
Enzo's Captive: Bound by Darkness

She was a flower whom he wanted to possess and he was her nightmare, the one haunting her every dream a beautiful young teenager who was living her bright shining life but it all turned dark when a certain mistake was committed, one mistake and her whole life turned upside down After fighting her fears for so long when she finally thought she succeeded it all tarnished the moment he came back for her after 10years a cruel mafia billionaire who set his eyes on a particular someone, when he thought he lost her and craved for her for years a miracle happened, this time he is set to end the cat and lion chase to finally make her his ---------------- "you think you could escape me?" he slowly took steps towards me while I step back, each step full of power and anger "It was funny how you could think about that" his voice dripping with mockness My back hit the wall, halting my steps as he came forward chuckling darkly, his dark bottomless eyes only looking at me, piercing each part of my body "but now Bella, now I won't ever let you go, the last time you succeeded but this time I will make sure that each part of yours will only bind with me" "you cannot own me, you never did nor you will" I shot back with the last courage I had, his hand slammed on the wall by my side making me flinch, his hot breath fanning on my face "you are mine and only mine and it is time I let everyone know who you belong to and mark every inch of your skin! I dare anyone to touch you and I will make sure to burn their whole life down" he yelled "And amore... I can promise you that"

Thekanggirl · Urban
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25 Chs

Chapter -4



At Last he let go of me. I started to breath like crazy as he does too

" "

I jolted up from the dream. Breathing heavily. Sweats formed all over my forehead and neck

I quickly turned over to my bedside table and turned the lights on. I took a glass of water and gulped it down as if I didn't drink water for years

Another nightmare and of the same person again

It's been 10 years since then and I still cannot seem to forget him and the days I spent there. The memory of his face is slightly vivid but I still cannot forget the pains he inflicted on me. The things he did to me which are still haunting me to this day .

I am lucky he didn't rape me or forced me into something or else I don't even know how I would have survived all this years.

I looked at the time and saw it is 5am. No ounce of sleep visible in my eyes. Sighing I went to the closet room and changed into my gym outfits. I went outside for a jog plugging in my earpod and playing my favourite Taylor swift playlist. It always helps me after my nightmares.

After jogging for an hour I came home. I took my towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I turned the shower on and took a cold shower

I finally escaped from that hell hole after spending more than two months and now I am living with my parents. But many things happened during those months. We changed our country, our name, college everything and now we are living in Spain

When I gave up on escaping from that place a miracle happened. Some police men was finally able to save me by replacing a body which looks exactly like mine

I was admitted to the hospital after someone harmed me badly. I don't remember the face of that person but I do remember the pain which was inflicted. Thankfully the police came to my rescue. They threw a body from the hospital building which looked exactly like me but they altered her face. So that it was not recognisable .They told him I did suicide and rescued me from there.

Though they never told me who was the guy that kidnapped me. They only said one thing. "It's best if you don't get involve with him more" . That was the only thing they were willing to tell. They refused to give any other information.

I finally met mom ,dad and brother that day. I cried so much my eyes went red. We shifted to Spain that very day after changing our names and everything.

It was hard to forget all that and start a new life but after some days thanks to the support of my family and new friends I was finally able to leave normally .But there is a saying right?

'bad things never leave your back'

I always feel like he will know and come back for me again. I feel him watching me. Although the police didn't say who he was and what he did, but I knew he wasn't someone to mess with. I don't even know his last name or his work. So I cannot help but stay alert all the time

I haven't share much about what happened when I lived with Enzo to my family or anyone as I didn't want to remember that gruesome memories.

I sighed and turned the shower off and got out wrapping a towel around me

I changed into a dark tweed blue pencil skirt which came upto my thighs and wore a white turtle neck t-shirt. I had my makeup, blow dried my hair and brushed it. I wore a pair of black boots and draped the dark blue tweed jacket on top of my shoulder

I took my bag and went downstairs. I saw brother cooking in the kitchen and dad helping him to settle the dining table

I smiled and greeted both of them

"Good morning brother and dad"

"Good morning princesa." Said dad. "You are looking beautiful as ever". He engulfed me in a hug.

"Thank you dad" I said

"Good morning pumpkin pie" brother yelled from the kitchen. "Morning " I yelled back.

"Where is mom?" I asked looking around

"She is in her room, getting ready for a meeting today. She has a meeting with an art gallery" dad said while placing the utensils on the table

I also helped them settle the breakfast

Shortly after mom also came and we all had a nice happy breakfast moment

After breakfast it was already 8:35. I went to my favourite café and grabbed an Americano before going to the hospital

My shift starts at 9. I have two surgeries to do today and I am already getting tired thinking about it

"Good morning Dr.Kaena" the receptionist greeted me with her enthusiastic smile

"Good morning Ms.Nyx . You seem happy today is there something special going on?" I asked signing the attendance papers, smiling at her

"Well yes there is " She squealed smiling broadly. "I am going on my first date today with my boyfriend"

"Wow this is really a good news. I hope you will have a great day" I said resting the pen on the table smiling brightly

"Thank you" she said.

I left for my cabin shortly after speaking with her. Some of the doctors and nurses greeted me all the way as I did the same .As I entered my cabin I placed my bag in my desk and started to do my work

After finishing a 5hour long surgery. It was already lunch time. I changed into my previous clothes and went to the cafeteria for lunch

"Hello Dr.Kaena" I turned around and saw my senior doctor, Dr.Zion

" Hello Dr.Zion. You seem pretty tired" I asked sounding concerned

"Ugh yes don't even ask about it, I had to come here at 7 and immediately had to start a surgery. It ended just now" he said groaning and massaging his neck. I giggled seeing him

"I guess you need to take a lot of food right now to get some energy " I said

"Yeah, I didn't even had my breakfast"

He said grumping.

Dr Zion is one of the most handsome doctor of our hospital. He is in his late 20s and is a handsome bachelor. A lot of female doctors, students and nurses have crush on him

His mesmerising blue eyes always makes others feel weak towards him. His beautiful dirty blond hair is always messy but still he looks poised. He may look cold sometimes but he is a really good guy .He always helps others and does his job dedicatedly

I still remember when I first came into this hospital as a student. I was so scared but thanks to his help I was able to calm down. Though it was a bit frustrating to work with a 'everything perfect' senior, who always nags about the simplest mistakes but I learn a lot of things from him and now I am a diligent doctor who works with him

After taking our lunch plates we took a seat on a table near the huge glass wall. Shortly our other colleagues also joined us.

"Hey who is going to the Doctors conference this year?" Jenna asked while having a big bite of her rice and chicken curry

"Of course Dr.Kaena and Dr.Zion is going. They went there last time too and won. It earned a huge amount of donation for our hospital" Gregor spoke while slapping Jenna's shoulder

" Yeah, you two do a great teamwork. You guys are famous for your partnership works. I am sure you will nail it this time too" Arsalan spoke while having a bite of his food

"Yeah but I am not sure about it this time" I said poking my food sulking

"Don't worry I am sure we can do it" Zion assured while Patting my head. His words made me feel slightly relaxed. I gave him a weak smile

" And it is not about winning. It is about us trying to get experience. You cannot do anything if your only goal is to win" he added making me smile

"Yeah you are right" I nodded agreeing

"By the way, where is this year's conference gonna held in? Last time it was USA right?"

Jenna spoke

"This year it is going to be held in Italy. I heard a lot of rich businessmen are going to attend this one" I said while finishing my lunch

I looked at my watch and saw it was already getting 3pm. I hurriedly got up

" Okay I guys, I am done" I said getting up. "You enjoy. I have a surgery right now, meet you later bye " I waved them bye as they did the same and left from there

Shortly while getting ready for my next surgery I heard a ting from my phone .I picked it up and saw Dr.Zion's message in it

Z - 'Meet me at my cabin after the surgery is done. We need to review the presentation we are going to give '

k - 'okay, I will message you when the surgery is done '

I replied and put the phone inside my locker and locked it

After shifting to Spain, I changed my name into Kaena and my surname to flair. We took on our mother's surname .No one here knows my past name.

After 6 hours the surgery was finally done. I went to Zion's cabin and we discussed about the presentation one more time

"So I guess this is done" he said fixing the files

"Yeah, we need to review it one last time before going to Italy" I said getting up

" Okay. Our flight is in next week so we have time don't worry" he said

"I will take my leave then" I said while taking my purse ready to leave

"Do you have your car? Let me drop you home" he asked placing the files in his table

"No don't worry. I have my car. I just got it back from repair" I said. He seemed slightly disappointed. "Oh that's great then" he said. I gave a tight smile. "I will go bye" I bid my farewell and left his cabin

After entering home ,I flopped on the sofa sighing

" Hello dear how was your day?" Mom asked handing me a glass of orange juice

"Thanks mom. It was exhausting. I had 2 surgeries today. How was your day? How was the meeting?" I asked taking a sip of the juice

"It was great. The meeting was finalised. They will buy my paintings and exhibit it on their museum next month "

"Wow that's great. Congratulations. I want to see it!" I said hugging her.

"Thank you dear. You can see it but only after the painting is exhibited in the museum " she said

"Gladly" I exclaimed happily

"Hello panda" Nevan came hugging me from behind

"Hello monkey" I said smiling

"Monkey seriously? From which angle?" He said breaking the hug

"Um.. from your face, you look like a monkey. How was your day?" I asked as he came and sat beside me

" Exhausting, I had loads of work at the office today and for your kind information, many women die for this face" he said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Do you want me to message your head with oil today?" I said.

" Yes please" he pleaded placing his head on my shoulder. I giggled seeing him

"Okay okay , let me take a quick shower first " I said and ran towards my room and took a shower changing into my comfy sweatshirt and shorts


It's been a week now and it is already my time to go to Italy for the conference. I have a flight at 2am. I packed my luggage yesterday and right now I am having dinner with my family, more like me just playing with the food

"Calm down. I know you will do it good" Nevan said placing a hand on my thigh which I was constantly moving up and down

I gave a weak tight smile to him and looked at my food

"Last time you did the same thing. It was worse. You were close enough to shit your pants" he said laughing

"Hey! I was not okay" I said slapping his arm

"Don't worry dear I know you can do it this time too. Just have faith in yourself" mom said placing her hand on mine, giving me a kind smile which I returned

"Thank you mom. I will try my best" I said

"Don't be too much nervous and don't focus on just winning. Enjoy yourselves" dad said smiling at me

"Yes dad I will try to" I said smiling.

The dinner ended shortly and I went to my room to take a short nap to get energised before the flight


It was a sunny day, the sun was shining brightly, making the flowers smile and bloom with enthusiasm

I was sitting in the garden with Enzo hugging me from my back. I was reading a book between Enzo's leg. He was playing with my hair

"What are you reading tesoro?" He asked peeking at my book

" It is a romance novel of my favourite author. The story is getting interesting now" I said.

"Is it more fun than me?" He asked

"Of course. The story is fun and the fictional men here too. He is just the ideal one every girl dreams of" I squealed smiling broadly.

Suddenly he took the book out of my hand and threw it across the garden. I pouted ready to scold him but he grabbed my jaw in a harsh grip. His snowy grey eyes were enough to shut me up.

"You cannot play and have fun with anyone else but me you understand? I am the only one you should see and want. I am the only one you are allowed to laugh and feel things about" his eyes were dark with pure anger in it. His grip tightening more along my silence. I hissed from the pain

"Y-yes I-i understand " I said trying to get out of his grip

He finally let go of me and I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding in.

He inched his hand forward to caress my now bruised jaw from which I flinched away, but he eventually caressed it

"I am sorry. I didn't wanted to do it but when you were praising another man infront of me I couldn't help it" he said looking softly at me. His voice gentle like clouds

He always does this. In one second he is ready to kill anyone infront of him but on the next moment he acts like it was nothing. His bipolar attitude always makes me walk on thin ice. I have to thing thrice before speaking anything infront of him .

"Don't ever do that okay? Don't talk about other men infront of me" He said with a commanding tone.

I nodded meekly. He pecked my forehead. I was starting to calm down but his next word which he whispered in my ear holding my neck with one hand made me still

" Don't play with other men if you don't want their head to be hung on in the ceiling of your bedroom"


I jolted up from the bed. Another nightmare. Again .I forgot to have my medicine again for which these scenes are replaying on my head.

I got up and saw it was already 12:07. I took a shower and changed into a black tank top with a off white crop cardigan and a high waisted jeans. I wore small silver stone earrings with it and wore my white shoes

I applied only a pink lip gloss and mascara as makeup

Brother Nevan was settling my luggage inside the car as I was bidding farewell to mom and dad

After we arrive at the airport brother Nevan helped me get the bag out of the car

"Be safe Stuart little" he said while hugging me

"I will. Just save your ass gorilla" I said while breaking the hug

"If anything happens there just call me okay?" He said. I chuckled.

"Why? Are you going to flew there the next moment and help me?" I said jokingly

"Maybe I will .If I get the tickets" I laughed hearing him. But I know he will

After the kidnapping he became more protective of me. There was not once in college he haven't picked me up and dropped me off home. He would constantly check on me even when I used to go out with my friends

"I will go in then bye .Take care" I said and gave him a side hug. While going inside the airport ,I saw him waving me bye. I did the same

Inside the airport I met Zion. We showed our tickets and boarded the plane. He gave me his window seat which I gladly took. We slept through the flight and watched some movies in between while again checking the presentation we are supposed to give


"Wow it is so beautiful" I mused while getting mesmerized by just the beauty of the hotel

The hotel was near a beach area. It was surrounded by tropical plants. The hotel was huge and looked luxurious. The vibes already relaxing our nerves

We received our hotel keys and went to our respective rooms ."Hey guys you made it!" Lucia Squealed happily seeing us

"Hey guys! Nice to see you again" I also squealed and hugged Lucia tightly.

The floor we were in most of us knew eachother. We were doctors from different hospitals but we got along well after our last conference

"Guys good to see you again" Harris and Alex also came .Me and Zion hugged them and started to chat together

I had knew Lucian and Alex since college. We were in the same semester and we were friends since 1st year. Zion and Harris have been friends since their college days .I met Harris on our last conference. Surprisingly Alex and Harris works in the same hospital.

Luckily I got Lucian as my roommate. I settled my luggage in the room and took a shower. After the shower I got changed into a comfortable outfit. Consisting of only a white t-shirt and blue short jeans with a blue cotton shirt on top

We had our lunch outside and had a little tour around the hotel. I was awed by the beauty it holds.I expected Italy to be beautiful but this is on another level. The people here are elegant and graceful. The places are calm and mesmerising.

After the tour, I took a short nap before the conference began. The trip is a 3day and 2night trip. Tonight we will have the conference and next day will be having a evening party where the investors will select on which hospital they will give donations to.

I took a shower before getting ready. I applied an elegant yet classy makeup look and also did Lucian's makeup. I wore a black coat style dress with a checked vest on top and wore black heels, I styled it with golden earrings and a golden simple necklace, I also wore a watch on my wrist, I straightened and curled the ends of my hair, I half tied my hair with a claw clip leaving some strands of hair infront and was ready to go

After checking everything we went out of the room with our purse in hand, we saw our partners already standing before our door, Zion was also wearing a classic black coat, his muscles slightly visible, his hair neatly gelled and combed , he looked handsome

"Hello Dr.Adam" I greeted Lucian's partner who was standing beside Zion, he is her senior, they came here last year too

"Hello Dr.Kaena, you are looking beautiful"

"Thank you" I replied smiling

We went to the elevator and pressed on the floor where the conference is supposed to be held, the floor was bustling with people

Everyone talking and laughing with eachother with a champagne glass on there hand

Me and Zion intertwined our arms and went to greet some people we know, after some moments, the conference officially began

It was our turn right now and I was sweating from the adrenaline rush, I have done this before but doing it again still feels the same, the panic was evident, my hands turned cold, suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Calm down, I know you can do it" Zion said patting my head with a warm smile, it made me smile too, I took a deep breath and got ready for the presentation

"You can do it Kaena" I whispered to myself


"Ugh it was exhausting" I said jumping on my bed

"So much, I was dying by plastering a fake smile on my face all night long" Lucian groaned beside me

After the conference ended and we had our dinner and went to our respective rooms, I changed into my comfy wear and now preparing myself to sleep after taking care of my night skin care routine and having my medicines


The next day we roamed around some places of Italy and enjoyed ourselves to the fullest, we took a lot of pictures, I sent some to mom, dad and brothers and they were happy to see me enjoying myself

It's been long since I went on a vacation and this buisness trip is worth all the work and nights I had to stay awake racking my brain

It is already the time for the evening party and now me and Lucian is getting ready for this

I am wearing a olive green slit gown, it is off shoulder with some ruffles on the top, I curled my long waist length hair on the end and half tied it, styling it into a braid, I wore a pair of diamond earrings and a simple diamond necklace, I wore some rings on my fingers and sprayed my favourite perfume

I wore my golden heels and saw Lucian also got ready, we stepped out of our room and heard Alex and Harris gasped

"Oh my some girl are gonna bang this party tonight" Alex said giving us a cheeky grin

"And some boy are gonna make girls faint tonight" I said giving the same cheeky grin to both Harris and Alex

"I know I look hot" Alex said dramatically brushing his short hair with his hand

We all laughed seeing him

"You look beautiful tonight Kaena" Zion said making me look at him

His complement made me blush

He was wearing a navy blue tuxedo, he looked beyond handsome with his hair styled beautifully, I am sure girls are gonna swing beside him

"You are looking handsome yourself Zion, this colour suits you" he shyly smiled hearing me

"Okay enough of your flirting, let's go we are getting late" Adam said gaining our attention

"We weren't flirting " I tried to negotiate but was blushing hard

"Yeah yeah everyone here can say you were" he rolled his eyes and chuckled, everyone beside him except me and Zion who were blushing were laughing looking at us

The party was excuisite, it was full of luxury , s

oft music was playing on the background, everyone was talking with eachother and smiling about things

I took a glass of soft drink in my hand and Started to talk with other doctors

"My my I wonder who this beautiful young lady is" I groaned internally after hearing the seductive voice. Zion's and others face turned dark seeing the person behind me.