


Aaaaahh!, I almost screamed my lungs out looking at the appalling sight before me. The slit throat of my parents. I ran to their already cold and lifeless body, hitting their bodies and calling out their names wanting them to wake up and keep me in their arms while giving me soothing words but I knew it was of no use.  Aaarrrgh! My world shattered a million times, they were the only people I had left in this world.

I still can't believe it, I saw them this morning before leaving for college.


I hate this alarm clock, its like it knows when I'm about to get to the best part of me dreaming of my prince charming.  Huuugh!  I get off the bed going straight to the bathroom to do my business, flushing the WC, but my shit doesn't wanna be flushed, how funny, it's so big and this WC needs to be repaired,it doesn't work properly it's like it's lost it's sense. Stupid WC.  I head straight to brush my teeth and clean this dirty body.

Looking at myself in the mirror I was satisfied with what I saw.  Yes ,I'm beautiful thanks to my parents. But that's what guys see only in me. I have an hour glass shape with a slim body.

Going down the stairs I see my dad eating my mum's mouth already.  These two can't get enough of their self, being married for 20 years now.  They are so in love and I thank God for that cos I've seen many broken homes. Enough of the intro.

"Mum,dad would you stop eating yourselves out and hug your daughter" I shouted. "Sorry darling your mum is just so sexy" my dad replied and pulled me in a hug.  "Gross, dad don't tell me that ever" I said almost smiling.

I went over to my already blushing mother and pulled her in a hug, sometimes she acted like a teenager. I love my parents so much since I had no friends. After my best friend betrayed me, she was only with me so she could get a guy who she thought I was having a crush on. She insulted me openly at the school cafeteria. It was really embarrassing and I didn't care to fight back. I just left her shouting at the cafeteria.

After breakfast I hugged my parents, telling them I loved them.  I hadn't even fully left the house and they had started with their sexual escapades. Typical of my parents. My dad must have been the LADIES MAN during his teenage years cos he still had those handsome features except for the grey hairs which still looked good with him and his wrinkles on his forehead. I left them for school before I become an audience watching live porn. Geez. I'm in my final year and would be graduating next month as a graduate of Nursing. 

Entering class and getting the stares from guys which is now normal, learnt to live with it. The anatomy lecturer came in with his usual boring teaching and his lame attempt in making jokes to make us laugh.

I'm outside the school heading home to meet my lovely parents, I miss them already. My house is a 25 minute walk from school. I don't need a taxi,  now I'm walking home and just thinking of my parents only. That's me, I just can't stop thinking of them.

The door to the house was slightly opened which was unusual. My parents always made sure to close the doors saying for security, maybe one of my parent just got in not long and will be coming out soon. Yeah ,that's it. 

I open the already opened door and was greeted by something I knew will change my life forever.

End of flashback.

This is my first time writing. My friend actually pushed me to😁😁.  So yeah this is it. 

Its my first time writing. Be good

Benedicta160creators' thoughts