

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasie
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26 Chs


While making my way home, I can't help but dwell a little on Mr. Fang's words. I think fully of our conversation.

'I want you to be the teacher representative of a new guild. I say to him

Sorry kid, I don't do guilds. He says as a matter of fact like. 

Please, Mr. Fang. There has to be something I can do to convince you! I plead.

Mr. Fang gives me a solemn stare for a minute. You want me to be your teacher representative that badly huh? Fine.

Great! I chime holding up the paper

Under one condition. He gives me a smirk. I don't want to waste my time with a guild that will only do things halfway. Prove to me you are serious.

Huh? How do you want me to do that? I ask worried. 

You are a katana user, right? Bring me the samurai's apprentice sword. He says with an almost evil smile on his face.

That's it? Done! Where do I get it? I ask enthusiastically.

Floor 15 in the Sword Dungeon. His smile was only more scary.

Floor 15?! I didn't even get past floor 1! I exclaim.

Your right. Guess you give up then huh? He says as he starts to walk away.

No wait! I'll do it. I call after him.

Great, you have 3 days kid starting tomorrow. He looks at me cheerfully.

3 days? That's not a lot of time! I lament.

Giving up then? He smiles mockingly.

I looked him in the eyes with as much determination as I could muster. Not even close. Consider this challenge accepted and done.'

I sigh to myself. What have I gotten myself into? How was I supposed to complete this challenge in only 3 days? Not to mention, I still have to convince the last person to sign the member sheet. If I want to accomplish this, I am going to have to move into those dorms so I can do overnight dungeon runs.

I soon arrived at the Silver brother's home. I walk inside to see Lumius carrying some books. He then stops when he sees me. He pushes up his square glasses frames up a bit more. His silver eyes somehow piercing and kind.

"Ah, Adrian. How was your first day of school?" He smiles.

Now's my chance! "It was good. Though, I have a concern going forward." I fake a sorrowful expression.

"Oh? What is wrong?" He asks skeptically.

"I need to focus on my studies and part of that is going into the dungeon more often but I can't do that if I don't live in the dorms." I say to him pitifully

"Oh, well if that is all, we could just move you to the dorms tomorrow." He says nonchalantly.

Huh. Being part of this family has its benefits if I can do that so quickly. "Really? Thank you so much Lumius!" I say excitedly. I walk over to Lumius and side-hug him. "You are a great brother."

"Huh? What's gotten into you Adrian? This is not how you normally act." Lumius says with a very surprised expression and tone.

Instead of saying anything, I give him a pat on the back and start making my way to my room up the stairs. I walk into the hallway...and realize I don't know which door is my bedroom. There are like 15 doors here! Guess I will have to check them one by one.

"Excuse me young master Adrian." I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I jump back in surprise as I turn around to see the old butler looking at me.

"O-oh! Hey, you." I nervously laugh. "Oh wait! Mr. Butler, I have some favors to ask of you."

Mr. Butler gives me a confused look. "favors?"

"Yup! Only 3 things" I hold up three fingers as I talk. "First, Can you tell me where my room is?" I say awkwardly.

"Where your room is...?" He asks very confused and with slight concern on his face. "It's that room right there young master." He says pointing to the fifth door on my right.

"Ah great, thank you! Secondly, do we have a room or area where I can train?" I ask

"Yes, we do. It's in the backyard. You go downstairs and follow through the first door on your right, then left and go straight." He says still confused that I don't already know this.

"Fantastic! Finally, I need you to prepare the most lavish and as healthy as you can feast!" I smile

"Huh? Uh, Right away young master." He says as he quickly turns around and goes back down the stairs.

When he leaves, I awkwardly laugh at my awkwardness. Then go into my room and get changed into more comfortable clothes. After that, I went downstairs and tried to follow the butler's instructions. I ended up getting lost. I am pretty sure I went the right way. After some searching around I finally found my way outside. Once outside, I saw a beautiful garden. I smile at the open space and summon my Katana. I then activate swiftness and start swinging and running around as fast as I can.

After about an hour of practice, I became very faint. My stomach then makes a growl that if it was a monster it would be an unsettling sound. Trying to keep myself from passing out from hunger, I put my Katana back away and go inside. I sit down at the table as different butlers bring in different platters.

Lumius then walks in and takes a seat across from me. The butler's proceeded to take off every lid. After staring at the food, I couldn't hold back my appetite and started eating. As I finish eating satisfied, I look at Lumius whose face is filled with disgust, horror, and confusion.

"Adrian! Where are your manners?!" He exclaims

I nervously laugh and apologize. After dinner and getting chewed out by Lumius for my lack of dining manners, I went back to my room and got ready for bed. I then went and lay in my silk bed.

'This was one crazy dream!' I think to myself. It's a shame, with all the work I have put into this dream, it's all about to come to an end and I must go back to my mundane life. I have no regrets. Today was a lot of fun! The most I have had in a long time. Meeting Scarlet in what felt like real life was really cool, and I got to meet Kara the legend! Now that I think about it, the game didn't really give more details on her, like what her soul weapon was and things like that. I will have to look that up online when I get up. These were my thoughts as I drifted off the sleep.


I wake up groggily. "Ugh, what happened?" I ask rubbing my eyes. Oh right, I had an amazing dream about being in Eovatall for real. Though that whole 'change your fate or be exiled and killed' looming over my head wasn't very fun. I then stretch before finally opening my eyes. I look around a bit letting my eyes readjust. "Geh," I exclaim. I am still in Adrian's room...wait that wasn't a dream?! I look down and notice that I am still chubby, though it seems I have slimmed down a bit so that's good- wait not the point! I really am living a new life here. 

After a bit of silence, I start to laugh to myself till I hear a knock on my door. 

"Master Adrian, are you alright?" Mr. Butler's voice speaks through the door in a concerned manner.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I am great!" I say straining myself. If this is really going to be my new life, I gotta make the best of it. I need to keep going with my plans but I might need to be more careful about certain aspects, especially about being a dual-sync user.

"Are you all packed?" Lumius' voice speaks through now "I spoke with the school last night. We need to get you moved into the new dorms in a few minutes."

I look around. Of course I didn't pack anything, I thought I was going to wake up back as Zack! I quickly get up and get ready for the day using swiftness skill to get going. I look up at the screen as I brush my teeth and get ready. I look at the Swiftness skill and see that it has leveled up to level 4! After mentally patting myself on the back. I continue to use swiftness to pack everything up as fast as I can and get ready to move.

After some time, I finally finished packing. I then brought everything down stairs and went into the dining room. Mr. Butler then placed my food in front of me and a couple of other dishes as well. My stomach growls at the smell and sight of the food, even more so because I used a lot of swiftness!

"Since it is your last meal here for the time being, I made all your favorites" He smiles

I start eating almost crying tears of joy. 'Mr. Butler, you are a saint!' I exclaim in my head. After finishing my meal, we get everything loaded into the carriage and make our way to the school before the sun is even up to move into the dorms!