
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasie
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38 Chs

The Tachibana 2

Aria and the others made it to Violight in roughly three days. They were amazed by the scenery. Everything was powered by Thunder Elemental magic. Aria looked around and smiled then sniffed and smelled delicious food. She followed the scent and stopped at a food stand and saw a large tray of sweet cakes.

"What's this?" Aria asked.

"These here are our special Cinnamon Sweet Cakes." The lady smiled sweetly at Aria.

Aria bought three of them. She walked to Avani and Uchi and gave each of them one. They happily accepted it and they all took a bite.

"Ahhhh! So sweet and tasty!" Uchi said.

"The flavor is so wonderful..These are the best ones by far.." Avani said.

"Mhm! I've never tasted anything so wonderfully." Aria smiled.

They finished their sweet cakes and saw a group of knights walking down the street. They all wielded lightning blades.

"We can walk alone you know.." Ginchiyo said.

"I agree, I thank you for your concern but we are strong enough to handle any minor issue." Muneshige smiled.

"As you wish!" The officer said and walked back to the castle.

"Is that Ginchiyo?" Aria asked.

"Yeah." Avani nodded.

"She's so beautiful.." Aria was in awe.

Aria has never been compelled by anyone for their looks before. She looked at Ginchiyo and blushed softly. Uchi looked at her and puffed her cheek a little.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Aria said.

"Wait she is your enemy..!" Avani said.

"Come on a little small talk wouldn't hurt anyone." Aria walked to Ginchiyo and Muneshige.

"Mmm?" Muneshige looked past Ginchiyo. "It seems like we have new faces in town today."

"What are you talking about?" Ginchiyo looked back.

"Hello Lady Ginchiyo. My name is Aria." Aria held out her hand and smiled.

Ginchiyo looked at her and back at Muneshige. Muneshige smiled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. Aria had a single drop of sweat running down her cheek. She giggled nervously and lowered her han. Avani face palmed and Uchi gave a small giggle.

"Uh..not much of the casual-"

"Why is my enemy trying to create small talk? You are nothing to me but an enemy." Ginchiyo said.

"Ahh right.." Aria laughed nervously.

"Sorry for her bluntness..she's a real handful at times when it comes to times like these." Muneshige said.

"I am not! Our enemy has come to the kingdom meaning she wants one thing, to conquer it! Her name is pretty popular in the south and I hear she defeated Hideyoshi, Motonari, and Motochika and yet..her elemental capabilities are hardly anything to compliment. Her energy isn't anything worth praising." Ginchiyo said.

"A- That's not true at all! I have gotten a lot stronger than before in these past months!" Aria said. "And yes I am looking to conquer this kingdom because I plan to unite all of Genten as one nation!"

"Mmm? One nation..? The last time we were one nation was when Nobunaga was around. Now Lord Omu has ran everything into the ground. I don't think you have what it takes to complete your fantasy." Ginchiyo said.

"If I beat you in battle you shall see my ambitions." Aria glared.

"Things are starting to look heated." Uchi said.

"Yeah.." Avani nodded.

"Let's take this to the battlefield then..there is one way to settle these matters and that's through our blades!" Ginchiyo said and lead everyone to the battlegrounds.

Everyone followed Ginchiyo to the battlegrounds. Ginchiyo summoned her sword and it surged with electrical energy. Muneshige summoned his claymore and a shield. Ginchiyo turned around and looked at Aria.

"This blade is my father's blade. The Raikiri is one of the strongest blade to exist! You do not stand a chance against me at your current level Aria!" Ginchiyo said.

Aria looked at her and her eyes glowed with pure determination.

"Alright, just like we talked about. A 3 against 1 right?" Uchi said.

"Three against one?! Where is your honor?! Your integrity?! Do you fear your power is not enough to defeat me alone Aria?! Only cowards gang up on one warrior! Maybe that's how you've been winning, cowardly tactics. You will never grow if you hide behind your knights!" Ginchiyo said.

"It's fine..you handle Muneshige..seems like Ginchiyo wants to fight me one on one.." Aria said.

"We will come assist you when we see fit." Uchi said and ran off.

"Do not hesitate to ask for help!" Avani followed Uchi.

Ginchiyo got in a stance and the lightning on her sword surged. Aria got in her stance then glared and dashed to Ginchiyo then withdrew her sword and slashed. Ginchiyo blocked then clashed with Aria. They entered a heated sword battle, clashing and parrying each other's attacks. They clashed one last time and Ginchiyo mumbled something and lightning came crashing down. Aria sensed it and barely dodged and slid back.

"You are quick enough to dodge lightning, but you stand no chance against me!" Ginchiyo bellowed dashed to Aria in speeds faster than lightning and slashed.

Aria blocked and was blown backwards. She grunted and tucked and rolled on her side. She rebounded back up and panted.

"Aria!" Avani yelled and blocked Muneshige's attack.

"You should focus more on your opponent!" He said and kicked Avani back then slashed three times, sending multiple razor winds at Avani.

Uchi blocked them with her chakrams and bellowed, spinning one in a circle. Lightning surged around the chakram. The lightning tower powered up her attack.

"Ultimate Skill: Deception Bolt!" Uchi bellowed then shot a huge force of lightning at Muneshige. The force of the attack blew Uchi away as the move was completely stronger than before.

Muneshige got in a stance and blocked the bolt with his shield and grunted, sliding back. He bellowed and swung his arm to the side, deflecting the bolt. Uchi got up slowly and panted. She was in awe by the amount of energy it took out of her.

Aria and Ginchiyo were still in a heated battle, but now Aria could not keep up with Ginchiyo. She blocked at much as she could then she slid under Ginchiyo and ran off to catch her breath. She took a quick left behind an empty storage house. She held her hand to her chest.

"She's way too fast and strong..even if I use Light Boost it won't be enough to match her..!" Aria said in frustration.

"Come out coward! There is no retreating now! Fight with honor!" Ginchiyo bellowed.

"What can I do..? I can not match her in speed..but my reaction times can help but..I can't believe it came to this..I have to use Crescent Luminous." Aria said.

Aria ran out and her blade shined brightly. She bellowed loudly and massive light energy surged from her sword. Ginchiyo was impressed. Uchi looked worried and remembered what Aria said about that move draining all of her energy.

"I only have one shot at this!" Aria bellowed and raised her sword in the air.

The people of Violight saw a huge light in the sky and were wondering what was happening in the battlefield. The knights even watched from their stations. Muneshige and Avani stopped their battle to watch.

"I, Aria, will end you with this attack!" Aria bellowed and her energy surged around her body.

"Show me! Show me you power!" Ginchiyo got in a stance.

"Ultimate Skill: Crescent Luminous!" Aria jumped and slashed then a massive blade beam rushed to Ginchiyo.

Muneshige dashed in front of Ginchiyo and blocked the blade beam with his shield and his shield shined and he bellowed.

"Ultimate Skill: Hyper Cyclone Defense!" He bellowed and a cyclone surrounded him and Ginchiyo.

Aria landed and held her head and fell on one knee. She panted and tried to stand up. Her vision was getting blurry.

'No..I can not..fall! I can not fail! She said my dream was nothing but a fantasy! Aria stand up!' Aria thought to herself.

The cyclone vanished with the blade beam and Muneshige panted then stepped back. Ginchiyo touched his arm and asked if he was alright. Muneshige nodded.

"Now it is my turn!" Ginchiyo bellowed.

Aria grunted and stood up slowly. She held her arm. She grunted and panted softly.

"Ultimate Skill: Raging Thunderclap!" Ginchiyo bellowed and slashed down.

A powerful thunderbolt came crashing down at Aria. Uchi yelled her name and held her arm out.

'Back then I was so stupid..I always thought everything had their limits..that once you've reached such limits..you can't go on any further...that you'll die..but now I see the truth..breaking limits is equal to evolution...I want to break my limits..I want to evolve and awaken! I want...to...' Aria thought to herself then the bolt completely crashed down.

"Aria!" Uchi lowered her arm and tears formed.

Reud stood at the balcony and walked back inside.

"Aria isn't surviving that kind of attack..especially one from Ginchiyo.." Reud said.

Ginchiyo stood up and lowered her blade and looked at the smoke. Muneshige watched as well. Avani fell to her knees.

"It's over.." Ginchiyo said.