During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
Arriving at the expensive villa, Koyuki was rather pleased with the decorum as the two story building had many windows that looked out onto the beautiful scenery that was Hotsprings Country. However, standing in the back of the room with his hands folded in front of him and wearing only a pair of shorts showing off his muscled and toned body was something she knew her manager wasn't too pleased with.
Giving voice to that displeasure Tayuya walked to within several feet of him and after eyeing him appraisingly turned to the daimyo. Jerking her thumb back towards the man she asked angrily, "What the fuck is this?"
"That would be your client's attendant for the week. He'll be around to satisfy all the princess's requests."
Bowing his head the man said, "It'll be my pleasure to serve you your highness. I'm skilled in several forms of massage therapy as well as..."
Rubbing her hand down her face in exasperation Tayuya said, "Shut the fuck up." Focusing on the daimyo she continued, "Can I ask you a question?" She waited until he nodded before saying, "Is this the first time you've handled a guest of my client's stature. I mean fucking really, she's the goddamn star of the Princess Gale movies. A character that is sold based on the perceived purity of its main star and if rumors of her being shacked up with some lothario for the entire time of her vacation reached the public, her image would be shot. Not to mention I doubt the people of her homeland want to see rumors of such things popping up in the gossip rags. Are we on the same page now?"
Visibly holding back his anger the Daimyo nodded saying, "Yes, I'll send an attendant more suitable to your tastes. Now if you'll excuse me." He motioned towards the man who looked disappointed but quickly schooled his face.
Just as they were about to leave Tayuya said, "I trust you cleared me access to your hawk tower so I can keep in touch with the studio."
"It's been taken care of as you requested. Just show up at the Village Hall and you'll be escorted to the tower."
"Thanks," Tayuya said politely as if she hadn't been cussing him out the entire time.
After the two men left and the two kunoichi made sure no listening devices were in place, Fubuki said, "Rather hostile weren't you."
Tayuya shrugged before responding, "Fuck him, I mean his attempt to separate you from the princess was so transparent it was almost insulting. Still, even though he's probably sending a woman attendant now it'll be best not to drop our guard."
Fubuki smiled saying, "Especially since a woman might have more success than a man."
Koyuki blushed at the comment but Tayuya said, "Well make sure to keep your hands to yourself as well," causing the roles between bodyguard and princess to be reversed. Continuing she added, "In any case, with their attention focused on you, Fubuki. It should clear the way for me to get a little recon of their headquarters done, especially since over the next few days I plan to be a permanent fixture there."
Konan waited patiently in the Daimyo's office not that he would ever know she was there unless she wanted him to. The office was rather large with a large desk and even larger painting of him behind it. Placed all along the walls were various filing cabinets several of which were almost as difficult to open as a safe. If Konan had to guess that was where the many secrets that Hotspring Village had stolen from its clients in the past resided. To Konan's surprise and disgust the files on the village's own shinobi weren't that closely guarded. She was currently residing in one of the many cabinets disguised as sheets of paper and was waiting for the Akatsuki member she spotted to be let in to meet the village leader.
The door to the room suddenly flew open as the Daimyo stormed in venting, "Who the hell does that bitch think she is talking to me like that. Damn whore in five minutes she ruined weeks of planning."
The person with him said, "Sir, you need to calm down. Hell I was looking forward to seducing the princess but we'll just have to adapt."
"Oh shut up," the Daimyo said but nevertheless began to calm. "Who's available to attend to Koyuki?"
"Mai!" the Daimyo said, "She's the first one you come up with she's as much a pain in the ass as Chun-Li."
"True, but unlike Chun-Li, she isn't as adverse to the new way of things and is willing to use the Enticement Touch to pull secrets from our guests."
"Yeah, but she won't sleep with them and the only reason she's willing to do anything at all is because we play on her patriotism."
"Yes sir, but her unwillingness to sleep with a target is actually why I'd send her. It's obviously what Koyuki's manager feared about me being around."
"Fine, fine go tell her. Kami sometimes I wish I could go back in time and strangle her grandfather again for all the hassle those two bitches put me through."
The man left to complete his task and moments later the Daimyo's secretary entered saying, "Sir, a member of the Akatsuki is here to see you."
"Akatsuki," he said worriedly, "Um...send him in."
She heard the man move to sit behind his desk and a moment later the Akatsuki member stepped in causing him to say, "Welcome, welcome...I'm afraid if you are here for more information on jinchuriki we've provided you the location of all the ones we knew of."
The man stepped in and Konan could smell the smoke of his cigar. Taking a chair in front of the desk and sounding far more important then she knew him to be the man said, "The name's Ginji and you can cut the crap. We know you've been selling the "exclusive information" to someone else. Tell me who and I'll tell the higher ups you cooperated. Maybe just maybe then they won't descend on this shit stain village and wipe it off the face of the planet."
Apparently the Daimyo knew the man in front of him wasn't capable of doing anything one way or the other as he calmed considerably before saying, "Perhaps you'll take a moment to remember your place. Your bosses are important and dangerous people true, you however are easily replaceable. Let me remind you that you also stand at the center of my village and it's a long way to the edge of it. Need I go on."
"N-no," Ginji said his earlier bluster fading.
"Good, now I'm afraid I have no idea of what you are talking about."
"Someone interfered with two of our captures. It was the same person both times so the bosses believe you've been selling your information to that person or a group she represents."
"A reasonable deduction, I suppose. Tell your masters I understand their concerns, but that I haven't risen to this rank by accident and double-crossing clients of Akatsuki's reputation is something that I'm aware would be a fatal mistake."
"Well what am I going to tell them then, to take you at your word?"
"Truthfully I don't care. The only reason they would send a man of your low rank is because they believe they can learn who I'm dealing with due to my panicked trying to cover my tracks. Since, I am in fact innocent there is nothing for me to cover up so they won't be seeing what they expect and the matter will be dropped. You've served your purpose and can leave."
Konan had to admit the Daimyo impressed her with his analyst of the situation. But she knew that despite his apparent calmness inside he could be panicking so decided to remain in place for a few days. After all she may learn something of value to use against the man the next time they needed information and could get a discount. At the very least it would stop Kakuzu's complaining about the money it cost the organization.
Tsunade looked over the file of the kunoichi that Shizune's test results said was alive despite her long being considered dead. Despite having the information of Shizune's test for a month, she was no closer to coming to a decision on what to do with it so drumming her fingers over her desk she asked her first apprentice, "What do you think I should do?"
"I wouldn't presume to know, Lady Tsunade"
"It isn't presuming if I ask Shizune," Tsunade said her tone amused, "And I thought I told you to drop the Lady Tsunade crap."
"Sorry, Lady Tsunade," Shizune said a hint of a smile on her lips. But turning serious she answered Tsunade saying "I would suppress the information we believe her to be alive since we don't know all the facts. If she is working with Danzou, our coming forward with the information may cause her to disappear again. But even if that isn't the case coming forward causes us to lose more than we gain."
Looking at the file of the young Leaf kunoichi with two purple marks on her face Tsunade said, "I've been leaning towards that myself, but..."
"I know Lady Tsunade. But if revealing Rin to be alive to the village and Kakashi causes her to go underground again, we'll miss whatever chance we have to learn what happened to her."
Tsunade nodded before closing the file and handed it to Shizune saying, "Alright we'll bury it for now."
"What about Naruto?"
"I'll tell him. I just got done worrying over keeping secrets from him. I'm not about to start a new round of that."
"But what if he wants to tell Kakashi?"
"I'll explain why that isn't a good idea. I'm sure he'll come around to our way of thinking. If not, well I'm sure I can think of ways to keep him occupied."
Tayuya was reading a letter from Koyuki's studio to the princess who was currently clad in only a towel as her attendant massaged her back. "So anyway the studio says its thinking of casting the lead from Icha, Icha to star with you after they unmask the shinobi and wanted to get your thoughts."
"What why?" Koyuki said looking up from the massage table.
"They haven't come out and said it but I think they want to cast him as a romantic lead with you. They probably feel you have good chemistry with each other."
"Ugh, kindly tell them that acting is what I do and if I have to kiss that toad one more time I'll quit."
"Really," Fubuki said from where she sat watching the beautiful woman massage her country's leader, "I thought you two got alone rather well on the screen."
"It's what you didn't see that's the problem. I enjoyed making that movie but when it came to kissing him, let's just say he took the opportunity to get a little grabby."
"Any suggests," Tayuya asked although she had a good idea.
Not playing exactly into her game Koyuki said, "Tell the studio that if they want to unmask the character they should hire a real ninja."
"Right," Tayuya said sharing a look with Fubuki, "Any particular one in mind."
Smiling as she looked down Koyuki said, "I have an idea or two. Mmmm, right there Mai. Your hands are divine."
"Thank you," the masseuse said kindly, "So if you don't mind me asking who's this shinobi you want them to hire."
Despite the innocent question, Koyuki felt a small compulsion to answer it. Nothing as strong as when Naruto used his control over her, but she would have responded without realizing it if she hadn't known what to expect. "Oh no one special," she said her tone light and amused, "In any case, is there any other business I need to attend to."
"No, but I'll be leaving the village today after I send your reply's out. I need to scout the locations the studio provided to see if they are suitable. I probably won't be back by the time you leave."
"Alright, have a safe trip," Koyuki said before groaning in approval of the job Mai was doing.
Tayuya nodded before making her way to the door. Leaving she smiled at how pathetically easy it had been to scout the village's defenses. Tonight after being seen leaving the village she would return to hit the Daimyo's office for Kanji 's file. If not for the fact that she wanted to appear to be just a simple manager she probably would have made her move the first night. It was obvious that although a few of the kunoichi and shinobi kept up with their skills,the village relied on its outer defense and the fact that they had a working roster for almost every shinobi village. But once someone was able to infiltrate unannounced like she had well then all their defenses were as useful as a boat in a desert.
Entering the Village Hall she spared a moment to look at the Daimyo's office door and resisted shaking her head at the fact that the place all their secrets were kept was so accessible. Still if the rumors that the current Daimyo had blackmailed the old one into stepping down and naming him as a successor then she guessed he simply believed nobody dared to want to get on his bad side. Reaching the Hawk tower, she handed her letter over and informed them that she would be leaving so not to expect a response. From the tower she made straight for the gate and signed out.
As she left she could feel several shinobi tail her partly to protect her from trouble, but also to insure she was actually leaving. She smiled internally as they eventually left her to her own devices since making sure she was leaving wasn't the trick. But insuring that she didn't return was.
Konan relied on years of training to remain alert despite the week of boredom. Listening to the Daimyo berate one of his kunoichi for her lack of ability in learning anything of value from Princess Koyuki other than some tidbits about her next movie quickly grew stale. Still it hadn't been a complete waste as she did learn that the Daimyo had murdered the girl's grandfather when he attempted to stop him from blackmailing his predecessor. It was unlikely but that bit of information may come in handy one day. She was about to let her consciousness fade to get some sleep as the Daimyo had gone home for the night when a thief silently entered the room.
Tayuya spent the several hours waiting for nightfall filling out her bingo book or more accurately adding an entry. Apparently Tsunade either didn't know of or didn't consider kunoichi from Hotspring Village to be viable targets as there had been no entries for them. But having seen Mai Shiranui, Tayuya was sure it was a possibility Naruto would one day target her, if only to have a spy in a village that seemed hellbent on gathering as much information on other countries and villages as possible.
Thinking of the busty brunette kunoichi who kept her long hair up in a ponytail and wore a red kimono that was very revealing, Tayuya could easily see that while her other kunoichi fell into the lazy art of simply seducing guests, she actually kept up with the hard training being a shinobi required. However she doubted it would be any time soon that Naruto's attention would shift to the small village so put it out of her mind as she reached the wall surrounding it. Having timed the guards over the week inside she knew this section of wall generally was without its guard since the man was having an illicit affair with his superior's wife. Since the superior was a drunkard that couldn't be bothered to leave the guardhouse she knew there was virtually no chance anyone would be checking that the men were doing their duty.
Quickly scaling the ten foot wall, she didn't even pause before leaping back down. Dressed similarly to how Koharu had been when she investigated the Leaf Prison, she hoped that if word reached Danzou somehow that it would confirm another village was on the move. Easily reaching the Village Hall and slipping past the sleeping guards, she picked the lock of the Daimyo's office door and entered the room. After soundlessly closing the door behind her, Tayuya made her way to the filing cabinets filled with the Village's personnel.
Hoping that Kanji wasn't an assumed name or that he didn't have a last one she began searching through the appropriate cabinet. Easily finding it, she flipped it open and almost thought she had grabbed the wrong folder as the young man whose picture looked back at her was almost nothing like the description she had been given. The only thing that did match the geeky acne ridden teen was the tuff of white hair that he had. Quickly scanning the file, she learned that he was a member of the Village's Cryptanalysis Division and had gone rogue shortly before the village changed into the pleasure resort it now was. Getting curious, she delved deeper and learned that just before abandoning the village an archeology team of genin he had been leading, unearthed some old ruins and that he had become fascinated with an old scroll that had been hidden behind a powerful barrier.
The old village leader had banned the team from trying to decode it confident that the only reason someone had for hiding such an artifact was to make sure it never saw the light of day again. Still apparently Kanji had been unwilling to let the matter drop and had secretly attempted to decode it. Eventually his attempts had been learned of and they tried to arrest him. Kanji had escaped but a few of his early notes had been captured as had the original scroll.
If Tayuya had to guess, Kanji had been able to escape with enough of his research that he had been able to create the Temptation's Touch as well as changing the caster's chakra to bind the women the jutsu was used on. She also believed that those early notes had ended up in the current Daimyo's hands and that once he realized what it was had created a weaker jutsu of his own from the unfinished notes. Naturally the previous Daimyo and his Village Leader who had been loyal to him, tried to oppose the takeover by the current one but were nullified or eliminated.
She also realized that if the Daimyo had possession of the original scroll and still had the weakest jutsu, it meant he had not been able to decode it in the ten years it had been in his grasp. Looking around the room, she wondered where the man would keep it. Her eyes immediately settled on the black filing cabinets that had heavy duty safe looks on the drawers and appeared to be made of cast iron. Rejecting them as too obvious she moved to his desk and began searching through the drawers. Making sure to check them for false bottoms, she was on the verge of giving up when she noticed several notches on the underside of the desk. Touching one, she felt that it could be slid so pulled it out slowly. After the seventh notch appeared her excellent hearing picked up a faint click. Realizing she was dealing with a disguised lock, she did the same for the other two slides. When the third clicked in place a panel opened on top of the desk. Feeling the thrill of discovery, she opened the disguised panel and saw an ancient green scroll wrapped with a red cord.
Pulling it out, she examined it not recognizing any of the characters on the outside so stuffed it into her pouch. Closing the panel, she was tempted to leave a thank you note but decided against it. Making the room look exactly like it had before her arrival she grabbed Kanji's file as well and began heading for the door. Just as she was about to reach it one of the filing cabinets doors opened by itself and from it sheets of paper began flying from it. For a moment Tayuya feared she had upset a ghost, but when the paper began to take the form of a woman wearing a black cloak with red clouds, she would have preferred the specter.
Throwing the door open she threw caution to the wind as she sprinted out of the building. On her way, she flew by the sleeping guards who snapped awake. Luckily for Tayuya they focused on the woman just emerging from the Daimyo's office.
"Halt," the lead guard said reaching for his pouch but slumped over dead as a sheet of paper folded itself into a shuriken and embedded itself in his throat. His partner ran for a small button and although several paper shuriken buried themselves in his back, his corpse slammed into it raising the alarm in the village.
Tayuya cursed, but kept running confident that she could reach the wall before the guard who had abandoned his post could or the Akatsuki member she had apparently had the misfortune to stumble on caught up.
Koyuki sat up in bed as an alarm began sounding throughout the village. Throwing a robe on, she raced downstairs to see Fubuki staring out a window that looked out onto the village. She was about to ask if the women thought Tayuya was in trouble, but the Spring-nin had the presence of mind to say, "I'm not sure what's going on princess. Perhaps Mai can explain."
Remembering that the attendant was still in the villa she was about to go get her when the young woman's voice cut in saying, "That's the intruder alarm. If I had to guess it's probably a thief. Sadly with all the rich guests that we have we tend to make a tempting target. I doubt whoever it is will get away."
However, a large explosion went off near the center of the village causing the kunoichi's eyes to go wide in shock. It was obvious she wanted to go and see what was wrong but her duty to protect the guest under her care prevented it. Fubuki said, "If you wish to go you can. I can see to the princess."
The young woman nodded quickly darting out of the villa and towards the center of the disturbance. As soon as she was gone Koyuki asked, "What should we do?"
"Nothing, if Tayuya needs help she'll summon Naruto. We need to make sure we maintain we had nothing to do with this." Although she didn't like it the actress knew her bodyguard was right so went back to bed although sleep was hard to come by.
After detonating the paper clone she had made with an exploding tag she spent a moment to make sure the various shinobi were only stunned as she didn't want to turn things into an Akatsuki bloodbath. Confident they were, she shifted her attention in the direction the thief had ran and created a pair of paper wings to take flight. She caught up to the retreating woman just as she jumped from the wall into the forest. Diving down Konan flew through the trees and could hear the woman cursing as she attempted to stay ahead of her.
Pulling back, Konan flapped her wings and two large paper shuriken flew from them. One hit the branch of the tree that the masked kunoichi had just landed on and sliced through it causing her to fall to the ground below. Konan could see the woman was skilled as she rolled along the ground and barely broke her stride as she got back to her feet.
The kunoichi kept running coming up to the second shuriken that had missed and buried itself in the ground. She stopped and began to reverse course as the shuriken began unfolding into hundreds of sheets of paper that began to take Konan's form. "Surrender," she said calmly, "and explain what it is you took from the Daimyo's office."
"Fuck you bitch," the woman snapped pulling a flute from her pouch.
As soon as she began playing Konan was countering the genjutsu the woman attempted to place on her. Her speed at doing so obviously surprised the woman as she went in with a kick that Konan easily blocked. She reached out to grab the woman but only caught her mask which she pulled away to reveal long red hair. Guessing the red-head kunoichi in front of her may have been the one meddling in Akatsuki's attempts to capture the jinchuriki she said, "It seems this trip may have not been the waste I thought it was. Are you the one responsible for aiding the jinchuriki in escaping us?"
Although the kunoichi didn't respond in words the smile she sported seemed to support Konan's theory. The kunoichi quickly reached into her pouch again and pulling a flashbomb before throwing it on the ground. Konan covered her eyes as it exploded and once her eyes recovered found she was alone. A small smile appeared on her face before she broke into sheets of paper that began folding into small butterflies.
Tayuya looked behind her hoping she gave the woman the slip. Although tempted to call Naruto, she didn't want to see him injure himself again especially if she could get away on her own. Focusing forward again, she was in mid-leap when a horde of white butterflies surrounded her. As they began unfolding themselves into sheets of paper, she cursed but realized she was caught as the paper began sticking to her body wrapping around her tightly. Hitting the ground hard, she began to panic as a piece of paper covered her mouth preventing her from breathing. Activating her Level Two form, her body began to grow and shift but the paper simply expanded with her.
"It's pointless, you can't escape. Tell me who you work for."
The paper over her mouth pulled back and she took a deep breath before screaming. Using a new jutsu she had worked during her time training with Tsunade and the others in Konoha, the scream quickly went subsonic and began to blow the paper away from her body. A piece tried to muffle her but her jutsu easily blew it away. Getting to her feet, Tayuya could see her opponent had been stunned by the close range sonic barrage, but doubting it would delay her for long and not liking her odds alone called for Naruto using her Kyuubi mark.
Naruto was enjoying the grinding actions of the blonde in his lap. Sitting in his chair with Ino rubbing her ass against his cock was quickly getting Naruto to the point where he'd stand her up and bend her over in order to bury his cock in her. From the wetness that was beginning to soak into his jeans he could tell she was too.
However he stiffened as he felt Tayuya call for him which Ino noticed saying, "What's wrong?"
"Tayuya's in trouble."
"What!? Again fuck...well at least we're still fully clothed although I could use some new pan..." The rest of what Ino said was lost to time and space as he teleported them to Tayuya.
"...ties." Ino finished. Taking in the situation she didn't need to know what to do as she quickly focused on the woman in red and black. Seeing she was stunned and trusting in Naruto to watch her body she created her family's handsign to transport her spirit into the Akatsuki member. She was just getting her bearings in the new body when she heard Naruto shout, "Tayuya wait no."
Turning, she only had enough time to say, "Fuck," before the fist collided with her jaw.
Konan came too suspended by her tied together wrists in the air and realized that although she was still wearing her cloak the clothes beneath it had been removed. Also from the fact she couldn't feel her chakra she realized that she had been taken prisoner, no doubt by the people the kunoichi worked for. Opening her eyes, she found that she had been blindfolded but could still sense several people in the room.
Although in all honesty they weren't attempting to keep their presences hidden from her especially as she heard another kunoichi say, "Ouch, you didn't have to punch me you know."
"I didn't, I punched her," the voice of the kunoichi she had given chase to cut in.
"When I was in her body," the first fired back. "Don't you know how my jutsu works?"
"I told you I didn't fucking see you guys. Excuse me for focusing on the fucking S-class bitch."
"Tayuya, Ino, it seems our guest has awoken," a distinctly male voice said cutting the argument off.
Konan heard one of the women get off from what sounded like a bed and was surprised it sounded like bare feet walking over wooden boards. A rough yank of the blindfold filled Konan's eyes with light causing her to blink several times till her vision adjusted.
Once it did so though she focused on the red-head before her gaze moved onto a blonde woman sitting on the bed she had heard. Next it moved to a man sitting in a sturdy and decorative oak chair, and from her research she recognized as the nine-tailed jinchuriki. Looking around the room she found herself in a expensive looking apartment and for a moment believed she was in Konoha. However a glance out a window dispelled that notion as it appeared that the village that lay outside was nearing winter not the spring Konoha would be experiencing.
However the jinchuriki's presence all but confirmed the village that captured her causing her to say, "I should have guessed the kunoichi worked for Konoha. You have been the village causing us the most grief."
Konan was confused though when the red-head laughed saying, "I don't work for the Leaf, you cunt." Her confusion cleared though as Tayuya went and sat in Naruto's lap kissing him deeply causing the two to forget about her for a moment. When they came up for air Konan asked Naruto, "Have you gone rogue?"
The blonde kunoichi moved from the bed stopping in front of her saying, "You know for our prisoner you ask an awful lot of questions."
Calmly Konan replied, "Perhaps because you have asked none yourself."
Ino turned from the Akatsuki member to ask, "So, how are you going to handle this?"
"I don't know," Naruto admitted.
"Perhaps, I can suggest something," a voice in his head said.
"Kyuubi," Naruto thought, "How are you talking to me?"
"I've been working on a way that doesn't require you to be angry. After what we shared it is surprisingly easy to do now."
"Maybe not so surprising," Naruto thought amused and could picture her own smile as well, "So what do you have in mind, using the Super Temptation's Touch."
"No, although it was effective against Koharu, I think this one requires a little more insight into what she could experience at your hands."
"Tell me more."
Meanwhile Ino and Tayuya looked at each other in confusion as Naruto spaced out with the red-head asking, "What the fuck is he doing?"
"I think he's talking to Kyuubi," Ino replied.
A moment later Naruto focused on Ino saying, "How would you like to participate in an experiment?"
"What sort of experiment?" Ino asked with a small amount of trepidation.
"One that has us picking up where we left off in my apartment."
"Sounds fun," Ino said trusting Naruto who began raising his hand towards her from the chair. To her surprise a red claw shot out and hit her in the chest but nothing seemed to happen. Till she felt a small charge on her back and looking over her shoulder saw it emerge holding a blue aura that matched her physique. The claw then hit Konan before pulling out an aura that matched the Akatsuki member's which was pulled into her as the claw returned to Naruto.
"What was that?" Tayuya asked from Naruto's lap.
Getting to his feet, Naruto carried Tayuya to the bed to set her down before moving to Ino saying, "Something Kyuubi has been working on." Reaching the blonde Naruto tilted her head up saying, "Thanks for agreeing," before descending for a kiss. Ino responded immediately and moaned when Naruto groped her breast over her purple shirt.
To all the kunoichi's surprise it was mirrored by the tied up Akatsuki member. Konan quickly calmed herself, still wondering just what had happened. When the two shinobi began kissing she had been too shocked at their bold behavior to notice feeling as if her mouth was being explored. However when the jinchuriki had grouped the blonde kunoichi she had immediately become aware as it felt like a hand had been placed on her own breast.
Ino looked back at her with a devious smile saying, "I see." Facing the blond man she began kissing him again and this time Konan was very aware of the sensations she was feeling as her body began to respond. Feeling her pussy growing wet she tried to will her body to resist, however upon feeling the experienced hands playing over Ino's body she knew her chances of succeeding were near zero. But she took a small amount of satisfaction in holding back a moan as Ino let hers out when the jinchuriki began sucking her tit through her shirt.
Konan wanted to look away but couldn't, as she wanted to know where next she could begin to expect the phantom hands playing over her body. Her breath hitched as she noticed the kunoichi fall back on the bed and spread her legs wide to show her dampened panties. When the jinchuriki pushed them aside to bury two fingers in her, Konan had to bite down on her lip to keep from moaning. Soon though even that wasn't enough and she was moaning right along with the blond and to her surprise red-head who had moved to the chair to watch and was rubbing her pussy as well.
Although never having taken a lover Konan, knew the young man was skilled as the feeling in her pussy was quickly intensifying in the way her own self-explorations told her was going to be a large orgasm. But to her surprise the feelings began to dim just as Ino cried out, "Yes...right there... Cumming!"
Konan's eyes went wide in shock, but it was due more to herself as she had been hoping to enjoy the feeling welling up in her. Not having been allowed to experience it she felt cheated almost. But she soon found herself fighting back a moan as Naruto removed Ino's panties and replaced his fingers with his tongue. Again she felt her body building up to something amazing but this time she was denied it as Ino stopped his pussy eating to pull him up into a kiss. With her hand she freed his cock before saying, "I think it's time for the main event."
Konan almost shouted no, but instead moaned as Naruto buried his dick inside Ino who squealed in delight. Naruto pounded her senseless in every position Konan had ever bothered to learn about and to the blonde kunoichi's delight brought her to orgasm more times than Konan could keep track of. Her inability to count was due to her quickly losing her mind under the assault that brought her to the edge countless times, but never pushed her over. When Ino collapsed backwards onto Naruto's chest fully sated having been facing away as she rode his dick, only Konan's pride had kept her from screaming out to do her next. A pride that took a small beating as Tayuya joined the two on the bed saying, "You should see the fucking puddle under this bitch. She's leaking like a spigot."
Konan looked away as the nude jinchuriki got up from the bed and headed to the shower. As he paused Konan almost reached out to him with a foot to get his attention but fought the impulse. Several minutes later he was dressed and to her surprise cut her down from the ceiling. Helping her stand he said, "Clean yourself up. Your clothes are in the bathroom. Don't try to run, with no chakra you won't get very far."
Konan nodded weakly and made her way to the bathroom. Pulling her cloak over her head she could make out the sound of Tayuya arguing with Naruto. Although not exactly clear as to what she was saying Konan understood the jist of it to be that they had her right where they wanted her so why were they letting her off the hook. Naruto's reply was calm and quiet so she had no idea as to what he said, but Tayuya apparently understood as she stopped yelling. However, Konan felt a phantom pang in her pussy as the red-head instead began moaning. Hoping a shower would calm her body she wanted to remain in the water until she was sure the two had stopped their lovemaking. But having already seen his amazing stamina instead gave up when the water turned to ice.
After toweling off and dressing, she stepped out of the bathroom to see a nude and satisfied Tayuya had joined Ino on the bed. Naruto for the most part appeared none the worse for wear. Tossing her a coat as the clothes she wore under her cloak had consisted of a halter top and skin tight pants, he said, "Bundle up its getting cold outside."
Following his own advice he put on a heavy coat and wrapped a scarf around his face. Stepping out into the cold air, Konan was glad it was helping to keep her body calm. Following beside the blond she asked, "If your purpose was to get me to sleep with you. It seems foolish to give me time to recover."
"Unless I'm giving you the time to recover only to do it all over again in order to break you," Naruto said as he stopped on a bridge that passed through Spring Country's capital.
Konan was willing to admit she was already near that point so said, "We both know that isn't what this is about."
Naruto nodded saying, "True, I guess in the end I couldn't hate you enough to take you in such a state."
"What do you mean?"
"You've attacked and killed my fellow jinchuriki, not to mention you would have probably done the same to Tayuya. But despite that...I guess I just want to know, why? Or, what makes you so determined to kill us jinchuriki?"
"A pointless exercise," Konan said feeling more and more like her stoic self, "Your death will lead to peace that is all you need to understand."
When Naruto's blue eyes saddened at her response, Konan had to look away suddenly feeling as if Yahiko was looking at her. What was worse was the sensation that if it had been Yahiko he would be looking at her in disappointment. Konan had long wrestled with the fact that the current incarnation of Akatsuki was nothing like the original. Instead of a group of ideological rebels it was made up of thugs like Ginji or complete sadists like Hidan had been. In many ways she felt that Yahiko had been the guiding light that had kept the group pure and with his death that light had been swallowed up by the darkness Madara represented. Still Nagato had willing followed the ancient Uchiha's lead and while hesitant to do so herself, in order to support her remaining friend and orphan had soon followed suit.
But Naruto's clear blue eyes began to make her question if she should have if only a little. Lost in thought she was surprised when he placed a hand on her shoulder to ask, "Are you alright?"
Pushing it away she said, "Fine, were you saying something?"
"I asked, how?"
Confused she replied, "Pardon?"
"How does my death help bring about peace? I mean if you do kill me you know of at least two women that aren't going to be pleased with you, seems to me that would only perpetuate the cycle of violence. Besides I have it on good authority that the only reason to collect all the Bijuu in one place would be to unite them into the Ten-tailed beast."
"What is that?"
Hearing her honest confusion Naruto said, "I suppose it's possible you aren't aware of what it is. However, it just shows the fire you are playing with. But you still haven't answered my question, how does my death lead to peace?"
"Do you honestly think I will simply divulge our plan for peace to the enemy?"
"Well considering we seem to want the same goal I was sort of hoping yeah you would," Naruto said smiling beneath the scarf.
Konan scoffed saying, "Do you honestly believe sleeping with various kunoichi will lead to world peace?"
Sounding just as disbelieving Naruto countered, "Do you really believe my death will lead to world peace?"
Konan glared at him but she found it wilting under the amused blue eyes that reminded her of Yahiko. "If you must know I bear you no animosity, but I am set on my path."
"Well as long as you don't hate me, I'm cool with you killing me then," Naruto replied amused before starting to walk again.
Konan was surprised that he didn't seem to be waiting for her. For a moment she considered disappearing into the crowd, but surprising herself as she soon began following alongside him. Seeing the ruined Crystal Hall and the Sandayu Theater, Konan was surprised that she was in Spring Country. "How long have I been unconscious?"
"Any particular reason you need to know?" Naruto responded cryptically.
Guessing she wouldn't get a straight answer she changed the subject saying, "I thought Spring Country no longer experienced winter."
"They've been ramping down the heat generators slowly giving the impression of fall. I expect by tonight or tomorrow the snow will fall again. I suppose they realize that if they don't let the snow fall every few months the soil that is rich with nutrients now will eventually dry up. I guess maybe that's what the cycle of peace and war is sort of like."
"Your cycle merely perpetuates the violence against the smaller countries," Konan said bitterly. "That's why it's easy for you to speak of peace." Naruto didn't respond so she asked rather surprised, "You don't deny it?"
"Can't really," Naruto admitted, "I'm not saying you don't have a reason to believe what you believe. Only I think any peace you can achieve using the methods you have will result in nothing but misery."
"You don't know misery," Konan shot at him angrily.
She was taken aback by the way the young man's blue eyes hardened and the way his voice to on a steely edge as he said, "I spent most of my life alone and without am idea of why till I turned thirteen. I watched all the other kids play and have grand times all the while wondering, why not me? So I have a good idea of what being miserable is like and even though you may think your misery is better and more traumatic, and they may even be. I at least understand that peace brought about through intimidation and violence isn't peace."
Konan was surprised when after he took a deep breath and released it, his anger seemed to disappear. Not understanding the man's motives at all, she asked, "I take it that you gained something if I submitted to the lust your jutsu brought about? Why not simply take me by force and be done with it?"
Naruto shrugged saying, "It would prove you were right and that the ends justify the means. I want to bring about the peace we both seek by changing the minds of people. To that end, I've been working at putting people in place that can change the policies' of my and the other villages."
"The women you've seduced up to now I imagine."
"Yes," Naruto admitted.
"So you gain some sort of control over them then."
"True, but I have only needed to use it in one case and that wasn't related to my ambition. You see Konan; it would be meaningless if they only agreed to help me because I forced them to. Just like any peace brought about through conquest would be. I know it won't be easy, and I know there will be battles and bloodshed. However, when I achieve my goal it will be because the villages will understand that we aren't so different after all and that working together we can achieve anything."
Konan stared at the blond who she could tell was smiling at her from the way his eyes lit up. She looked away unable to think of anything to counter what he said as the only thing that came to mind was, "If we get our way, you'll be dead." It was a thought that actually made her sick to her stomach as she felt she would be no different than Hanzo or Danzou, the two men that had robbed the world of the light Yahiko had been.
The rest of the walk through Spring Country's Capital was done in silence. Konan kept sending glances the jinchuriki's way and realized the reason he was covering his face was so that the citizens wouldn't recognize their princess's savior. And if what Konan suspected was true, her lover. If she was right it seemed to back up what Naruto was saying as all the Elemental Countries were vying for the new resources of Spring Country. If Naruto had already charmed Koyuki then wouldn't Konoha be the one to reap the benefits. But if the rumors she had heard were true, before taking her vacation Koyuki had put the trade talks on hold in order to make sure Nadare hadn't already begun swaying them.
Although there was a chance that she would come back and award Konoha with a deal. Konan suspected it would be a broader one that allowed many of the nations to benefit. The fact that Naruto hadn't forced her to submit to him was perhaps proof that she was right. Still, she realized that she was now in a rather precarious position, as Naruto couldn't just let her go without gaining some means to control her, which meant she may be spending the rest of her life in prison. It wasn't exactly a heartwarming idea, especially since she was finding herself questioning her ideals now that another path seemed to have opened before her.
Reaching the apartment she guessed belonged to Tayuya in her role as Koyuki's manager, Naruto held the door open for her a small gesture she believed had been ingrained in him due to his many suspected relationships. As he followed in behind her, he noticed the red-head was missing so asked Ino, "Where's Tayuya?"
"She had to catch a boat to the mainland," Ino said looking up from a medical journal she was reading. "She still has to scout out some locations for Koyuki's next movie. She said to fucking lock up when we leave." Naruto chuckled, as he began to take his jacket and scarf off as he hung them up as Ino asked hesitantly. "Um, so what are we going to do with her?"
"A good question, but one I don't have an answer to right this moment."
"Naruto, if she..."
"I know Ino," he said taking Konan's coat from her and also hanging it up. Moving to the blonde kunoichi he kissed her lightly saying, "But for right now, let's give her some time to think over what I've discussed with her."
"We wouldn't have this problem if you had just fucked her senseless when she was wet and ready."
Konan was surprised the girl seemed to have no problem with Naruto taking her when she had been on the verge of giving up earlier. Noticing the glare she received from Ino as Naruto moved away she supposed it was due to the fact that as far as the kunoichi was concerned she was the enemy. Thinking along that line Konan was surprised that she no longer thought of herself as such. Knowing there was only one way to truly prove to both that she wished to bring about Naruto and Nagato's goal but using the jinchuriki's philosophy, she reached up behind her neck unfastening the straps that held her halter top up.
Both blonds' eyes went wide as she lowered it down to reveal her breasts to the pair. Naruto got over his first asking, "Konan what are you doing?"
Walking down a hall to the bedroom where she had experienced the phantom pleasure of being made love to she said unemotionally, "I find that I wish to help you in your endeavors. As the only other alternative seems to be a lifetime in prison, this is the quickest way to convince you of my sincerity."
Naruto and Ino followed her down the hall and as she stopped at the foot of the bed she said, "Naruto, I will submit to you but don't wish my first time to be a spectacle."
Understanding Naruto looked over his shoulder saying, "Sorry Ino."
"Hey wai..." Ino tried to say but was cut off as the door closed in front of her. Naruto chuckled as he heard her griping outside. Moving to Konan who was standing with her back towards him with her arms now covering her breast he hugged her from behind saying, "Thank you."
"Naruto, you could slaughter the rest of Akatsuki and I wouldn't mourn the loss but please help me save its leader Nagato. He used to be just as idealistic as you."
Naruto hugged her tighter and she could feel that he had removed his shirt as well. Surprised at how warm he felt she imagined it was because of the light she believed he emanated. He placed a kiss along her neck before whispering in her ear, "I promise to do everything in my power to do so."
Hearing his honest sincerity she turned her head to see it in his eyes before closing them as he kissed her gently. Once it ended she said, "That was my first kiss."
Surprised, he asked, "Are you sure you wish to continue?"
Konan was shocked to say the least, but nodded saying, "If I'm going to return to Akatsuki without raising suspicion I need to return immediately. I may be able to explain my absence as me tracking the thief to Spring... but it will be pushing things."
"I can have you back tomorrow. But you didn't answer my question."
Naruto began tweaking her nipple pulling a small moan from the kunoichi who replied, "I'm sure. It's the only way you can trust me not to betray you on such a short timetable."
Beginning to kiss where her neck meet her shoulder Naruto stated, "You're being rather evasive. Maybe I should ask another pair of lips for the answer."
Confused at first she watched as the hand that been playing with her nipple slowly moved down her stomach stopping for a moment to play with the piercing in her belly button. Once it resumed its journey he stopped at the button of her pants. He paused there and she assumed it was to give her a chance to tell him to stop. However instead she moaned pleasantly as he began to kiss her neck again. Taking that as permission he opened that snap of her pants but surprised her when he stuck his other hand in the back of her jeans pushing them down in the process. He bent her forward until she was forced to support herself with her hands on the bed. Then with her jeans around her knees he began to slowly rub her slit making her moan in arousal.
Hearing the woman that except for during her few outbursts of anger seemed to be rather stoic moan had Naruto's cock ready to be deployed. However, he refrained instead burying a finger insider her as he used the palm of his hand to rub her ass. Finding her to be completely drenched he said, "You might be trying to sound calm and logical about it. But your pussy is saying it wants me to bury my cock inside it and to make you scream like Ino was earlier. Is that true?"
Blushing and moaning she said, "N-no...I-I just want...mmmm..." Her sentence ended in a moan as Naruto added another finger and began working them furiously inside her cunt.
Naruto chuckled as he replied, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Konan you say you want me to trust you, but here you are lying to me." Working his fingers faster she could hear the wet sounds her pussy was making and felt her body turn red as he said, "Can't you hear how wet you are?" She groaned in loss as he removed them but dropped her head into the mattress to hide her face as he said, "Damn, you're pussy juices are leaving a saliva trail on my fingers."
He pressed his crotch up against her ass and she could feel his hardness through his jeans as he gently grabbed her chin to raise her head. To her embarrassment she realized it was the hand that he had just been fingering her with from the wetness she felt. He then moved one of the fingers that had been in her liquid heat over her lips and to her surprise before she realized what she was doing she had opened her mouth to allow him to put it inside. However, despite realizing it she nonetheless didn't stop her tongue from seeking the finger out and tasting her essence that coated it.
Naruto smiled as Konan's lips wrapped around his finger and he felt her tongue begin to slide around it. Grinding his crotch into her mound she whimpered causing him to pull the finger from her mouth and step back. He smiled as she looked over her shoulder her eyes no longer half-hooded in her calm and stoic matter but now alive with lust. Reaching for the button of his own jeans he opened it and pulled his jeans and boxers down revealing his hard cock. Stepping back up to Konan, he rubbed it against her drooling lower lips as he said, "I know what I have to do. I'm going to have to fill your hot snatch with my cock and cum until it becomes second nature to admit how much you want it."
Lining himself up and with her pants still only partially pulled down he slowly pushed his cock into her. Konan stiffened in both pleasure and discomfort at the intrusion so Naruto allowed her cunt to grow use to being wrapped around his cock. He remained perfectly still for several moment and waited until she began to slowly move her hips despite the handicap her pants present. Grabbing her hips, he pulled almost completely out causing her to sigh at the loss but moan as he slowly pushed back in. He repeated the pattern for several minutes waiting until she grew used to it to surprise her.
After pulling all the way out to the tip, he shocked her by slamming forward pushing up against her womb in the process. Konan arched her head back screaming, "Oh God..." But found that any further attempt to put what she felt into words failed her as Naruto continued to pound her snatch with a relentless pace and fury.
Experiencing bliss, she found her arms could no longer support her and she fell forward onto the mattress. The sudden move caused Naruto to slip from her cunt causing a moaned whine to escape her. But he quickly found her slippery hole again burying his length in her. The brief respite allowed her to find her voice again and as he continued his assault she began moaning, "Oh...god....oh Kami....it's it's nothing like I imagined. D-don't stop..."
Leaning down to her ear, Naruto said, "O-oh you don't have to worry about that Konan. I told you...you're body's going to become intimately familiar with the sensation of my cock pounding away at your pussy."
"Yes...yes..." Konan moaned, while trying to look back at the man who awakened her to the world of pleasure. However, she tensed suddenly as her orgasm washed over her causing her to shout, "Oh FFFFuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!!!!!"
Upon feeling her cunt milking him for his seed Naruto groaned as he released several large bursts of cum into his newest Harem member. Konan began panting as she realized the earlier phantom feelings she had experienced paled in comparison to what she just had felt. She felt Naruto pull her pants the rest of the way off and was about to thank him when he flipped her onto her back. Putting her legs on his shoulders, he lined himself up again and plunged his still rock hard cock into her causing her to say as he picked up right where he left off, "N-no Naruto....it's too much..."
Naruto leaned down to kiss her which despite her words she greedily returned and after coming up for air he teased, "Come now Konan...surely an S-class-nin isn't ready to throw in the towel after only a single orgasm."
With the gauntlet thrown down, Konan indeed did try to keep up with the energetic man rutting away inside her. But after several more orgasms of her own plus the multiple times he came inside her resulting in a pressure inside her womb that made her feel like she was on the verge of losing her mind she soon gave up simply allowing him to move her about as he willed. After almost an hour she came partially to in order to find herself on top and facing away as she fucked herself on his cock, and if she could look outside herself she would be embarrassed to see her tongue hanging out as she moaned incoherently in pleasure. Nearing another orgasm she pulled it together enough to say, "N-n-no more....I'll break...my pussy's going to break...."
Naruto nearing the edge as well and although still capable of more decided this would be the last for the night said, "It's not breaking Konan. It's simply not used to being so satisfied...don't worry...it soon will." With that said he thrust his hips up just as she was coming down pushing both into another shared orgasm. Konan shuddered as her womb seemed to expand to make room for the new flood of warmth and with a fully sated sigh collapsed onto her side asleep before she hit the mattress.
He pulled her up into his body and smiled down at her as the woman clenched his chest in a hug. He watched her sleep for a moment before his attention shifted to the cracked bedroom door. Waving the blonde in, he wasn't surprised to see she was naked, nor that it appeared she had been pleasuring herself as she watched.
Ino climbed into the bed from the foot of it and crawled towards him. Stopping at his crotch, she bent down and licked his dick clean of Konan and his cum. He was about to tell her to stop but apparently she had the same idea and completed her journey to wrap herself on his other side. Surrounded in warmth Naruto allowed sleep to claim him as well feeling that with Konan at his side Akatsuki's days were numbered.
Ino awoke surprised to find herself in Naruto's apartment. Yet Ino's belief that she was back in Konoha quickly faded, upon seeing the large metal cage where Naruto's door should be. She came to the conclusion of being inside Naruto's seal just as a voice said, "Hello Yamanaka, we need to talk."