
[Ascendance Of The Goddess of Sins and Virtues] 16/?: Forbidden Love


When Faylen, the Realm Menace of Envy heard the news about Kireina stealing her tree and also her Kingdom, she almost exploded in fury, making Artemis wonder if she was not really the Realm Menace of Wrath instead of Envy.

"My tree…! My Kingdom… My properties! All gone?! I should have put them inside my Divine Realm! Why did you stop me, Artemis?!" roared Faylen, although her figure was rather small, her aura was incredibly intimidating.

"Because you can't simply put that inside you Divine Realm, that tree didn't belong to you, to begin with, it was a thing of the whole realm, Faylen! And the Elves as well, they are useful for all of us Gods as they bring more mortals to the Realm if we encapsulate everyone inside our Divine Realms wouldn't the realm be completely empty?" asked Artemis.