
40. Know Pain: Part III 4

Konohamaru had been in the midst of mailing a letter to a penpal and his secret crush Naho when the fighting had broken out. He had been worried about the girl and jealous primarily due to her crush on Sasuke Uchiha. Lately the worry had been growing much stronger. The reason being that in her last letter there had been a request for him to look into the Uchiha Massacre and see if he could learn of a conspiracy against the clan. She had explained her reasoning that she had come to believe that Sasuke had been forced out of the village by a hidden plot.

At first Konohamaru had just been upset at the request due to his believing Naho was hoping to exonerate her own crush's actions. But some part of him felt a growing concern that perhaps the sudden inquiry might be due to him not being the only person that Naho was in contact with. He didn't want to believe the girl he liked was either secretly communicating with Sasuke, or harboring him. But he felt her letter raised the distinct possibility that she was.

Konohamaru had wanted to talk to Naruto about it, had he even been in the village. But, with the matter being related to Sasuke, Konohamaru felt it likely he wouldn't have been able too. As a result he had instead gone to Udon. To his great surprise, despite his belief that Sasuke was a bastard through and through, his oldest friend's reaction had almost convinced Konohamaru that there was more to the Uchiha Massacre then he had originally believed. Without mentioning why he was curious he had simply asked if Udon thought it possible that the Uchiha had been the target of some plot against them. Udon's whole demeanor had changed as his fellow new chunin had asked where he had heard such a thing. Thinking quickly, as he didn't want to implicate Naho, he claimed he had been going through some of his grandfather's things that were stored in his parents' attic and one of the reports that had been mixed in with the Third's journals had raised the possibility.

Udon had studied him for a moment making Konohamaru believe his friend doubted the explanation. But a moment later his friend's demeanor shifted again as he shrugged while replying that he doubted the massacre was a result of some plot. The report he had read was most likely simply putting forward another theory for Itachi's actions. Konohamaru had quickly agreed that must have been it, but deep down began to suspect that perhaps Naho may be onto something. He didn't think that even if there had been a plot that it excused Sasuke's actions primarily since the young Sarutobi had visited Naruto in the hospital and seen the Uchiha's handiwork on what could be considered his closest friend.

Konohamaru also felt his worry was growing due to his believing that Naho might be caught up in something greater than she could handle on her own. He feared that if Sasuke was the one prompting her to search for information on what had happened to the Uchiha, then it was likely he was simply using the girl's affections for him to further his own goals.

Konohamaru felt a fresh burst of anger at the thought, but pushed it aside to concentrate on his job. After Pain's Invasion had started the young Sarutobi had linked up with a squad that at first concentrated on guiding civilians to the shelters. Once that task had been finished they had linked up with several other squads, his two teammates being among them, and moved to begin the Konoha Counter Attack when the village had been besieged by an Army of Pains. The group had reached the front when it had encountered a battle unit made up of several Deva and Asura Paths. At the rear of the group appeared to be a Naraka which had already repaired several of the Paths that they had managed to destroy.

Hoping to take out the one responsible for healing the others and also to force the Paths into a crossfire, the Squad leader had sent a group to flank their opponents. Among those sent had been Moegi and Udon. However, as the battle had gone on and the second group had yet to attack the squad leader had become concerned. Konohamaru had volunteered to go in search of them to learn what had happened. He could tell that the Squad Leader didn't want to be the one to send the Honorable Grandson on such a dangerous assignment, so Konohamaru had taken the choice out of his hands as he took off in the same direction as the man mulled over his choices.

Konohamaru came around a corner and felt sick as he found the corpses of the squad. From the large crater at the center of the carnage, he suspected that the group they had been fighting must have noticed the squad breaking off from the main group and sent an Asura Path to deal with it. He figured it must have laid in wait and upon spotting them had fired a rocket into the center of the formation. Creating a shadow clone he sent it back to the main group to alert the commander that the squad would not be flanking the Paths they were fighting. He then looked about for signs of his friends while fighting back tears.

After several moments of frantic searching he felt a measure of relief as he didn't spot his friends among the dead. But was concerned as to where they were since he doubted either would continue the attack. His attention was pulled to an area strangely devoid of corpse considering the way they were blown about by the attack. Searching the area he found a black rod imbedded in a piece of wood and pulling it free found the tip coated in blood. Looking around, he spotted a trail of it leading away from the area and deeper into the village. Creating a second clone to inform his commander of his going in pursuit, he took off to follow the blood trail.

He felt a measure of fear begin to take hold as the drops of blood began to appear closer together making him believe the wounded person was tiring. Increasing his speed, he turned a corner and for the second time stumbled upon a scene from out of a nightmare except this time it was to find Udon holding Moegi by the throat up against a wall as he prepared to ram a black chakra receiver into her chest.

"Udon, what the hell are you doing," Konohamaru shouted causing the bespectacled shinobi to turn his head towards him.

Moegi took the opportunity to raise her legs up and to kick her teammate away as Konohamaru came to a stop in the gap that had opened up between them. Udon sighed as he said unemotionally, "It's unfortunate that you had to see this, Konohamaru. It was my hope and mission that we could guide you to the correct way of thinking."

"Guide me...correct way of thinking...What the hell are you even talking about? What does any of that shit have to do with your attacking Moegi?"

Moegi held a hand to the shallow wound that Udon had inflicted before she had managed to switch places with the debris she had used for her substitution. Explaining what Udon had told her as he prepared to finish the job she said, "He believes that by eliminating someone close to you and pinning it on an enemy of the village then you'd be inclined to be more ruthless then your grandfather or the other Hokage."

Konohamaru looked at his friend in shock as he asked, "Is this true?"

"It is."

"Why? How could you even contemplate such a thing?"

"Because for too long this village has been guided by idiots and soft hearted fools," Udon said stoically. "I had hoped that by opening your eyes to the reality of the shinobi world you'd become a worthy Hokage. I see now this was a foolish hope. Therefore, I'm going to have to eliminate you both and use your deaths as a springboard to the position. With the anger generated from this attack and your deaths as the justification. I don't believe the village would be too opposed to a future Hokage's decision of ensuring our well-being by destroying the other villages."

Udon then charged attempting to bury the chakra receiver into Konohamaru's heart. The Chunin managed to avoid it, but learned it was a feint as Udon kicked him in the side of the head sending him tumbling out of the way. Udon then struck at his true target Moegi, but the kunoichi sidestepped out of the way at the last moment causing him to bury his weapon into the wall she had been standing in front of. She lashed out with a palm strike to the chin that rocked his head back causing him to lose his grip on the chakra receiver. But, Udon recovered quickly and slammed his forehead into hers. Moving to pull his weapon free of the wall, he pulled his hand back just as Konohamaru kicked at him. Moving to stand in front of Moegi again Konohamaru took up a ready stance as he prepared to show Udon only one of them was fit to be Hokage.


Ino came upon the Jounin station and felt her fear for her father grow exponentially as it looked like something had used exploding tags to blow a large hole in the building that had caused a portion of it to collapse. Looking further down the road she could see Asuma leading a badly battered squad of Training Force Shinobi against several Paths in order to retake the building so they could coordinate Konoha's forces. Running up the collapsed debris, she found it led right to the room that housed the Command Center and gasped upon spotting the radio operators' remains who had taken the blunt of the explosion. She spotted Shikaku laying in the center of the room and not seeing any significant injuries prayed he was just unconscious, but upon flipping him over found his eyes wide and unseeing. A quick check of his vitals was all she needed to confirm he was dead.

She heard a groan come from the back and saw her father tangled in the remains of the devise the Yamanaka used to enhance their mental abilities. She pulled him free, but sat back in horror as he came loose minus a leg. Now free of the constriction that kept him from bleeding out, Inoichi condition rapidly deteriorated. Ino began to treat the wound even as tears began to gather at the corner of her eyes. Clamping the artery that had been cut, she began to heal what she could but her emotions got the best of her as she screamed out both mentally and physically, "Naruto! Please save us!"

Her attention was pulled to the hole as a gravely wounded Asuma appeared having been alerted to his student's presence by her scream. "Ino, we have to go. We can't hold this position for l..."

Ino's stared on in horror as her sensei was pieced in the back by a metal tail that lifted him off of his feet. The tail then retracted pulling Asuma out of the room even as she moved to reach for him while several Paths gathered in front of her. Slowly a Naraka Path approached as it coldly said, "It sounds like you may know where the Jinchuriki is. Tell me what you know."

Although scared, the Yamanaka stared defiantly at the Path to say, "I know when Naruto finds out what you've done here... he's going to kick your ass."

"We'll see..." A Human Path said as it closed with her preparing to remove her soul.


Naruto was in the midst of training against Naruko when he felt someone scream for him. Surprised he looked in the direction of Konoha as it had almost sounded like it had come from there. Despite his being distracted he managed to catch Naruko's hand before she could hit him. Noticing the concern appearing on his face as well as in his spirit due to her Senjutsu abilities she asked, "Naruto what's wrong?"

Confident the others hadn't heard the scream as he became convinced it had been Ino he said, "Something is happening in the village."

"Naruto if that were true then Tsunade would have sent Kosuke back," Fukasaku said.

Naruto closed his eyes and focused on the Hiraishin portion of the Ino's fox mark and saw a man with Orange hair approaching his lover. He sent a look back to Naruko which conveyed what he was about to do as he didn't want to waste time with words and then disappeared in a red flash. Appearing between Ino and the man threatening her, Naruto grabbed the outstretched hand and then backhanded the Human Path in the face. Already in Sage mode the blow sent the Path flying out the hole and through several buildings. Naruto tossed the arm that his sending the path flying had caused to be ripped from its socket as he charged the remaining Paths.

He made it a handful of steps as a Deva Path raised its arm pulling Naruto off of his feet and towards a Asura Path that wrapped four arms around him. Naruto head butted the Path caving its skull in and kicked it away before forming a massive Rasengan that it slammed into the Deva Path obliterating it a good portion of the room. He spun and kicked a Preta Path in the chest sending it smashing through a wall. Able to see several more Paths heading towards his location Naruto created a few hundred clones and sent them out to intercept them.

Ino watched as Naruto turned towards her the red jacket he was wearing flowing in the breeze. Feeling her hope being restored by his presence she said softly, "You came."

Naruto knelt down to cup her face lovingly as he replied, "I heard your call. Don't worry; I'll put a stop to this." The Jinchuriki then carefully picked up her father and as he stood told her, "Grab on."

Ino did so and they disappeared in a red flash and reappeared in the Hospital. Due to Naruto's method of travel all activity stopped upon their appearance as several people openly wondered if the Fourth Hokage had found some way to return from the dead to aid the village in its time of need. But upon realizing the person was Naruto, a clamor had begun to spread as people questioned how he had learned a jutsu associated with the Yellow Flash. Some of the more cowardly people present began to suggest they turn the young man over to Pain in order to end the attack. Those words reached the wrong ears as Sakura brought her fist down upon a desk which shattered under the blow causing the room to once more settle into silence. Naruto ignored it all as he placed Inoichi on a stretcher Shizune brought towards him.

After making eye contact with each of his lovers present to reassure them, he prepared to Hiraishin to another location when the room began to erupt into panic. Turning towards the cause he could see a large Rhino charging down the street right towards the Konoha Hospital entrance. This caused the people closest to it to try to move deeper into the room to escape. Naruto easily slipped through the frightened people to step outside the building where he waited to receive the summons charge. Just before its horn reached him, Naruto hit in in the side of the head with a spinning kick that sent the summons tumbling down the street away from the hospital. He then disappeared in a red flash to reappear in near a safe-house where another of his lovers needed his assistance.


"Hand over the woman," a Deva Path said to the masked Anbu woman standing in front of Ayame.

"There are easier ways to pick up a girl then this," Mikoto responded having found a dead Anbu and stolen his mask and clothes. Mikoto waited for Pain's response as she recalled how she found herself in her current situation

The Uchiha after leaving Kiyomi's mansion and locating her current attire had been torn by her desire to abandon the village to search for her son or honor her promise to Naruto. She had been debating both choices as she watched the Pains attack the village. She had noticed that when Pain had originally attacked with just the Six Paths that he had spread them out randomly over the village. Now that he appeared to have called in some reinforcements he was attacking from the outer wall and working his way to where the Civilians were sequestered. She understood his reasoning was to drive home the point that the Leaf couldn't stop him from destroying the people that called the village home. The darker part of her could appreciate his tactic and even felt it fitting that the people who had benefited from her clan's demise would know the same despair as the destruction that heralded their doom slowly approached.

But Mikoto had forced such thoughts away as she knew there were plenty of innocent children that had nothing to do with the old fears and suspicions that had ultimately led to her clan's revolt and subsequent destruction. Preparing to aid the village if only motivated by that fact, she had noticed a group of Paths heading to a spot located in a portion of the village that had yet to be attacked. Recognizing a squad on a mission when she saw one the Uchiha had taken off in pursuit.

She arrived just in time to witness as the group attacked what appeared to be a safehouse located near the Hokage Mansion. The sounds of conflict ended before Mikoto could come up with a plan of attack and she watched as a young woman was carried from the building over an Asura Path's shoulder. She recognized the woman from her visits to Kiyomi's home and having learned that she was the public face of Naruto's many relationships realized that whoever had been leading the village's counterattack had likely known that Pain may make a move on her to lure Naruto out so had secured her away.

Having witnessed Paths being summoned by the Animal Paths dotting the village, Mikoto threw caution to the wind as she leapt from her perch silently to free the kidnapped woman before they were summoned away. She landed in the midst of the group and buried her borrowed blade into the middle of the Asura Path's back. She kicked the Asura Path away as she grabbed ahold of Ayame and leapt away just as all the Paths disappeared.

Setting the woman down, she loosened her bindings as she asked, "Are you alright?"

"Yes thank you," Ayame said standing as she rubbed her wrists where they had been bound.

"Good, we should likely get going. I imagine Pain is going to be pissed."

Ayame nodded so Mikoto took off running heading towards Kiyomi's figuring having the Nine-Tailed Fox as a guardian would insure her safety. She noticed that Ayame appeared to find the direction they were heading to be rather strange and was about to reveal who she was, but several Paths landed in front of them with an Asura Path landing behind to box them in. The Human Path in front of the group looked in the direction they had been heading and then turning towards the women said, "Hmm, a strange place to head. Something tells me you aren't so much allied with the village as the woman that lives in that direction."

"Not quite by choice," Mikoto said causing a spark of recognition to appear on Ayame's face. Both women backed up as the Paths blocking their access to Kiyomi's mansion took a step forward. The one of the four Paths in front a Deva Path said, "Hand over the woman."

Mikoto replied offhandedly, "There are easier ways to pick up a girl then this," as she tried to think of a way to defeat the four Paths in front of her and one at her back. She could feel their eyes all watching her as they perceived her to be the only threat to them. Which was why the Asura Path at their back was caught unaware as Ayame having remained pressed against Mikoto's back as she appeared scared, spun and threw a kunai that she had deftly pulled from the Uchiha's pouch and hit it in the eye.

Despite being as surprised as the Pains by the sudden skill Ayame displayed due to her training to become a kunoichi, Mikoto didn't let the opening slip away as she launched herself at the four Paths. Her Sharingan flared to life as she closed with them and her bloodline showed her how the Paths would react to her attack. It revealed that two of the Paths were also Asura which were moving to engage her as the Human Path, not exactly geared towards combat, would leap away. Mikoto responded by targeting where the Human Path would be and fired a Great Fireball Jutsu that hit it exactly where she expected it would. She felt a moment of satisfaction as she noticed the Rinnegan eyes of the Human Path go wide in surprise before her jutsu engulfed it.

To her surprise as the two Asura Paths raised their arms to reveal a pair of cannons which appeared from the sleeves of their cloaks. she realized that the Paths intended on eliminating both her and Ayame. Mikoto knew she could save herself by leaping out of the way, but instead turned to shield Ayame from the coming blasts. A red flash appeared between her and Ayame, temporarily blinding her as she felt a kunai fly pass her from in front of her. A strong arm wrapped around her waist as she hit something solid and then felt a disorienting feeling as they appeared in a rather large and opulent bedroom that held a massive bed.

Stepping away she recognized Naruto as he held Ayame whose arms were draped around his neck. Naruto kissed Ayame gently before he said, "Stay here."

"Let me help you," Ayame said knowing she likely sounded silly to her lover.

Naruto smiled lovingly as he said, "I know you've been training yourself to be a kunoichi lately. But you aren't ready for someone of Pain's caliber yet."

Ayame nodded, causing Naruto to turn to masked Uchiha as he said, "Mikoto, thank you."

"How did you know it was me?"

Naruto pointed to her ankle where the fox mark that had kept her on Kiyomi's property resided as he explained, "That mark has a locating function that would let me find you if you ever managed to escape. Can you please watch over Ayame in case Pain finds his way down here?"

The blond then disappeared leaving Mikoto and Ayame in the Den as having witnessed the Uchiha's willingness to sacrifice herself for one of his lovers, he knew he was leaving his official girlfriend in good hands.


Naruto reappeared in the street at the location of the kunai he had thrown upon saving Mikoto and Ayame. He pulled it from where it was embedded in the Deva Path's throat as the two Asura Paths spun towards him. Naruto smirked as they had to put their cannons away since they needed him alive. They charged him but he was ready as he prepared and threw a Rasenshuriken that expanded as it passed between them destroying both Paths. Still he was surprised at the ease in which he was dealing with the Paths he had encountered and suspected that however Nagato was capable of controlling so many of them he had to sacrifice some of the power they contained. He then teleported to another part of the village in order to aid Tsunade and Konan against the large number of Paths they faced.

Several minutes after he did so, a Naraka Path dropped down in order to restore the Paths that had been destroyed.


A large cloud appeared in the center of the village as Shima, having used the pond located near the Konoha that allowed smaller toads to travel to the village without being summoned, called forth Naruko, her husband, Gamabunta, Gamahiro, and Gamaken. Naruko stood on Gamabunta's head decked out in her new attire which consisted of her wearing a black and red jacket similar to what Naruto normally wore except it was shortened to show off her toned stomach. She had opted to wear a tight pair of black shorts which exposed her long legs. On her feet she wore a pair of geta and also in memory of her teacher she wore a replica of the horned forehead protector that Jiraiya had worn.

Looking over the village she said, "That bastards really done a number on the place."

Fukasaku nodded from his perch on her shoulder as Shima leapt atop of her other one. The female toad said, "That's not all. It appears Pain has found a way to channel his powers through a virtual army of Paths. Most of them appear to be of the Deva or Asura variety due to their strong combat capabilities."

A cadre of Shinobi appeared behind Naruko brandishing weapons as Ibiki stepped forward saying, "Who the hell are you?"

Naruko turned towards the Special Jounin as she answered, "My name is Naruko Uzumaki. I was a student of Jiraiya and I'm here to avenge my teacher. Stay out of my way and there won't be any problems."

Although having never heard of the girl before her standing atop of Gamabunta as well as the Toads on her shoulders gave strong credence to her story. "Hey girlie," the Toad Boss shouted attracting her attention, "Eyes front and center."

Naruko turned her back on Ibiki to see a bunch of Paths gather on the rooftops. She also noticed a bunch of dogs moving towards them. As they approached the animals would slam into each other growing larger as they melded together so that by the time it landed across from Gamaken it was easily the same size as him. She noticed two large clouds of smoke erupt from the streets and suspected that some Animal Paths were also summoning reinforcements to combat the toads.

As one of the clouds thinned Naruko could make out a purple serpent that had several large chakra rods implanted in its head. Gamabunta was shocked as he recognized Manda causing him to say, "So the bastard would go so far as to desecrate the dead of our fellow summons as well. I can't say I shed any tears upon learning of Manda's death, but he at least deserved a better end then this."

Naruko nodded as her gaze moved to the second cloud of smoke which revealed a large Rhino that towered over the village. Next her eyes shifted skyward as she noticed a large bird-like summons pass overhead. Able to feel several of Naruto's lovers battling beneath the street near the toad that was supposed to summon them in case of Pain's attack she said, "I think there is another fight going on besides the one with Pain. It might be why Kosuke didn't alert us to what was going on. Fukasaku-sensei, Shima-sensei please go lend them your aide. We'll deal with Pain."

"Are you sure?" Shima asked, "It might be best if one of us stays to aid you in gathering natural energy."

Naruko shook her head as she replied, "I'll just use that clone method Naruto came up with. Besides if somebody did stop Kosuke from warning us then they must know how you summons keep track of those who die away from the mountain. If that's the case they are only going to keep him alive for as long as the fighting goes on."

A Path was sent airborne from where Naruko could feel her lover was. She watched as Naruto appeared near the Path and sent a Rasengan into its back sending it flying away. He then threw a kunai at one of the rooftops where the Paths had gathered and Hiraishined towards its location where he began tearing into their ranks. Commenting on her lover's actions she said, "If Naruto keeps going at that pace it would probably be best to save him sooner rather than later."

Both Elder Toad Sages nodded as they leapt from her shoulders to rescue their fellow toad able to feel where he was due to their Senjutsu. Naruko noticed a shadow appear around her which was growing larger. Looking up she saw the bird summons diving towards their location intent on burying its beak where she was standing which wouldn't be doing Gamabunta any favors. Making several hand-signs her ponytails shot skyward as they took on the shape of lion mouths which bit into the Bird summons neck. They then pulled it out of the sky and slammed it into one of the buildings the Paths had gathered at. Looking at the shinobi behind her from over her shoulder she said, "If you're not ready to leap into the thick of it get the fuck off." When none of them leapt off, she turned forward again as she said, "Let's go Boss."

"Alright, hold on tight."

Gamabunta then leapt towards Manda pulling his blade as Naruko leapt off to land on one of the roofs to take the fight to Pain.


Konohamaru hit the ground hard as he took a punch to the chest that caused him to stumble before tripping over some garbage. He rolled out of the way as Udon threw several senbon which would have impacted his legs rendering him immobile. Moegi prevented him from following up by throwing a kunai which forced him to move out of the way.

Udon moved to attack the kunoichi, but was forced to change tactics as Konohamaru used the Substitution jutsu to switch places with her. He then quickly created a clone which stabilized the chakra he gathered in his hand as he tried to connect with a Rasengan. Udon caught Konohamaru by the wrist as he kicked the clone in the chest dispelling it. He bent Konohamaru's arm back forcing him to cancel the jutsu and then tried to bring his elbow down on the locked joint in order to break his teammate's arm.

Moegi connected with a kick to Udon's knee that caused him to yell out in pain as Konohamaru pulled free of his grip. Udon recovered and in turn punched Moegi in her wound causing her to gasp. The then faced her fully and delivered a powerful kick that sent her flying right to where the chakra receiver was imbedded in the wall.

"Moegi," Konohamaru shouted moving to help her but was sent spinning away as Udon used the moment to spin towards him and deliver a vicious backhanded fist.

Udon turned to inspect his handiwork but was surprised when he didn't find the orange haired kunoichi impaled on the black rod. But instead found she was being held in Naruto's arms as he stared angrily at the secret Root operative. Naruto's voice sounded dangerous as he said, "I didn't want to believe Karin when she said she suspected you might have been faking being knocked out during your mission to Wave so that Moegi and she would be killed."

Udon didn't flinch as he replied calmly, "Whether you want to believe it or not is rather irrelevant at this point. Wouldn't you agree?"


Udon removed his glasses as he ran his hand through his hair to reply, "Honestly, I've grown rather annoyed at having to repeat my motivations. Besides, what's the point in telling a clone when I'll have to repeat myself as you inevitably try to save me should we ever meet face to face?"

"You're a clone," Konohamaru asked as he moved towards his friend and rival's side. Naruto nodded causing Konohamaru to say, "Get Moegi to the hospital."

"No Konohamaru we're a team..."

"Moegi, that's an order. I outrank both of you now so you both better listen."

The clone stared at Konohamaru for a moment and aware that the young man was likely in the same situation as Naruto and Sasuke nodded in understanding before teleporting away. Konohamaru looked on surprised as he said, "Was that the Flying Thudergod Jutsu? Aw man Naruto is probably way stronger than me now."

"He isn't the only one," Udon said tossing his glasses away. Aware that as soon as Naruto's clone delivered its charge it'd likely dispel itself causing more to head to the area, Udon turned and darted off calling back, "I think a change of venue is order."

"Get back here," Konohamaru shouted giving chase to his friend while wondering when the world had become such a complicated place that a childhood buddy couldn't be trusted.


Naruto crossed his arms and used chakra to remain in place as a Deva Path tried to push him off of the roof with an Almighty Push. Throwing a kunai on the jutsu ended, he appeared before it could do so again and grabbed it around the throat. Snapping its neck one handed, he tossed the broken path off of the roof and turned to see Naruko fighting several nearby. He was distracted as she was tackled to the ground by several of them, which allowed a Preta Path to land behind him in order to drain him of his chakra. However, before it reached him Tsunade's voice shouted, "Don't even think about it."

Both the Path and Naruto looked up to see Tsunade being dropped by an airborne Konan. She landed right on the Path driving her foot into its skull as she sent it smashing through the building like an express elevator heading to the basement. "Thanks," Naruto said as he moved to aid Naruko, but watched as the Paths holding her down turned into toads before turning to stone. Guessing they had drained her of her natural energy he summoned one of her clones which dispelled itself filling her with new energy. Once more in Sage mode she managed to easily break the statue holding her down, but Naruto cursed as the Deva Path he had just taken out landed on the roof with her. It used its jutsu to pull her towards it as a chakra rod appeared from its sleeve in order to impale her.

Naruto Hiraishined to her and wrapped his arms around her before using the mark on Tsunade to teleport back. "Thank you," Naruko said as her lover set her down.

"Dammit," Naruto cursed staring at the Deva Path that was staring at them from the opposite roof. "We're never going to win if we can't put these bastards down for good."

Konan landed next to him as she said, "Agreed. Nagato has his Naraka Paths remaining hidden in order to repair those we manage to eliminate."

"There has to be a limit to how many times he can do it," Tsunade said as she watched several more Paths gathering opposite them.

"His limitations before were due to how much chakra he had," Konan replied. "But it's apparent that the reason Kiyomi said she felt the One-Tails was because Nagato is likely somehow using it to power his jutsu now. If that is the case then I have no idea what Nagato's limitations are now."

"Then we have to find Nagato and take him down," Naruko said.

"Unfortunately he's made quite a few improvements to his chakra transmitter so I have no idea of how close he needs to be to the village. He could be in another country for all I know."

"I have Tsume and Hana as well as the rest of the Inuzuka working on that," Tsunade said "For now we just need to hold on until they find him."

Naruto nodded as the gathered Paths leapt from the roof at them and although the jinchuriki believed they would triumph in the end. He feared how many more losses the village would endure in the meantime.


Koharu tried to leap back as a shuriken thrown by a Root member attempted to bury itself in her throat. Although she managed to avoid the projectile, Homura used the opportunity it presented to send the chain end of his sickle to wrap around her throat. He pulled it taunt causing her to get yanked forward and hit the ground. She managed to recover enough to push the blade to the side as he tried to bury it in her face. It hit the ground inches from her head, allowing her to kick back and catch her teammate in the face with her foot. He stumbled back losing his grip on his weapon allowing her to pull the chain from around her throat.

She got to her feet and was forced to roll away seconds later as Homura summoned a pair of windmill shuriken from the scroll hanging from his chest. He charged forward and pulled his sickle from the ground as he swung it wildly at the deaged elder. Koharu used a kunai to lock blades with him and as they struggled against each other he said, "What exactly have you done to yourself. At first I merely though you had henged yourself to throw me off. But you're not showing your age at all. Not to mention that nick I scored to your cheek earlier seems to have completely healed."

Koharu smirked at her teammate as she said, "Consider it a benefit of clean living. " She then pushed back at her fellow elder forcing his weapon out of position and allowed her to grip the handle. She then pulled back as she fell backwards causing Homura to tumble forward as well. As she began to roll backwards, she brought her knees up to her chest and then kicked out against Homura's causing him to be propelled away. Flipping back to her feet she turned to see Homura landing roughly on his back, but was forced to focus on a pair of Root Anbu charging towards her. Before they reached her though a nude Komachi appeared behind them and cut them across the back with her blade. Koharu returned the favor as she fired a stream of water from her mouth that hit a Root operative that appeared behind the nude woman.

Koharu turned to see Homura get back to his feet and pulling a scroll from the holder strapped to his back whipped in around him. From the scroll a barrage of ninja tools shot out which aimed directly at the two women. However, Seven landed in front of them and held her hands up creating a magnetic field which acted as a barrier. The objects slammed into it bouncing off harmlessly. She then used her magnetic ability to gather the discarded tools as several Root Anbu positioned themselves between her and the Root Elder. The magnetized ninja tools took on a shape resembling a dragon which Seven sent flying towards the remaining Root shinobi. Homura and several others managed to move out of the way but those that didn't were shredded to pieces as the dragon swallowed them and they paced through the jutsu made up of lots of sharp pointy objects.

Homura glared hatefully at the women opposing him and had decimated his forces. However, he still held quite a significant edge in numbers and believed they would still be victorious as it appeared that Koharu and Komachi at least appeared to be tiring. Yet he was forced to recalculate his odds when a pair of small toads smashed into his forces from behind.

Koharu and the other women charged forward making the most of the chaos the new arrivals had thrown Root into. Koharu attacked Homura as the Male Elder said, "Why is it you fail to comprehend that this desire for peace with the other villages is what will lead to our extinction? How many more of our children and friends do you need to be sacrificed to that foolish ideal before you'll finally understand?"

Koharu jumped back as Homura summoned a spear that he swung at her midsection. He charged towards her causing her to spit out some mud which hardened into a wall that his spear slammed into. Koharu grabbed the end that pierced her wall pulling it out of Homura's grip and spun around her barrier just as he appeared. She slammed his weapon into his chest surprising many of the Root members present.

She met her dying teammate's surprised gaze as she said sadly, "I understand that it is fear that makes you believe that. But what you fail to understand is that those same enemies you believe are plotting our demise are motivated by the same fear that is what we are doing. They are also motivated and haunted by those they have lost as a result of the misunderstandings born of that fear. If we are to break the cycle of hatred that had engulfed the Shinobi Villages since their creation then we need to stop seeing them as villains plotting our demise and see them as people motivated by much the same things as us. A love of their homes and people and a willingness to do all that they can to protect them."

Homura began to fall back as Koharu let the spear slip from her fingers as he said, "You're a fool Koharu and you'll die a fools death."

"Perhaps, Homura," she replied although his eyes stared at nothing indicating he was no longer of the living world, "but at least it will be a death I can be pleased with as a result of how I lived."

"Um, that's great and all," Seven said pulling Koharu's attention from her old friends face, "but something tells me, he wasn't speaking about the future when he said you were going to die."

Koharu watched as the remaining Root Anbu all began to topple making her suspect they were swallowing some sort of poison hidden in their masks or mouths. She noticed the two toads pulling a third from a jar located near a throne where Homura had been standing upon their first entering the room. But what really attracted her attention was how the new corpses began to smoke as the exploding tags they had activated before their mass suicide prepared to explode.

"I think we've over stayed our welcome," Seven said as she turned Koharu's hardened barrier into an earth dragon that she directed to slam into a wall. The dragon burrowed into the concrete wall as it dug an escape tunnel towards the surface that those present used to escape the explosion. Koharu brought up the rear as the room behind them erupted. She tried to ignore the feel of the flames that pursued them, as she feared they would not be able to outrace them. She could feel the surface was near due to the presence of Fu that seemed to be right overhead. Just before being overtaken though, a large black fist smashed into the ground separating them from the flames as the dragon burst through the street.

Koharu emerged to see an extremely damaged Fu, in her golem construct, kneeling on the ground with its fist buried in the ground. It pulled its hand free revealing that it had been destroyed by the blast she had separated them from. "Is everyone okay," Fu said in the loud echoing boom her voice took on when speaking as she used the ability she gained from her merging with Seven's Bijuu body.

"It would appear so" Koharu answered as she noticed nearly a dozen men with strange piercings and wearing the Akatsuki cloaks appearing around their position.

"You've led us on a merry chase, Jinchuriki" one of the men said as his arm morphed into some sort of cannon.

Several of the others copied the technique prompting Seven to say, "What's that human saying about jumping from the frying pan into the fire? I think we just did the opposite, but it appears we're still just as fucked."

Fu began giggling as she raised her constructs ruined arm to point, "I don't know compared to what's going on over there we might be in the better situation."

Seven looked to where her old host was pointing to see several Paths floating in the air. They formed a circular pattern as they began forming a black sphere at the center. Before Seven could move she was forced to throw up a magnetic shield as the Asura Paths opened fire with their energy blasters. Straining to maintain it against the power of the blasts she said, "If they complete that jutsu you can kiss our asses goodbye."


Kiyomi watched from the top of the Hokage monument as the Deva Paths began to from a massive Chibaku Tensei over the village. She wondered if Pain had simply decided to kill Naruto along with the village since a black sphere of the size they were constructing would likely suck the entire village into a tightly packed if massive ball. She suspected that Pain was of the opinion that the Bijuu Naruto contained would attempt to save him less it be destroyed as well.

Kiyomi watched as the three Toads having dealt with the summons they faced leapt in an attempt to swat the Paths out of the sky. However, they were sent flying away as several Deva Paths revealed they weren't aiding in the creation of the jutsu by turning from the center and repelling the massive amphibians. Kiyomi raised her arm to cover her face as dust shot up from where the Toad that wielded the twin swords landed on and crushed a nearby building.

Believing it was time that she step in, she called out to Naruto causing her former host and current lover to appear. "What is it Kiyomi, I'm a little busy."

Kiyomi frowned fearing his tone was due to the rift that had appeared due to her actions in regards to the Taki-nin. But she calmed as she understood it was because he likely knew if the Paths finished their jutsu his village would cease to exist. "I wish to take a more active role in this struggle."

Naruto looked conflicted since he was measuring Kiyomi's appearance with the questions they would face afterwards. However, she calmed him by saying, "Don't worry. No one is going to question my appearance on the battlefield." Before Naruto could ask how she planned to pull that off, Kiyomi began to be coated in chakra as a single tail appeared behind her. She crouched forward as the fourth and fifth sprang into existence and her body completely disappeared in the chakra. With the sixth tail's appearance a fox's skeleton appeared as the chakra body surround Kiyomi grew much larger. Muscle and sinew grew as the seventh and eighth tail appeared so that by the time the ninth tail became visible what stood before Naruto was a fully reborn Kyuubi. However, had any of the people that faced Kiyomi seventeen years ago been so inclined to look in iher eyes they would notice that this time instead of a deep red, the Bijuu possessed green ones.

Naruto leapt to Kiyomi's head as he said, "This is a surprise."

"I thought it would be prudent to come up with a means to fight in the village so that nobody would question it," Kiyomi replied. She then directed her gaze towards the Deva Paths and opening her mouth created a beast ball that she then fired into the Jutsu that was being created. Her Beast Ball hit the black sphere and exploded destroying the Paths that surrounded it and caused all the fighting in the village to stop for a moment.

Many a shinobi nearly lost control of their bowels as they witnessed the Kyuubi appearing from atop of the Hokage monument. However, when they saw it leap from its perch to sink its teeth into a restored Manda that had had its head cutoff by Gamabunta, they noticed Naruto standing on her head and realized that for the moment it appeared they were working together. The sight of what many had considered the greatest threat the village had ever faced now working to defend it gave many of the shinobi a renewed sense of hope as they proceeded to take the fight to the Paths.

Naruto prepared to defend himself as several Paths managed to leap onto Kiyomi to take him out as he believed Nagato though she would dispel if he was defeated. However, he watched as several began to mummify as Pakura leapt from a building onto the Bijuu's back her orbs hitting several of the Paths in the process. She moved to attack one that was blocking her from Naruto, but it simply absorbed them revealing it was a Preta Path. However, before it could attack, it and several other Paths were sliced to ribbons as Pakura leapt away to a nearby building.

Naruto turned to see Temari wielding her fan from a nearby roof. She was flanked by Matsuri and Maki as they kept the Paths they faced at bay. The Paths they faced appeared to lose track of them before being destroyed by a fast moving object that darted between them. The object came to a stop revealing Yoruichi who was soon joined by Yakumo and Yuugao as several Paths converged on their location. However, a damaged black construct that resembled a man wearing armor designed after a beetle rose up behind the Paths and swatted them away. It then faced towards a charging multiheaded dog as its face plate opened and a beam of golden chakra shot from it hitting the summons dead center and burning a hole through it.

Naruto turned his focus in the other direction in time to see Tsunade send the body of a Deva Path over the wall with a girder that she then threw to impale a dog trying to separate from the dying main body that Fu had killed. He then followed Naruko as she ran behind Tsunade to leap to another rooftop in order to bring a Rasengan down on a path. It managed to absorb the attack, but she threw a punch that it also managed to avoid, but was still sent flying as the Aura that followed in the punch's wake still connected. Several Paths moved to intercept his fellow Sage, but were rebuffed as Hinata appeared between them and she used rotation.

Naruto watching his lovers taking the fight to Pain felt a confidence that not only were they going to win the battle they were currently engaged in. But so long as they were by his side there would be no obstacle they couldn't overcome. He directed his gaze straight ahead as a centipede was summoned to attack Kiyomi. Creating a Rasenshuriken he sent it flying at the summons catching it in the head and destroying it. Konan landed behind him and pointed towards were a flare was shining in the sky. Able to sense Tsume and Hana near its presence he said, "We're going to finish this." He then Hiraishined Kiyomi, Konan and himself to their location.


Konohamaru held his side as he glared at his former friend. Despite his best efforts it had been all he could do to avoid being fatally injured. The only crack he had seen in Udon's calm demeanor as he easily handled Konohamaru was as his grandfather's home, where the Root operative had moved their fight, had erupted into flames. Udon tore his gaze away from the burning building as a dark rage appeared on his face, but it disappeared a moment later as the Root member said, "It appears our fight has no further meaning."

He then took off running as he headed out of the village. Konohamaru tried to give chase but due to the damage he had received was forced to call, "Come back here you coward. I thought you were going to convince me how wrong I was about everything."

Udon stopped for a moment and turned back to reply, "I will...mark my words I will. I just will not be doing it with the intention of waking you up any further. The next time we meet, I'll be tearing down this pathetic excuse for a village myself."

Konohamaru knew better than to ask with what army as he was sure there were plenty of people out there willing to aid Udon in that quest. Sasuke Uchiha being a name that immediately sprang to mind.


Ino finished healing another shinobi and waited for another to be placed in front of her. She listened with half an ear to a radio as a new command post had been established in the hospital. She knew that it made them a target, but since it had been the second most fortified position outside of the civilian shelters from the beginning it had been selected. She focused on what was being said as a commander lamented facing a group of Paths that they had already eliminated. She heard the sounds of several of the shinobi being killed as they requested reinforcements.

She tried to tune it out but the screams continued to haunt her. But hearing the yells of hope that sprang up as Naruto appeared atop of Kiyomi, Ino felt a desire to contribute more to the battle then just her healing talents. Realizing that until Naruto dealt with Nagato, the Paths would likely keep coming due to their being restored she came up with a way to locate the Naraka Paths.

Finding Shizune working on a horribly injured civilian she said, "I need to borrow Karin. I have a way to locate the Paths restoring the others."

Shizune gave a quick nod before returning her focus to her patient. Ino quickly collected Karin and moved to the roof as she explained her plan. Karin sounded a little skeptical as she asked, "Are you sure you're capable of it?"

Despite not having the slightest clue, Ino replied determinedly, "I won't fail."

Karin returned her determined gaze as they appeared on the roof. The red-head sat in a cross-legged position and expanded her chakra sensing abilities. She was able to easily pick out the Paths due to their sharing the same chakra. Ino then linked their minds and then reaching deep inside herself did likewise to every shinobi and kunoichi in the village. "Everyone listen, I'm projecting to you the locations of all the Paths in the village. Watch for those that wink out of existence and pay attention to the ones that move to those locations. Those will be the Naraka Paths, eliminate them and Pain won't be able to bring the other ones back."

Ino watched as from Karin's perspective several Paths disappeared. This caused several to head to those locations, when the previously destroyed Paths came back into existence. Ino marked them and then directed the nearest shinobi squads to intercept. In her mind the ones that had been marked as Naraka Paths turned ready and she felt a sense of satisfaction as those lights winked out as the village used her and Karin's abilities to work together much as the Paths had been.

Despite the success they were experiencing Ino found it difficult to maintain the connection as linking that many minds without the aid of the devise her clan normally used proved to be draining. However, Ino resolved to keep the connection active until they won or her chakra gave out and she died, whichever came first.


"What the hell are we waiting for," Kiba questioned his mother from where they observed a mountain that their eyes told them nothing was amiss. But their noses made them believe Pain was conducting his war against Konoha from it.

"We're waiting for backup," Tsume replied harshly, "If you weren't in such a hurry you'd notice our partners aren't all that excited about charging in there. Something's got them spooked."

Kiba looked back at Akamaru who whined communicating that although nothing appeared to be nearby, outside of the scent coming from the mountain. But there was something powerful nearby that his partner could sense. Kiba frowned as the last time he saw Akamaru act that way it had been in the presence of Gaara.

However his pondering was put on hold as suddenly a massive red fox appeared in a flash of red. Almost immediately a portion of the mountain pulled away to reveal the Shukaku that responded to Kiyomi's presence firing an air bullet. Kiyomi avoided the attack which hit near where Kiba and his family were hiding. Gapping at the destruction left in the wake of the attack asked, "W-what do we do now?"

"We sit back and watch Naruto kick its ass," Tsume said as an unfamiliar smile appeared on her face, at least unfamiliar to Kiba. Not sure what his mom meant he turned back to see Naruto was riding atop of the fox's head. Suddenly quite positive he didn't like what his mom's smile was implying he felt a great deal of jealousy as it appeared that the Blond continued to outpace him as he had since beating him in the Chunin Exams.


"Naruto," Kiyomi said as she leapt back away from where Shukaku's air bullet was aimed. "I need you to go and fetch Yoruichi. I then need you to teleport her to Suna to collect an artifact. She'll know what I want her to grab." Naruto didn't ask any questions as he created a clone to follow his Bijuu lover's instructions. "Good," Kiyomi replied, "I'll create an opening so that you and Konan can confront Pain."

She then charged her fellow Bijuu and clamped her jaws around its throat. Once Naruto and Konan leapt free, she then tossed Shukaku over her head causing the one-tails to land on its back. It got to its feet but due to her standing in front of the cave that housed Nagato didn't fire any projectiles since if they missed it could cause a cave in. She suspected that it was Nagato controlling her fellow Bijuuu much as he had his Paths, so once more charged forward intent on ripping the chakra receivers free of Shukaku's body.


Naruto and Konan approached the end of the cave as they scanned the empty canisters that housed the Paths that Nagato had used in his attack. The cave opened up to reveal Nagato sitting at the back and the Yahiko Path sitting in a meditative pose in front of him. The Yahiko Path opened its eyes as it said, "So you're the one that Konan betrayed me for. I might have guessed as much." Naruto felt Konan wince behind him as a result of the dead tone the Path used. He kept silent though as it continued, "I suppose you've come for your revenge?"

Naruto finally replied, "I can't deny that a very large part of me hates you to the point that all I want to do is kill you for murdering Jiraiya. But I'm not going to listen to that part of me. I'm here to stop you for the threat you pose to my home and to the Peace I want to establish in the Shinobi World."

"Our goals are the same," Nagato said through the Yahiko Path. "If it truly is your goal then surrender to me. Your death will make a true peace possible."

"A true peace cannot be built by someone willing to kills his own teacher and friend," Naruto replied causing the Yahiko Path's face to contort in anger.

"They turned their backs on me first," it replied angrily. "Jiraiya came to Ame with the intention of killing me and Konan...she's become a whore of the Leaf Village. I wonder what they offered you to secure your loyalty."

Naruto's own gaze grew dark as he replied, "You had already killed dozens of innocent people with the skills Jiraiya taught you. What teacher wouldn't try to stop such a student?" Naruto looked back as his lover his gaze growing softer which remained as he turned towards Nagato to say, "You want to know what Konan wanted in order to work with me. She asked me to save you from the darkness that you have surrounded yourself with in your quest for peace. Nagato, please end this madness all you're doing is causing the hate that infects this world to spread to more people."

"No Uzumaki," the Yahiko Path said as it raised its hand, "It's not hate I'm spreading but fear. Once that fear has reached every heart then Peace will be the end result as nobody will be willing to cross me. Before you die you'll know exactly what I mean."

Naruto watched as the Yahiko Path's right arm morphed into a canon revealing that Nagato was channeling more than one of his abilities through it. Reaching into his pouch he threw dozens of tri-prong Kunai about the room. He aimed several at Nagato but the Yahiko Path raised its left arm scattering the ones heading towards it. Grabbing ahold of Konan, he began to Hiraishin about the room as he avoided the blasts coming from the canon.


Kiyomi was punched back by Shukaku, but she managed to pull another chakra receiver free. She noticed that the Rinnegan her fellow Bijuu sported began to fade. But then Nagato reasserted his will causing them to reappear. Guessing she'd have to keep at it, the Bijuu charged forward but Shukaku spun hitting her with its tail.

Kiyomi cut a swath of destruction through the forest where she landed before growling as she got back to her feet. She considered using a Beast Ball, but felt that might be a bit of overkill considering her fellow Bijuu wasn't in control of its actions, even if a part of her felt Shukaku might be enjoying the results regardless. She knew that as children she had often teased Shukaku about being weakest making the one-tail resent her. But she hoped that soon they'd be able to start a new chapter in their lives. The Rinnegan faded for a moment causing the Bijuu to flick her off as it said, "Fuck you Kurama. If I was in control of myself, I'd be kicking you nine-tailed ass even more."

"Oh to hell with this," Kiyomi thought gathering chakra for a beast ball as the Rinnegan reappeared in Shukaku's eyes. Her fellow Bijuu mirrored the action. Both Bijuu fired at the same time and although hers was smaller, she wasn't surprised as it tore through Shukaku's since she doubted that Nagato was as skilled at the jutsu as her. It hit Shukaku and exploded causing the Bijuu to go flying backwards away from the cave. She closed the distance as the One-tail regain its footing and she spun lashing out with all her tails. The blow sent it skidding backwards. She felt the return of Yoruichi and the Naruto clone which had used the mark on Kiyomi to teleport to her location as she followed her attack up by gripping the last two chakra rods this time using her claws. Ripping them free, she watched as the Rinnegan completely faded away.

Shukaku cheered as it said, "Alright I'm free. First thing I'm doing is smashing the village of the stinking brat that stopped me last time and then..."

Shukaku stopped mid-rant as it felt something attempting to seal it. Looking down it saw a dark-skinned woman that felt rather familiar standing next to an older version of the brat she had just mentioned. Recognizing the tea kettle that Suna had used to keep it contained in between hosts it said, "No, you bastards, you're not sealing me again. Hey Kurama help me..."

However, before Kiyomi could think of a calming reply her fellow Bijuu was sucked into the kettle. Yoruichi and the clone leapt to Kiyomi's head where holding the kettle, the two-tailed cat said, "Shukaku is going to be pissed when we try to talk later."

"Perhaps, but at least it prevented us from having to fight further in order to protect Konoha."

Yoruichi nodded her head in agreement as both she and Kiyomi turned their gazes to the cave.


Naruto managed to avoid the blasts due to his teleporting about the room, but eventually Pain began to blast the kunai in an effort to narrow down his potential places for appearing. Reappearing at a spot, Nagato had just targeted, but missed his kunai. He leapt towards the Rinnegan wielder letting Konan slip from his grip as he created a large Rasengan.

The blaster morphed back into a hand as the Yahiko Path absorbed the attack and then kicked Naruto away. A tail shot from his back as it tried to skewer the blond, but Naruto managed to catch it while in the air. It still succeeded in smashing him into the wall, but he easily held it in place due to the strength he possessed while in Sage Mode. The pressure pushing him back disappeared as Konan sent a paper chakram into the metal appendage cutting it in half. Nagato had the Yahiko path retaliate by raising its left arm towards the woman flying about the cavern on paper wings and repelled her into the cave wall.

She let out a pained yell as she hit and began to fall towards the floor. The Yahiko Path's arm again morphed into a canon as it took aim intent on finishing her off. Naruto leapt from the wall but Hiraishined to her location using her fox mark and then teleported them both towards a kunai. He placed her on the ground before charging the Path which fired the blaster several time, but Naruto create a wall of clones between him and it.

The clones absorbed the blasts as Naruto leapt over them. The Yahiko path tracked him, but was forced to defend itself as the surviving clones let fly a barrage of kunai. The Yahiko Path stopped the kunai in midair and felt its eyes go wide as it saw they were all the tri-pronged kind that the blond used to teleport. It attempted to repel them, but couldn't as Naruto appeared in front of him and slammed the jutsu Jiraiya had taught him into its chest. The Rasengan caused the path to fly backwards smashing into Nagato's walker.

Nagato sat up in the mechanical devise as he recognized that with his Yahiko's Paths defeat he was undone. He witnessed the last of his Paths inside Konoha fall due to the sudden synchronized teamwork of the Konoha and Suna shinobi opposing him. He focused through his own eyes as he said, "What are you waiting for finish it?"

"It's over," Naruto said turning away to help Konan to her feet, "I'm not going to sink to your level. Killing you would just hurt those close to me."

Nagato glared angrily at Naruto's back and fired a pair of chakra rods from hidden launchers in his walker. Naruto spun easily catching them and shook his head sadly as Konan came up behind him. He watched as Konan placed a hand on the blond's shoulder. The tender contact causing a greater fire to fuel his desire to force the blond to admit that his unwillingness to inflict pain on his enemies was a weakness.

Knowing the perfect way to do so, he began forming hand-signs which prompted Konan to shout, "Nagato no you can't."

"What's wrong," Naruto said concerned by the fear Konan was displaying.

"Nagato himself is also a path. Through him alone he can control who lives and dies, but the strain is incredible. He intends to summon the king of hell to take all the souls in the village."

"Exactly," Nagato said as his hair began to turn white, "Let's see how willing you are to forgive when everyone you know and care about is dead."

Nagato watched as Konan formed several shuriken but felt that they wouldn't reach him in time to stop his jutsu. He blinked and gasped as Naruto appeared before him plunging his own chakra receivers in his chest. Nagato couldn't finish the handsigns, but took some delight in the look of horror on Konan's face. Feeling that at least he had won a small victory, he said, "It didn't take much for you to go back on your desire to kill me."

Naruto sounded strained as he replied, "I wish I could say there isn't a part of me taking joy in ending you this way. But, letting you kill everyone to prove I'm not like you would be too selfish."

Konan began running towards them as Naruto's strength faded and he slid down the front of the walker. As he rolled to Konan's feet, Nagato could see that paper shuriken had embedded themselves in Naruto's back. Due to how deeply they had penetrated he realized Konan's attack would have reached him in time and likely would have killed him. Understanding her wounding Naruto was the cause for the pained expression on Konan's face and wondering why then Naruto would do the deed when she had been willing to he asked, "Why...you could have let K-konan do it for you?"

"No, I couldn't," Naruto said staring up at the dying man as she pulled the paper weapons free. Grimacing as she did so he said, "I already ended up breaking my promise to her. I couldn't let her bear the burden of having to kill you as well." Konan helped Naruto back to his feet as she fought back tears. As Nagato struggled to breath the jinchuriki said, "Nagato, although you took a different path we shared the same master and both strived to make his dream of peace a reality. I may not have been able to cure the hate you bore, but thanks to you I know how to make that dream happen."

"H-how do you propose to do that?"

"By helping people learn how to endure it, and when those incapable of doing so appear. I'll be there to stop them."

"Naruto...you'll find that...such a path in time will consume you...no one person can bare the world's hate on their shoulders..."

"You're right," Naruto said, "But I'm not alone. I've inherited yours and Jiraiya's wills." He turned his gaze towards Konan and added, "Plus there are people willing to aid me in making those wills a reality."

"Nagato," Konan said holding back her tears as she helped Naruto stand, "I'll help him endure it and be a pillar of the bridge he hopes to build towards a brighter future."

Nagato's vision began to fade and although a part of him felt it could just be a trick of his dying mind he saw a vision of Yahiko and Jiraiya standing behind them. Recognizing it for the sign it was, he let his will slip away to be inherited by the two as he whispered, "T-thank...yo..."


Upon Nagato's passing, Konan broke down into tears as she pulled away from Naruto. He reached out to comfort her but stopped as she said, "Your village needs you. Please let me attend to them alone."

Naruto nodded as he began to walk away to exit the cave listening to his lover giving voice to her grief. Able to move better as the wounds on his back fully healed, he knew it was a voice currently being repeated over and over again in his home. Fearing that soon those voices of grief would turn into calls of war, Naruto began to contemplate how he could convince his fellow Leaf-nin to endure the hatred they felt so as not to contribute to its spread. Hoping he and his lovers were up to the task he emerged from the cave confident in his answer, but unsure of how to implement it.

41000 words in Know Pain: Part III

Next Chapter: Severing Bonds

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