
Ephemeral Qi: The Unveiling Path

In a realm far removed from the mundane, Li awoke to a world brimming with magic, mythical creatures, and formidable warriors. However, his joy was short-lived as he discovered he was inexplicably tethered to a mysterious system, its rules eluding his understanding. As Li navigated the complexities of this fantastical realm, he found himself in a society where strength dictated one's status and power ruled with an iron grip. The daunting challenge of survival in a world teeming with magical prowess and deadly adversaries lay before him. Determined to unravel the enigma of the system that bound him, Li embarked on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encountered allies with unique abilities and faced adversaries whose strength surpassed his wildest imagination. The very fabric of this alternate reality seemed woven with both wonder and peril. With each encounter, Li honed his skills, uncovering latent talents that the system bestowed upon him. Yet, the path to survival remained treacherous, requiring strategic thinking, alliances, and the mastery of arcane arts. Li's resilience was tested as he delved into ancient lore, deciphering the secrets of the system and unlocking the true extent of his potential. In a world where the line between friend and foe blurred, Li grappled with moral dilemmas and complex relationships. Loyalties were tested, and betrayals lurked in the shadows, making survival not only a physical but also a mental challenge. As Li's journey unfolded, he discovered the intricate tapestry of a world shaped by mythical forces and governed by the unwavering law of the strong. The question remained: Could Li transcend the limitations of the system, carve his destiny, and emerge victorious in a realm where power defined reality? Join Li on this epic odyssey, where every step he takes, every decision he makes, echoes across the landscapes of a world where survival is not just a matter of strength but a testament to the indomitable spirit of a reborn soul. please give review

Immortality_6548 · Ost
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16 Chs

Return to Blue world

A yin " something is not right..."

A yin looked at tte sect which didn't have anyone in or out she felt confused this is not normal only when a major enemy attack's this scene will appear but the Sect is in good condition there doesn't seem to be any signs of fighting

Before she could think she saw a little light from far away

A yin " li Fu run!"

Li fu who heard this was starteld not understanding why she was saying this but seeing a Yin put a barrier around them in blink of an eye he seemed to understand and panic started to come on his face

Before he could speak a red light coverd his field of vision

At a mountain with with withered flowers li Fu opened his eyes

" Ahhhhh!"

Li fu took deep breaths and looked at his surroundings

" What the wasn't I suppose to die!?"

"How am I still alive and where's A yin!?"

Li fu stood up and dusted his clothes looking around he didn't find any figure around

Li Fu" did A yin die in the attack?"

Thinking like this li fu fell in silence he didn't know how to reacts after all the person who said will marry you dies in a split second li Fu didn't know whether he should be happy or sad

Just when he was thinking a black hooded figure looked at li fu with a smile

" This should Help him get back on track where I can keep an eye on him but that Half step immortal is still alive so you can only stay here in this world "

" This world is really strange there are carriage which help people move without horses and those metallic bird's "

" This world is a little interesting but I need to observe more of this li Fu!"

Said the hodded figure before disappearing into shadow's

Li Fu " I should go to the nearest village or city I can find and go back to Sect "

Thinking like this he started to go down the mountain with caution

" I really hope there isn't any spiritual beast's staying in this mountain otherwise my survival will be in danger!"

Walking down the mountain li Fu didn't see any beast forget about beast he didn't even see a insect while getting down the mountain

" This mountain is weird I should really be prepared to fight anyone"

Reaching the bottom of the mountain li fu saw something that shocked him to his core

Li Fu " That's a bloody Car!?"

" How the hell is there a car in this world!?"

" Wait is This still the Cultivation world!?"

"Wait could it be that explosion was caused by the world to throw me back to the blue world!?"

" Do I still have the system with me?"

Being worried that since he is thrown back to blue world does he still have the system?

" System?"

Host Name:Li fu

Race: Human

Age : 17

Cultivation Level:Qi Gathering realm ( Level one ) ( 0 / 150)

Passive Technique: Breath Concealment ( Level 10 )( Max )

Active Technique: None

Experience Points : 417

Talent: Single spiritual root ( Earth )

Seeing the system li Fu felt that relief " At least I have the system even though the point might be less but I should able to get points slowly to gain cultivation and with my enhanced power I can easily become a international fighter!"

Li Fu "Before everything I need a place to stay. I should sell some spirit stones but I don't have any ID, how will I be able to sell"

Think like this Li Fu fell I. Thoughts after all, without ID almost no one will let me stay in hotel

Li Fu" this place doesn't look very modern. I should be in some village area"

Li Fu" I should go and sell the spirit stones in a jewelry shop"

Li fu started to walk on the side intending to find a village after walking for a while he reached a village

Li Fu" This village seems to have some good house's so it should be a village close to city"

Walking in the village he asked a person about the jewelry shop

Li fu" Hello Uncle do you know where I can find a jewelry shop?"

??" You can go straight and turn left you will find it there but I will warn you the things there are expensive!"

Li Fu" Thank you I will be wary!"

Li fu said goodbye to the man and went straight and then left looking at the shelter with a banner

' Earthly Treasures!'

Lin fan " this should be the shop"

Going in li Fu saw a women sitting there cleaning the Boxes

" Excuses me can you check this stone and tell me it's price?"

Turning her head Zhuqing looked at li fu she had to say that this was a handsome guy

' Is he a cosplayer?'

She thought while looking at the clothes of Li fu

" Yes please give it to me I will just check and tell you it's price"

Li Fu gave the spirit stone to her looking at Zhuqing who was putting it down her lense

Zhuqing ' I have never seen such pure gem!'

' no zhuqing calm yourself I should also test it with diamond tester if it's a real one than it's at least a Million soft Coins '

Looking at Zhuqing who was doing to many tests li Fu frowned wondering if spirit stone is not seen as a gem

Zhuqing " Little brother can you tell me where did you get this from?"

She said while thinking ' if he has found it somewhere I can just give him a less money and make a fortune!'

Li fu " My Girlfriend gave this to me as a gift"

Zhuqing ' Could this guy be one of the people who eats soft rice?'

Zhuqing 'His girlfriend must be a rich women otherwise its impossible to have such a pure gem I guess I can't make a fortune from him at least I can make a good amount of money after Auction!'

Zhuqing " Then you must be a lucky guy!"

Zhuqing " I can pay you at most 6 hundred thousand and I can give you 1 hundred thousand right now and for the other 5 hundred thousand I can only give it to you after selling this gem in a Auction "

Zhuqing" are you okay with this?"

Li fu fell in thought he could take it but other 5 will be a problem

" I can but I hope you can give it to me as fast as possible!"

Zhuqing" Okay let's get a contract and sign it!"

Li fu" there is no need i will just come and take it after a week"

Zhuqing" okay "

She felt weird at him rejecting the contract but she didn't pay attention after all she would make a fortune of at least few millions if there is a. Rich guy at the Acction and she could even retire with this much money

Taking out 1 hundred thousand she gave it to li fu

" Happy doing business with you!"

Li fu " Yes Happy business"

He said as he left after taking the money

Li fu " I should find a place to stay but where should I go I don't have any ID, the hotals might not let me stay they might even call the police if they feel I am some kind of spy or something"

Li fu fell in thought not understanding where should be stay

Li Fu " I can only stay at someone's house until I find another way"

While he was walking he saw a Low Quality poster on the wall

[A little apartment to live the price is cheap and Worth it!


Li Fu " I have to say this is a good day for me "

Smiling he walked towards the address written on the poster

While thinking of a story to say when the landlord asks him questions

After walking and asking people for a while, he reached an 8-floor building with a good size house next to it.

He went to the house and knocked on the door.

" Thud! Thud!"


A voice came as the door was opened it was a little girl's voice, she was only 10 years old.

"Hello brother, how can I help you?"

"Hello can you call your parents, I wanted a place to live and came to ask about rent?"

"Oh Okay"

"Father! There is someone outside asking for a rental place."

A man in his thirties came out and said in a strange accent

???" Are you, who want a rental place?"

Li fu"Yes"

???"Can you tell me wherever you lived before and why do you want to move here?"

Li fu "I am an orphan and I wanted to live Here because I have decided to move out!"

???"An orphan, you say? So do you have a job or not, if you don't, I can't give you my place to live!"

Li Fu "No, but you don't need to worry about it, I am willing to pay the amount of money you want. "

Li fu"The money I have is enough for me to give your rent for multiple months and in these months I would be able to get a job!"

He said as he showed him a few ten's of thousands

The man touched his chin and fell In thought


" Okay, follow me there is only one small place left"

He said as li fu followed him. After reaching In front of building, he entered the lift with li Fu as he pressed the button for the second floor.

After a little while, the lift reached his destination. As he walked, he stopped at the door 7 opening the door, he saw a small place.

???"Okay let me show you around, everything is provider by me like bed, fridge and etc.."

???"But if you damage something you would have to pay for it, there is a small bathroom where you can do business and take a shower the place is not too big, nor it's too small for a single person!"

???"So what do you think of the place"

li Fu "It's nice and good for me!. okay so how much is the rent?"

???"Well after adding the rent with water cost, electric bill and gas bill, I will only charge you 9 thousand yuan!"

"This...can it be lowered?" 

Li fu said he might have 5 hundred thousand waiting for him but he also needed to buy high Quality food so that he can get good Number of points and he still wants to get an ID through Black Market

The man fell in thought

???' it's already been months since the room has been empty and I also need a tutor for her '

???"Well how much have you studied? Can you tutor a 3 grade student?"

Li Fu "Why do you ask ?"

???"You should have met my daughter right she is in 3 grade, but her grades are not good recently. I also don't want to send her far place for tuition. If you are up for it, I can reduce the overall price to 7 thousand yuan. What do you think?"

Hearing this he felt it was excellent after all that's 2 thousand yuan.

And it's just a little girl in 3 grade it will be easy!

He no longer wanted to sell spirit stones as they might make people pay attention to him to much so it is best to become a fighting celebrity!

"Okay I agreed but can I start next week since I have something to do this week?"

"Well she still has a long time before her school mid-test's, so I guess it's okay, so will you be paying the rent now or some other day and when are you moving in?"

Li fu brought out 7 thousand yuan as he handed him the money, saying.

" I will be moving here from today!"

"Okay here's your key. Try not to lose it; otherwise I will have to call a key maker and I will ask you to pay the money." 

After giving the keys, he left li fu alone, who locked the door.

Li fu " It's a good thing that he didn't ask for I'D or other documents "

He went inside as he adjusted the things to his liking, and it took the entire day to get the apartment to his liking.

After that he went to sleep with an empty stomach
