
A Nice Power Up




After the entire battle ended, I used Item Box to swiftly store anything left behind! After all, if we leave all those corpses of those guys lying around for eternity, they're going to rot and then unleash their miasma across the entire desert, which as a result will only spawn even more monsters, and that's a pain in the ass to see, so I quickly stopped that from even happening. I don't think I'll eat those cactuses though as they were all black corrupted with miasma- wait, no!

If they're made of miasma or infected with it, then they should be the ideal snack for me and Bubu! If I want to make myself stronger, then I should really try to eat some of those cactuses, in fact, all of them. But Why? Well, they got miasma! And I can eat anything using the Divine Authority of Gluttony. To strengthen my main Chaos Element, I should be seeking anything miasma related and eat it whole with Bubu, who might also benefit from it.