
Entrapped in his cluches

A world full of jealousy and hatred, Amelia ended up living with Delilah's parents when she was young. Why? They aren't related. Everything in this world has a reason which we are all curious to know, aren't we? What's up with Lia? Who is she what is she she is always acting suspicious, isn't she? And Axel? The people with their face covered have their hands tied to their back, there was blood on their cloth which freaks Amelia, as she was about to run Axel caught hold of her and puts her in place. Lysander walked close to Axel and gave him the gun, which he placed Amelia's hand on it and he guided her hand with his, " W...hat are you doing, pl...ease let go of me " Amelia said as she cried out, but Axel didn't care and he moved her hands to their first target and then he fired the gun, " Aaaaahhh!! " Amelia shouted has she cries out, Axel moved her hands to kill the other two and when he was done killing them, he moved away from Amelia. Amelia took the opportunity to turn and point the gun at him, Lysander was fast to remove his gun and also pointed it at Amelia, but Axel made a sign for him to stop whuch made Lysander drop his gun, " You jerk how dare you, you think killing innocent people is the way of living a life," Amelia said crying as she holds the gun tightly, " I guess it help you to know am capable of killing both you and your friend, " he said calmly and he walked towards Amelia, " You " Amelia fired the gun. But it was fired up to the sky, " Am not a bitch like you, I don't kill people," she said and Axel picked her from the ground carrying her like a rice bag, " Lysander take care of the body, " Axel said to have Lysander nod and Axel started walking with defenseless Amelia. Amelia just stayed quietly has Axel was carrying her, soon they reached the front of the woods and Axel dropped Amelia, and he walked away ........ Axel a crazy Pure blooded vampire with many both loosed in his head, Axel always have his face covered till his nose, with is white hair. Why??. Axel is a vampire that talks brutally to anyone. On the other hand meet Amelia a soft hearted and sweet girl, got into the clutches of the vampire who forced her to do anything. Who is interested to know how their love will bloom? And also aren't you curious about why does people died and who does people are and why does it have to be Amelia to kill them? Lots of questions why don't you fill your curiosity by reading the novel, you won't regret reading.

Miyana07 · Fantasie
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34 Chs

First day

Delilah alarm rung and she used her leg to push it way making the alarm fall on the ground,

" eey " shout Amelia who quickly ran to where the alarm was in an attempt to stop it from falling but the poor alarm ended up falling, the sound of the alarm woke Delilah up who quickly stand out of the bed as if there was an earthquake,

" EEY!!!" she shouted Amelia who has sat on the stool only looked at her like a fool,

" See am dressed our first lecture will start by 7:00 this is 6:30 we should be fast before the gate is closed else we would have to go to detention class which would ruin my academics " she said as fast as she could like a child explaining to her mom how she failed her exam.

"Okay okay am going now " Delilah said raising both her hands up and leaving the room to take a shower,

when she was gone Amelia moved her neck left and right " ohh that was great " she said putting both her hands on her waist and she left the room.

Delilah came out all dressed " am good to go " she said smiling at Amelia,

" You wish " and she opened the door to find Lia outside the door, " oh you should have knocked"

" No its alright I just got here " she said waving her hands, " let's go" and the trio left for class.

As they were late the three of them ran to class coz the guard as already want to lock the door,

" Ahh Del God save your butt "said Amelia to Delilah after entering the lecture room, " and know became of you we will be sitting at the back " she said pointing at the back seat.

" I promise to wake up early tomorrow " she said putting her head in the crook of Amelia's neck as they both walked to seat on the chair at back, " wait were is Lia? " asked Amel searching around for Lia,

" Maybe she went to the bathroom " assumed Delilah,

" HEY!!!!" shouted Lia who is sitting at the front sit, " am here a friend got a sit for me " she said to the both of them,

" Okay " replied Delilah, and she sat on the chair beside Amelia,

" She should have told us she got a sit " said Amelia and she scoffs,

" has she offended you before?" asked Delilah in a serious tone, like if she really did she would stop befriending Lia,

" No no am just sad I didn't get to seat in the front" she said assuring Delilah, soon a man in his forties came in,

" Good day everyone my name is Lysander Charles I will be lecturing you in fine arts " the man introduced himself and the class all clapped for him, " I would have asked you all to introduce yourself but it will be a waste of time so let's start class now" the man said.

As the class go on and finally ended Delilah moved her neck left and right " finally finished " she said standing up,

" Let go to the library " suggested Lia, as she came to the middle of Delilah and Amelia and she crossed their arms with hers and the trio walked to the library.

After reaching the library Amelia could only look at awe ' oh gosh it's so beautiful ' thought Amelia,

" There is no time to look around Amel let's go and read and then the cafeteria " said Delilah pulling Amelia to sit in front of her,

" All you know about is eating " said Amelia looking at her seriously,

" Amelia your hair is it not curly?" asked Lia,

" No I just like curly hair so I turn it curly sometimes " Amelia explained

" Okay I kinda like your curly that's why I was curious" she explained

" it's okay " Amelia said and chuckled, " I want to check for a book I can read. said Amelia standing up,

" Don't go " stopped Lia, Delilah was the first to look at her and also Amelia, " it's just that the library is big looking for people here will take lots of time"

" Amelia you should know where you come from " Delilah warned,

" am not a child " she said to Delilah with a straight face,

" Or should I follow you " suggested Lia,

" it's okay" Amelia said and walked away, she looked around and walked around looking at the shelves not knowing she has walked far from where she came from and has she walked deep into the shelves, she saw the white haired guy making out with a girl which he has pushed the girl to the shelves and one of his hands on his waist and one hands above the girls head, ' should I leave has she was about to leave she was stopped by the white haired who has already dismissed the girl.

" What are doing peeping at us " the guy asked, his voice making her jolt , he walked towards her and she also took step back,

" am sorry I shouldn't have stayed I was only searching for books" Amelia said scared and praying for Delilah to show up now she regrets telling Lia to not follow her, she was about to run but Axel was fast to catch her hand pushed her against the wall " am sorry " and Amelia started crying,

Axel eyes widened and was shocked about her crying " what? " he asked

" please let me go " she cried out, Axel Removed his phone and gave it to her take put in her number, " why!? " she said panicked, coz she didn't know why he wanted her number,

" for looking at us" said Axel,

" I don't even know you who you are why collect my number please let me go and meet my friends " she begged him,

" Am Axel you are Amelia " he said to her, that's when she knows he was listening at the party,

" I don't give strangers my number " she said looking away from him,

" You sure are a tough one " he said under his breath, " you can go " and suddenly he became cold, making Amelia shivered, he removed his hand and placed it in his trousers pocket.

Without wasting anytime Amelia ran away after walking out of the shelves she slowed down without looking back her leg became steady walking as fast as she could to reach where Delilah and Lia was.

When she finally reached them she looked back making Delilah also turn to look at was she was looking but there was nothing their, seeing her not coming with any books and how she was panting she stood up and walked close to her so is Lia, " Amelia what happened?, did anyone bully you? , babe I need words" she asked worried about her, " you cried ? " she asked using her hands to pull her face up.

Amelia used her hands to pull Delilah's hands away " no its nothing it's a fake cry", and it was true Amelia forced the tears but to no avail the devil didn't leave her, " let's go and eat, to the cafeteria off we go " as Amelia wants to carry her bag Delilah pulled her arm " tell me who hurt you? " Delilah asked seriously, Amelia looked back and forth not knowing what to say, she stared at Delilah's face who was now looking at her seriously,


Hope you love this though more surprise and unexpected turn out will soon be shown hehehehe DEVILS LAUGH

Miyana07creators' thoughts