
Entrapped In His Deadly Charms

~Excerpt~ "Excuse me, Mrs Blackwood." He said to me as we stepped out of the courtroom. My feet halted on the spot, my face reddening with so much rage I tried to conceal it to no avail. The sound of the word Mrs sounded sour in my ears, especially having him call me that. Not that I was not at the age I should have gotten married, but because I had betrayed my boyfriend by marrying another man. "I am your husband now, at least I deserve a kiss from my newly wedded wife. That is the norm after couples get married, right?" Now what was he saying? He must be totally insane! It felt as if my fist cracked because of how much it clenched. Wasn't it enough he made me betray my boyfriend? He is not even ashamed of his greediness. Not even a bit of it showed on his face! "I've given you what you want, Liam Blackwood; a signature of my marriage to you. Now if you know what's good for you, it's left for you to give me what I want as we agreed." "I never said I was not going to keep to our agreement. Agreement is an agreement!" He exclaimed, chuckling as if I had said something amusing. "However..." He said and paused in a way that made me feel my heart also paused and started beating again, racing with anticipation when he began stepping closer to me. I instinctively moved backward, trying to create some distance between us, but he kept advancing, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made my breath catch in my throat. He continued until I felt my back hit on his godforsaken car. I could feel his red blood eyes bore into mine and his hands trapping me against his car as if caging a cat that fought to escape. "It seems you have forgotten the meaning of marriage, my Little Bunny. Maybe I have to remind you." I could see that playful smile return on his lips, it irked me so much that the need to smash it off his face irked my hands. He then leaned in closer, his breath whispering against my ear. "Marriage means a legally recognized union between two individuals," His voice was barely audible, but his words resonated deeply into my ears as he began to explain what he knew as marriage. "characterized by emotional commitment, legal responsibility, and social recognition, often involving mutual respect, trust, and a...deep emotional connection." The way he stressed the last words made my heart skip remembering the state of the contract. Was the deep emotional connection going to happen between us? This was killing me already. The next I saw was his hands trailing down the angles of my neck, going towards my cheeks and... "Can't we...do this...some other time? I mean, we cannot just do it here...in front of people." I tried to speak some senses into him, feeling so embarrassed and flushed at the touch of his hands. I didn't know why it made my heart beat so fast again, like it did before. "Yes, we can my darling. We are a couple, after all, so it's nobody's business. No law is against husband and wife kissing in public. It's only a kiss, I didn't ask you for sex here." He returned his hand to my neck again. I couldn't get over the sensational touch that tingled in my stomach. We can't do this now for goodness sake! People are looking! "Now, make me feel the sweet touch of your lips, my Little Bunny." As he finished speaking, his lips brushed against my ears sending a thrill through my entire body. Next, he lowered his face until it was just an inch away from mine. ~~~ I joined the contest "Viral Book Call" with this novel. Please support me. Thank you so much.

PenDora56 · Urban
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18 Chs

Unexpected Acceptance

The boldness that Liam formed now plummeted to the ground. His hand was still clenched and his anger was at amicable peek.

'Why did you do that Liam?! How could you?!' Blark flamed threatening to take control.

'Shut up Blark! Shut up!' His head pounded in anger. "You should blame her not me! And don't you dare take control of this body!'

'You pushed her away! You asked her to leave!'

"How dare she get married?! How dare she love another man?!" His nose flared. If not for the mind link, everyone would have heard how crazy he sounded.

'You are to be blamed for all of these right from the beginning when you didn't protect her. Now we had seen her again after so many years, you should have controlled yourself and not chase her away. Now you messed things up. If she doesn't come back, I swear Liam I will not forgive you.'

'You think she will return?! She is married. How will we get her back?' He began pacing back and forth. Anything standing his way suffered it because he threw them out and ended up picking them and placing them back realizing they were important.

He was going insane; he could feel it. His frustrated hands ran through his hair and Jaden didn't help when he burst the door open.

"Jaden, she left! She left me!" Came his tears filled voice even before Jaden could speak a word to him so he ended up swallowing his question, his eyes lowering in pity at his boss who looked so disappointed.

"Boss, you need take it easy on yourself. What really happened? Why did she leave?"

"Because I asked her to." His answer came between gritted teeth and in his attempt to speak, his mouth quavered. "I offered her my blood and in exchange she marries me, but did you know what she told me? That she's married. She married another man Jade!"

That must be heart wrecking.

"She betrayed me, Jade, how can she confess she loved me then go ahead and marry another man? Did she even realize she is my mate?"

"No she didn't... obviously...because she's human." Came Jaden's clarifying answer which in turn made Liam realize he has been thinking foolishly so he ended up slumming back on his chair as he collapse his face on his palm. It's been six years already, how could he even think she would stay. But she ran away from him.

"Boss, what are you going to do now?"

"If you ask me? I don't know." His voice was as low as a defenseless soldier.

Jaden stared at his boss who all these years had sleepless night in his...efforts in finding his mate.

"I need to calm my head now before I do something stupid,"

"No, don't... don't boss. Please calm down. Think of it this way, what if... probably...she lied to you boss? Maybe she wanted to stay away from you because you offered her marriage." Jaden blurted without a thought.

Liam shot him a glare.

"Pro–bably..." He pointed out, hoping he had not said something to offend his boss more.

"Jaden, I understand you're trying to get my hope back, but do your best not to utter stupid things. She cannot possibly lie to me with such thing."

"I apologize, boss." He pinched his mouth, smiled nervously and looked away, afraid of his wrath. "So many things can be highly possible in this planet and things like this is part of it." He was speaking again. He just couldn't shut his mouth.

"A doubt needs to be clarified before a final conclusion. What do you think? Try finding out before you conclude."

"And if at the end we discover she's married?" Liam's eyes blazed at him.

"You can do away with me in what ever way you like." He smiled nervously, looking away and scratching his head. What did he just say and what has he gotten himself into?

What if his theory turns out false, how would he escape his boss's wrath? It was in his gene to claim being a genius which in several occasions landed him into trouble. Good thing he always thought of a way out of it and now he was thinking of one of those ways but nothing was coming to his mind and Liam was already putting a call for the investigation to begin.

"Have the BMW that just left this building followed. Find out everything about her and bring the details to me." Liam's voice rang out as a warning in Jaden's ears prompting him to quietly excuse himself out of his office.

Minutes turned to hours as Liam waited for the information concerning Olivia Montes. The following morning, he was taking his breakfast when his cellphone rang. He picked up the call.

"Hello boss, I have all the information about Olivia Montes as you ordered."

"Good. Tell me what you've got." His voice came as he placed his spoon back on his plate, all his concentration now on his phone.

"I discovered her parents is not alive and she lives in...with her Aunt and Uncle. Also, there is something else important I discovered. The weather doesn't look good at all."

"What is it, tell me."

"She is the secretary to your business rival, Felix Martins, boss."

"Felix Martins?" The sound of the name came like a poison to his ears. Of all the people she could work for, why does it have to be Felix Martins?

"Yes, boss,"

Liam's grip tightened on the phone in his attempt to temper his emotions. "Apart from that, did you find out if she's married?"

"That I don't think she is. But she is in a relationship with Felix and she has a child." The phone slipped away from his hand and the call disconnected. This time, what stood his way was not taken with kindness neither was it kept back; it was totally destroyed.

Jaden was right. Perhaps she had said that so she could stay away from him. He had least expected this. The case was still hard because Olivia had a child with him.

"Of all the people, Olivia. Of all the people you can have a child with, why Felix Martins?!" He threw the last thing standing his way, the sound of shattering glass cup filled the room.

Several thoughts on how to get the relationship destroyed yet he could point his fingers at nothing solid because of the child.

For a woman who had that kind of relationship to bare a man a child, the world might not understand his reason if he destroys the relationship. She was his mate; something the humans don't understand.

It was in these tribulation days his secretary rang the telephone console informing him a lady wanted to urgently speak with him.

Who could it be?

Sophia was the only person in dire need currently, she had left the city to visit her mother who developed a heart disease. Had the old woman finally forgot to breath and Sophia was bereaved? If so, she would have called him on his personal number and not his business line.

"Transfer the call to me," Liam said and after a second, the voice of the lady came.

"It's me, Olivia." It took him by surprise to hear her voice.

"O... Olivia?" Liam practically stood from his chair.

"I accept your marriage proposal, in exchange you will donate your blood for my daughter as you promised."

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