
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Training For The Next Battle 1

After successfully claiming the Kingdom of Mizu, Aria suggested that everyone take some time to train for a few months before taking on the Kingdom of Kusa.

"Alright the Kingdom of Kusa are Earth Element Users." Aria said.

"Yes, Lord Motonari is widely known as the Legendary Earth User. As far as we know he uses the Grass Variant of the Earth Element." Sefia said.

"There are different variants of Earth?" Uchi asked.

"Yeah, there is the Grass Variant and the Ground Variant. Shingen is the Master of the Ground Variant, while Motonari is the Master of the Grass Variant." Joshua said.

"So confusing.." Uchi held her head.

"Hey, I hear you all are training for a while before taking on Motonari. I could be of assistance." Motochika walked up.

"Lord Motochika?" Aria looked at him. "What do you mean of assistance? You randomly can use the Earth Element now?"

"No." Motochika chuckled. "I have a buddy who uses the Earth Element, Grass Variant. As you know the Grass Variant is weak to fire while the Ground Variant is strong against fire."

"So that's the benefit of the Earth Element..? Grass is weak against Fire, but thr Ground part of the Earth Element is stronger than Fire." Aria said. "That sounds like a double edged sword actually."

"It is, which is why Motonari is praised. Although his element makes him weaker than Fire, he has abilities to help coup with fire." Motochika said.

"So who is your friend?" Sefia asked.

"Her name is Avani." Motochika said. "Met her on my way back to Genten. Apparently she is another one of you Frontier Warriors. Genten is really diverse huh."

"Avani..Ah! The Wild Avenger! She is the Grass Variant User." Sefia said. "Maybe she knows something about Kikuri..They used to work under the same commander a few years ago."

"Mmm. Let us head to Auroria Springs. She is there at the moment." Motochika lead the way to Auroria Springs.

They all followed Motochika. Aria smiled happily knowing she was able to recieve help from a seasoned Warlord. This was a once in a lifetime chance for her. Although she trained with a legend like Lord Astros, she didn't learn nearly enough of what she was supposed to learn compared to now.

"Alright we are here." Motochika said.

They looked ahead and saw a woman with dark green hair and beside her was two blades with chains attacked to the handle. The woman looked to her right and stood up.

"Motochika, who are these heathens!" The woman asked.

"Calm your nerves, Avani. These are my friends, meet the Warlord of Auroria, Aria. Accompanying her are her two retainers, Sefia and Joshua, then lastly her good friend, Uchi." Motochika said.

"Ah- I hope you don't mind me being here Lady Aria." Avani said.

"N-No don't worry it's fine." Aria smiled nervously.

"So what brings you here?" Avani asked.

"I was hoping you could help them train and learn more about the Grass Variant of the Earth Element. They plan on conquering the Kingdom of Kusa." Motochika said.

"Oh, it's no issue. Although I rarely use my elemental abilities, I can see what I can do." Avani nodded.

"Look at the structure of her sword." Aria said and walked to it then crouched down. "The way the blades look..these were hand crafted.."

"They are, by me." Avani said.

"I see..they look sharp enough to leave your opponent in a state where their wounds will never heal..and they are full of elemental energy.." Aria said.

"They are my special blades since I had to survive in the wild. I never knew the names of my parents. These are Vorpal Chainblades. Anyone who wields this that isn't me will die because of incompatibility. With these blades I made it to the top ranks of the 15th Division back at home." Avani said.

"Avani, Kikuri worked with you. Do you know anything about her?" Sefia asked.

"Kikuri..Hmm...Ahh the Nefarious Dancer. Yes she was a natural assassin...and a girl who thirsted for blood. She told me you and her fought on the opposite sides of the battlefield before becoming comrades." Avani said.

"Yes, it was an honorable battle..She was the only one at the time who could match my power of the Hallowed Dance Technique." Sefia said. "Do you know of her whereabouts?"

"No, I have no idea where she is. After you and her ventured to Genten, that was the last I had contact with her." Avani said.

"Oh...I see..." Sefia said.

"But if we all must state the obvious. She is still in Genten." Avani said.

"Wait she is?" Sefia said.

"Yes." Avani picked up her swords. "Most likely up north where there are more Dark Element Users, but at your current level, you'd die instantly trying to battle anyone up North."

"I know..I just want to know why she ran off and what her motives are." Sefia said.

"Well when that time comes..You will find out. For the time being, follow me." Avani walked off.

They all followed her to a new location. Sefia sighed a bit and Joshua pat her shoulder, comforting her. Aria looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile. Sefia looked at them and smiled a bit.

Meanwhile in the Kingdom of Yakasha, there was a battle going on. Kotaro dodged the kunai being thrown at him and equipped his claws. Dark energy surged from his weapon and his eyes glowed a deep red.

"You are a fool to think you stand a chance..you are battling against one of Genten's best Ninja and Warlord.." Kotaro said.

"I don't care..As long as I have a good fight..I am satisfied.." The woman licked blood off her kunai then giggled.

"What is your name..?" Kotaro said.

"My name..? It's Kikuri." Kikuri smiled and dark energy surrounded her kunai. "Because you have entertained me, I shall show you the legendary Nefarious Dance. Get ready because you may not survive, but if you don't, I'll make sure your blood isn't wasted.."

"Oh? Then show me Kikuri..Show me that power.." Kotaro glared.

Kikuri bellowed and her dark energy surged from her back creating six scarlet red wings. Her red eyes glowed.

"Warrior Skill Activate: Graceful Slaughter!" Kikuri bellowed and her dark energy boosted her power and speed.

"Come at me with everything!" Kotaro bellowed and his dark energy surged.

"Ultimate Skill! Rival's Blooming End: Void!" Kikuri vanished faster than sound itself and surrounded Kotaro with kunai floating around him then closed her hand and the daggers went crashing down at Kotaro at once, causing a massive explosion of dark energy. Kikuri then smiled wickedly.

"Your arrogance will not go unpunished." Kotaro said, standing on top of a building and smirked. His dark energy turned red and the moon shined down on him.

Kikuri looked baffled then looked down and saw the clone of Kotaro vanish.

"I won't even waste my Warrior Skill on you, Not even my Fury Skill! Ultimate Skill: Nightmare Mayhem!" Kotaro jumped to Kikuri.

She threw multiple kunai at him, but he blocked them with his claws then grabbed her neck and threw her to the ground and crashed down, striking her stomach. Kikuri coughed blood and groaned loudly then her dark energy vanished slowly. He stood up and his dark energy vanished also.

"So that's what that ruckus was." A woman said, walking in the kingdom.

"Nene..don't you have a husband to tend to..?" Kotaro said.

"Hideyoshi is fine. I was more worried about who I had to teach manners to!" Nene said. "I thought Kunoichi was back picking fights."

"There is no reason for you to worry. The situation is handled." Kotaro took off his claws. "Don't worry she isn't dead.."

"Oh okay.." Nene walked off.

Kikuri laid on the ground, passed out. Kotaro picked her up and sighed then walked in the castle. He placed her in the guest room and walked out, closing the door. He then noticed a drop of blood rolling down his arm. He smirked.

"The damned bastard got me with her little technique..I am impressed.." He walked off.