
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Hidden truth

Hello everyone.

New chapter. There was a time skip through the chapter, as I promised Zaki_Adnan. But he is not very tangible, although the protagonist has matured for a year.

In general, pleasant reading and I look forward to your comments with questions and suggestions.


[Where I am?]

This question came to me when I saw my surroundings.

Above me is a bright scarlet sky, and in the sky, you can see a scarlet moon and dark scarlet clouds that slowly float into the distance, bright black stars are still visible in the sky.

But not only the sky is scarlet, but the landscape in front of me is also similar.

What I see now defies common sense, everything, completely everything, is covered in blood. Trees, stones, some kind of ruins, it's all covered in blood, and I myself was standing on a white floor stained with blood.

Why do I believe it is blood?

Bones and parts of bodies, both people and animals, float and lie in this liquid, and the smell gives off like metal, it's definitely blood.

... But such a large amount of blood is somehow too terrifying.

The only thing I want to ask in a situation like this is:

"What the hell is going on here?"

Looking around, I was hoping to find clues, but the landscapes were similar, trees, rocks, a sea of ​​blood, and pieces of bodies. Only one thing stands out from this monotonous picture - these are ruins and they resemble Roman architecture.

Now, I was in my usual clothes and shoes, stood on a stone white floor, the size of an area, made of a material of white color which I didn't know, decorated with various symbols and drawings of all kinds. The stone floor itself was covered with cracks, and in some places, it was broken or was absent altogether, while on the floor there were traces of frozen and fresh blood, body parts, and bones were scattered everywhere.

The further into the distance the stone road went, the more corpses I could observe.

After looking at the ruins for a while, I took a step and walked between the rubble of the once great columns.

From a logical point of view, going into strange ruins is a very bad idea, proven by more than one thousand horror protagonists. But I have no idea where I am and this road is in ruins, the only thing that differs from the environment as if made specially for attracting eyes and guiding people.


"Haa. I feel like a ship going to the light of the lighthouse unaware of the reefs. "

In general, the most surprising thing here is that, despite a large number of corpses, I do not smell decomposition, but I am not going to touch these parts of the bodies to check them.

Continuing along the stone road, I met many corpses, some were intact, and rusty weapons and arrows stuck out in them, while others were torn to pieces, there were even piled mountains of corpses, from which streams of blood flowed. All of this grew more as I moved.

As time went on, I was still walking, I do not know what distance I had to overcome and how long it took, I just continued walking into the unknown without a goal. The only landscapes that I came across were a scarlet sky with a scarlet moon and black stars, a lot of corpses, which in some places blocked the road, as a result, I had to walk over the corpses.

Although I'm lying, the landscapes changed a little, instead of small mountains of corpses, giant mountains of corpses appeared.

Does anyone imagine mountains of corpses high as skyscrapers?


And I saw ... This sight makes the soul grow cold.

Illuminating these mountains, the scarlet light reflected from the moon fell on the mountains of corpses, making the atmosphere ominous.

Also, rivers of blood flowed from such mountains, horrifying the big picture to the highest level.

There were many such views while I was walking.

Of course, sometimes I switched to running, but I could not maintain the pace for a long time, for some reason my body became heavy to such an extent that I felt bad, but when I switched back to a step, the heaviness disappeared without a trace, even fatigue disappeared.

And so, changing the pace, I moved for an unknown amount of time, until I reached the ruins of a large building, they were in the ancient Roman style and were very dilapidated in appearance.

From the once great building, only half-intact walls with cracks that supported the cracked columns, and an arched entrance, near which on the sides lay corpses with weapons piercing them, remained.

Having passed through the arch, I thought that I would find myself in a building, although I saw the light inside through the entrance, I assumed it was light from a hole in the roof, everything turned out to be completely different, there is no ceiling inside and the sky is perfectly visible. The building had only walls and small stone canopies that supported the columns.

Inside there was a large space in which several thousand people can fit and there will still be room, or rather ... here are already several thousand people, more precisely their corpses.

As well as outside, there were also many bodies inside.


"A real massacre. I wonder what happened here? "

From where I am standing, I can see several things that catch the eye, the first is the stone altar, probably these ruins were once a temple. The altar is half destroyed, but on it lies a headless corpse with golden daggers in its heart.

Another notable thing is a few piles of corpses, and on the largest one, there are seven dark silhouettes, consecrated by the scarlet gleam of the moon. The silhouettes do not move, but they are not statues, they seem to be made of shadow as if they are just a mirage.

And the last thing that stands out - is the throne.

The throne was stone, gray with ornaments in the form of ice-colored cracks, these cracks like veins covered the throne externally, and the seat and back of the throne were covered with blue frosty fabric with gray patterns. The throne itself stood on a high pedestal, a staircase led to it, on which there was a silver carpet covered with blood, the throne was about three meters high, a person could sit comfortably on it, the throne was not flashy or special in appearance, it looked quite ordinary, but greatness and pride spread from him.

Of course, the throne, like everything else around, was covered in blood, but it was not completely covered in blood, only the pedestal, the base, and sides were slightly stained with it, the seat itself, and the fabric were clean.

Approaching the altar first, I examined it, but did not find anything interesting, even the dagger could not pull it out of the corpse, no matter how hard I tried to pull it.

Roughly the same situation happened with silhouettes.

Seven dark silhouettes stood motionless. One silhouette held a bastard sword, sticking it into the corpse. The second, larger one, carried a heavy two-handed sword on his shoulder. The third stood with a spear that pierced three bodies. The fourth was sitting on the body, holding daggers stuck into the corpse. The fifth was with a bow and looked at the entrance as if he was ready to shoot at any moment. The sixth was unarmed, but stood majestically, probably a fighter or wielding a hidden weapon. (So ​​Lovel thinks.) A seventh silhouette held a knight's spear in one hand and a shield in the other, piercing three bodies with a spear.

Approaching the mountain of corpses, on which stood silhouettes of unknown gender, at first I just looked at them without intending to approach, the thirst for murder emanating from them struck me, surprising me with its bloodthirstiness.

"Did these seven figures create this hell outside? But for what? For what purpose? Are they the protectors of this temple or enemies? ... How mysterious. "

Ignoring the thirst for murder directed at me, I took a step and decided to get closer to see the silhouettes up close. But as soon as my foot came close to the mountain of corpses, it turned out that I had to walk another meter to the mountain. I took a step again, but again I had to walk a meter to get closer to the mountain, and this happened with any attempt, even during a running jump, I was still within a meter from the mountain of corpses.

"Tcs. Damn it. The distance does not change, as if this meter is an infinity separating me and the silhouettes. No matter how much I go to them, I will be infinitely separated by a distance of a meter. What bastard is playing with space !? "

Realizing that it was useless to try to approach the silhouettes, and my paltry magic is useless here, of course, I tried to use it, but I could not even use the mana in the body. In the end, I am left with one thing to understand what is happening, to try my luck, and get closer to the throne.

Climbing the stairs to the pedestal on which the throne was proudly located, I approached the "symbol of the power of kings" and reached for the armrest to study. But the unexpected happened, as soon as I touched the throne, the "veins" on it lit up and blinded me, causing dizziness, and then I felt something embrace me.


Pulling on the body, I threw it away from me and jumped back, crashing into something strong.

As soon as the fleeting shock disappeared, it turned out that I was in my room and what I had crashed into was a wall.

The culprit of the "hugs" was also noticed - it was my blanket.


I do not understand. A second ago I was in a world full of blood and corpses in ordinary clothes, now I am in my room in pajamas, while I only now realize that I was sleeping.

Sweat covers my whole body, my breathing is heavy as if I had a bad nightmare.

"Dream? So realistic that I remember all the details. What the hell is this?"

Usually, after waking up, people forget their dreams and I am no exception, of course, you can remember the details, but over time they will also be erased from memory, but in this case, I remember everything, from beginning to end, and this is confusing.

"Will I really have such dreams now, when my senses improve?"

This is the only option that comes to mind, because now I feel the echoes of an improvement in reaction, albeit not large ones.

If this dream is really caused by an unexpected improvement in feelings, then I don't even want to imagine what awaits me in the future.

After looking out the window and realizing that already in the morning I decided not to waste time on incomprehensible worries and concentrate on the essentials.

"Okay, let's see what happens next, I'll hope it was a one-time performance, I don't want to earn a mental disorder."

After rubbing my face a couple of times to relieve the sleepy numbness, I dressed in my workout clothes and left the room.


* After a few hours of daily routine and training *

After one practice fight with Clem, we sat on a rock and rested after exhausting sparring.

"Relzen, have you heard the latest news?"

Suddenly, Clem decided to start a conversation.

"Hm? Of the two of us, the informant is you. How, for the unsociable me, know what is going on? "

"Indeed, such an uncommunicative person as you does not know this. It's sad that with such a beautiful face you will die a virgin. Wasted beauty. Eh. "

I want to rip out his chatty tongue.

"You haven't been beaten for a long time? Continue with the first topic or I'll show you how to set the bones correctly. "

I really want to beat him.

"IK! Stop! Stop! I'll tell you everything. "

Seeing my "kind" smile, he began to panic.

"Uhm ... Y-you know about the destruction of gangs throughout this year, right?"

I nodded.

"Of course, you yourself told me about it and in the dining room, it was often discussed. Three gangs have been slaughtered this year. "

"Not three… already four. Today corpses from the "Moon Wolf" gang were found, they were all killed, no one survived, and most importantly, their corpses were brutally mutilated, the killers pierced them with spears and raised them like a flag. The killers also carved crosses on their bodies, and their blood they wrote: "The sinner will repent for his sins!"."

"Pretty cruel. But as I remember, previous murders were similar in cruelty: heads on spears, torture "bloody eagle", slowly burning alive, skin and flesh ripping off. "

"Yes. But this time everything is more serious. This time they used the holy symbol, and now the church will not be on the sidelines, they will punish the murderer, now the knights will patrol at night. "

[Fuck. Well, who asked me to carve crosses on their bodies? Agh. Damned absorption into battle.]

As understand, now problems await me, for a year, every three months I go out on a "hunt" and steal from gangs, destroy them a little, just a little. And now the knights will join the soldiers who began to patrol at night after the destruction of the "Bloodfang". This is a headache.

I already had to try to "beg" the bandits to secretly give money, and now it has generally turned into a stealth action game with a first-person view without the possibility of open play.


"Clem, but that's not all you wanted to say. Knowing you, you are waiting for the moment to add something. "

This sly fox always hides important news to the last, all in order to keep the intrigue.

"Hehe. You are right my friend. The main news of the day ... is ... ta-ta-tan ... is that we, too, will take part in the night search for the killer. "


Search for yourself. What could be more stupid?

"As I understand it, we will be sent to search as soon as we become knights?"

Keeping calm, I just asked a question.

"Right. It will be in half a month, the day after we have been knighted in the church. "

"So early?"

"So the top officials decided, we are powerless here."

"Your truth."

[Ahhh. Well, who asked me to carve crosses on those bastards? I have added problems to myself.]

Mentally reproaching myself for stupidity, outwardly I tried to remain calm, although I wanted to hit myself for idiocy.

Clem looked at me with his blue eyes with sparkle. Knowing his habits, it was not difficult for me to understand that he has another interesting piece of news that he wants to tell, but wants to be begged.

"Hah. Oh, omniscient Clem, tell me the important news. "

Impudent bastard.

"Ha-ha. Right. Praise the great me more. "

I feel like the thread of patience has cracked in me. When you communicate with such a person every day, you get used to it, but the desire to beat him does not disappear.

"Of course, great Clem, tomorrow in training you will really suffer MORE if you ask so."

Clem's joyous and proud face froze, he turned pale and knelt down.

"D-don't. I was just kidding. Haha. How can I get my friend to beg me about this insignificant information? I'm just kidding. Haha. "

[Damn many-faced sly fox.]

Of course, this is all just jokes and we just mock each other in a friendly way, although sometimes I seriously want to beat him up.

"Okay. Stop fooling around, you're not afraid of training and fighting. Better tell me what this interesting news is that made you so proud of yourself. "

Getting up from his knees, Clem brushed off his pants and smiled.

"Well, I would not say that this is accurate information. I heard about it when I was just passing by the officers ... "


"They said that one of the Saints would test our skills."

At what I heard, my eyes widened.

"Seriously? One of these monsters? "

"Yes. But I do not know more, I, of course, will try to find out more about it to the smallest detail... I will let you know when I finish. "

"Ok... Thanks."

Silence fell, each thinking about his own.

Then, after this conversation, there was nothing important. Then we just talked about our training and what it is worth improving Clem, and then we washed at the well and went our separate ways.

Clem probably went to the barracks to rest, but I had other plans. Yesterday a librarian came up to me and invited me to talk. I did not refuse his invitation, because you can learn a lot about the magic theory from him, which was proved more than once in my conversations with him.

But as I walked to the library, one word did not leave my head - "Saint".

I have seen several references to them in the books, but these were only scraps. I know that there are twelve of them and that they have nicknames that God gave them.

"Saints" are people who received power from God. Although ... they cannot be called human, they are monsters in human skin and there is no other name for them.

Can a man kill a dragon with one blow?

Can a person wipe a country off the face of the earth?

Can a person cause a large-scale cataclysm?

Of course, I do not believe that they have such a massive power, but there is some truth in the rumors.

These monsters are terrible.

Although I consider myself a monster too, but the "Saints" are superior to me at the moment, both in strength and in the number of victims. I would not dare to erase the country with enemies and civilians.

When I reached the library, I knocked and as soon as I received permission to enter, I opened the door and stepped over the threshold.

"Good afternoon, sir."

"O. Relzen, come in, have a seat. "

Seeing me, Ser Licht, sitting at the table, smiled and pointed to another chair at the table. As always, the old librarian did not let go of the book.

Having taken the indicated place, I asked:

"Why did you invite me?"

"* Sigh * Young people in our time are impatient ... And I called you because you are smart."

[In the sense?]

"Ser Licht, I don't understand your train of thought."

The old man only smiled at my words.

"You're a smart guy and you can figure out things that others don't pay attention to. Have you already realized that much in the church is hidden behind a screen? "

[Am I being read like an open book? This is something new.]

I didn't reject his words, I didn't feel any evil intentions, so I just nodded.

The old man, seeing my gesture, smiled and put the book he was holding in front of me.

"What I want to tell you today brings with it a lot of problems and benefits. I'm taking a lot of risks now, but I need to do it. "

Ser Likht's face became serious.

"What is it?"

"This is what the church hides."

"Why me?"

"My answer will not change:" Because you are smart. "

For a minute we looked into each other's eyes until I broke the silence:

"I'm listening to you."

"Ha-ha. Well done, you won't regret it. Today I will tell you about the "hidden truth" that the church refuses to divulge. "

The old man smiled happily and took out a small stick from under the table.

But in order to immediately understand the old man's intentions, I interrupted him:

"What do you want from me in return?"

I understand that these are risks for an old man to tell me such important information, but there must be a reason, in this world nothing is free, even what can kill you costs money.

The librarian was surprised at my words but then smiled.

"Nothing serious, I just want you to help me one day."

He looked sad as if he had resigned himself to something.

Seeing him like that, I felt his sincerity, so I agreed.

"Good. I will help you as much as possible. "


Smiling, the old man put his hand on the wand.

"Today I will show you what can create chaos in the world if it comes out."

Ser Licht removed his hand from the stick and held it out in front of me.

Then something happened that caused my pupils to dilate.

In the old man's hand, right before my eyes, a stick appeared, exactly like the one on the table.

"Is this an illusion?"

There is the magic of illusions, it is needed to disorient enemies by creating a mirage effect or other hallucinations.

But this magic has a drawback that makes it useless - it is dispelled in contact with a living creature and mana.

And what I see now cannot happen with an illusion, because the stick just lies on the hand, showing no signs of destruction.

"Hehe. No, this is not an illusion. "

His words threw me into a stupor.

If he had the same feelings as me, he would also be frozen in disbelief.

For me, not just a stick appeared in his hands; for me in his hands was an exact copy of the stick on the table

Everything in these sticks is the same: size, length, thickness.

I was hoping it was improved illusion magic because creating something out of nothing without a magic circle is beyond the scope of a magician.

But my hopes were dashed.

"T-Then what is it?"

My lips trembled with excitement.

"This is ancient magic that was created at an unknown time and its name: "Creation of the Essence. "

I just froze.

My vision of the world has been disrupted.

I used to think that even if there is magic, everything obeys the standard laws of physics and chemistry anyway. That is, a fire cannot continue to burn without fuel and cannot arise without a spark. The wind cannot appear without external influence. Water cannot appear if hydrogen and oxygen do not mix.

Yes, in magic, of course, everything acts according to the principle of imagination, but a person represents everything, finding signs in the environment and from its capabilities.

I have always been guided by calculations and knowledge of the modern world, it was easier for me to understand how this or that phenomenon occurs.

But now I doubt it.

This magic is based on copying, exact copying of the structure of an object and its appearance.

For the modern world, this is beyond imagination, modern people only theoretically invented the possibility of exact copying of objects, but they are not able to do anything from theory in practice.

What the librarian did turn my understanding of magic upside down.


Looking at the copy of the stick and the original, I could not utter a word, I feel strange and insecure as if what I previously believed to be true was just an illusion that I created for myself.

I realized how limited I was all along.

I have all the time blindly extolled scientific and technological modernity and knowledge from there.

I didn't try to get to the bottom of magic, I was researching from above all the time, forgetting that this is another world and the scientific laws of our time can be violated in it.

"Child, what surprised you?"

Putting his hand on my head, the old man ruffled my hair a little and pulled me out of the chaos of thoughts.

"Sir Licht, isn't the creation of something out of nothing something that is only possible for God?"

Trying to hide the real reason for my surprise, I asked this question.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. Boy, you are mistaken ... "

The stick in his hand began to crumble and disappear.

"... She is not created from nothing, she is created from my mana."

Even so, it was still an exact copy and ...

"I understand ... I understand why this magic can cause chaos in the world."

Yes, such magic in the Middle Ages is really a prohibition, which is better not to know about.

"Heh. You are really smart. "

"The Church hides this magic for only one reason: It can undermine the faith of foolish people in God and cause a real storm of anger among fanatics.

The people who survive only through faith will go mad and rivers of blood will flow. "

The loss of faith among people can turn them into monsters, driven by the ideals of their personal faith.

"Right. This is the fear of the church and the reason for hiding this magic. And this is only a small part of what is hidden. "

[A small part?]

Today there were many surprises for one day, but my heart beats with impatience to gain more knowledge.

I want to know the secrets of this world.

"Sir Licht, so this magic, the Creation of the Essence, what is it? How to use it? "

My excitement was heard in my voice.

Seeing me like that, the old man had a kind smile on his lips.

"This magic has two steps. The first step is to understand the essence of the object that you want to recreate and the second step is to create it using magic. "

It is logical.

"So I have to analyze the item and then remember its structure and recreate it with my mana?"

"Everything seems to be correct. But what is "analyze?"

[Oops. I forgot that there are no such words yet.]

"Oh. This word does not carry anything important, it is just a word in another language. "

"Hm. Clear."

[I'm sorry old man, but it is better for you not to meddle with the knowledge of another world.]

My secrets will never be revealed.

Without intending to question me, the librarian handed me a book that had previously been on the table.

"Since you understand what this magic entails, I can entrust you with this book. Everything is written in it to understand the "Creation of the Essence". As soon as you read and assimilate everything you read, do not forget to return it to me. "


Taking the book, I hugged her and was not going to let go. For me, this was an important treasure that can pave the way for me.

"You are so consumed with the desire to study magic. Once upon a time, I was like that. I wanted to become the best magician and leave a mark on history. Ehh. "

The old man's eyes faded as if he had sunk into himself.

"My youth was filled with desires and aspirations for magic. But instead of fame, I only got ... "

Stopping, the old man smiled sadly and waved his hand, as if driving away old memories.

"... Forget my words, these are just useless worries of the old man. We'd better continue. "

The old man decided not to show his weak side further, he regained his former calm look with a kind smile.

"This book is the only thing I can give you. What I will say next, you must listen carefully and not forget. Everything that you can understand, and how you use this knowledge, depends only on you. "

I nodded.

"To begin with, mana is not the only power that humans can use."

Hearing his words, my hands unconsciously clenched and veins appeared on them.

[Do others also know about the Energy of Limit?]

Deep down, I have always wanted to be special ... so that only I have this power. It's just a selfish desire to stand out from the crowd.

I also hoped that I was reborn with an unusual ability that I received after reincarnation.

Keeping calm, I asked:

"What is this power?"

Early worries may be unfounded.

"Heh. Take your time, boy. All in due time. Just listen to this old man. "

I relaxed and listened intently.

"First of all, do you know that magicians have special channels in which mana is located? These channels are also called "magic circuits."

I nodded.

"In ancient books, they wrote that these chains are not in our body, they can be seen with a" magical gaze ", but if you open a person, you will not find them inside. Ancient minds have proved that the magic circuits in our body are an astral reflection that has taken on the physical expression of true circuits in our soul, and the more magic circuits there are, the stronger the magician and his soul. "

This is already known to me.

"So here. And you knew that we are not using original mana, but its mixture with a different power. "


Don't magicians from other universes only use mana? So why is this universe so crazy?

"Hehe. In fact, magicians do not use pure mana, but the so-called "Prana" - it is a mixture of mana and od. "


[What is "Od"?]

"Ha-ha-ha. You should have seen your expression. "

I think it was really weird, I could feel my cheek twitch.

"Ahem… Ahem… I beg your pardon. Let's continue ... In general, prana is a source of energy used to create magic.

Prana is divided into two types: Manu and Od. Mana is the breath of the planet, the energy present in the atmosphere and reproduced by the World itself. Used in large quantities, it will recover over time. Od is the energy present in living organisms, in other words, the life force. When exhausted, it regenerates with Magic Circuits or when resting.

Also, the very life force, Od, can be used to restore prana.

The only real difference between mana and od is quantity. Mana is almost everywhere and in large quantities, therefore magicians call it the Great Source, while od, the energies of living beings, is much less, and it is called the Lesser Source. Roughly speaking, mana and od are energy in their original state, while prana is called when they are transformed by Magic Chains. Manu can be absorbed as long as the volume of the Magic Circuits is sufficient, but the transformation itself takes time. "

How much new information.

While I was memorizing, the old man wasted no time and continued to say:

"To use magic, at least on a large scale, requires mana, regardless of the amount of the magician's od. In ancient times, among weak magicians, the following practice was widespread: spells are cast using od, and then they are supported by mana. Only small spells that do not directly interact with the environment are completely cast with the help of od. "Strengthening" is an example. "

[A powerful life force that strengthens the body - I've seen it somewhere.]

There is real chaos in my head now, the brain is trying to perceive information and process it, so I will spend time later to remember where I saw the use of odes, you just need to postpone this thought.

"Prana has no elemental commitment. However, being embedded in an object that also does not possess such a property, for example, is a gem, or in an object in which there is some kind of spirit of nature, it takes the same commitment, at least until it is released ... Do you remember everything? "

My memory has no boundaries, so it's easy, but it still takes time to comprehend and assimilate this knowledge.

"Of course."

This knowledge is very important, to forget it is a sin.

"Then I will ask the question: Why does the church hide the existence of odes?"

For obvious reasons, only one thing comes to mind:

"The Church chooses magicians with the required number of circuits and then divides them according to quality. If people who have few circuits and weak magic learn about od, they will use their life force to use magic, become "wild magicians" who cannot be controlled by the church. They will be a speck in the eye that constantly gets in the way. "

"Ha-ha. Everything is correct. There is even nothing to add ... "

The librarian was pleased with my guess.

With a kind smile, the old man lit a candle and said:

"And ... Finally, also remember, my friend, magic is a miracle, you should not compare it with the exact sciences, magic can violate the laws of the world and God himself. Magic is unlimited and incomprehensible, this is what I have understood in my entire life. As long as you have mana, od or prana, in large quantities, you are not limited in improving your skills. "

The speech was quite inspiring.

"Don't worry, I will try, getting stronger with new knowledge. I will become the strongest magician and warrior in this world. "

These were my true feelings, a power that I could not dream of in the past, can be received in this life, and new knowledge opens the way to my goal.

"By the sparkle of your eyes, I can tell that you have great aspirations. I hope your aspirations will be achieved. I am glad that my knowledge helps someone who has great goals. "

Probably my eyes showed the desires of my soul. Somehow, even a little embarrassing.

"I wish I could help you more, but I have nothing else to tell. Today I told you the most important thing that the church hides, but I cannot tell you other secrets that I know, I am limited in this opportunity. "

Ser Licht looked serious.

"It's worth finishing for today. Understand the acquired knowledge and understand how to use it. "


Realizing that the old man would no longer share information and that he wanted to be alone, I decided to go to my room too, consolidate everything I had learned, and also devote time to studying the book.

Saying goodbye, I quickly left the library.

Today was a tough day and there was a lot to figure out.


In short:

Od - is used to create magic only inside the body.

Mana - used both inside and outside the body for complex spells.

Prana - used if it is necessary to impart form and density to magic (something like breathing life into a spell).

Ask questions, I will try to answer.

Everything about magic is taken from an article on the forum: "Fate/Splinters of Wishes » Концепция Магии » Основы Магии"

The article is all in Russian, if you are interested, read it.

If you have any suggestions or advice, write. Thank you for reading.