

Online game rebirth Sword God

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Chapter 4 Undying Xiaoqiang

Chapter 4 Undying Xiaoqiang

On the way home, Lin Yi stared blankly at Ding Qiang: "I said, how do you know you can buy it at the back door?"

"Haha." The back door of the point of sale is for wholesale, and it usually supplies the next-level point of sale. In his previous life, he joined an old studio in the early stage of the game. Speaking of which, he had dealt with the security guard several times. And the Z347 number is the code of that studio at the point of sale.

Of course, this matter cannot be told to Lin Yi, so Ding Qiang just made an excuse to cover up the past.

"What career do you want to choose?" Lin Yi asked while fondling the big box.

"Warrior." Ding Qiang paused, remembering his occupation in the previous life, and said casually, "I plan to train as a warrior, how about you?"

"Me?" Lin Yi thought for a while: "I want to practice a mage."

"Mage..." Ding Qiang thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You still don't need to practice mage. The mage is too tired in the early stage, and it will be difficult to level up without a team."

In the previous life, Lin Yi played as a mage. As a result, his operation was sloppy. After playing for a long time, he did not break away from the level of a rookie. He was bullied all day long. Later, Ding Qiang gave him a suit and only got a little better. It didn't take long for his family An accident occurred, and then left the game.

With the example of his previous life, Ding Qiang certainly didn't want his good friend to become like that again.

"Then what do I practice?" Lin Yi scratched his head and said.

"Trust me, just train as a Paladin. If you can resist, increase your ability to fight, you will become a master of gold." Ding Qiang thought and thought, and finally said.

"Okay, then I'll practice Paladin." Lin Yi wanted to practice mage just to say casually, so he agreed to Ding Qiang's proposal without thinking.

"Hey, hey, what kind of job do you think Liu Tao, the monitor, can play?" Lin Yi asked.

"If I remember correctly, it's a thief." Ding Qiang shrugged and said, a person who looks obscene and chooses a career is also obscene. I didn't expect this sentence to be true sometimes.

"What about your wife?"

"My wife?" Ding Qiang was stunned. Most of the young high school students like to call their other half husbands and wives, but older adults, they call it a lot more implicitly. Therefore, when I heard this After his wife, Ding Qiang didn't react for a while.

"Damn, you're still pretending to be stupid, Li Yan." Lin Yi smacked Ding Qiang on the shoulder and said.

"Oh, hehe, she, she chose a summoner"

"How do you know so clearly?" Lin Yi looked at Ding Qiang with some puzzlement and asked.

"I just guessed randomly..." Ding Qiang shrugged.


Brothers and sisters, between your words and my words, you soon came to a fork in the road.

"Turn on at 6 o'clock in the evening, remember, what name are you going to name? I'll go online to find you at that time." Lin Yi walked a few steps, suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, why don't I find you!" Ding Qiang said.

"My name is Peerless Handsome Guy, when the time comes online Mme me." Lin Yi shouted while waving goodbye from afar.



Lying in bed, Ding Qiang thought about his future.

In the last life, he performed normally in the college entrance examination, and he was not unexpectedly dropped. Then he looked for a job everywhere, and then he hit a wall everywhere. Finally, he finally found a job as a salesman through a relationship.

Besides playing games, what else do you do? This is the question that Ding Qiang thought about the most after his rebirth.

With the advent of the era of black technology, jobs are not as easy to find as they were in the early 21st century, and there are many idle people in society... And the 20 million yuan, if only relying on state subsidies, I am afraid that even if you die Not enough.

He doesn't understand stocks, he doesn't read lottery tickets, and he doesn't care about national affairs. Even if he has a lifetime of memory, he can't think of anything that can be used.

Only games are still games, and only games are what he is best at.

You know, the true solution, in the miracle game of the previous life, it was an existence that gave Tiandao League a headache.

He believed that with his knowledge of the game "Miracle", it would be no problem to get some money, and as long as he had money, Li Yan would not have to marry that pervert under family pressure because of money. Children of rich families.

Although most of the hatred for the Heavenly Dao Alliance has disappeared with that black flame explosion, in this life, he will do his best to avoid such a thing from happening.

The key is...

Zhanmang, those brothers of Blade's Edge Church... In this life, we will continue to fight together.

Ding Qiang stroked the game helmet, his eyes were firmer than ever before.



With a crisp sound, Ding Qiang felt that the light in front of him gradually brightened.

At this time, although there is still a five-minute countdown before the game opens, the character server has already opened first. Players can use these five minutes to understand the game background and settings, and then build their own characters, ready to start entering the game. .

"A long, long time ago, the gods created this world..."

jump over!

"Later, a great monarch..."

jump over!


jump over!

"At last..."

When entering the game, Ding Qiang has heard it hundreds of times. Although it can't be said to be recited, there is no need to waste time here.

jump over!

jump over!

With the rapid switching of the interface, Ding Qiang soon came to the character selection interface.

Murderous warriors, holy knights surrounded by holy light, mages with fireballs jumping in their hands, archers with long bows, nimble thieves, priests who wield healing techniques, one after another handsome characters passed in front of his eyes.

"Race, Human, Appearance Adjustment, None, Occupation..."

Ding Qiang didn't want to, nor was he interested in choosing a career that was not very strong to set off his strength, so he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately chose the career of warrior.

In the last life, the career development route he chose was Human Agility, but because he spent most of his time thinking about the relationship between the Holy Alliance and the Tiandao Alliance and how to develop, so his equipment in the previous life was very general, not so much. famous.

The classification of warriors can be roughly divided into two types. One is a dual-wielding one-handed sword fighting. With super high attack speed, very high fatality, and a critical strike with a very high probability of triggering, it causes terror to the enemy in just a short moment. lethality.

One is the sword and shield warrior. This kind of warrior appears in the dungeons and acts as a meat shield on the front line of the BOSS battle.

In addition, there is actually a third type of warrior...

A full-strength epee warrior.

This epee warrior is extremely unpopular, with a slow attack speed and a long period of inflexibility. He is often dazzled by well-operated thieves and played to death.

But Ding Qiang remembered that before his rebirth, a skill appeared in the game.

[Fighter and Brave]: Whenever your HP decreases by 5%, your attack power and attack speed increase by 10% for 15 seconds.

Not many people know about this skill, and Ding Qiang just helped a trumpet once on the way, and then felt that the trumpet's attack power was a little weird, so he just asked casually.

Others may not know what this skill means for two-handed epee warriors, but Ding Qiang is very clear.

After learning of the existence of this skill, he dared to assert that the spring of two-handed combat is coming... As long as the problem of the slow attack speed of two-handed combat is solved, all the problems will be solved.

And not only that, he remembered clearly that in the late game of the previous life, the most powerful weapon was a two-handed epee.

[Blade of Slaughtering God] - The artifact has not been unsealed:

Attack: 37000-47000;

All attributes increase by 5000 points.

50% chance of 30 times crit;

60% chance to cause lethal effect;

When attacking, there is a chance to cause a random curse effect;

Additional skills: Death storm, summons a doomsday storm that destroys everything, causing a devastating blow to the target unit, the range is determined by the strength of the field.

Required level: God-level trial level 300, can be equipped after unsealing.

This is just an unblocked state, if unblocked...

It's just a pity that until his rebirth, no one in the game has figured out how to unblock it.

However, on the eve of his rebirth, Ding Qiang felt that he had found a way, but unfortunately, Tiandao Wuyan did not give him this opportunity.

In this life, as long as he can get this artifact, let alone those people in the Temple of War, even if Heaven is silent, Ding Qiang is confident that he can kill it with a single sword.

After what happened before the rebirth, he realized that only his own strength is the most important.

"Race: human, appearance adjustment, none, occupation, warrior, name..." Ding Qiang was stunned for a moment when he named his name, and after smiling, he entered four words.

"Undead Xiaoqiang!"

He was shot in the head at close range, and then there was another big explosion. He didn't die. The words "Undying Xiaoqiang" are really apt to describe him.

"Please choose your racial talent..."

There are many kinds of races in the game, such as elves, undead, humans, orcs, etc., and elves can be subdivided into dark elves and natural elves, and the racial talents of each race are different.

It's just that unlike other big races that are divided into two small races, the distinction between humans is reflected in their racial talent.

Enhance the perception of anti-submarine capabilities, diplomacy for prestige, gathering necessary for life and occupation, and weapon specialization for combat.

You can only choose two of the four talents, which makes players who enter the game for the first time not knowing how to choose...

But this difficult choice is only relative to other people, Ding Qianglian did not hesitate at all, just a little bit, the two talents have been selected.

"Diplomacy: Increases the reputation you gain by 5%."

"Greedy: When you collect or craft, you have a certain chance to generate a critical strike and get double items."

Diplomacy and greed, although there is no improvement for combat, but sharpening knives does not miss firewood cutting, speeding up reputation brushing means you can save time, and greed producing crit means you can effectively increase the gathering speed.

In contrast to perception and weapon specialization, there are many anti-submarine skills, and weapon specialization only increases the attack speed and attack power by a little bit, so it is clear at a glance which is the better and worse of the two sides.

In later generations, the two talents of gathering and diplomacy have long been recognized as golden talents.

A white light flashed in front of him, and when Ding Qiang's eyes became bright again, he had officially entered the game.

"Online Game Rebirth Sword God"

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