
Bend Over

"That would make the most sense. You have the same abilities as us, and if you went through the formalities, our people would accept you. They would just need to see you, the Queen, fight. As much as I disagree, our people believe that strength makes a good leader. My husband is a good example of how strength does not make you a good ruler," Shiva explained, transforming into the flying platform we had traveled on before.

"Shiv! That hurts! I was a good ruler!" Rai Cait declared, grabbing at the right side of his chest.

"No, you were a ruler that let everyone else do the work for you while you adventured around! It was my sisters that ran the capital and me! After witnessing Ashia and fighting her, I am almost tempted to try and join her harem of women! At least she takes care of her responsibilities and cares about the wellbeing of her people!" Shiva growled dangerously over a speaker.