
Confrontation! Overseers!




I quickly covered my body with black exoskeleton and spikes, readying myself for battle.

"I thought this form would be more suitable to talk. My other form emanates a deadly aura of nightmares and chaos. Maybe like this you can calm down a bit?" I asked.

"Phew…" Frank sighed in relief. "You're not going to easily seduce me, spawn of Khaos!"

"Spawn?! Hello? I am HER Daughter and be more polite! You just came here and began threatening everyone. if you say you've got morals why don't they apply with us? what? Are we inferior to you or something now?"

"T-That's not… Ugh, listen. I've gone through a lot of shit okay? I just want to get my stone and get back home. I've got kids waiting for me, I've got wives, I've got worlds… I am busy." He sighed.

"I am busy too! I've got all of that too! I am trying to get back there and you can just instantly teleport?" I asked.