts had been pulled down by Mito, who was rapidly rubbing the former disgraced Uzumaki's exposed quim.

He found it difficult to look away, but the scent of Karin's arousal filled his nostrils causing his mouth to water. Focusing on her glistening slit, he leaned forward giving it a few teasing licks before truly diving in. Karin moaned and pushed her mound against his face while one of her hands buried itself in his hair. The other began tweaking her nipple.

Soon though, Karin began to long for more which she voiced by saying, "Mmm, I think I'm more than ready for you to feed me that nice fat cock."

Naruto pulled back and smiled so positioned her on her side as he slid up behind her. Hooking her right leg with his arm as he reached for one of her breasts, he spread her thighs and then slid his dick inside her. Karin moaned appreciatively while he slowly pumped his manhood within her. She was more than pleased with the pace since it meant he would remain inside her longer. She delighted in the slow build up as her stomach began to tighten singling that her body was preparing to experience a nice release.

Naruto changed things up on her when he lowered her leg so she was curled in a ball, and then moved so that he was kneeling behind her. She moaned as his dick shifted within her, so that if felt like she was sitting on him sideways except lying down. He then placed both his hands on her left hip and began forcefully pounding her cunt. Her moans became more like shrieks of pleasure as the room filled with the sound of his flesh slapping into hers. Naruto kept up the assault, and she eventually surrendered to the insistent battering of her womb in the form of a powerful orgasm which only grew stronger when he buried his cock inside her and began filling her with his cum. He pulled out, and leaned in to kiss her before standing to join the other women moaning on the floor. He stopped before Mito and she rose up to begin sucking his dick. She moaned contently from the taste of him and Karin, but he soon guided her to stand with him.

He sealed his mouth to hers, and they kissed hungrily before he reached down to pick her up. Mito wrapped her arms around his neck while he positioned her so that her thighs rested on his forearms and then she reached between them to guide his dick into her ready cunt as he pulled her towards him. Mito leaned back and moaned as she was impaled on his shaft, and luxuriated in the feeling of being almost weightless as he pulled her over his shaft again and again.

Naruto leaned in to roll his tongue around one of her aureoles before sucking her nipple into his mouth. Her pussy tightened around him, causing him to groan and release it so he repeated the action to the other one. The two of them moaned in unison though as a tongue began licking where they were connected. Mito was too preoccupied to care, but Naruto looked down to see his mother and Kiyomi munching on each other's pussies so figured it must be Fuka. Mito wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled her body tight against him, and from the way her pussy began bearing down knew she had to be close. He carried her into the chair that Kiyomi had been sitting in while they had talked among each other after dinner, and he planted Mito in it. Then pushing the back of her legs until they touched her shoulders he began drilling his dick into as hard and fast as he could. She cried out in pure delight, and her pussy began eagerly milking him for his seed. Naruto gave it what it craved as he slammed into her and began painting her womb white. He pulled out as he heard his mother and Kiyomi cry out behind him causing the last few spurts of his seed to hit Mito in the face and chest. Despite being slightly out of it, her tongue swiped at a strand that had landed near her face and from the soft moan she let out his dick quickly decided to remain hard.

It was aided in the decision by Fuka as while kneeling behind him, she began to stroke his him. Naruto groaned from her actions, before turning to face her. He leaned down to kiss her, and she eagerly returned it. When they separated, she then turned away to drop her face into the carpet while her ass was raised. Naruto knelt behind her, and he began to rub his dick against her dripping wet snatch. But just as he was about to push inside she said, "I want to feel you in my butt."

Naruto was surprised, but wasn't about to say no so raised up to his haunches. Gripping her hips, he pressed his dick against her puckered anus and then slipped past her tight ring. "Shit," Fuka moaned as a feeling foreign feeling due to something entering rather than leaving hit her. Still, she couldn't exactly classify it as being either good or bad, but certainly would say it was big. She was grateful when Naruto gave her some time to adjust before he began slowly working himself within her anal passage. Fuka was surprised that the feeling quickly began to fall into the good category, as she said, "I can't believe your dick feels so fucking good."

Naruto was surprised by her statement, as he said, "I can't believe this would be your first time."

Fuka pushed herself up so she could look over her shoulder to reply, "I... It's not, but I only experienced it before with a body that felt nothing. T...This is amazing."

Naruto was pleased he could show his lover a feeling she hadn't experienced before, and wanting to increase her pleasure grabbed her elbows. He then pulled her back so that he was holding her torso up off the floor and began hammering her backdoor. Fuka cried out as he dialed her pleasure up to eleven, while he energetically fucked her ass.

Naruto noticed his mother standing and move off to the kitchen area. He wondered what she was up to, but concentrated on Fuka who was moaning deliriously. He lowered her back down so that her face rested on the floor and raising her ass up stood so he could really begin jackhammering her backside. She tightened up around him as she began to climax, and although he could have likely stopped himself decided to cum right along with her.

He was breathing heavily as he pulled free of Fuka's rear passage, and he saw his mother returning. He moved to sit in the unoccupied chair, and Kushina came around it holding a wash cloth. She began wiping down his cock tenderly, the warm water feeling good against his skin. She smiled lovingly at him after taking in the women with his cum leaking from them and said, "My you've made quite the mess Honey?"

Naruto smiled back as he cupped her face to state, "I expect things will only be getting messier from here on out."

She giggled as she dropped the wash cloth and then kissed his now clean dick before replying, "We can only hope that is the case. Don't forget, you are facing women of the Uzumaki Clan tonight." She climbed up into the chair and placing her feet on the armrest began to lower her pussy onto his dick. Naruto held his cock steady for her, and they both moaned when it began disappearing inside her. Naruto cupped her ass as she began to raise and lower herself. She moaned contently as she bounced in his lap, and it grew in volume when he began meeting her decent with thrusts of his own. She wrapped her arms around his head, and pulled him into her chest. He busied himself there by kissing and licking her breasts. Kushina's pussy tightened around him causing him to lean back and groan.

He found he was about to cum, so in order to buy some time to recover. He stopped his mother, and then urged her to spin in his lap so that she was facing away. He then began having her grind her pussy into his lap causing her to lean back and moan while she languidly worked her hips. He fondled one of her tits, while turning her face so they could kiss lovingly. They pulled away for a moment to stare in each other's eyes, which caused them to be drawn together like magnets again. But, this time the kiss grew much more passionate and needy, which was reflected in Kushina's hips beginning to move faster and faster.

Soon the need for release became too great for both, so Naruto pushed his mother forward and followed her out of the chair. With her on all fours, he gripped her hips and began frenziedly fucking her. His mother howled in pleasure, and nearly came when he grabbed her by the hair and began using it to pull her back into his thrusts. "Yes, Honey," she moaned while arching her back due to his hold on her hair, "Fuck me! Your dick feels so good pounding my pussy."

Kiyomi smiled as she knelt before the moaning woman stating, "I told you it would."

Kushina nodded, as she replied, "You were right. His dick was made to fuck my cunt. That's it Honey, harder."

Naruto hearing his mother talking about how good her felt inside her had drove him to begin really slamming into her. He was rewarded with her moan growing even louder for a moment, before Kiyomi silenced her with a kiss. Watching his mother make-out with the Bijuu she once housed caused his dick to swell. His mother sounding almost as proud of him as if he brought home a test with an A broke the kiss to moan, "He's getting even bigger. Such a good boy. Now hurry and cum for mommy."

Naruto very much wanted to be a good boy, so pushed his dick deep inside her, and then released his seed into her womb. Kushina raised up as she climaxed, and reached over her shoulder to pull Naruto into a kiss while her convulsing pussy coaxed as much of his seed out of him as it could. She began to sag forward, and Naruto climbed back into the chair. He watched his seed begin to leak from his mother's cunt, but was then distracted as Kiyomi began cleaning his cock. He sighed in pleasure as her tongue ran over his still sensitive cockhead.

When she was satisfied, she stood before him and turned away before stating, "Watching you take Fuka's ass makes me wonder why we haven't tried it yet."

Naruto reached out to rub her butt affectionately before replying, "I'm ready to remediate that if you are."

She moaned as his finger began tracing around her anus. She began to sit back and when her sphincter made contact with his dick, she looked back stating, "B...be gentle."

Naruto smiled softly and leaned back while stating, "Just take your time."

The Bijuu nodded, and then began to push back against him. She backed off a few times as she found the sensation strange, but eventually her asshole relaxed enough that the tip slipped in before she could lose her nerve. She then began sliding down his pole and recalled the early days after her discovery of sex due to the feeling of unknown that she was experiencing. When her butt made contact with his lap, she rested a minute to drink in the new sensations before raising up only a little before sinking back down.

Naruto moaned while his Bijuu lover rose and fell in short, slow, and shallow strokes. But soon she began to raise a little higher and then would go a little faster. Soon she was bouncing wildly on his dick causing him to groan in pleasure. He then reached around to begin fondling her bouncing breasts causing his Bijuu lover to moan appreciatively.

Kushina turned around upon recovering and seeing Kiyomi bouncing in her son's lap with his dick in her ass, she couldn't help but wonder how good it would feel if it was her. She had really never been all that inclined to try anal in the past. But, guessed that was one of the unintended bonuses of her Harem lifestyle in that it exposed her to sexual practices she had never considered before, and now wanted to explore with her son. Although, she felt she would probably wait for another opportunity to actually indulge in the new taboo that she could share with him.

Naruto watching his mother staring at them, wanted to show her exactly what Kiyomi was enjoying so lifted her so that her anus was exposed. Holding her above his lap, he then began thrusting into the Bijuu he used to house causing her to throw her head back as she cried out. Naruto watched his mother begin to rub her pussy, and began wildly driving his cock deep into Kiyomi's tight ass. The Bijuu cried out, as she came, and exploded into an even more powerful one when her ass felt like a liquid fire began to fill it.

Naruto lifted her up so that his cock popped free of her ass, and to his surprise his mother simply leaned forward to begin cleaning him with her mouth. She moaned around his tool, as his other lovers began to surround the chair. His mother let his dick go with a loud pop, and stood before stating, "I don't know about you all, but I'm far from satisfied."

Naruto set Kiyomi down and began rubbing her pussy as he replied, "Well, we have only just begun."

His mother smiled proudly while stating, "Then I think we should head to a more suitable venue so we can begin in earnest."

Naruto helped Kiyomi stand as he said, "Then lead the way." He watched his mother guide the other women to the apartment's master bedroom. Enjoying the sight of the women's naked swaying backsides, he couldn't help feeling glad the Hyuuga hadn't felt him worthy enough to attend their ceremony.


Hinata along with other members of the Main House were kneeling on a raised dais as they ate. Her sister was sitting at the center of the table while she had been seated several positions away. It was a subtle yet clear message that as far as her father was concerned, she was no closer to winning his approval. Hinata tried not to let it get to her although it hurt that while her father was sitting next to Hanabi, several elders of the clan were lined up on her other side. Sitting next to her father was a close ally of her father named Hoheto, followed by two prominent members of the main house, although from much lower ranked families, named Tokuma and Iroha. With her being next to Iroha.

Hinata surmised the only reason she wasn't sitting with the Branch Family and other guests was because it would in essence be lowering the Main House from its lofty position. In the past, she at times had wondered why her father hadn't just branded her with the caged bird seal to get it over with. But, with her current understanding of how the line of succession worked knew it would set a bad precedence for other first born. Still, she felt it would have been more humane then the years of mental abuse she had sustained as he made her question her self-worth. Granted, she knew those of the Branch Family considered the Caged Bird Seal to be anything but humane so quickly pushed such thoughts from her mind since she felt if she gave voice to them she would come off as somewhat spoiled.

Still, she much rather have been seated among the guests, especially the women she considered her true family. But, if truly pressed on the matter would much rather be attending the gathering of Uzumaki since the pleasure the red-headed women were feeling was flowing into the Fox Mark network.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Lady Hinata?" Iroha asked kindly while making it apparent he was trying to start a conversation.

Hinata focused on her seating companion, and noticed he seemed unusually nervous. She considered lying since she felt he may be sensing her mood, but having grown rather disenfranchised with the idea of keeping appearances for the sake of decorum replied, "Not particularly." She noticed Iroha's nervousness grew due to her reply causing her to wonder why, but elected not to inquire further as she returned to eating her meal.

She clearing her plate and used to being ignored at such functions, she simply began organizing how she planned to go about claiming her birthright. She intended to let her father and the elders continue to believe that she was ignorant of the rule stating she was the rightful heir by birth. At least for the time being, since she felt it would be cruel to her sister to snatch it from her at the last moment. She looked over at Hanabi and wondered what was going through her head. To be honest, she couldn't really say she knew Hanabi all that well considering that since almost as soon as she could walk their father had been fostering a rivalry between them. Whenever they had talked in the past there had always been a tension between them due to the situation their father had created. In truth though, she really had no idea how Hanabi felt about it. She felt that would need to be remedied before she decided how best to proceed. After all, now confident in Naruto's feelings for her, Hinata felt a small thill at the idea of her lover claiming her sister. She would also admit a part of her loved the idea that after years of her father tearing her down in order to install Hanabi as his heir. Her lover would reap the rewards by making Hanabi into his woman.

Yet, before she could descend into a fantasy where she and her sister were in the midst of a passionate tryst with Naruto which was interrupted by her father as he came to find out why Hanabi wasn't acting as expected, Hinata seemed to notice the silence between Iroha and her was becoming rather uncomfortable. It wasn't on her part, but from the way he was fidgeting she got the sense he wanted to fill it somehow, but her previous reply left him unsure of how. She considered asking him what was wrong, but felt that would just lead to a conversation that she didn't want to have.

As such, she was almost grateful when her father clinked his glass causing everyone to grow silent as he prepared to toast Hanabi. Standing he said, "Distinguished guests, thank you all for attending this evening as we celebrate the birth of my worthy successor. It still fills my heart with pride to know after I am gone the Hyuuga will be guided by steady hands." Hinata had a hard time not reacting to her father's words since they made it apparent to all present that he felt she was lacking. But recalling Naruto's words earlier she refused to wilt under his disproval, and resolved to be the diamond her lover viewed her as. Her father did surprise her though when he said, "Although today is already a special day. It has become an even grander, since it pleases me to announce that my daughter Hinata has accepted a marriage proposal from Iroha of the Main House."

"The hell I did!"

Hinata was shocked at what had been announced, and suddenly understood what had been prompting Iroha's bout of nerves. She had heard the angry outburst to the announcement, but wondered why everyone was staring at her with shocked countenances until she realized the angry denial had been uttered by her. Her father was staring at her in shock, and quickly trying to recover stated, "Hinata, now isn't the time."

"Really," she shot to her feet as she replied in a voice dripping with scorn, "You just tried to pass me off to someone, expecting me to keep quiet so as not to embarrass you and you don't wish to discuss the matter. Why not father? Perhaps because your plans to constantly belittle me, and question my worth as a person, in order to weaken my confidence so when you installed Hanabi as your heir, I wouldn't question it has failed. All my life I wondered why if you valued me so little you wouldn't brand me as your own brother was, and the answer was so simple, I'm almost embarrassed I ever let your opinion to have power over me. You can't, can you? Not unless you invalidate the one reason you were chosen to lead the clan, you were born first."

"Hinata that is enough," Hiashi said angrily while she walked off the platform the rest of the Main Family had been eating upon.

"It is enough Father," Hinata said standing before him, "Enough of my playing your game. It goes without saying that I will not be marrying Iroha. More to the point, I am officially declaring that I am claiming my right to succeed you as Clan Head of the Hyuuga as granted by my status as your firstborn."

"I am the head of this Family, and it is my will which will decide who succeeds me."

"Really, then why marry me off and to a much lower standing member of the Main House," Hinata replied mockingly. "It couldn't possibly be because it would remove me from taking your position if I should marry into a lower house. Let us ask the elders their opinion in the matter shall we. What does the first Law of Succession state?"

One of the elders raised to answer her question stating, "Without exception the firstborn of the current Clan head will be decreed the successor." Hinata knew there were clauses, such as her giving up the right should she marry a Hyuuga member from a house outside the line of succession or other clan entirely. The elder quickly added one of them although she wasn't surprised he made no mention of the marriage exception, "Except, should the current Clan Head determine that a worthier successor to his title has been born."

He was about to sit down when Hinata asked, "But, how is this determination made? Surely, there must be some bar the firstborn must be measured against." She felt a sense of satisfaction when the man looked towards her father, who looked rather pale as it dawned on him that she would no longer wilt meekly before him.

The elder stood looking like he would rather be anywhere but the center of the room's attention. He then announced, "Should a successor other than the firstborn be chosen by the Clan Head, and the Firstborn officially claim their right of birth. Then the current Clan Head's Chosen Successor will be forced to prove that they are indeed worthy by besting the Firstborn in a contest of the Gentle Fist."

The man was about to sit down again, but Hinata stopped him by asking, "And when should this match take place?"

The man grumbled as he was forced to stand again before explaining, "The Chosen Successor shall be given a period of two years to prepare from the date the Firstborn first makes their official claim know." The man looked at Hinata pointedly to make sure she wasn't going to ask anything else, and then took his seat.

Hinata focused on her father before declaring, "I have made my challenge. How do you respond?"

Her father stared at her looking like a man who knew he had played with fire, but had lost control of it. But then he steeled himself before announcing, "Your challenge has been accepted and two years from now, my successor will display why she is worthy to lead the Hyuuga."

"We'll see," Hinata replied calmly. She moved before her unsure looking sister and bowed deeply as she said sincerely, "I apologize for my outburst, Hanabi. I'm sure this isn't how either of us envisioned tonight going. My anger lays not with you, but those who support you."

She straightened and turned to leave. She stopped though when her father said, "Hinata, you do know that the loser of this match between you will be branded with a variation of the Caged Bird Seal. Is that the fate you desire for your sister or yourself?"

Hinata did appear momentarily conflicted, before she strengthened her resolve by replying, "These are the desperate measures that you are forcing me to take. You can prevent an outcome where your daughters must face each other just as easily as I. Yet, you have pitted Hanabi and me against each other for years. I am prepared to travel this road that you have paved for me to its conclusion. You must decide if you are willing to."

Hinata turned her back and moved for the exit. She did feel some amusement as Tsume slammed her hand on her table saying, "If I knew these Hyuuga gatherings could be so exciting I'd have attended them before."

She basked in the feelings of pride her fellow Family members were sending her way, even as she planned to pack her belongings and would ask the Branch Family Elder if he would allow her to stay in their compound as she doubted she would have any allies among the Main House. And while she would like nothing more than to move into the Hidden Eddy Inn, she felt doing so would attract attention to the other women living there. Not to mention, if she planned to lead the Hyuuga, she felt she would need to live among them. Plus, when she did wrest control of the clan from her father, she knew there would be strong opposition to the reforms that she would implement. The first of which would be freeing the Branch Family from the curse of the Caged Bird Seal. She smiled confidently as she figured she knew just the woman that would be able to help her with that.


Naruto stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, and one rubbing his hair. His mother and Yoshino looked at him worriedly as he towel dried his hair. Lowering it to reveal his dyed black hair, he asked, "Well what do you think?"

"I think I'm getting a hint of what you would have looked like if you went through an emo phase," his mother said not liking the menacing air his raven colored hair, or the red slited eyes the contacts he wore gave him.

Naruto chuckled while dropping the other towel to expose his naked body to them. The two women felt their pussies begin to moisten, but the excitement was short lived as he quickly pulled on a pair of dark pants. He then added some fingerless arm warmers that reached all the way up to his shoulder. The arm warms also had studded red leather bands sown into them. Naruto left his chest bare, but put on a fur lined blue gray robe. He smiled at his mother and Yoshino stating, "Guys, you don't need to worry."

"I'm your mother," Kushina replied quickly, "It's my job to worry. Besides, you are going to stir up a hornet's nest the moment they realize Yugito's gone."

"I know," Naruto stated, "But, we'll be careful."

Yoshino chimed in with, "At least as careful as anyone being chased by probably every shinobi Kumo can muster are capable of being."

Naruto wanted to say something flippant, but knew it would only appear to his lovers that he wasn't taking the threat seriously. Instead, he pulled Yoshino close and sealed his lips to hers. As he kissed her, he began using the Execution by Kiss technique Fuka had taught him to siphon off some of her chakra. Leaving her a little weak kneed her set her down on the nearby couch before stating, "Which is why I'll be relying on your power to see me through."

Turning towards his mom, he kissed her just as passionately, but didn't drain her chakra since he had only had time to train using the Shadow based powers Yoshino's nature gave him. Still he smiled as she appeared a little weak after he let her go. He then stepped away to grab the fox mask that he would wear before adding, "I'll be back before you know it and then we'll pick up where those kisses left off."

Naruto then disappeared in a flash although it appeared almost black as he teleported just outside of Kumo to collect Yugito, and start the tale of Menma.

Next Chapter: Either- Moving Forward by Standing Still: Part V

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