
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasie
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38 Chs

The Three Keys’ Plan

The Kingdoms of Nixtorm, Valora, and Spectem met up in Valora via Ieyasu's request. They all met in the meeting room. Everyone wondered what was going on.

"Lord Omu is travelling south..we have time to discuss Mitsuhide's plan. Although this isn't the first he's ever betrayed someone." Ieyasu said.

"I see that memory of me going again Lord Nobunaga still lingers in your head tin man?" Mitsuhide smiled. "We have settled things and come to a mutua understanding."

"I know. So do you know Omu's weakness?" Ieyasu asked.

"He has none, his Warrior Skill, Cosmic Void, is always active. He is immune to light damage. Aria can't use light anyway because he will just drain it. He is a Dark and Thunder element, he possesses no Dragon Element so Elemental Reactions can still damage him a good bit." Mitsuhide said.

"As far as I know, neither you or Tadakatsu possess elemental abilities?" Mitsuhide asked.

"Well Tadakatsu has to possess something for Ina to have elemental abilities. I am a master mechanic, I have weapons with elemental abilities." Ieyasu said.

"I only possess a hint of Dragon energy." Tadakatsu said.

"I see, Ina. Do you have that ability to slow people with Water?" Mitsuhide asked.

"What am I? A Dark Lord? I don't have that kind of ability. Besides even if I did, It wouldn't matter to Omu since that kind of skill requires magic." Ina said.

"I can use my Kybuki Skills against Omu. The style doesn't use magic and it affects his abilities but doesn't cancel them out." Okuni said.

"Nō?" Mitsuhide looked at Nō.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom..excuse me." Nō stood up and walked off.

"She's on the brink of snapping..I can feel it- Wait Nō has an ability that cancels abilities. She did say she took inspiriation from a woman named Elizabeth. Her ability is called Viper's Bite. It only works on Male enemies." Tadakatsu said.

"It only supresses their physical attributes...not the Warrior Skill..I am sure such an ability that cancels Warrior Skills does not exist.." Ieyasu said.

Everyone sighed and thought. Now they realize how they have little chance against Omu. They didn't know how to approach Omu or how to deal with his Warrior Skill.

"You know, his Warrior Skill only drains Light and Magic Attacks right?" Gracia asked.

"Right." Ina said.

"So why not just use other elemental attacks that are physical." Gracia said.

"That seems viable but the part that confuses me is MAGIC Attacks...what really defines Magic?" Ina asked.

"Something like Nō's attacks. Non-physical attacks." Ieyasu said.

"Okay!" Gracia stood up. "Ina! You will fail against Omu so stay as back up until needed!"

"W-What? Why?" Ina asked.

"You use Magic Arrows." Gracia said.

"A-" Ina said and stayed quiet.

"Lady Nō and Okuni should stay behind as well!" Gracia said.

"Understandable." Okuni said.

"And I shall stand back since...I use magic also..hm.." Gracia sat down.

"It's alright..We will find a way to take him down once and for all. The most we can do is wait.." Mitsuhide rubbed Gracia's hair.

"I have a proposition." Ina said.

"What's that?" Tadakatsu asked.

"How about we seal his power? It worked against dragons so it should work against dragon hybrids, since you know..they have Dragon Blood." Ina said.

"It might be crazy enough to work." Mitsuhide said. "How has sealing powers?"

"I do." Nō walked back in the meeting room and sat down. "If you're planning to seal his power, then leave it to me. Once Aria beats him, I shall seal his power for good."

"Right. We have a viable plan now we need to know how we are going to do it." Mitsuhide said.

"I could be of some assisstance." Keiji walked in the meeting room.

"You're late Keiji. Where is Kenji?" Ieyasu asked.

"He went back to his homeland, something bad happened there that needed his immediate attention." Keiji said. "Only Heaven knows when he is ever gonna return."

"Unfortunate..but we shall manage with what we have." Mitsuhide said. "Did you see Omu on your way here?"

"Yes, we cross paths in Avia. He is headed to Terreria from what he told me." Keiji said.

"Mmm. So what's your plan Keiji?" Ina asked.

"My plan is to fight Omu. We know when Aria defeats him he isn't gonna stop there. Especially when his secret weapon is the Tower of Eternity." Keiji said.

"That tower possess a threat..using a massive elemental force to power it and all 18 Kingdoms united has enough elemental power to charge the tower. So we have to destroy the tower." Nō said.

"At the same time Dragconia will appear once the 18 Kingdoms are united by one Warlord, so who knows Nobunaga and Oichi may make a special appearance?" Keiji shrugged.

"You sound a bit too relaxed at times like these." Okuni said.

"It's just the way I am. Besides this isn't the first Genten has almost met certain doom..but it is the first time the situation has gotten this bad." Keiji said.

Everyone sighed and thought a bit. They knew what they were gonna do and when to do it, but no one knew how they were going to execute their plan. They thought about that aspect.

Meanwhile with Omu, he was walking along a trail and stopped when he noticed he was being followed.

"I know you're there..come out now.." Omu said.

"Now what Mitsunari..? He knows we are following him." A male said.

"Well we have no choice.." Mitsunari said. He walked out from the shadows and looked at Omu. His friends followed him.

"I see, The Elemental Trio..Mitsunari, Kiyomasa, and Masanori...who put you up to this?" Omu asked.

"I am the one who suggested we follow you. We have something we want to say." Mitsunari said.

"Okay..say it." Omu said.

Mitsunari and Kiyomasa pushed Masanori to the front.

"What why me..?!" Masanori said quietly to them.

"Just do it." Mitsunari said.

"Ahem..We are tired of your shenanigans. We are going to put an end to them!" Masanori said.

"Oh really..? You three think you can stop me?" Omu said.

"Did you hear how he said it..?! He obviously is going to kill us..!" Masanori silently said to Mitsunari and Kiyomasa.

"We have to do something..!" Mitsunari said.

"We can take him three on one..we are legends who have trained with Keiji, we should be alright." Kiyomasa said.

"Yeah. Omu can't take all three of us." Masanori said.

"We are going to stop you once and for all Omu!" Mitsunari said.

"Ugh..what the hell are these fools up to now..?" Ujiyasu said then looked out his window. "What the...they are about to fight Omu..?! They are going to die..! Kai! Get your weapon ready!"

"Is it those three again?!" Kai yelled from the other room.

"Yep! And this time prepare three tombstones just in case!" Ujiyasu said.

"Mmkay!" Kai yelled.

Ujiyasu grabbed his cane and walked out his room. He sighed as he had to save those three again for the third time. Kai sighed as well as she walked out her room.

"Can they just like not for one day..?" Kai said.

"I agree..but this time they are sinking lower than before..they are fighting Omu.." Ujiyasu said.

"Wait what?! Yep they are gonna die." Kai put her hands together and closed her eyes.

"No amount of prayers will be able to save them.." Ujiyasu walked off.

"Yeah well at least I tried okay?" Kai followed.

"Mhm sure whatever." Ujiyasu said.