
Chapter 12

“There’s a couple of things. Darryl has got a mole behind his ear that I don’t have, and I’ve got a cowlick in my hair that he doesn’t have, at least not quite the same. His hair is a little more reddish, too.” Darren bent forward and pointed out the swirl at the back of his head where his wavy golden locks went every which way. Sure enough, Darryl’s didn’t have quite the same pattern and had just a hint more copper in the gold. Then Darryl stooped and showed her the brown mole on the right side of his head, just behind his ear.

“But I can’t see the mole when unless you move your ear and your hair,” Brandi protested, “and you’re both too tall for me to see the top and back of your heads very well. In some light, your hair looks the same color, too.”

“You’ll figure out something.” They both grinned as they sat down at her kitchen table and watched expectantly while she rummaged in the refrigerator.