
Wall's New Evolution




I didn't want to invite them inside my Divine Realm, I had just come out of it, so I decided to just call an old friend, Wall, the protector of my Nation. She emerged quickly, surging from my Divine Realm with a rumbling sound and landing on the floor.

Her gigantic black, purple, and red colored slime body, covered with countless metals and ores was tremendously big, and at my command, her entire shape immediately transformed.

"Wall! Been a while since I've needed your help! Would you be so kind to eat these and get stronger? Also I'll need you to take a special shape, something that can move quickly and also be comfortable… How about a spaceship? No wait, a train!"

"Maaaasteeer! Yeeees! I wiiiiiill… beeecomeeee… whateveeeer youuuu waaaaaant!"