
Paying A Visit To A Cute Archdemon 1 (R18)




Once I was done forging my Cosmic Physique and Psyche and I felt even stronger than before, I decided to take a small window of like ten minutes to go somewhere else, specifically Hell.

"Did you change the Time Dilation for me, Mammon?" I asked the ring I was wearing.

"Yeah, yeah, I did…" she groaned. "But what do you want to discuss about you need to go to hell for that? Just tell me! This Demonic Ego is literally me, just one side of the same coin."

"I know but I need to discuss things more in private. Wait for me in your bedroom if possible," I told him.

"Um… okay," he seemed to still not have a clue of my intentions.

Well, he would quickly learn about them.

I stepped into the Hell Gate I created, quickly leaving my Divine Realm, which actually didn't leave me, remaining within my soul.