
Ephemeral Harmony

In the mortal world where humans strive for longevity and power through cultivation, two unlikely companions, Mei Lin and Li Wei, start their cultivation journey thanks to twists of fate. Mei Lin, a fragile human girl, grapples with the limitations of her cultivation abilities and the fact that she is a human which is nothing against any other range, in a world where human lifespans are painfully brief, she becomes a cultivator and set on her journey to for longevity. Along her way, she is trying to find her childhood friend Li Wei and falls into constant twists of fate which pose significant threats in her journey.

Jakub_Fencl · Fantasie
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78 Chs

39. Death of Feng Jing – 2/3

This sudden change caught Feng Jing off guard, as she saw her face and didn't know if to laugh or catch such a stupid face.

But before he could revel in his cruelty, Mei Lin struck with a ferocity born of desperation and defiance.

With a swift motion, her crystal dagger found its mark once more, burying itself deep in Feng Jing's dantian abdomen. A gurgled gasp escaped his lips as blood sprayed forth, painting Mei Lin's face in a crimson red.

Undeterred by his cries of agony, Mei Lin seized the dagger with both hands, her grip ironclad as she began to tear through flesh and sinew with relentless determination. With each agonizing pull, she carved a path of vengeance through Feng Jing's body, her every movement a testament to the depths of her fury.

As she reached his chest, her eyes blazed with a fierce resolve, her actions driven by a primal instinct for survival. With one final, brutal pull, she rents his chest open, exposing the beating heart of her tormentor to the cold light of day.

In that moment of triumph, Mei Lin felt a surge of vindication wash over her, her spirit unbroken in the face of adversity. And as Feng Jing's internal organs spilled forth, staining the earth beneath them, she knew that her journey was far from over. But in that fleeting moment of victory, she allowed herself to savor the sweet taste of retribution, her soul aflame with the fiery passion of justice fulfilled.

With last bits of strength, Mei Lin slowly whispered to Feng Jing. "I hope that you will not survive this." After that, Mei Lin pulled out the knife and the knife disappeared from her hand.

From not far away, where Feng Lian and Feng Xue were watching Mei Lin, Feng Lian rushed forward Mei Lin as a beam of light. "What did you do to my son!" Feng Lian screamed, as her voice was echoing across the caravan and her voice instantly ruptured Mei Lin's eardrums. As she was right behind Mei Lin she hit her with the palm and sent her flying along with the spear across the snow field.

As Feng Lian's voice pierced the air with a ferocity unmatched, Mei Lin's senses reeled from the overwhelming assault. The sheer force of Feng Lian's rage echoed through the caravan, sending shockwaves of agony reverberating through Mei Lin's eardrums. With a searing pain that threatened to consume her, she staggered backward, her world spinning in a disorienting blur.

Before she could even comprehend the full extent of Feng Lian's fury, Feng Lian surged forward like a force of nature unleashed. With a deafening roar, she closed the distance between them in the blink of an eye, her presence a tempest of rage and power.

As Feng Lian's palm collided with Mei Lin's back, a shockwave rippled through the air, sending her hurtling across the snow-covered field with bone-crushing force. The spear, a cruel reminder of the violence that had unfolded, trailed behind her like a twisted specter of fate.

Agony flared through Mei Lin's body as she tumbled through the frigid air, her limbs battered and bruised by the relentless onslaught. With each impact, she felt her strength wane, and death was just around the corner.

Mei Lin's durability and strength were still much weaker than that of a normal non-cultivator, more akin to that of a child, so her ability to withstand injuries was quite low. However, her resilience and ability to survive various types of injuries were heightened thanks to her blood path cultivation. Thankfully, just before she was sent flying by the impaling blow, she managed to drink Feng Jing's blood, which could potentially aid in her recovery.

After being sent flying, Mei Lin finished her flight more than twenty meters away. The spear that had impaled her pinned her down to the ground, halting her momentum, and preventing her from continuing further.

As Feng Lian rushed forward, her heart heavy with grief and rage, she was met with a scene of unspeakable horror. Feng Jing was on his knees before her, his body mutilated beyond recognition, his lifeblood staining the snow beneath him. The gaping wound in his abdomen revealed a grisly tableau of carnage, his intestines spilling forth like a macabre tapestry of death.

With a strangled cry of anguish, Feng Lian fell to her knees beside her fallen son, her hands trembling as she reached out to him in desperation. But even as she sought to stem the tide of blood that flowed from his mortal wound, she knew deep down that it was too late.

As Feng Jing's lifeless gaze met hers, a wave of despair washed over Feng Lian, her heart breaking in the face of such senseless loss. In her grief-stricken haze, she failed to notice that her son had already died.

Driven by a mother's love and a sense of overwhelming guilt, Feng Lian frantically attempted to piece her son back together, her hands working with feverish intensity as she sought to undo the horrors that had befallen him.

Meanwhile, as the onlookers watched from afar, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over them. Feng Jing had been a tyrant, a scourge upon their lives, and now he lay broken and defeated at last. Though they whispered amongst themselves about the events that had transpired, their voices tinged with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, none dared to intervene in the unfolding drama before them.

Feng Lian pulled out a sword from her storage bag and advanced to kill Mei Lin. However, just as she was about to strike, Zhan Xia descended before Feng Lian in the form of a metallic beam of light which was generated by her cultivation. Being a first-stage QI Condensing cultivator, Zhan Xia could utilize her natural energy to sustain her flight for an extended period, transforming into a beam of light that was much faster than flying on a sword. This ability was unique to QI Condensing cultivators and overwhelmingly surpassed the capabilities of normal flying swords, which BT cultivators who had broken through to the third stage could use by channeling their natural energy into the sword.

Zhan Xia stopped Feng Lian in her movements just a few steps before she reached Mei Lin. "How have you been, Miss Feng? I have finally found this mysterious girl, so I will take her for interrogation and ask her what happened in the forest a few days back. You can go away and don't need to be concerned about it," Zhan Xia said, smiling at Feng Lian.