
Eris and her granny

Eris Ronaldo is little girl .she is living with her old granny. Eris is 16 years old her mother died while giving birth to her and her father abandoned her with her granny though she was quite old and poor but he left some money with eris .Granny was living with eris in a small apartment.eris was an intelligent girl and she wanted to be a business women she was happy with her granny but had to take alot of responsibilities but she was good.she was never told who was her parents .she went to a school near her house she had no friends she was bullied for being an orphan she never told her granny that other students were bullying her .

it was Tuesday at 7am granny was waking eris up for school .she didn't wanted to go but she had to go granny said "Eris wake up baby it's already 7 dear" eris replied "granny I don't like school I don't wanna go there" she cried but she didn't want granny to ask why so she woke up but granny asked "why my dear why don't you like school huh?"as granny sat at her bed patting her head she just said she didn't like waking up early so granny just chuckled and said "its okay my baby get ready I am making breakfast "so she take a bath wore her uniform get her bag ready for school she saw herself in the mirror she noticed her hand is bruised she covered her bruise with a scrunchie and went to eat breakfast.she noticed her granny wasn't looking well she looked pale and even more weak .she asked in a worried tone "granny are you okay you look pale did you take your medicines on time?"she said "calm down my baby I am alright don't get worried "bit eris started crying she said "granny why don't you take care of yourself I only have you in this world I m not going school I will take care of you today that's it"granny sighed knowing her granddaughter is stubborn.Eris served her healthy breakfast and said"granny you should rest I will go and call the doctor "granny was more worried because she knew what was the problem with her and didn't want eris to know she stopped her"no eris dear I am alright I am just a bit tired "she tried to convince her but eris was too stubborn she went to near hospital and call for an emergency doctor and told him that her grandma was not okay she didn't knew the whole situation so she just told him to go to her apartment he was a middle aged doctor Mr.gray went with her and checked granny he doubted that granny had cancer so he told her for the blood test eris took her granny to the hospital because told her that her condition could be critical she had some money from her part-time job which she was doing at a Cafe she went to hospital the reports were out she asked the doctor "what happened Mr.gray is granny okay ?" he had an unsatisfied expression on his face he did "i am sorry but your granny is diagnosed with lung cancer and her her cancer had spreading in her body now and she is suffering from this disease from 6-7 months at her first stage she could get cured but now I am not sure we will try our best child "eris was badly crying she was not believing what doctor said she only had her granny in the world she lost her balance on the chair but Mr.gray helped her have her water and tried to console her but she was out of her senses and was just saying "please save my granny I only have her in this world please"she was continuously crying Mr Gray

was a good man he hugged her to calm her down he said "if you will do this your granny will get more sick and this will give her pain right so cheer yourself just for your granny I know this situation is hard for you I am always here for you if you need anything "and eris hold control of her tears and after talking to Mr Gray she thought of she had a father he would do same at a point she thanked him and went to her granny's ward she was sleeping eris sat beside her laying figure and her tears automatically came out a hand wiped her tears which was her granny's hand granny smiled at her and said "i am sorry I knew I had cancer but I couldn't told you i sorry please forgive me "she started crying but eris wiped her tears and just hugged her it was hard for her not to cry but she didn't.she sat on the chair as she wanted granny to rest properly granny wasn't sleeping she was holding eris's hand as she said "my little baby I have to go now but promise me you will take care of yourself and will not stress you I will always be with you in your heart okay my dear!"eris had started crying granny was just smiling at her she gave her a locket In which she saw a photo of her granny and a couple on a side and second photo was oh herself she asked in confusion "who is this couple granny "granny struggled in breathing but said"y-our paa-rents my bab-by"she was coughing hard so Eris called the doctor she was crying hard the doctors came out and told her that her granny was no more she collapsed on the floor Mr Gray consoled her she went to her granny and cried alot her .

After one month she didn't go to school and work and was just in her apartment from one month all alone Mr Grey would often visit her but she was not being alright it was really hard for her to move on from her granny but she decided now she can't live like this..