
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasie
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38 Chs

The End of the Lightning Prism

Aria and Reud looked at each other. The rain and thunder was getting louder. The tension was high in the castle. Aria shifted her body and Reud dashed to Aria and slashed down. Aria blocked the attack and sparks flew. Reud jumped back and went for a fake and Aria fell for it then kicked her through the door. Aria grunted and stood up. Reud ran after her her. Their fight was now in the halls. They clashed multiple times and didn't speak a word.

"Aria." Ginchiyo said then Muneshige touched her shoulder.

"She has to fight this battle alone.." Muneshige said.

Aria grunted as she was getting pushed back by Reud. He had raw strength over her. He glared and red and blue lightning surged over his body then he struck her with lightning, blowing her through the doors. Aria rolled down the stairs and grunted. Reud walked outside.

"Don't you see?! Don't you see the difference between and child and an actual warrior?!" Reud said.

"Shut up.." Aria said and static ran through her body, slowly causing overload. She struggled to stand.

"Why can't you just understand what you are doing will get you killed?!" Reud asked.

"Why do you care?! You never cared from the start! You've lied to me since the first day we met! I trusted you! We took an oath!" Aria said.

"Aria you were the one person in that worthless kingdom, I never wanted to hurt! I'm doing this for your safety! If you die-"

"My dream doesn't concern you!" Aria bellowed and ran up the stair and jumped then slashed down.

Reud held his hand out and lightning cracked around him then an electric repulsive force blew Aria away. She crashed on the ground and slowly got up.

"Your dream is nothing but an optimistic vision that will never come true." Reud said and walked down the stairs. "Your arrogance and refusal to believe it will get you killed."

"No...it's you not wanting it to come true...you'd rather see Omu destroy this land. I had a vision while I was in Asyio..Omu will use the power of the 18 Kingdoms to make himself immortal and destroy Genten!" Aria said.

"Don't you think you're walking into his trap? If you know this why do you continue to do this?!" Reud asked.

"If I don't do anything who will?! Omu would have captured all the kingdoms by now! Because I started to rise up, he stopped in his tracks! I am not going to allow millions of people to die when I know I could've done something!" Aria gripped her sword tighter.

"You're just as ignorant as that man!" Reud bellowed.

"Then let me be ignorant! We are done! You don't matter to me anymore.." Her eyes glowed and flames started to grow and she grunted as the static around her affected her body.

Reud ran to Aria and kicked her away. Aria flew into a stand and coughed. Reud walked to her and gripped her neck and lightning surrounded his arm. Aria gripped his wrist and started to burn him.

"If I go down...I am taking you with me.." Aria said.

"What the hell?! Let me go..!" Reud struggled to get Aria to release him as his body also went through Overload.

"I can't hold it back anymore!!" She yelled and her energy exploded and Reud was blown away. She coughed and slowly stood up.

Reud panted and stood up slowly. He was pissed off now. Aria smirked. Uchi watched and her eyes lit up.

"She's..going to win.." Uchi said.

"How do you know?" Ginchiyo asked.

"When she gets arrogant, she smirks and she knows she has the upper hand." Uchi looked back at Ginchiyo.

"Warrior Skill Activate! Revived Willpower! I am not holding anything back anymore! You will die in my hands! Reud!" Aria bellowed.

The sky cleared up and Reud saw her flames rising and her energy coming back. Lightning surged around him and he got in a stance.

"My new Ultimate Skill is ready!" She yelled and her wing appeared and spread open. Her sword responded and transformed as well.

"Your arrogance will be your ultimate demise!" Reud said.

"Ultimate Skill!" Aria bellowed and got in a stance and her flames turned yellow and she flew into the air.

"Ultimate Skill: Lightning Supreme Strike!" Reud bellowed.

"Reborn Phoenix Crash!" Aria flew down at Reud in high speeds.

Aria crashed down and slashed. Reud slashed as well, causing a huge elemental explosion. Everyone covered their eyes from the bright light and all grunted. Aria bellowed more.

"I will not fail my family!" Aria bellowed then kicked Reud's arm up then landed and kicked him away and bellowed and it sounded like Phoenix's screech.

"Aria..." Avani said.

Aria jumped back and prepared to use her Fury skill then dodged Reud and was surprised.

"You arrogance powers me up!" Reud laughed.

He slashed and sent lightning blade beams at Aria. Aria dodged and was caught off guard then Reud appeared in front of her and punched her stomach and picked her up then threw her into the ground. He stabbed her chest and stomped on the blade, sending it deeper in her chest. Aria groaned loudly and her eyes began to become lifeless, slowly.

"You're finished.." Reud smirked.

Aria used what little energy she had left and grabbed the blade of the sword and struggled to pull up the sword.

"Let me help you.." Reud chuckled and pulled the sword out of her chest then looked at her.

Aria gave a weak chuckle and closed her eyes. She placed her hand on her chest and took one final breath.

"Uchi..! Use you Warrior...Skill..!" Aria said.

Uchi was surprised and nodded. This was the first she's ever used it on someone other than herself.

"Warrior Skill Activate! Ancient Revival!" Uchi bellowed.

Uchi's aura transferred over to Aria the moment she stopped breathing and her body shined brightly and Aria opened her eyes. Ancient Revival was a skill that could only be used once every year. The user sacrifices all of their elemental aura and uses it to heal themselves or revive someone else. For it to successfully work, the user has to be near death or the person they want to heal has to be dead. To revive the dead, they can not be dead for longer than 1 month or else they can not be revived.

"You little..you had such a still..you ruined everything!" Reud yelled and dashed to Uchi then Aria appeared in front of him and punched him away from Uchi.

"You do not have permission to touch her in anyway shape or form!" Aria bellowed. She kicked him away as he got up and prepared her Fury Skill.

"You will regrer everything after this!" Reud said.

"The only thing I regret was meeting you." Aria said. "Fury Skill! Aether!"

Aria dashed to Reud in high speeds. Reud sent blade beams at her. She slashed through them and bellowed.

"Crescent!" Aria jumped and summoned her lance and threw it like a javelin.

Reud dodged and saw Aria coming down. He sent five blade beams at her. Aria twirled and slashed through them all. Her flames shined a deep red.

"Rush!" Aria yelled and slashed multiple times and struck Reud, blowing him away.

He rolled on the ground and stopped on his back. Aria appeared above him and stabbed his chest. Reud groaned loudly and drove the blade deeper and her eyes glowed a deep red and she stopped. Reud coughed and couldn't speak. Aria took her sword out of his chest and blood dripped from the blade.

"The difference between you and me..is I never give up..you gave up and chose the path of darkness..and it led you here...Goodbye forever Reud..Say hello to my parents while you're in hell.." Aria walked away.

Reud looked at the sky and his vision became more and more blurry. He chuckled and closed his eyes. His last words being, "I'm sorry..Aria..".